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Everything posted by joeblogg

  1. the last book i read was ark angel by anthony horowitz. i've read the whole alex rider series. a great series one i certainly would recommend. i'm currently reading digital fortress by dan brown who is probably my favorite auther. the da vinci code is dan browns best book.
  2. it said your account got suspened. this keeps happening. i've reviewed like 10 sites and half of them have been suspended so i couldn't review them. is it that easy to get suspended lol?
  3. great design mate. it looks great just keep on improving it and making it even cooler. good job!
  4. lol it got banned lol. you can't see it any more. good intentions but somehow you broke some rules or something on the forums. sorry mate.
  5. i think schools should definately not check myspace profiles. i mean that is completely unrelated to teaching which is what they are meant to spend there time doing. students can say what ever they like on myspace - well almost anything. they can say that their teacher is crap and the school is dump and the school can't do anything about that.
  6. islam is a violent religion. most muslims aren't violent but a high percentage of world terrorism comes from muslims not christians, buddhists, jewish and others. its just a pity to the non violent muslims that they are represented by the rest of the muslims the violent muslims.
  7. i don't think they are. i mean there are only cctv cameras in public places really i mean there not in your house or something. they only record in places where other people can see you anyways so how is it invading peoples privacy. but i do think there anoying i mean someones watching you all the time but its still no invading your privacy its just anoying lol.
  8. i think suicide should not be legal. anyone who commits suicide should be sentenced to the death penalty!
  9. what do you mean by "life" after death like respawning again in human form like on a video game. or do you mean turning into some random animal?
  10. i think racist jokes are funny but it is obviously gone to far when it becomes physical. i mean it doesn't matter whether its racist or not when it becomes physical its wrong. most of us live in free countries and you can say what you want even racist jokes. i've never been targeted racially probably because i'm part of the racial majority in the country i live in - australia but i mean if you do get targeted by jokes and stuff their probably funny so don't take it as an insult just laugh at the joke.
  11. the russian government is the people. saying the russian government is separate from the people is ridiculous. its like saying george bush isn't american. the government represents the people. lets put this on smaller scale. if you have a gang and there is a leader if the gang threatens someone or something its the whole gang not just the leader. its the whole of russia - they voted for their government which means they endorse their government. so just like democracy says - the government is of the people, for the people, and by the people.
  12. i agree with freedom overdose. ignorance is definately a bliss. ignorance is just not giving a crap about problems and difficulties and just relaxing! how could that not be bliss!
  13. free market economy is obviously much better than communism, in communist countries you can't do anything free. some communist countries are less strict than others but the main message of communism is that people have no rights and the government controls everything. in free market economy you can do a lot more things than in a communist economy. i'd say most people in like america or something would agree with me but i'm sure some people don't. its just my opinion.
  14. i was going to watch body of lies but i watched goddam disaster movie instead which was crap. it was a really trash movie. it was one of the most boring movies i've ever watched in my entire life lol. there were a couple of laughs but most of the movie was boring and not even funny.
  15. i'm not going to watch get smart. i don't like movies like that. i like horror, action and thriller. i don't really like comedies much although some are good but i don't think i'll like get smarth lol.
  16. i don't use picassa. i don't really like it i mean whats so good about it lol. can someone tell me because i haven't used it much.
  17. the site is alright but yeah the big ads do make it look unprofessional. Xisto is the best hosing service, its free there aren't ads i mean how could anyone not use Xisto lol!
  18. i think the site looks alright although some of the links don't seem to work and some graphics come up as a small box with a little red cross. i think i probably haven't installed the right programs lol. anyway good work and keep on improving.
  19. i like safari. its pretty cool and modern but i mean whats all the fuss about web browsers. there all the same they let you view the web, the only difference is the style. interenet explorer may be styled horribly but i mean it works fine so why would you use different browsers lol. ive tried them all but the one i hate the most is mozilla. safari is probably the best because it looks cool. i wouldn't recommend it though - because theres nothing really good about it but i say if you like the style of macs then safari is a must have!
  20. i hate soccer nfl is way better. i don't play nfl i play rugby but there similar. i hate sports where you can't tackle and you can't pick up the ball. thats why soccer is gay.
  21. of course homosexuality is wrong. i mean god mad us to mate with the opposite sex and even those who don't believe in god we turned out to have to mate with the opposite sex. its the way we are meant to function. i believe homosexuality is disgusting but even apart from that homosexuality just doesn't work. you don't get that far being homosexual lol.
  22. yeah i agree i like exciting games when there is a turn around. yeah whats with those crazy commercials lol. i don't think its worth it to advertise on tv i mean everyone just mutes the tv when it is on ads no one pays attention to them lol.
  23. what is google apps? can someone tell me lol
  24. i play and watch rugby. rugby rocks.
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