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Everything posted by joeblogg

  1. i don't think there should be the death penalty. by killing the murderer you are just as bad as him. its like if someone robs of you, you don't rob them back you tell the police and they will be dealt with. if does something to you and you tell the polic the penalty for them is never you get to do it back to them it is either a fine or a jail sentence. so i don't see how death should be any different.
  2. what do you mean outlawed? like no guns at all are allowed in civilian life. so farmers and hunters can't have guns or do you mean the general public can't just buy a gun from the shop?my opinion is that the american system is the best. guns should be allowed. i mean we use them in war. and besides you go to jail if you hurt someone with a gun anyways. you can stab someone with a kitchen knife. you can get a sword and kill someone. you can use a rope to hang someone, you can use electricity to electricute someone., all of these are legal items. guns are worse but still you can kill someone with a laptop. wack them continuosly over the head. you can kill someone with a tissue - stick it in their mouth and their nose guns are the only killing tools.
  3. lol i got taught that crap as well. but i didn't know it was actually trash lol. why can't friggin teachers and parents just tell us the truth lol!
  4. at school on the computers they give us we aren't admins but we just use this software that makes us all admins lol and we also know how to get through any blocked site. all you do is continue to press f5 - i don't know why it works it just does lol.
  5. i agree runescape used to be good but these are the things that killed it:-no more killing other players in wildy-no more money trading above like 3k which is absolutely nothing-all of this trying to protect newbies. like the wildy trench and **** like that. that is what killed it really. i didn't mind the graphics and the snobs and the noobs its just the fact that it feels like their continuosly getting stricter and stricter. its a little bit of fun having scammers and stuff. its a ******* game for gods sake! and i don't mind dying in the wildy and stuff its all fun. now theres no danger to the game no exciting wildy hunts and stuff its all just ruined.
  6. i like runescape and i'm level 71 but it does get boring after a while. when you have games like halo and cod and friends to play with you kinda have little time to play it. i think its heaps fun but after a while you just can't be screwed to play it. its a good game though.
  7. how did you get banned mate?

  8. i agree buying a good short domain name and leaving it and then trying to sell it will get you plenty of money. the only problem is that quite a lot of them have already been taken up but still buy a "meaningful" three letter domain name and leave it for like 10 - 20 years and you could be rich. the problem is that you don't know if someone will want to buy it. what you should do is use the domain name and then later sell it so the money can't be a waste even if no one bids high for it.
  9. of course they work, i mean look at Xisto they use google adsense. thats why they can give us free hosting cos of adsense it obviously pays resonably well.
  10. would you actually spend your money to buy one. or would you just go to your friends place and play it there!
  11. i'm definately a computer fan. why buy a seperate console when you can do everything on one machine - play games, email, blogging, Xisto, myspace everything when on consoles you only can play games. and i even think its easier to play games and more fun on a computer. although i do like wii. i don't have one but my friend does and its hell fun man!
  12. computers are way better. yes the screens are smaller but the other day i decided to play halo on a friends xbox and i usually pwn him in halo but he smashed me because its so hard to control with a console controller. there impossible with pc you use one hand to control the mouse and one hand to move. the pc mouse is a lot easier to control with than a joystick. but maybe its just me but thats my opinion.
  13. i think it was pretty damn stupid of microsoft to do that. i mean there so rich can't the afford to sell legitimate xbox's or do they have to resort to selling crappy broken ones to make some money. they probably knew that they might be caught but they decided to take the risk. pretty stupid huh? please visit my site: https://www.microsoft.com/de-de
  14. i lie in things like age, name - my username in Xisto and youtube and hotmail and basicaly everything online lol is joeblogg which obviously isn't my real name lol. i don't usually lie though. i either don't say anything or tell the truth which is the easiest way. beause if you want to tell them the truth then you wont have to admit to lying.
  15. your not 3 years old lol.

  16. yeah way man! cod is the best game. its heaps of fun - its realistic, the graphics are awesome; what more could you ask for from a game. the weapons are very realistic and the areas you go to. its not like halo or something like that. it gives you the impression that is what it was like not some random made up world.
  17. yeah i agree. i hate those clowns who just walk so goddam slowly and take up the whole friggin footpath - there are people who actually have somewhere to get to! they just hang around the street like its there backyard. they don't care if the person or people behind them are late to go somewhere. they think you should just walk around them but they don't realise that they're taking up the whole sidewalk!!!!
  18. dude phpbb is way the best. it was a little hard touse and anoying at the beginning but i can tell you nothing is really better than phpbb.
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPAM!!! spam. never fails to continue to terrorise our inbox's for 30 years now. lets have a moment of silence for spam. we've tried hard but spam has victored. thank you spam for making every time we check our emails a spaz attack. without you we might actually like emails. well done spam you've achieved something!
  20. i agree but i don't hate the new hotmail. i don't particularly like it thought but it looks 7 leaps better than yahoo mail and gmail and aol and anything else out there lol. the old hotmail was better. i don't get this windows live crap. msn is still around but windows live has taken over most of its services. companies like yahoo and aol are way more organised its just yahoo. now we have msn and live both around and i just don't get it lol. but i'm still a loyal supporter of hotmail.
  21. use the email the hosting service provides for you. because instead of yourrandomgayname@hotmail.com you can have yourrandomgayname@yourrandomgaysitename.com it looks a lot more professional and you get less spam.
  22. i love harry potter i've read all the books numerous times and watched all the movies numerous times as well. the books are great. there written well, the characters are interesting and the plot is exciting. i simply love the harry potter series. great job jk rowling
  23. dude! think about harry potter. i love when they turn movies into books. most good movies are from books - lord of the rings, harry potter, the da vinci code. i mean great movies come from books. who likes harry potter and the da vinci code? who's a fan of lord of the rings?
  24. i've heard of that trash but i personally don't believe in it. i'm sure some people do but i think its a little far out. i now someone who just keeps going on about "the secret" - i'm so scared. it was written well but i think its just trying to make money i mean they have dvd's books i mean whats the point listening to some crackpoint who broke out of a mental institution trying to teach you how to do cool things. i know some people like it and i respect that but this is just my opinion and i could be wrong.
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