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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Just to tell something: VPS stands for Virtual private server, so usually you get full control over the server and control it, on the dedicated server you can control DNS services and much more services by yourself, in fact you can install, run your own software/applications on it and give permissions, it's not as if you have a hosting account at some server where you have limited access and permissions. Here is a link with a short explanation I found on google: http://www.top10webhosting.com/what-is-vps-hosting/
  2. Well, for me God is something I don't understand, something which is higher than me.In some form, God can be called the most powerful "thing" in our universe with the biggest knowledge possible, for us he would be God, but if we accept him or not, it's our choice.
  3. Well, It's not bad that Microsoft is creating software to protect it's OS, but still being such a large company, it's really hard to do something, especially for such a large community, it's really hard to work, as there are loads of departments and loads of people, so creating holes or bug fixes which have even more new bugs is quite easy So project like this is quite good, but I doubt they will have better antivirus than NOD32 or something like that, because ESET has more experience in creating antivirus software.With my laptop, I got Windows Home Premium and McAfee antivirus, but I also did not like it.
  4. I wanted to do something like that a lot of years ago, couldn't figure it out, as I didn't need the quality to be very good, I made quite a funny thing: I played the cassette on my sound system and recorded the sound to my computer through microphone with de-noise, which is quite funny.. though it worked quite nice. I was very young at that time. I think theoretically, all you need is Audacity application, which is open source and a cable from the cassette sound system line out to computer line in. As I know Audacity can act as a sound recorder, or you could use any other sound recorder you know. https://sourceforge.net/projects/audacity/
  5. I agree on the global warming, that our impact on is is really really very small, nature is just is what we can't control so easily, we usually live only 20-100 years, there is no statistics, you say that it is a really cold winter, or for someone it's really a warm winter, but maybe something like that happened some time ago too? You just weren't there..We have earthquakes, earth is changing, even though very slowly from our perspective, but it is changing, earth crust is moving, usually due to that we have earthquakes, volcanic activities, landslides and etc. you can't live on earth and want that nothing would change, that all the year cycles would be the same and monotonic, things change and has always changed since the beginning, I doubt if something might change if we will stop using all our industry, it may even bring bad side effects like another ice-age What is changing because of our impact, is that we take the place of animals, we need more space, they have less space and so on..But still, pollution and polluting our planet is also bad, I accept the idea that it's much better to move to different energy, solar, wave, wind and etc. alternative to the current, of course for someone it's really a big business to sell oil, gas and other resources just for power and money, we still breath that pollution in big cities we have smog, the waste is going somewhere, to rivers , to lakes, underground, which is just bad for us people.. Pollution is bad for people and for other animals as well..Some ironic stuff: I really liked how on South Park they made fun of why global warming exist, because people are farting or as I remember, the same on Futurama, they explained that global warming is because of robots are burping, which really is funny to irony all the news articles which say that global warming is due to people impact or on all that articles with really scary nature titles
  6. Most of people I know still prefer and usually play CS 1.6 and they are playing it on LAN or on the Internet, on some kind of server, I myself sometimes get together with friends and play CS 1.6, a lot just usually say: "Yes, I tried CS Source, played it" But usually sticks with 1.6..Even thought Counter Strike is out for a really old time, lots of people still play it online, even though not a lot of things have changed since then, usually only the maps get a bit different, someone changes the characters from the original ones and sometimes some people are using cheats, which sometimes gets on everyone nerves.
  7. You can set the flags for the new ISO to be bootable, most of ISO burning/creating software is able to do that.
  8. Because that law is right, you can't control something by creating laws, when you don't know how to solve something you create a law, usually you forbid something, is forbidding the right path? I don't think that forbidding everything you can do something right, you need to make conditions, that no one would even want to do that, there wouldn't be any piracy if living conditions would be different and lets say our mentality.For example, they by law forbid to drink alcohol in a car, in a bus station, to sell alcohol after 22h (10 PM to 8 AM) they forbid to drink alcohol in a public place, they forbid to show up drunk in a public place, by these laws I only can drink at home alone and if already drunk 4 bottles of beer, I can't go get more until I'm fully recovered. If I drink in a bar, I can't get home anymore? We live in a democracy world where laws controls us, what we can do and what we can't. So where is our freedom?So as it was said, it does not matter if TPB will be closed or not, currently you can't stop piracy, all those anti piracy associations only is a waste of money, they get money for doing nothing, they waste our TAX money and they waste the money they get from Software developing companies and from other sources.I rather see organisations which would be stopping porn on the Internet, because the quote "Internet is for porn" is really right, but I guess it's the same as piracy, if people needs it, they'll have it.to conclude, piracy will be stopped only when there will be no need for it.Edit:Also, one example, with the audio CDs on sale, usually the Band or a Singer only gets a small revenue from the sold DVDs or Audio CDs, most of the revenue goes to that Company which is selling it and not to the Band or Singer, some Singers which are not so popular say: "I don't mind people downloading mp3 of my songs from the Internet, I even like it, it makes me more popular among people, that people can easily listen to my music, my revenue comes from concerts, private parties/birthdays.. from selling merchandise at those concerts and that revenue comes from people liking my music and them coming to the concert or a bar where I play" ... Music piracy is only bad for Big companies, for POP stars and for the rest of minority it's usually a good thing. Do you really want to make those POP stars, those big company directors even more rich that they could do more cocaine? and laugh that people are stupid and is buying our crap we make
  9. I just wondered how that chrome ID works? If I reinstall my OS, at this case Windows, I install Google chrome again and it gives me a different ID? or when I login to some google service again with Chrome, it knows that and oh Whola, it's Quatrux again and gives me back the previous ID and logs all my data again? :DMaybe thats the reason in google TOS (terms of service) that it's forbidden to share your google services with other people, even your family and friends.. that would explain something ;]a bit of topic: I agree about the cameras thing too, in most of places there are cameras recording data, especially in the city, cameras are on the corners of buildings, inside buildings, especially all the shops.. Some time ago they've finished in my a city a project, where on almost every crossroad they've put new traffic-lights and cameras to watch traffic, so every time I walk, they have it recorded, OMG! Even though as I know in London it's even worse with the cameras all around you, sometimes it feels that going to live to a little town is not such a bad alternative, just that better paid jobs are in the cities.
  10. Can't you just spoof Firefox or any other browser as if it would be IE? and it all usually works, or those IE only websites have some other ways to detect if it's IE, like checking if a function exists which is only available on IE? Spoofing always helped me to by pass those IE only sites. Except maybe for those sites which are needing to use ActiveX? :/
  11. I heard something about Chrome using some kind of ID, but as I know the application is open-source or part of it is? I never got into it, but seems unchrome can help anonymize your browsing, even though when using google web apps, if you have a cookie to one service, you usually get logged in on other apps too, besides they log all your google search keywords which most of people does not know when you login to see them, so it's really good for police and other people to know what you're searching for, for example they know if you recently searched for how to make a bomb or how to grow up weed in your yard or how to make something which is against the law, even for this kind of things, you should clear private data, cookies and etc. use Internet explorer or unchrome with google chrome and use a anonymous proxy :D which most of people just don't do and gets in trouble, as they don't protect their data and privacy. I read in newspapers that those google keywords helped to get some people to get a sue.
  12. Nice feature, but hardly I would ever use it, as it personally would piss me off a little, I'm using a background I like and I usually change it just once a year, I'm not kidding, maybe I used to do more often some years ago, but I now usually don't care about the background/wallpaper. Even though I see that some of my friends, when you look at their computer, they change their wallpapers quite often.
  13. For some time now I'm using GMail as my primary email and I'm using web interface for it which I find quite alright and like to use as it is really simple, well organised and fast.Before using GMail, I used to like Email clients, I thought having an email client is the best option, at that time webmail usually had nothing to offer to much, it did not use AJAX, it was kind of slow to navigate, especially if you had slow connection speed and those webmail hadn't any features GMail has today. So I just used POP3 services to download everything at my computer, in this way I had all the space my computer had for storing my emails, I could do simple backups, now as GMail and most other mail including yahoo and hotmail is offering lots of spaces, it does not matter anymore, using webmail got much more convenient for me since AJAX.
  14. Didn't know that about PS3, my friend who had PS1, PS2 bought a new XBOX, when I asked why he did it. he said, because for PS3 he could only play original games and no one cracked it yet. :PAlso on some other forums I read something like "PS3 needs original games" in topics like "xbox vs ps3", thanks for pointing it out
  15. @ above post It depends in what country you're living, yeah we have a law that rented DVDs can't be shared, but nothing is said if you buy it, it's yours, by the logic of laws in your country, I buy Madonna album, I listen it at my house, my neighbour hears it, I can call the police to check if he has that album if he does not have it, he needs to cut of his ears or go to jail. Laws are stupid, that's why somebody needs to stand up, and I think some associations are doing great job in Sweden, for example in my country there is a TAX, a TAX for every blank CD I buy, I buy a blank CD to store my data files of my work, I still need to pay 3% more for it, because I might use it for piracy, what a hell? WHY? because no one protects my rights and that's a pity. I'm not saying that piracy is the way to go, but I just say it's not as bad as you imagine it. Imagine a world with no piracy: I would need to listen only to music I don't like? POP music I mean, because in local stores they only sell crap like Britney spears, Madonna and stuff. What about good music? which are not played on Radio stations, which concerts are never advertised on TV and flayers.. I would never know they exist if I couldn't listen to them, I never ever know my taste, I would think that I really like Madonna and that she is great and that her music is great, I would be stupid. In a year, I would only see 4 movies in a Cinema and only what a cinema offers me, Hollywood crap? where would I get some old, good movies? they aren't sold in most places, they aren't shown on TV and if they're maybe I'm not watching TV at that time. And what TV shows me.. TV for the last 4 years is showing crap, it's good that you have Sci-fi television or something like that, most of the world does not have it. So I also would only see stupid shows, stupid movies like Transporter 3 where it's really very super Hollywood realistic stuff&cool, I would even try myself to get some oxygen from an automobile tyre/wheel. That's just amazing action. Internet is much better source for me than TV or Hollywood DVD crap in stores. I start using computers, to make my computer cost cheaper, I get Linux, I would always use Linux and everyone would be doing it as they would be used to it, Windows OS won because of piracy and now it's the most popular OS out there because it was made to be easily cracked. Software which is hard to crack never wins, just look at Java application which is not free, it's not popular and if it's not popular, there aren't lots of reviews, tutorials, sites about it, you just won't buy it, you'll buy what's popular, Photoshop and all the developers on it could easily make it work only for legit users, there are algorithms which can't be cracked, just browse the net and search for them, Photoshop does not use them, only software for medicine, physics and similar projects are using them, as it does not cost like photoshop only 800$, for a home user 800$ may sound quite a lot, but what's for a company those 800$ for all time, where they need to pay an employee 2000$ every month? it's nothing, but the medicine software, the army software has those algorithms, which is not so hard to create, but only because their software cost 2,000.000 $ for a product or something like that, so have you ever thought from this perspective? or you think those crackers are genius people and no one know how to stop them, because they know assembly language and can crack an .exe file? anyone can do that, just needs to learn a bit and learning Today for an ordinary guy is hard, because Todays young people like it as easier as possible. I have a quote for this one: "making the system more idiot proof encourages god to make bigger idiots" Here are some articles on why piracy can be good: (It does not mean everyone should be pirates, it means piracy can exist for a good purpose, there needs to be a limit) http://www.mindjack.com/feature/piracy051305.html http://arstechnica.com/2007/08/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20090119/1943093458.shtml Also, to add: Why do you think xBOX is winning over Playstation 3? Friends I asked and people talk like this: "xBOX games can be cracked, PS3 can't yet" it's a loss for PS3..
  16. I guess you don't even know how torrents work, and what is bitTorrent and for what it's meant, you just usually talk about things you don't know on this forum.. To add to the topic: If I buy a DVD movie, can I give it to my brother to watch it too? Yes I can, I can give it even to my friend for him to watch, if I buy a DVD movie, it does not mean I can only alone watch it and can't call my friends to watch it with me, because they didn't buy it, they don't need to buy a copy to just to come to me, so whats the difference of sharing my DVD with the rest of the world? I bought it legally, didn't I? I rather punish people, who buy 1 DVD movie, make 100 000 of copies on blank DVD-R and sell them and get profit out of fake DVDs which are much cheaper.
  17. That graph at Naab post looks quite identical to mine, the revenues cam the same days for me too, just a bit differently.Oh no, some days are different, just checked again.
  18. In fact I think that on Xisto and on Xisto so much users are using this ad revenue, that the probability of ads to be shown is getting very little, I mean the probability for the system to show your ads from 100 users is much bigger for you than from 1000 users registered.It used to be for me ~10-7$ dollars a day, now for the past week I didn't see a rise of more than 2$ and usually 0.18$ so I think it's because more and more people are using it, I don't know, I just guess.
  19. I think the best is Xisto corporation? and you're at one of their websites https://xisto.com/ https://xisto.com/ and free hosting they are offering: http://forums.xisto.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/ They offer all, free web hosting, paid web hosting, domains, email hosting, reseller services and etc.
  20. I also think that TPB is legal, there are torrent sites, other torrent sites and this court will surely make a difference for most of them, in my country on of the biggest torrent tracker also been sued, so I guess they won't win anything too, as the files is not on the server, there is disclaimer, I think that no one will do anything as long as it's democracy.I read some articles I can't remember, on torrent freak or somewhere, that piracy is not such a bad thing for most of people and most of countries, if a movie or a song couldn't be downloaded, no one would see it, most of people wouldn't buy it anyways and not in all countries it's available for sale, so when no one will see it as they don't want to even buy it, there won't be much reviews of it, less fans and less fan sites, less talk about it, less ratings and like someones sees a movie, he tells you it was a great movie, you think you may want to go the the cinema to watch, or if you liked that song, you might even buy it or you'll definitely go to a concert where they are playing if it's your band which you like, if you never heard them you'll never even attempt to go to the concert.The only people which don't get the income, is the worst music ever made by those POP music stuff, which is only popular for 1 month, the other month everyone forgets them and never listens again, why would I want to have a CD with such a band? I'll never listen again, but for example Queen or something like that, which is quite normal for even Today, it's not even bad to have a CD of them, you might listen to them once in a while.There are lots of factors, if people won't know where to download, the bigger part won't even buy it, they never will know it exist, they never will by any t-shirts with it's signs, they'll never watch a sequel, they'll never know what it is. As I am talking about all the world, even where buying 10 CDs will cost you all your minimal wage. :DI always laugh out of those geniuses from anti piracy organisations: "everyday people download 10 000 Music albums, if an album cost 5$, everyday pirates make 50 000$ of loss the companies" Why do they count money which would never exist anyway, maybe 2 guys from all those 10 000 will buy it, but maybe they won't even like that album, it would be a waste of money, definitely.Well, of course I'm a bit different opinion on computer software and games, there is always a trial version and if you can't afford it, try to search for a free alternative, but if you can why not buy it or get it? But of course, for personal reasons where you aren't making any money out of it and you live in a country which is not as rich as USA, when I don't think home users needs to be punished to much, but of course all legal companies and enterprise should have legal software. I also think that we could forgive Schools, Universities and Public libraries which can't afford all the software for all the computers, but students needs to learn from new things and not ancient versions, especially in 3rd world countries.
  21. What are you talking about Ash-Bash, why are you putting more false information on the Internet..Well, Google Earth is just an application which is using database of earth images or moon, those kind of applications were available for a long time, from NASA and etc. just they weren't so popular or so much user friendly, at least not for public usage, I doubt google owns any satellites? :?Yeah, Google earth seems much better, but the problem, the database for my country is not so updated, I can't see newly build things for the last 3-4 years, like new bridges new skyscrapers and etc. It's really great for other parts of the world which are more popular, even the resolution is much better.
  22. I just do all the PHP programming on localhost, on Windows I just have installed Wampserver and it all works, phpmyadmin, mysql and php, apache and the settings is easy to change and the default is very well set, I like Wampserver that it's easy to change between PHP4 and PHP5, even though for half of year now I don't make PHP4 compatible code anymore, even though I had a client which wanted it to work on PHP4, it took a bit to change that and that or add a function which does almost the same thing..I always use an PHP IDE and execute the PHP code through a browser, just by changing between windows, I don't use the debug mode in the IDE, even though my IDE has real time php checking for syntax errors and such
  23. I personally think that those personal sites are disappearing, usually people just gets a blog or a forum, which sometimes is annoying as there are millions of blogs and forums, lots of them are empty or maybe gets down after some time.
  24. You can use Privoxy from Privoxy.org by installing it and using it in Google Chrome or any other browser which can use proxies, and use a proxy and it will block everything very fast and nice, so why would you need a separate ad blocker when you can use it Privoxy and have even much more options, but of course it's not so user friendly as the configuration file is for Pro people.iPhone I guess is a bit overpriced, didn't here anything about Google phone, but it seems Vodofone in the picture? Also I know some kind of Nokia which is really fast and has everything iPhone have.
  25. As I'm more a retro gamer, personally for me, I think that the first GTA was one of the best, then GTA 2 was really great, I played them both for quite a lot of time when I was younger, but I didn't play any further versions, even though I saw my friends playing it and talking about it ;] Also I played Payback, which is a similar game to GTA, I played it on my Amiga, you can find out more about Payback here: http://www.apex-designs.net/ It was originally made for the Amiga, later ported to a lot of different platforms and devices. So for me it's GTA, GTA2 and Payback, because those games got me addicted for some time and I really liked to play them at those times..
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