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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. I really like them all... but my favourite ones are numbers 2 and 6. I really love the colours used in them. So vibrant! The effects are also very cool.
  2. I mean, why shouldn't they be able too? I've yet to meet any human being that isn't a person just like the rest of us, so why should a certain group not get the same rights as the rest of us. It's like saying, 'From now on, French people aren't allowed to get married.' Clearly, there is no logic to this statement, just like there is no logic to reasons why any group of people shouldn't be allowed to marry.A marriage is a way to certify one's love to another. It shows that there is a very strong bond between two people, and that they plan to last a very long time together. Through the good times and the bad. Once a person is married, people will try a lot harder to keep the marriage working, because it means more than just dating, or seeing another person, it means commitment, and shouldn't everyone be allowed to commit themselves to another person, if they so desire?
  3. Well, if you are talking about actual money that I've made, and seen... then 35 dollars from doing surveys online. That's how much I've actually gotten check-form. I've made little money here and there on other things, but never enough to make the minimum payout.One of these days....
  4. Nope, can't say that I did hear about that one. It'd be like Chamelion Power! If I spelled that correctly... if not, I figure you know what I'm getting at. Anyway, I'd like to see one of those suits in action. All I can see in my mind is the whole Harry Potter image, where he uses the cape, and whatever is underneath it becomes invisible. I don't know why that image is stuck in my head, but when I think of cloaking suits, that's the image I'm getting.
  5. That flat really is gorgeous. I wish that I had 70 million dollars burning a hole in my pocket, because if I did, then I'd buy it.I guess you are probably paying a lot for the location, because with 70 million dollars, I'd presume I could build that same house and live in it for the rest of my life without ever having to go back to work a single day. Okay, maybe not that much, but with that kind of money, I'd be thinking about buying an island somewhere warm.
  6. Friday the 13th hasn't been a particularly bad day for myself, though I'm not really superstitious, and could care less about ladders and black cats and broken mirrors.As for the Friday the 13th's not happening all that often, well, they happen just as often as Thursday the 13th's do and the dreaded Monday the 13th. I'd be more inclined to fear Monday the 13th, just because it's a Monday...The number 13 also doesn't really phase me. My family sort of is a '13' family. My grandparents live at house number 13 on their street and my aunt she lives at apartment 1313 on the 13th floor. So there are lots of 13s to go around.
  7. I don't see why this site shouldn't be trusted... I mean, people *have* been paid by clicking on the links in the email. Even though it is just a little amount, people still have been paid.I think I'm going to try it out, and see how it works. At least until I reach a minimum payout, and provided that I do get paid, I'll go from there and see if I wish to continue.I do thank you for finding a place that seems honest.
  8. I've had some strange problems with IE, yet I usually still use it. Who knows why? I don't know... I have Firefox on this computer too :lol:Anyway, I've also had the same thing you've mentioned happen to me, where all the windows close for no apparent reason. I'm not sure what causes this, but it is very frustrating. I don't use cable, but I'm broadband - I think that is what it's called. I'm not quite sure about all this technical stuff.Anyway, I'm not sure about this other things... and it is just as mysterious to me. Sometimes, when I'm on IE, all my windows suddenly scroll to the top of the page, and then no matter what I do, they won't scroll back down to the bottom (or anywhere down for that matter) unless I restart my computer.I was thinking maybe it was a sticky 'up' arrow key, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm not sure, but it does seem to suggest that IE likes to have certain mysteries about it...
  9. Well, I figured I'd add my little rant about the vending machines... they are evil! Pure evil! Trust me, no one is alone in having their problems with those mean little machines...There was a time that the things I bought got stuck on an almost daily basis. C'mon, it happened so often, the people that opened the machines and solved your problems knew my name.In fact, there was one day that I had to go to them three times, because my food got stuck and it stole my money three times!(Don't even ask why I used to go to the vending machines three times in one day. I'm very suprised that I'm not a thousand pounds by now! Mind you I stopped that, and only go once or twice a day. Which is still sad...)Okay, there's my rant. I'm happy again.
  10. Those are some more very strange pictures. Makes me wonder just how many other cities have those things above them. And was it just a one time occurance, or will they been seen in other satellite images of the same area when google updates their images (if they do indeed update them!)The one over Florida, that was only half of a disc is odd. I wonder what would cause only half of it to show up, or if that one actually is a different shape than the rest, then why?
  11. Wow... I watched it so many times and saw nothing... I ended up having to pause it lots of times during the clip to see it. The movie keeps moving around so fast while you watch it, that it's hard to keep up with it.Plus, I was expecting it to be right at the beginning of the clip, but it wasn't until 27 seconds if I'm seeing it correctly.Still, it's a pretty cool clip. Nice find!
  12. Oh, you get a lot of ads when you leave it up for a while. I was thinking this might be a good way to make some money while I slept or went out, but I'm not so sure now. Not if I'll have to deal with adware and spyware. If that is indeed what those windows are. I'm wondering how these people can even pay people to do this, because I can't see advertisers paying for ads people might not see. But whatever, it could still be worth a try.
  13. When I went to the page the first time (and actually every time, because I just checked it now too) the picture won't load up for me either. But when I refresh the page, it shows up fine. I don't know if this is the same problem that you are having or not, but it's worth a try, right?
  14. That's a very interesting picture you found there I honestly can't say what I think it is, because I'm not at all sure. Some of the ideas that I've heard here have made sense, and I hadn't even thought of them before I read them.It does seem sort of far fetched that google would hoax something like this. I mean, even if they did, why wouldn't they let anyone know. You'd think they'd want the press to know about it, and I'm sure if they did, we'd have heard something by now (or at least one of us here) but since none of us has... it seems hard to believe that they'd bother.I could see it as a joke if someone in the google company did this sort of thing over Roswell, or Area 51, but a place like florida? I mean, why?But it also makes me wonder... didn't someone have to look at these images before putting them onto the web? I've noticed that some areas in there satellite maps are all spliced together, so I'm assuming that someone had to have some part in that.I'm not sure, what ever... it's still pretty cool. Makes me wonder if they do have any satellite pictures of Area 51 though
  15. I really don't know one way or another if there is a God, or why we are here. And I'd love to think that we'd all live happy eternal lives if we believed in a 'holy being', but who's to say that is what actually happens. All I do know for sure, is that the minute I die, little creepy crawlies take over my body and return me slowly back to the soil I've walked on all these years.And with certain things, I really don't know if I want to believe in a God. If he can sit by on his holy throne somewhere, and allow someone to kill or harm an innocent child, then how good of an entity is he really? There's no way I could just sit back and watch that happen if I had the power to stop it.And what about all the people starving to death around the world? Where is their God when they need them? And the people dying in wars, and those filled with disease? There is so much bad that happens in the world... and nothing is being done about any of it.If God truly existed and was truly all powerful (which he has to be if he created us, as so many people claim) then why couldn't he use his power to help us here on Earth. The poor little people that he created.Don't bother to tell us that it's all our fault that things are this way because we are sinners either. If he created us, and put the seeds of sin into our making, then there isn't really anything that we can do about it. It's all there, predetermined that we all have some evil in us.I feel that a God that would put the evil into a person that would let them harm a child, or give them the ideas to kill millions of people in wars can't be a good God. He has to be a spiteful little person who gets his entertainment from watching ourselves ruin everything around us.If God created man, and then one day decided to make him diseased, please tell me the reason why? Why do something so cruel to the people you created? What about the one day he decided to let people starve to death. I guess the disease wasn't doing enough for him anymore, he wanted to throw some more stuff at us, and watch us squirm? And then, as if that wasn't enough... more and more and more bad stuff. Everyday it happens. Things that are so sick and twisted, that should never happen to anyone if someone that cared, ie God, was really looking out for us.I don't know if I'd want to go to a place after death if it was run by the same person who created all this. He messed this up so badly, who's to say that things would be any better wherever we end up next?I don't know. They are just thoughts. And a lot of questions... Agree or disagree, it's up to you. One thing we are lucky enough to be blessed with is differences in opinion, so I can thank whomever allowed to that to occur, be it God or whomever.
  16. Okay, it's good to know where to send these. Thanks for the addresses. I'll be sure to just forward and delete them when I do get another one in my inbox.
  17. lol... I know it is hard to use up lots of space, at least for me it is. My site hasn't been up very long, but I've still only used less than 5MBs. And out of the amount of space that we do get for the whole thing, that is really nothing. I could expand to my little hearts desires.
  18. I've been getting lots of those kind of emails too, and ones from ebay as well, but I don't even have account there, so that doesn't make much sense to me. I think they must be scam and hope that I just have an account and give my information away.If I do click through on an accident, does that mean they have my information so they can steal my account if I have one? I didn't know places could do that. But you are right, these people are probably all really good at what they do, and it is easy to be fooled now.I hope that they get caught before someone is fooled by them and loses a lot.
  19. I'm not exactly sure who we were judging. The way I took that message was preventing further slander against AbstracT, because there were a LOT of people saying some not so nice things about him. I'm not positive, but that was the impression I got when reading that.
  20. Nah, my hopes aren't up, it's just interesting to see. I'm happy with the hosting size that they gave me, because I don't think that with my site I could ever fill that up. It's already a huge number to start out with.
  21. Yea, just listing 'America' to me doesn't mean Canada (where I'm from) had it said North American, then yes... but not just America.
  22. Yea, same here about the disk space! Mine says 'unlimited' right now too. We'll have to wait and see what that's all about. But don't get me wrong, in no way am I complaining or anything, but 'wow' is right!
  23. Well, we know that the warn level can be increased. You hear it all the time from people here. If you don't think so, just try posting an affiliate link in here (don't actually do this... it's against the ToS, and will give you a higher warning level.)As for them getting removed, I'm not positive, because I don't have that kind of power over the boards, but I'm pretty sure I read that the warnings should have a complete reason and link and all that for why it was raised in the first place. This way, if someone should happen to disagree, then they can fight the level.If there is a way to fight the level, there must be a way to remove the warning - otherwise, why fight the level at all?
  24. That seems like a strange time to get banned, at 60%. I mean, then what is the point of 100% if you can never reach it. I'm not a mod or admin, so I don't really know, but it just wouldn't make much sense to me if that was the way it was.
  25. Hey! Welcome, welcome! It's good to have you here! Anyway, I'm pretty new myself, but I just love it here. The people are great, and the hosting comes with so much stuff, I'm just finally learning what some of the things do!Anyway, I'm 20 years old too! Well, I'll be 21 this Sunday, but for now I'm still 20 like you are :(I can't wait to see your band's page. You'll have enough hosting credits soon, I'm sure. If you like to talk you'll have no problems here Just remember to stay active in the forums so your account doesn't get suspended. (It doesn't take much to stay active - perhaps a few nice posts every few days... mind you, I'm on and off this place all day long. I can't stay away!)Okay, I'm rambling again... I do that on occasion, but so long as I've welcomed you, then I've done what I came to do. So welcome to Xisto, and I hope to hear more from you real soon
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