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Everything posted by xpress

  1. Hmmm...I am using an assembled PC. Different parts from different vendors. Pentium4 processor, Mercury case etc...I don't like branded PCs, because these branded PCs are very costly and difficult to upgrade. They cost almost twice to the assembled pc. If I have to go for a branded computer....that will be my laptop. I may go for HCL for laptop. It is somewhat cheap and good.
  2. Hmmm....I want to complet three books this month. Gray Hat Hacking....second edition. A book about grey hat hacking or ethical hacking. Stealing the network..How to own a shadow...very interesting. and The Life Of Swami Vivekanada...part1....
  3. If you want to go for a paid one, I recommend you phpDesigner. This is really nice one. You can use to edit not only php but also many other languages as well. Download 21 days free trail from here php designer download or if you want a free editor try Komodo Edit....It is also one of the best php editors. It has two versions. Komodo IDE and Komodo Edit.....Komodo edit is free one. download it from here komodo edit download But, I don't know whether the free edition Komodo Edit includes debugging support. Give it a try.
  4. We can't compare PHP with the java and .net. PHP is the language used for web development only.(PHP GTK is there for desktop applications, but not that much powerful). But Java and .Net can be used to develop a small website to an Enterprise application. PHP is suitable for small to medium websites. But if the project is really large, then an Enterprise development environment is needed. Because not only deployment but development environment should also be taken into considerations. PHP may look faster because, we are testing only small php scripts, not large applications. The difference can be seen with large applications. An applet is a small java program. It has nothing to do with JSP and servlets(the java server pages, server side language of java). You can embed an applet in html..No server needed and it runs on client side . And a java plugin needed. But JSP is different. So as .Net. You don't need to have java or .Net installed on your computers. Because, it runs on server side. Java and .Net have richset of libraries and APIs. And are very very powerful than PHP. You can understand this with a simple example. Why companies use Java or .Net to develop their projects (even it is web application)? PHP is open source, easy to learn and train. so it is very cheap option available to them. But why they don't use it? Because of the flexibilty and power of those two development environments. I don't mean PHP is not powerful. PHP is powerful and secure and cheap. But it has some limitations. Basically I am a java developer, but I like PHP very much.
  5. Now, we can't even imagine a world without mathematics. No Mathematics...No Technology, so No Development. This development would be impossible. So......without mathematics, there is no computer, no mobile, no internet, no astronomy and simply no physics. Everything needs mathematics....even biology. If there is no computer and no internet......so no Trap....and finally no discussion on this topic....
  6. Do you mean it at Xisto? Yes. It is possible. You can host even 500MB website. But you need to keep posting in our forums (of course, no spam...only quality posting) to maintain your hosting here. You'll get the best free hosting here. Come join us...A great community is here and will clarify any doubt of you.
  7. OK. I will explain it with this following code only( The code in your reference website) The following code is part of the body. <ul id="cssdropdown"><li class="headlink"> <a href="mine.html?search_engines">Search Engines</a> <ul> <li><a href="http://google.com/">Google</a></li> <li><a href="http://yahoo.com/">Yahoo</a></li> <li><a href="http://live.com/">Live Search</a></li> </ul> </li> <li class="headlink"> <a href="mine.html?shopping">Shopping</a> <ul> <li><a href="http://amazon.com/">Amazon</a></li> <li><a href="http://ebay.com/">eBay</a></li> <li><a href="http://craigslist.com/">CraigsList</a></li> </ul> </li></ul>This code should be placed in the body of your page. That is between <body></body> tags. You can place it anywhere in the body, as per your needs. This is just for testing. Next code is Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) code. This must be placed between the <style> </style> tags. These style tags should placed in the head part. So paste this code between <head> and </head> tags. <style type="text/css"> li.headlink ul { display: none; } li.headlink:hover ul { display: block; }</style> Now save the page, and open it with browser like firefox and you will see the drow down menu(very simple, you need to customize it, if you want a professional look). But, the above code won't work in Internet Explorer. So you need to write a java script code to make it work in Internet Explorer. That is the third part of the code given in that website. The javascript also will be placed in between <head> tags. Use the following code <script type="text/javascript> window.onload = function(){ var lis = document.getElementsByTagName('li'); for(i = 0; i < lis.length; i++) { var li = lis[i]; if (li.className == 'headlink') { li.onmouseover = function() { this.getElementsByTagName('ul').item(0).style.display = 'block'; } li.onmouseout = function() { this.getElementsByTagName('ul').item(0).style.display = 'none'; } } }}</script>and place this code between the <head> and </head> tags along with CSS code. So, the code of the page looks like this. <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript> write your javascript code here. </script> <style type="text/css"> write your CSS code here </style> </head> <body> <!-- your body part of code --> </body></html> Now you will see a drop down menu that will work in all browsers. Hope you understand the explanation, if these are the details you want. If not, post your question in detail and I will explain it.
  8. Google Apps is a service from Google to let you use your domain names with many Google products like gmail, Google Docs,Google talk etc... For example you can use your own domain name to provide gmail service to your site members. This may look like membername@yoursite.com. Goolge apps users can login into their mail at google apps page and can use it like normal gmail account. They can chat, send mails etc...but the domain is yours. Standard edtion of Google apps is free. You'll get 100 gmail accounts with standard editon. Same storage like normal gmail accounts with text ads. Goto google apps page to register or for more details.
  9. In my opinion GMail is the best. I am using both GMail and Yahoo for different purposes. But I like the GMail most. GMail has many advantages over yahoo. Some of them are, Simple look: GMail looks very simple and has attractive User Interface. And works very fast once you loaded inbox. No need to check again and again for new mails. It will automatically take care of itself. Integrated Chat: GMail provides chatting directly through our browsers window from your mailbox. Yahoo also added this service recently, but it needs Flash Plugin and you need to sign in for chat again. Spam Portection: GMail's spam filtering works very well. Of course Yahoo also had spam filtering. But GMails is better. Because, Most of my important mails are going to spam folder in Yahoo. But that didn't happen to me with gmail till now. Less Advertisements: GMail will show you a small number of advertisements, that too text ads. But yahoo will show more graphical ads. Free POP3: GMail is providing the POP3 access free. So you can download mails directly to your favourtie mail client on your system. But you need to pay for that service in yahoo. Yahoo has a paid version for more features...But gmail is free.... And many more reasons. So, I prefer GMail than Yahoo.
  10. Yeah I agree. But I am not saying to stop using Security Suites. What I mean is, these Internet Security Suites are costly. But they are not providing the perfect security. Free Softwares also providing that much of security. So, my point is, If the free softwares can provide that much security, then why should we pay for these Security suites? And I agree with you about the patches. Some times these patches will cause problems, and they need patches. Patches need patches to solve the problems created by these patches...really funny.
  11. Yeah, I already read this article. Symantec is the winner of their tests. But none of them are perfect. I don't really believe in these Internet Security suites. Most of them are really can't provide the optimal security for the users. They are waste of our money. And it was proved. I think staying with free softwares will save money for people. They will provide the same level protection. For example, instead of paying for a complete security suite we can install a good free Antivirus like Avira, a free Spyware detector like Ad-Aware and a firewall like Kerio Personal Firewall or Ashampoo firewall. They will provide most of the security proivded by these so called Internet suites. And applying atleast major security patches regularly will also gives users more security.
  12. The next version of windows will be Windows 7. "Windows Vienna" was the code name for this project. And Microsoft recently changed it to Windows 7. As per some sources Windows 7 will be the final name for its next product(Windows 7 was also code name, but many people saying that Microsoft confirmed recently that Windows 7 is the final name for its next OS). Microsoft is planning to ship this version Windows 7 in 2010. Windows 7 will be built on some Vista's foundations just like its Server 2008. Some of the major changes in Windows 7 are Kernel, Virtualization and Sensors. Microsoft is also improving User Account Control. Microsoft has created a new application User Interface for Windows 7. It is codenamed Scenic. It will give applications a new look and feel. And it is customizable also. The special shell folders(like music, documents etc.) are renamed to Libraries. Some other changes are Support To mutli-touch technologies, Removing the sidebar, Small number of bundled applications and changing its Windows Security Center's name to Windows Solution Center and added new monitors. This Windows Solution Center will also monitor backup, troubleshooting etc... Windows 7 will include Internet Explorer 8, Windows Media Player 12, Windows Media Center and Latest Microsoft Paint softwares. And many sources are saying that Windows 7 will use less RAM and other resources compared to Vista. Hope Windows 7 will rock like Windows XP.
  13. Usually Nokia is popular for its quality, tech support and battery life. And also very flexible. You can find thousands of 3rd party applications available for Nokia phones. So, you can customize your phone, and convert it into your personal assistant, music player etc...And you can find Nokia services centers everywhere. Sony Ericsson is popular for its sound quality. If you are music lover, than no other phone gives that much of music experience you have with Sony. And many 3rd party applications are available for Sony also, but not as much as Nokia. Motorola gives best features for low cost. But not that much flexible. You'll find less 3rd party applications when compared to the other two. LG is the cheap option available. very low cost, and more features. But I think LG is not that much reliable. Nokia dominates all other mobiles in our country.
  14. My most favourite movies are The Matrix Triology. Matrix is my all time favourit movie. The first part, The Matrix is my most favourite. And the climax is really superb. Knowing thyself is the theme of this movie. Nothing can be created nor destroyed. Neo understand this, and eventually became immortal. The training of Neo is very inspiring. And about the second part The Matrix Reloaded, Fights are really excellent. This part doesn't have an ending. It continues to the third part. The bike riding scene of Trinity in this movie is excellent. And the third and final part, The Matrix Revolutions, is very good. He choose to fight with Smith, to save ZION from Machines. He knows he can only fight with Smith and save zion from machines. And he succeded in his task, by sacrificing his life at the end. Excellent action episodes are plus points for this triology. The Gladiator. It is one of the best movies I had ever seen. The best theme i like in the movie is leadership. A great Warrior became a slave unfortunately, the way he lead the team in Gladiatories and for his country are marvellous. We can learn how a leader looks like from this movie. Spider Man series. Spiderman is my hero since my child hood. I used to watch all comic series in TV. Now its movies turn. I like the third part very much. It has the inner theme about friendship. His friend sacrifice his life for spiderman. I like that particular scene verymuch. The Day After Tomorrow Nice story, nice sentiment between father and his son. Excellent graphics etc...turn this movie into one of my favourites.
  15. We need some powerful Open Source antivirus for Windows. If there is some project, I will definitely volunteer to make it best and more powerful. I read somewhere that, two Pakistani guys made (or invented) the first virus in the world.
  16. It uses the same IE engine. Nothing related to network hack. So, you can only see the website you are allowed to(that is, you can access only websites you can view with other browsers). To access other websites that were blocked try a proxy website. For example go to guardster free proxy site. If this website is not blocked in your network, then you can access almost any website. Just type in the website you want to go in the given address field, and the website will be displayed for you.(Anonymous access). Of course accessing websites through proxy have some limitations. But works nice. If guardster is blocked, then google for "proxy websites" and you may find someone that works for you. Just try.
  17. Thanks bittr, I have some similar doubts. You saved me from lot of typing. I have another question. Does this means, if I register an account at Xisto forums with the same email address I registered here, and started posting at Xisto forums, the amount will be added to my Xisto - Support account? Does this means, I can be active at the two forums simultaneously? Anyway, very interesting additions with the version 3 of credit system. I am very happy.
  18. Yes, I had seen many. When I opened a site, suddenly a pop up appear says that, my computer had infected by dangerous viruses or it has some critical errors. Really they are annoying. They are fake and meaning less. They didn't scan our system, and even can't access it. But the ads shows that, we have viruses and errors and need to buy their software. This is cheating. But I never thought that users fall for that. Hmmm....In the past, they were victims of only viruses, but nowthey were victims of antiviruses also. I don't think installing a complete security suite will solve all the problems. And these so called security suites are costly also. The free antiviruses are not providing complete security. They are just providing basic security, and advertising their other products. And forcing us to buy their complete security suites or we'll be attacked by so and so viruses and hackers. Innocent people falls for that. The only solution is awareness, more awareness among users. And the more interest they have in security, the more safe they will be.
  19. Usually most of the time I search on google for Ebooks and coursese. Mostly on network security and Hacking, my favourite subject. And sometimes I search for new softwares and latest mp3 songs, torrents, softwares for my mobile and many more.
  20. Why don't you try the FireBoard once, which I mentioned in my above post. No bridge needed for that. Just give it a try. No bridge problems. If you don't like it, then switch to another.
  21. Who likes dial up? Everyone hates it. I used dialup for 4 years. It gives me the worst experience. And about the phones bills, my god. They were nightmares for me. And I tried to connect from my mobile phone. And that too slow. Hours and hours for even a small file. The only best experience is, due to its worst speed, I learned many things and found some useful softwares to speed up my connection. Recently, I changed to Broadband(ADSL) connection. The speed is upto 2mbps. Amazing. I never thought that internet could be this much exciting. Downloads in minutes. Super fast browsing. And many......I Love Broadband. And I hate dialup.
  22. Hi SM! Did you problem solved? if solved, then I will also submit a support ticket. Submitting ticket is the only way we can do? No alternatives that we can solve ourselves?
  23. Hmmm......You asked for an entire web development course in a single question I don't know much about templates. But I will tell you something about HTML, PHP and MySql. First, How does HTML work with PHP. Actually HTML doesn't work directly with PHP. PHP is a server side scripting language, like javascript which is for client side. A scripting language actually does something in response to an event(s). Since PHP is server side language, first we need a Web Server, to process the PHP code and PHP language and its libraries. We embed the PHP code into HTML page with <?php and ?> tags. The code will be on the server side. The client cannot see that. When a user requested a page with PHP, the server executes the PHP code, and will show the result in HTML page. That is the html part in the PHP page will be displayed. To make it simple, I will give you an example. For example, you want to develop login page into some xyz.com site. So, the login page has two fields...username and password and a button to submit them. Let the page be login.html. The fileds username, password and submit are a part of a form in the login.html page. The form generates the event(I already told you, scripting language needs an event to start) when you click submit button. The form has an option(action what to do). When you click the submit button it executes the action. Since you want to login, let the action be processlogin.php. That means, when you click the submit button, the processlogin.php page will be initiated at the served and the username and password will be sent to it. (Sending information to server invloves two methods GET and POST. They are somewhat technical. So I will explain them simply. When you click the button, if you can see the username and password in your browsers address bar it is GET request. If they don't appear at address bar it is POST request.) First let us assume our login.html page will do the following things. 1. It displays the fields username, password and submit button. 2. If the userclicks the submit button, it sends the username and password to processlogin.php page. So, let us come to the server side. Assume our processlogin.php page will do the following things. 1. First it receives the username and password. 2. It connects to the database. (MySql, for example) 3. It verifies the username and password pair. 4. If the pair matches it gives you welcome message. Or if it fails, it will tell you invalid username or password. 5. Disconnect from database. How PHP connects to the database? PHP has some methods to connect to database, for example mysql_connect. Using this method mysql connects to some database we specify. After that PHP executes some query at database(using mysql_query method. For example, assume this query select * from logindetails where name='username'). Let us call it result. Next our PHP code compares the username and password with the result. As per the result, it executes the 4th step. That is it displays the HTML part of our processlogin.php page. And it will disconnect from database. simple.... I tried my best to make it simple and general rather than technical. If you know something about database and HTML you'll understand it easily. If you can't understand anything or something, ask me and I am glad to expalin it in detail.
  24. I agree. We can't even imagine about the future of mobile phones. They are improving that much fast. Already many third party applications are available to access your desktop. Of course. Limited functionality. In the near furure, definitely we can access the system completely. .Mobile is already a part of our life. In the future, it will become a part of our body. I don't think it will take 20 years for that. In the future mobile phones can respond to our mood. It will be our personal assistant(with thinking capability).
  25. XP is really a big success for Microsoft. Vista is not that much. And XP is the most reliable Operating System from them.Vista sucks...really. I don't like it. Too much graphics. Microsoft stopping Windows XP sales? May be...We should wait for their next OS...Windows7 or some thing..Many predictions are there that, it will use very low resources....Vista is useless.
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