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Everything posted by midnightvamp

  1. Don't you think that most of the global-warming problem is because of the exhaust that cars let up when they are driving? Perhaps, instead of preserving the fuel so we can wreck our earth for years to come by buring it in our cars and factories, we could look be better cleaner sources of energy... As for NASA... we might just need them in the future to take us to our new home on some distant planet after we've wrecked our own, so they might want to practice a little with that fuel until we do need them. (Or they too could find a new source of energy...)
  2. I beg to differ. I'm a highschool drop out. I had some VERY good reasons to do so. I'm assuming I'm not the only one to have my reasons. And I'm doing just fine with my life, even though I never actually 'graduated' where/when I was supposed to. I went into correspondance courses... which were much different than school. The people there weren't helpful at all. The course work they gave me was so outdated, and photocopies of photocopies that half of the time were outdated. But you know what? I stuck through it all. And I grew as a person. I grew up much faster than most of the people around me. I had no choice. So, I entered college a few years late. Not a big deal. I'm not the oldest in my class. There is one person ahead of me age-wise because she's onto her second degree. As for me having a much easier time getting into college from going to and finishing high school. I don't think so. I got in perfectly fine, and am well adjusted to the course load and actually got myself a scholarship for being top in my course. Pretty good for a drop-out, eh? Anyway, I think you are very courageous for wanting to finish your schooling, and I congratulate you on that. Wanting to go back is the first step. Obviously there are going to be some bumps along the way, but if you stick with it... you can do anything! The best of luck to you and your studies
  3. Okay, so if it was used only for warning messages, or some kind of alert system, that would be a different story, because it could save lives. And if it was like the bat signal to do this, it wouldn't have to be up there all the time, just when something is really important. Still that asks the question of when to draw the line. What makes one cause more important that another. I don't know now how I feel about it. I would still be four-square against it for advertising purposes, but if it could be helping to save people in danger or something that could be different.
  4. I can't believe anyone would want to do something like that. I never even thought about it. I guess I'm taking my nice big sky forgranted. I really hope that something does get passed to prevent this from happening. But even if it does in one country, what'll be there to stop the next.This will probably become a bigger issue in the future, I just hope that people all decide against it.It's bad enough that the sky is harder to see at night because of all the lights in the city, but now this... I don't know. I just know I don't like it. As for buying it, I'd more rather avoid it. I wouldn't want to help a company who does that sort of thing.
  5. Yes, the idea of cloning something is a fine line, but I don't see anything wrong with it. If the animal has a chance to live on, then by all means, why not try it. I don't even have a problem with cloning a human being so much, so long as the person would grow up to be a normal person. I know this is sort of unrealistic, because if we ever did get one cloned, there would undoubtaby be complications with something, as all things have when they are just starting. Also, the poor things would be under cameras constantly, which is no way to live, but if it could happen, with no complications, I'd be for it. So long as the clones were just like everyone else, happy, healthy and loved. As for the cloning people so that we have spare parts for ourselves when we need it. I think that is wrong / right depending on the situation. Lets say I needed a kidney, and my clone was fine with giving me one, and it wouldn't kill them (I'd never go for that) then, I think it would be just the same as if my sister wanted to give me and organ. And if I could save the life of my clone, I'd be all for that too. It would be because of me that she would be alive, and if she needed life-saving surgury, I'd be more than willing to donate my kidney or whatever to her. So long as it wouldn't kill me. Like I said, fine line. I think if anything is meant to happen, it will, so with the whole cloning thing, it's sort of wait and see at the moment. Sure, they cloned certain things, and I haven't seen the problem in that, so I'll have to see what is next. It's a tough subject, and takes a lot of thinking.
  6. I was wondering the same thing after I saw it was closed. If the vent is really there to get things off your chest, so you can get on with your life, then that would be a good thing. But if you get to say something, and several people disagree without trying to understand the problem, then it's okay for the post to be closed?I understand that the topic may have been emotional for some people, but it's a vent. Don't like it? Sure leave your comment, or just move on with you life. But so long as the post didn't promote anything illegal, or didn't use profanity, I don't see the problem.People, it should go without saying that some of the topics are going to seem a bit out there, but it's a vent - the person who wrote it was probably upset/angry/who knows what, so it's kind of the thing to expect in a forum of this sort.I guess the next time I vent, I'll be sure to censor myself so that no one is / can be offended. Granted, this probably won't help me as an avenue for escape, but whatever... maybe the time it takes me to make it all politically correct enough for everyone to accept and praise it will give me enough time to cool off.
  7. Hi! Thanks for the advice, it was more of what I was looking for anywhere. But I wasn't sure of how to go about it. I don't want to have a big forum with lots of topics, just a small one where people can leave comments and that sort of thing. I guess that is lots like a guestbook. So that is what I will try. To put in a guestbook or visitor comment script. If I get bigger and think I need a bigger forum, I can always add that later when my site is ready. And thanks for the nice words. I'm happy that you like my site
  8. I was wondering, is there any way that allows anyone to post to phpbb? Even all the guests that come to the board? Is this even a good idea? I'm not sure what kind of things would happen if I did that. Like would I be facing lots of spam, or is there something that I should be worried about if I'm going to run my boards that way.Does anyone else have a board open to anyone or have you tried that before? And if so, how have you found it? I'd like to know what to expect a little more if I'm going to go about doing that sort of thing.I think it is the best option right now, because I'm just starting and have a small visitor count. Is this truly the best thing? Because I fear that if everyone has to sign up to use my message boards, no one would, and then where would I be?I don't know. But if you have any thoughts, I'd love to hear them. Thanks!
  9. That does sound true. I've heard some people saying that they make the most money on their sites that are strictly about one uncommon thing. I thought that if the thing was uncommon, you'd hardly get any visitors, but apparently you get enough to make it worth while. Plus, the ones that you do get will keep looking back to you for more information, just because there isn't many other places to go. That sounds like a good thing to me.
  10. I think the key thing is content. Everyone who goes to a website likes to have lots of stuff to see/read/do. Think of what you would like to see in a website. I would like interesting ideas, a nice looking layout, something updated regularly. The more you work on your site, the more you will have for people to enjoy.And hey, I think that is the point of it all - to get visitors, you need to get your links into a search engine, or on a forum, or talk to people about some other way. To keep your visitors, and hopefully have them come back again and again, you need useful content, and the more the better.I'm just a newbie when it comes to websites though, so others might have some better information for you.
  11. Yea... this is true. I'm sure eventually everything will be monitored just like you see in the movies. Not exactly a good thing, but I suppose you just learn to live with it or hide out in the woods for the rest of your life. I actually planned to do this as a child. I had it all planned out... build myself a little house... live of the land... not that I'd ever be able to do that. Especially now that I have the internet. I love technology more than my privacy. How sad is that?That said... what is wrong with Norton? I'm just curious, it's not like I use it anyway... but perhaps I should know why I shouldn't choose it in the future?
  12. I'm not really sure what is the best. I've never shipped anything large before. Just used the regular post office for small - medium things.Anyway... everyone's probably already heard this... but I thought it was so funny when I first heard it, I figured I'd share it with you...My mother told about how FedEx and UPS were going to merge and switch their name to Fed Up... (Sorry, I had to say it!) The funniest part about that, is apparently, when the person told that to my mother, she thought it was for real I can't say much though... I'm the world's most gullible person... boy do I have some stories...
  13. Never heard of it, sorry... but that doesn't surprise me because I'm not all that up to date on my little toys and gadgets. I've love to go out and buy me some though, eventually and get right into that whole world. As close to portable as I've gotten so far is a laptop... Anyway, the first thing that came to mind when I read your post title was I-mat, I-mat.... I've heard that somewhere before. But then I came to my senses and realized that I was thinking I-mat... I-pod... hear the similarity?I could be reading too much into this because all I hear about at home is I-pod this and I-pod that... (my sister just went out and bought one a few weeks ago and she totes that little thing around with her everywhere lol...)Anyway, best of luck with your quest to find out all you can about your new pocket pc
  14. midnightvamp


    Okay, so it's time for me to get my two cents worth in here. But I reckon, it might end up being four or five cents. We'll just have to wait and see. First off, sure, I was offended by this, like I'm sure by reading several other posts here other people were. I was thinking to myself, what on earth? So now, we've gone back in time to when us women were supposed to be barefoot in the kitchen? Great... But then, I got to thinking, that mswebfreak is right. We don't know the reasons behind this post... we don't know the current situation and what's led up to it, so how can we judge? It's a lot easier to see this with the original poster as the bad person. It's a lot easier for us all to think, we'd never think something so narrow-minded... But the truth is, at one time or another we have. We've all done it, don't pretend you haven't. Granted, it's probably that you never posted something to this effect, but you've probably said it aloud, under your breath or at least though it. So, then, I've come to the point that mswebfreak so greatly picked up on - this is the VENT topic! It's for venting. That's why it's here. I'm assuming that post was a good outlet for the person to let go of some of that anger. Perhaps it even stopped a fight at home. You never know. It everyone took the time to vent out their anger in a topic like this, no matter how they do it (so long as it isn't breaking any forum rules of course) it could save a lot of grief in the real world. People can get there thoughts out for people to hear, they can cool down a little while they take the time to write it out. A lot can simmer down to a little with just a little time. A post in a VENT topic could easily allow for this sort of thing. So, maybe you people who are critisizing the original poster, are letting out anger too, over some feelings that you might have encountered during the past or just while you were reading the post. That is okay too. You as well are allowed to vent your feeling, just as I am doing now. And hey... didn't that post make you feel better? Even if just be a little bit? We'll chances are, it did to you and to the original poster of this board, which I would assume is the point of this sub-forum. Sorry for the rant... when I get going... I really get going. Now how many cents am I up to?
  15. I'm pretty new to this whole cpanel thing (I've just looked around it a few times, and really don't know what half of the things are for, or how to use them), but I can tell you that I'm getting the same error messages as you. I wasn't too concerned, because one of the stats pages is working, and it seems to be a complete one...I'm not sure if that helps you at all, but at least you can know it's not only yours that is giving those error messages out.
  16. This is all way too creepy. It's like I'm being spied on and I don't even know about it. I had no idea what is going on in these computers and the more I hear, the less I like, not that I can do anything about it. I know too that since I had to rent this computer off the college, when they get it back, they'll probably know every little thing I've done on this computer.I haven't done anything illegal, so that wouldn't be a problem, but just knowing that someone else could go through my personal files (even if I delete them) is kind of scary.Whatever, the marvels of technology...
  17. I read these songs, and always wish that I knew the tune to which you wrote them. Still, I find myself singing along to them in a tune I'm making up as I go. Still, if I do find myself singing along to it, you must have done a nice job! So way to go!
  18. I wish I could get the updates... there have been times when my computer asks for one of the service packs, and since I don't have it, I can't end up doing what I want with my system.We were told at school not to download the service packs as well, because it will mess with the network at school or something, so I don't want that to happen. It's just a disappointment when I want to use a feature that the computer should have had, but could be added with the pack that I'm not allowed to download.Oh well. I'm probably better off this way, as I haven't wrecked my computer *too* many times
  19. Yea, I don't have a problem with the ads on the site, then again I'm a highspeed customer, so it doesn't effect my times really. But seeing as it is helping to pay for this site and keep our free hosting up, I say keep it up! So long as it is helping Trap, it is helping us all in the long run.As for the getting rid of all the mods... I'm not really sure what that was all about either, so I wouldn't mind a little explanation there as well
  20. Hi! Welcome to Xisto! I'm fairly new myself, but I love what I've seen so far with this place. Not only is it amazing hosting as promised, but the people here rock as well!I'm sure they can help you if you ever have a question!I can't wait to read some of those posts you are talking about and get to know you a little better while we're at it :(Anyway, best of luck with your site when you do get that hosting
  21. Yea, I did the same thing to get an invite, but it was through a different site. I think it was called the gmail spooler or something like that. You just request an invite there, and they'll send one out to you. It also tells you how many are available to be given out at the time and allows for you to donate extra invites there as well.
  22. Okay, so I found the thing in my reports that says that the googlebot found my site on May 14th, so now does that mean I just have to wait until it gets listed in google? Or should that have been done automatically? I've checked google for my site and it isn't there yet. I also submitted my link to google today (before I knew how to check if the googlebot found my site) but I don't know if that'll make a difference.
  23. I just asked my resident gnome how to pronounce it, and he said 'nome'. Which was the way I've always said it, so he might have learned that one from me. Oh yea, and if you didn't know, my resident gnome is of the dryer gnome variety. He lives inside my dryer and steals my socks - but never a full pair. Just odd ones here and there.
  24. Hey! Welcome! So glad you were able to find this great place. Not only is the hosting amazing (and I don't even know what half of the stuff you can do with it is!) but the people are just as great. Everyone is helpful and kind and I'm sure you'll love to talk to these people as much as you'll love hosting your site here. Don't worry about the credits... so long as you keep active in the forums, you'll be fine But you do have to keep active past the initial 30 credits, because if your credits get too low then your account will get suspended. Just letting you know, incase you didn't already. So, yea, have fun, look around, and if you are looking for something to get addicted to, ask someone about the Army System... or just check it out yourself. I can't pull myself long enough away to get much work done. (In fact, I find myself alt+tabbing it back and foreth to the game just to check up on it lol...) Here's the link if you want to check it out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (No, I'm not pushing a link for my own personal gain... that link goes to a site run by the people who run this site, they just had to move the game to it's own site because the traffic to it was killing this one). That's about all. Hope to see you around the forums
  25. I get a sense of deja vu, but not while I'm doing something, but while I'm remembering what I did. It's odd. Like I'd watch a movie for instance, and it could even be a new one in theater, and then the next day when I'm thinking about it I get this overwhelming feeling that I had watched that movie some other time before. I know I couldn't possibly have watched it, because it was just in theaters but it still makes me feel that way.It happens for other things too, but for some reason, after the fact. It is a strange feeling, and does get me very curious as to what it's all about. I sort of wish I could feel it more often, like that might help me to solve it. But then again, it kind of scares me, so I'm not sure if I do indeed want to feel it more.I haven't felt it lately, so I figure it has to be coming.(Wouldn't it be strange if I got a sense of deja vu while writing this? But it couldn't happen that way. I'd have to wait until later, when I'm thinking about what I wrote to feel it. Some things are odd that way.)Has anyone else felt deja vu in this manner? I'm curious to hear what more of you have to say on the subject!
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