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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I like the version with the tabs much more, well done But to the other comment, I encourage you to leave the selected tab as a link, if the tab is selected, in my experience with this kind of tabs I sometimes get mad that I can't get to the tab if its not a link, that is why I like the wordpress admin panel, besides, the more links on the website link to each other, the better.
  2. I am also a guy who never needed to switch from Microsoft Windows to Linux, because I switched from Linux to Windows a year ago, why ? Because of my Information Technology Exams which I passed a week ago, in my country everything is windows, windows, windows. I was/am a user of Amiga OS and looking forward for getting a hardware to use Morph OS, from Amiga OS I switched straight to Linux and was using it for a long time and of course still am using with joy. I only knew that windows exist and some friends has it, in school I was made to use them.. (this was the year 2001) One year ago, when I installed XP I had a lot of problems with it (Speed, stupid GUI, Viruses, Spy-ware, stupid Programs having different GUIs, A lot of commercial software), but with time I got used to it and learned office and all the stuff "how to use it" even optimized it to work for me, so now I don't have any problems with it, no viruses, no spy-ware, I did not format it since 2005 November and the speed is still great.. after my exams I am planning to make another site on how to optimize windows XP for yourself and how to use it that you wouldn't have any problems.
  3. I have the problem when people mistaken HTML with PHP all the time, I am sitting on IRC channels like #phphelp, #mysql and etc. on freenode and my own country irc server. I ask for support and give my support if I have the time and can and a lot of (in my opinion stupid) people come and ask why php is better than html. I used to point them to the truth how the things works, but now I usually put a big grin or a smile, sometimes ban them if they are irritating. In fact, I think those kind of people are lazy and can't read a little on how it is, I also usually say use google, but sometimes those guys say "what kind of support it is if you only can put a smile or say use google or read the php manual and even can start swearing" but why should I answer stupid questions ? I am not paid for that, all I want to do is help with serious problems.. I think you got the point, that most of those kind of people won't even bother to read the first post of this topic - this is the real problem. In my opinion, the best way is to create a database class, for example class Database { code } and call it $Database = new Database; and play with all the functions in it by using $Database->getContent($var); or call the values of the variables inside the class $Database->mError;
  4. In addition, I read somewhere that a lot of hosts make mistakes with the words Bandwidth and Traffic ... Bandwidth is the maximum size per second and etc. You can read about it on the wikipedia site. So what I want to say that I read that Traffic is the "better" word to say the limit of megabytes you can transfer monthly and say bandwidth should be named how much megabytes your server can transfer in one second ? Is this true ? Because I am quite lost, due to different sites write this issue differently.. Furthermore, if this was a real problem, wouldn't many hosts already change the names ? I saw some hosts who write "Bandwidth/Traffic" and if I understand good, you can offer "unmetered" Traffic, but not Bandwidth and Space.. ? :S http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandwidth (" There is nothing about Traffic on wikipedia, except for highway Traffic.. ")
  5. I don't know if this will help, but don't you have to do a mysql query to set utf-8 ? with SET names utf8 ? so you need in your php script to write a query before anything you post/get from the database..mysql_query("SET names utf8");I never done it before, but this is what I know theoretically, hope it helps or maybe I didn't get your problem.
  6. Well, if you have phpmyadmin, you can run the sql query through it.. the sql.gz usually is just a file with queries and comments.. I don't know how you exported it, but uncompress it and if the method you used is INSERT blah, then run the query with some kind of language such as PHP.. I think you really can find something on google, it is really easy.. You can have problems if you want to restore a large database, for example 1 GB. :DGood luck!
  7. The idea seems nice, but I don't really like it, because of the questions you discussed above, but maybe using those dogs to find really big quantities of CDs and DVDs in the cargo space or something is quite good.. big quantities as 10 boxes of CDs and I don't think those dogs will be sniffing your pockets or something :DSometimes actions taken to stop piracy are annoying, especially for legal customers, they usually feel uncomfortable, but from other side, why should I pay for the CD the full price, when somebody can get it really cheap, so piracy needs to be lowered, but I don't think it will be fully stopped, if people sees a way how to get money, someone will do it.
  8. It depends what you want to do with the taken pictures, if you just want them to be on your computer, 1024x768 can be enough, because it will almost be the same except the filesize difference. Say you want to make the photos, a higher resolution is suggested, but it also depends on the size of the photo you want to get. Higher resolution images can be edited with some graphics software like Photoshop much better than low res images. So the higher resolution, the better quality you get, if you want to make a picture like A4 paper, then you'll need a high resolution photo taken with your digital camera.. etc.l
  9. @ TavoxPeruDoes your script execute on some php server ? You need the path to php.exe and php.ini, but if you didn't set it then you wouldn't be able to debug at all.. The problem also might be that you're using short tags like <? and not <?php .. its a php.ini setting. @ xipStart with some basic stuff, get a php book in some pdf format, you'll find some on google. So when you read it, do the stuff practically.
  10. You can do it with php and if you want you also could add an javascript real time, so you want to know how it works ? Well, one way is to make it with sessions, say you have 10 pages of questions.. so you start a sessions and set the start time when the user clicks start and always check the value and set the finish time and get the period of the time. Simple maths Also, you save the answers in the super global $_SERVER; and check them after the test is done or whatever. There might be different ways to do it, saving to a database or files as temporary data.. I would use sessions, but if the user does not have cookies enabled - he might have some problems..
  11. I never learnt regular expressions myself, only the basic stuff which I usually don't need and always when I need to regexp, I first try to find something on the php.net site, but usually I just connect to irc.freenode.com and go to the #php where a lot of experienced people help you, really a good support channel for php developers, you also can discuss a lot. In fact I find freenode network really useful, even going to #mysql, #apache, #css, #xml, #c++ and more, you can get support and save your time, of course you need to obey the rules, usually stupid questions are ignored, so don't get bothered or don't be irritating it only annoys most of the people.
  12. If you want to talk Ancient, I still use the Amiga mouse on my Amiga 1200 board when I turn it on (rarely for the past half year) and it is 14 years old and has only two buttons, left and right mouse buttons - yea it works great, even though I need to clean it quite often and I did some of my repairs inside it that the button would press softer but in fact it is my second mouse, because I have an adaptor for it and a similar mouse to my PC one, just that its Au-Tech or however you spell that and its a ball mouse, non optical.
  13. I personally use a simple X-Point optical mouse, with three buttons and two scroll wheels, one goes to left right the other up and down.. I find it very handy and the third button is very useful too. I never played a game requiring more buttons, I am not even a gamer but my friend is and I saw his mouse, even though I did not like the design and the feel touching it and moving through the desktop (maybe I need to get used to it) but it had extra buttons, when I asked him why did he need them, he said to play games, that it is very handy. :PPersonally, I wouldn't want such a mouse, because I might push buttons by accident, I don't think that they would do something by default too, or maybe.. What I have is enough for me.
  14. This is interesting how you can use JS with CSS, I have learned some Javascript lately, even though I don't know where to use practically (I mean I know, but I never needed) and with time I forgot lots of things, but its not a hard language at all - I don't like it, but I need some things it offers to me.. and I always try to find alternatives to it. Nice work on making the this article, when I read it through - I got the idea.
  15. I personally really don't like WMP (Windows Media Player) and never will use it, I don't even have it installed, I think with special software I removed it from my windows installation. WMP is evil, it takes to much resources, and all I need is that a player would play music, for watching movies and stuff I have other tools. But this is just my opinion, the other factor that I hate windows media player is that it has the word windows in the name. Even though WinAmp has Win word in it, I ignore it, if the new releases of Quintessential Media Player appear and will be stable enough, I will move back to it, because it is free and better than WinAmp, takes almost no resources and looks like WinAmp, but I prefer it more, has lots of skins and plugins. Moreover, what I don't like about winamp is that the modern skins take lots of cpu, on my computer, don't know maybe it needs a better graphics card, but that annoys me, I don't really like the classic skins online.. Quintessential has hundreds of nice skins and you can install/preview/browse/sort them on your desktop through the preferences. :SDoes WMP have skins ? I never used it.. only at school and my friends where I got annoyed by it.
  16. I am using WinAmp 5.1 and it has all the features you mentioned, but of course, you were comparing it with 3.1 version, I never used any other versions of WinAmp. In fact, I never used WinAmp before I got this version, when I started using Windows - a year ago (Before I was using only Linux and AmigaOS), I used Quintessential Media Player, but I changed to WinAmp, due to it wasn't so stable on my system. Win Amp is not bad, but I would like it to have some more features, such as smart sorting, because I hate when it sorts 1,10,2,20,3,4,5 etc. and it could ask what to sort, by date, by artist, by album or even to have priorities, first by artist, then then by album date, then by track and song etc. Quintessential Player has this..
  17. I think you wouldn't be able to call with your cell phone the police and say that you're in trouble too But how would the police know where to look ? You would need to send your current coordinates with your message, so your phone for example would need to support GPS technology. And yes, the SMS getting an hour or later might be a problem, but all police operators might be taken too (I doubt it, unless it was a contest)
  18. I was in a presentation of physics some months ago and they were already talking about Fusion power plants, they showed different models how it will look and a movie how it works and stuff and what gave me a shock that it is already being build and might be finished after 10-16 years, as I remember in France.. So it will really produce much more energy than nuclear power (and will be safe/safer for the environment ?) I remember playing games where I needed to build Fusion Power Plants, but that day I saw how the scientists thought of to control that reaction in a plasma state and make energy out of it. So I think in English it is called thermonuclear fusion, or thermonuclear reaction. I didn't really get into it, might google it if some information is available. Oh, it is available in wikipedia -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fusion_power and there is even more information on google.
  19. I don't know if you're talking for this, of which service, if you're asking about hostbidder then you only need to do it once and your domain will be registered for a year, after a year you can pay for it or again get the points at their forum and pay again for a year for that domain. You can't buy the domain for two or more years using the hostbidder domains. I think similar thing is with the topic related service. Because it would be stupid to pay it monthly, if it can take 100 days to get the domain, so my answer is yearly.
  20. Those are quite nice ideas, don't know about 911, but in my country you can call for any emergency by number 112 on a cell phone and it is free, you even can do it without putting a sim card and abusing the service with prank calls, which in my opinion is stupid. And having the ability to send text messages SMS or even MMS for free to emergency numbers like 911 or 112 etc. would be a good feature, just imagine you are running away from a murderer and you hide in a closet or some cellar and if you wanted to call the police you would make a lot of noise.. sending a text message would save your life, but it can take quite long to post the address, location.. can the police get your coordinates or something ?One rather bad thing about it is that there always will be idiots who will abuse the service with prank SMS calls and sometimes, the police might not be serious about them. But most phones need a sim card to be placed to write text messages, but I know some which can work without sim cards. :S
  21. Gone through the first site posted and agree that it is rather a long time you will get a domain, so big patience is required, if you're planning to get your domain later, maybe it is a good choice, but I also use hostbidder dot com and I can confirm that I got my domain for free, I just needed to post on their forums, which is actually easy. What is bad, that you can only get one domain from them, unless you also get their hosting, you could continue on getting domains, but there is also a limit.In fact, domains are not so expensive these days, so in my opinion, if you can it is much better to buy them and not waste your precious time.
  22. Agree with above and also could add that PHP scripting language was built from ground up with database functionality, mostly with MySQL. Perl wasn't meant for that. With PHP it is much faster to make web pages and parse HTML, Perl usually needs to print it or create some template system. PHP language is much more secure than Perl, Perl has more holes, well it is an older language.. PHP is much easier to learn, easier than most of other languages, even though it is similar to C and Perl, but being a master on PHP it is much easier to learn Perl or C language.. On Perl, you need to know what you're doing, sometimes people who use PHP, they don't know what they are doing, but they still get the result they want. I read somewhere, that PHP is faster than Perl, meaning the server won't have so much load, especially with all the Zend stuff.PHP has much more compiled functions than Perl, some think that it is good, some don't think so, because they need to remember much more, but in my opinion it is good. In Perl you need to write your own custom functions, you can do that in PHP too, but compiled functions work much faster. Sometimes I think that PHP development team, could add much more functions, which are really useful and usually needed.Furthermore, PHP can be insecure by default, that is why you need the knowledge to code in a good way and you need to configure the server the right to avoid problems. There are really a lot of bad scripts out there. Sometimes I see people writing such functions, for which I want to punch them, but I can't As I know PHP is widely used, even though a lot of cheap hosts still use PHP3 or PHP4 with bad/insecure configuration, so until most Servers won't be using PHP5 or PHP6 their progress don't really matter Today, but in the future..As I am often using PHP, I said more PHP advantages, but I really know that some guy who has a lot of Perl knowledge could say a lot of advantages about Perl.. I think Perl in some way is much powerful, but PHP these days isn't only a language for creating websites, even though I agree that it is its main point.To add, I read that Python is even better than Perl or PHP in some way, people who moved to PHP and later moved to Python said "Why didn't I use python before" it has a really good database interface and stuff, but I never used Python before, but looking forward to find time, even though I rather use it on applications than on creating web applications. In addition, I heard that Perl is really good for doing something, for one result and PHP for multiple stuff, Bulletin Boards and so on.
  23. What can you find insecure on that site ? Well, I checked and found it quite nice, to have all the features on one site by just pushing some submit buttons, but I rather see some of those features say in a browser, like (maybe there already is) to have extensions for Firefox. I know that you can do validation and link checking, don't know about other features, I rarely use them.
  24. I am a big fun of Opera, it is my main browser and this is really something I am waiting for, when Opera 9 will be stable I think I will encourage everyone to use it. Now I will try the beta version. I used to be a Firefox fan, due to all the powerful extensions, but faster browser is my priority, that is why I moved to Opera. All I miss in Opera 8.5 is some features which work with Firefox (Even IE), XSL+XML and AJAX related stuff.. As I read through, Opera will have more support to different things and still will remain fast and free. Really great news.EDIT: Well, I just noticed it has some differences in showing WML Pages, which makes my Site's WML version look a bit crappy, will need to fix the problems.. Also, it differently shows XML+CSS which is quite annoying, it seems they are back to the Opera 7 for this, but now it nicely shows XML+XSL which I like
  25. I prefer to use Sans in the browser which chooses the fonts I like, even though I get a CSS warning, but on most platforms and browsers I get the result I need. Serif is also great, but it is better for printing. The size depends, when it is to small and you have a lot of content, it is hard to read it, your eyes seems to hurt and there is a big chance that the user will close the tab/window, so making it optimal is a good idea. People use different screen resolutions, so using pixel width for fonts, not always is the best way, I think there is some good post about PT and PX differences on this forum you might want to search. :PFurthermore, I also like to use Verdana, Tahoma, but I really never liked Arial and Helvetica, they are really ugly for me.. Times New Roman on the web - I don't prefer it, but maybe it is just me, because a lot of whom is using it.
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