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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I am not a frequent Firefox user, because I prefer Opera, but I like Firefox for some Extensions it offer and also use it to test my pages and etc. So here is what Extensions I m using.HTML Validator - To validate my html files fast and easyWeb Developer - The best thing, I use it a lotEdit CSS - I like to see in real time my pages when I edit cssShow IPGMail ManagerColorZillaIE View - Useful, when I want to look how the site look in IESession Saver - Very needed for me, I usually have lots of tabs openedTabbrowser PreferencesgTranslateFaster FoxUser Agent Switcher - Need it sometimesCustomize Google - Cool thing, I use Google a lotDisable Targets for Downloads - I hate to close those blank tabs/windowsDOM InspectorTab X - Comfortable to close a tabForecast Fox - CoolImage Zoom - CoolPDF Download - I usually want to have the PDFs in my HDDAdblock - No commentBut when Firefox was my primary browser, I used some more. I remember an Extension, which used to get back to the Tab I was before after closing some, but so much various extensions are available, I did not find it, but I didn't really search as mad.
  2. Porn sites are popular, but did you mean 2 months ? Maybe having some adult content is quite good, but I am only joking, I don't really understand what is so funny to browse some porn sites :| Well I have several friends who do it, but they better do something else instead. Anyway, 10 years in prison is to much in my opinion, but it is China, good - one more porn site less, but a lot of new ones appeared
  3. Just make your scripts that they would not do that, I never had problems with this kind of things, but I don't know what url's you're using, I always use GET or PATH_INFO or QUERY_STRING and use sessions. Those PHPSESSID is annoying for me, I usually change the name for the session and work with that cookie.
  4. Google always come up with something nice on April Fool's Day, I like that, a lot of whom even believes it, but as a lot of whom know this, it will be harder and harder to fool people for google
  5. No, I have two adaptors and he also has two adaptors. I will try to make a picture. So the 1st PC Internet provider's gateway is and my Internet providers gateway is, so when he turns on samba I enable the second Ethernet card, I need to write to connect to him, it works, but also that is my gateway.
  6. Yep, but he also has two adapters, one for his Internet and other cable connects our computers.. yeah, but the problem is his Internet provider use 192.168.*.* and my use 10.0.*.* so it won't work for him if he changes it to that. He said that there is/are some more numbers which can be used to avoid this, but I never googled for it, I just got used to Disable/Enable So there are two computers with four adaptors, two Internet providers and a cable connecting our computers through Ethernet adaptors.
  7. I have a similar issue which I don't know how to solve.. well I didn't really read about it. I have two cards, one is connected to my brothers PC for sharing multimedia and the other to the Internet. So I need to disable one, because I think that the IPs are fighting, because both use nd not or etc. so I need to disable one when starting/restarting my computer, but when it loads I just enable it and it works, even though I don't like it.
  8. It looks nice, but I would not waste my 27$ for it, I just need to know what is the time, so I usually see it on the computer or mobile and my main clock on the wall But if I had it, I think I would be annoyed by the colour change for the second day.
  9. Yep, I just noticed too, Webalizer really makes great stats for your domain, I used it and awstats together to see what I needed. Maybe they remove it for performance of the server ? I remember we needed to remove awstats, because it was using to much resources from the server, but webalizer, it is quite light, lighter than awstats in my opinion. :S
  10. Well, I don't care if MS hates or likes OO, but I use OpenOffice as my Office, but I rarely need a lot of those functions and features it offers, usually just to print documents and write stuff. Its main feature is that it is free. On Windows I also have OfficeXP and for sometime now I need to use it, because my IT exam is coming and it won't have Linux or Open Office, so I need to get used to it (Windows and Office (Word/Excel/etc.) ) but it will be quite easy, there is nothing fancy there. Pascal is what I need to get deeper, they require to write quite hard programs. But do you sometimes feel that OO is slow ? this is the only downside I feel about it, maybe because it is written in java, or maybe not.
  11. Well I heard that people who knows how to do it can connect to the Internet when you're browsing Internet at your home from your backyard if the waves are floating there, using wireless Internet is quite insecure yet and I think they need to find a way, always sending your info using ssl is quite stupid and you can't always do that, I remember I saw a show on TV how some guys in London or somewhere has crossed places where you can use Internet for free, because of using someone else's wireless Internet connection.
  12. I used to really like Gentoo, but as it is hard to install for a non experienced user, a lot of whom do not choose it, but when my hdd broke and I did not want to install it (Gentoo), I thought to try something else. So I did, Arch Linux - it is really great, but you need to know how to use the command line, you are able to emerge and choose binary stuff. It is quite easy to install and as for all the software, try to read the docs. It works and is optimized for i686 processor machines, well just read about it on the net. More about Arch Linux: https://www.archlinux.org/ Or you just want Opinons on Suse, Ubuntu and Mandriva ? Well..
  13. to that session ending script you pasted in Code, before the session_destroy() you could add session_unset() if you want to make it even better, but this is quite insane in my opinion. Anyway, just make sure that the session does not recreate after the logout or whatever you want. And be careful using sessions, I mean the session super global $_SESSION and the choice of its names, because of the registered globals on/off, which makes a lot of headache.
  14. So you mean they caught contraband of their mouses, but they all were fake ? with their names "logitech" or something ? Well this is interesting, but I think it happens quite often, not only with mouses, it is quite a big business to make fake/false stuff and sell it illegally.. Unfortunately :lol:But maybe I got you wrong, but why did they need to destroy that hardware, they could recycle it or something, it would be much better and I also wonder, how did they destroy it ? by putting them on fire ? and everyone like wild were looking at it ?
  15. Well. I also like to listen to music at high volume, but not 24/7 so I don't think I can become deaf too.. Anyway, I know that listening to music a lot can make you stupider, but it is a matter of the music you're listening in my opinion. I used to do my homework with my music on and TV on, I usually did some stupid mistakes, but now I try to do it at silence, because I feel I can do better and understand better.For example, when reading some kind of a book, I noticed that in silence I can imagine all the actions and moves, but when I read a book and my brother in the other room is listening to music, it is not so easy to consternate.. but some people are used to sounds around them and when they are doing something, they can concentrate and do the job - not me, I usually hear sounds around me rather than the teacher or etc.
  16. Well, from physics as I remember it is E, (eksa) so it is 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 10^18 from the normal 1 (byte) and Peta is == 10^15.. and I don't know how everything is called further, but I am sure there is something already there, in physics, maths such further numbers are usually not needed, we usually don't go so high, usually down to 10^-15 (femto), (nano) 10^-9
  17. For me it shows Unlimited MB too, but I didn't upgrade or changed anything at all, but I don't really care about it, because I know that it is just a minor bug and I won't start uploading files as mad. Maybe with time it will disappear.
  18. Well, having a lot of space is always good, I only have 80 GB hard disk, but I don't really need more at this time, but as the digital quality of everything is growing, I will be keeping my pictures from my camera in my computer with such a quality jpeg that it would take 5 MB, so imagine 10 000 pictures == 50 000 MB == 50 GB and that is not so much pics.Furthermore, we have DVD movies or etc. now and want to keep them in our HDD's, so if you have 200 movies in DVD, imagine how much they would take up.. and having music files with very good quality is also cool, imagine for 500 000 mp3 files with very good quality, also will take some.. So I think HDD's needs and will be expanding, one thing which only worries me - I don't need ultimate space, I just need that they would be very stable, very very stable and I mean stable.For servers having such big drives, I think they should have more for backups of their files, you know how bad it is when your hard drive breaks, you get nervous or maybe even want to cry. I also am backing up my files to archives and into DVD cd's, very useful. As a matter of fact I always have been doing it, even into 700 MB cdr's and when I watch them sometimes, I find something funny from the past.
  19. Well, if you read the posts above, I think you my find some basic things which explains how it happens. I never really read about it, but I remember we had something/a lot about optics, but some subjects were about eyes on physics, but I didn't really get into it, maybe was talking with my classmate.. Anyway, I read more about it on the net, it is quite basic really, but when you don't know it, it looks cool. By reading more about it, I think I could create those kind of images
  20. It is always good to validate your html, for the same reasons it was said above, but sometimes when you run scripts such as php, you can get content which might not be valid, fixing this kind of content will be a pain to use, so that is why I recommend to use tidy html on your computer even if you're offline. Some browsers do this, some only with addons.But if you're working with some scripting/programming language which outputs html, you better use/find an editor which will look up the content for errors, css/rss/html - really comfortable, especially if you have a quite big software written in some language, it would be a pain to check everything when you finished, online through the w3c.But note; that don't try to be always valid, because some things you're using never will be valid, because it is not the standard, but I always try to move to the best alternative. For example HellFire121's title page which I just checked has some errors he would rather fix and nothing will change. :PSome people usually say that they don't validate their html, because they say: check google, they are not a valid site, so what ? it does not link to w3c and if you check their source, their main objective is to make it cross-platform friendly and to use as less bandwidth as possible, so they don't use some stuff. Furthermore, modern browsers try to fix the mistakes made by the webmaster to show the content as better as possible, but sometimes this thing is painful, due to you can't see your own errors, but some browsers, usually older has a select box how to show the source, strictly/compatible/etc.
  21. I always liked this optical illusions, they are really neat. There are plenty of things like that, I usually like to watch at them, but not for long of course. Sometimes I think how do they think of such stuff, don't they have anything better to do ? but maybe its good, I once liked one: it was a text and I needed to read it, but it was so unclear, that I couldn't read it, but I moved back to the end of my room ant looked into the monitor, from far away I could see what text it was but unfortunately, when knowing the text, I also saw it later when I cam back to my desk.
  22. Well, I would do like mastercomputers suggested it, because it is not recommended to do it like you showed above. But why use empty and isset at the same variable (a comment for mastercomputers) I saw people do it like this too, they said that this is just their programming style.. empty also checks if the variable is set (or better saying, that it does not throw a warning error if the variable is not set) and checks if it is == "" or 0 or "0" or NULL or FALSE or array() so I would do it: <?phpif ( !empty($announcement) ) { echo '<p class="announcement">' . $announcement . '</p>';}?> everything clearly is written here: http://php.net/empty but anyway, I think this is to simple, to discuss it
  23. Another solution for free Anti-virus is ClamWin, it is open source project and the progress is quite good, the database is very big. You can read more and get it here: http://www.clamwin.com/
  24. Just use PHPMyAdmin in your CPanel and export as simple text which you could save or a file gzipped or not ? what SQL error it returns if you already done this? I don't have any problems exporting my sql code. There is no access to .dat file of your database.
  25. Yes it is, but why not just use a jabber client and talk with all the people you want on different protocols, including gtalk ? Personally I still rarely speak on Google Talk because I don't have many friends there, most of us (me and my friends/people I know) moved to Skype, from IRC and from MSN/AIM/ICQ
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