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Everything posted by joeblogg

  1. i think that the only way for students to understand what you teach is to make what you teach interesting. if the students are interested then they will naturally listen. but if some students don't understand then its not really the students fault but maybe the teacher should try to make it less boring and easier to understand. you should also make the students understand that it is their own benifit to learn what you teach them because they will be able to do well later on in life.
  2. its not really easy to skip class. i mean its easy to skip sport and assembly but at school they mark an electronic roll so it goes straight to the student admin office and if your sick your parents have to ring or email the school but i haven't tried it lol.
  3. yeah i think people should learn to appreatiate others more. if we don't appretiate others then we would have to be perfect ourselves which we obviously arent' unless you Jesus - which you aren't so we should definately appretiate what others do even if its a small thing.
  4. i think you should talk to her about. not the kind of blaming them talk and getting pissed at the rapists and everything. just talk to her about how its affecting her and if she thinks she can get over it or not. she might say she can't but if she says that tell her that she can and that she just needs to forget about it. i think getting really angry will make you and her do things that you might not want. a calm relaxed aproach will suit this situation the best. i don't think ignoring it and not mentioning it to her at all will do any good. she obviously remebers it and thinks about it often. you need to face the facts that she's been raped and obviously traumatized by it and that she should get over it with your help. she can't do it alone and she really needs your support here. just bring it up one day - don't keep putting it of and sit down and have a nice talk. find out a plan to help her get over it which might be a weekly talk between you and her discussing how shes going and everything and then after a year or so hopefully she will have gotten over it and then don't ever talk about it again. yes forgetting it is the best solution but that will only happened once she feels she is totally over this. if you try and make her forget it know she will not. Hopefully my advice has been useful. Good luck for both of you.
  5. joeblogg

    A Cheap Joke

    i agree with miladinoski, your mum overreacted and the president got the joke. you were under pressure and i think you handled it very well. don't be worried at all - theres nothing to be worried about. good job mate.http://forums.xisto.com/topic/60897-a-cheap-joke/#
  6. the davinci code rocks. i've read it many times and its probably my favorite book i've ever read. its really interesting and compelling and you seriously just can't put it down once you've started reading it. you just have to keep on turning the page to see whats going to happen next. great book.
  7. how do you logon to you site? the Xisto web hosting is very complicated and i don't have the first clue what to do. i got an email saying my request was approved. i then clicked the cpanel thing and then i went through the tutorial which i didn't understand and then i logged out and when i tried to logon the cpanel again i couldn't! can someone please help me!
  8. i'm waiting eagerly for harry potter 6 to come out. i'm hoping it will be good like the previous one. the 4th movie wasn't that good but the 5th was so i can't wait for the 6th to come out. I also want to see saw 5 when it comes out. i've already started seeing advertisements on tv about it - it sounds cool!
  9. my favorite car is the Ford Mustang Shelby GT500. i love muscle cars and mustange makes the best ones. the shelby mustangs are the best. I also like Porsche 911 but still not as much and the Mustang. I don't mind BMW and Mercedes either. but i hate toyota and lexus and vauxall and many other brands lol.
  10. i haven't heard anything about a halo movie. it would be pretty cool though but they would have to get it right. making a movie out of a game has big potential to become crap. they made movies of of silent hill and house of the dead. a halo movie would be alright but i mean what would happen? it was easy for silent hill and house of the dead because there horror and all they had to do is get a buch of people to get ghosts and zombies go after them. but anyways if there is going to be a halo movie, its going to be a movie i have to watch!
  11. what if all the matter and the planets and stuff were just here forever?it sounds random but did everything have to just suddenly appear from a big bang?i don't know that much science so i'm not sure if it is possible that everything was just like there from the beginning.
  12. I think there should be more ads on this site. it means they can make more money so they can spend more money on the site to make it even better than it already is. i personally don't mind ads on websites they don't affect me and as i send above they give to company more money to spend on the website.
  13. ipods are getting thinner and thinner and the screens are getting larger, its the same with tv's and computers. there making them a lot thinner and more compact but still not sacraficing the screen size, these days tv's and ipods have way bigger screen sizes especially with plasma tv's - there huge!
  14. yeah i agree. astrology isn't scientific at all. science is formed around proof, the whole point of science trying to tell us what everything is and what made it like how the universe came to be (the big bang?) and telling us how things work like bombs and earthquakes. astrology is none of that. astrology is just fiction. some people believe it but its like saying is a religion real it depends on who you ask.
  15. yeah we do use less than 10% of our brains. if we could use 30% that could do a massive amount of things and be a lot more capable doing multitasking. Imagine if we could use 100% of our brain lolz. We would be like really powerful mentally.
  16. that was a crazy thing to do! hopefully she is alright and that no one else will do this again. your right she could have gotten a much more serious injury or died so hopefully that will be a lessen to some people not to try things like this again.
  17. i like nokia. i used to have a sony ericson but i sold it after a month. there really hard to use the styling is crap and the battery life is very short. nokia's are reliable and look reasonably cool, motorolas look the coolest. i currently have a motorola now though.
  18. i remember hearing that the daddy long legs was the most poisoness spider but then a few years later i heard that they actually arent. Whats the truth?
  19. my favorite animals are birds but i like dogs and cats as well. although i think cats don't really like their owners, they seem so tricky cats you never know what there up to do you?
  20. i don't think it will happen i mean the world ending in 2012 but it still is pretty scary because some of their other predictions were true i think. Well we'll just have to wait and see right?
  21. i think the war on terror was handled badly. what do you guys think?
  22. joeblogg

    I Hate Greenday!

    i hate greenday as well. the songs are crap and theres just nothing good about them. there are way better bands to listen to!
  23. i would like to do that but i only have call of duty 1. if its a call of duty 1 clan your planning on setting up then i would like to do that.
  24. i agree with beyond earth and weloveford. the davinci code is a great book - one of my favorite books. i like the rest of his series as well. there all great!
  25. football is not the king of sports. it is pretty popular but still quite a few countries don't play soccer much at all like the USA, Australia, New Zealand and quite a few other countries but i have to admit that soccer is very popular especially in europe. another reason why i say soccer is not the king of sports is that even in eurupe - where soccer is very popular - in quite a few countries rugby is very popular like: france, ireland, england, scotland and wales.
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