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Everything posted by BuffaloHelp

  1. I realized that the reason some people speak so loudly into their cell phone is due to lacking this feature. When you speak into a home telephone, the microphone echoes back to the speaker which is reverberated to your ear. So you know how loud you are speaking. Believe it or not, to make cell phones lighter and smaller that little feature is not present in most of cell phones today. And since you cannot hear yourself well, when you block one of your ears with the darn cell phone, you tend to yell... it's a vicious cycle.I'd like to see this one small yet very practical improvement to cell phones. There's nothing like having a lunch break and listening to neighbor table's conversation, that?s half way across the room, about his kidney stones and the pain associated with passing them?
  2. Oh KuBi, you're slipping man! The topic started here already http://forums.xisto.com/topic/26216-new-worm-m-users-be-warned-worm-zotobd-and-worm-rbotcbq/ I'm not sure which one members would prefer to reply. It's up to them. But let's stick to the thread that already started. When this is all over, this topic should be unpinned.
  3. But girls sure put an evil spell on me, however. What is it about them that makes me go to the length to earn their approval? I once slept outside of her house because she told me she would get back to me with an answer. She didn?t come back to tell me until the next morning. I froze my gonads off that night... and for that, they are EVIL! Can you sense the bitterness? HA HA HAPS, by the way nice job resurrecting the buried topic.
  4. You missed the pinned topic to this forum, huh? Please refer to this post http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and never to make related topic, again. Topic closed.
  5. Excellent suggestion. Until OpaQue approves the idea, I don't see why members cannot post Linux or Unix based topics in Computers > Software > Operating Systems section. And if a subsection is designated, administrators and moderators will move all relative posts to that area. But in the mean time, keep bringing in some interesting topic discussions to Operating Systems. Thank you.
  6. Please do not snap on another member. It is important and it is the forum rule that you post using correct spellings and proper grammar. So you should try to care. We have few members who got banned for this.Thank you.
  7. Contact your broadband service provider and they should have it on CD to be distributed. Those are little bit older models of cable modem and it's only available through the actual supplier (which is not open to public except directly through a distribution line). By the way, moving this topic from Operating Systems to Software
  8. Hello utkirbeke,Glad to have you aboard! And I think your English is just fine. If you find writing in English is bit challenging, just write them in simple sentences. It always works for me :)Uzbekistan, that's formal part of old Russia right? I believe you are the first Uzbekistanian to join this forum. I hope you find many resources that are here to help you as a webmaster. If there's something you need to be coded, simply ask and many of our talented people will assist you. I have seen some very impressive web-codings here.Once again, welcome to Xisto.
  9. Welcome Kid_Courageous.Xisto is very unique and I know you will make yourself right at home very soon. There are some useful links I provided on my signature. If there are additional questions, please feel free to contact moderators.You said you were interested in being a reseller at the shoutbox. If it's something that Xisto and OpaQue (the general manager and the owner of this site) can help your quest, simply PM OpaQue to seek what you need.Welcome aboard!
  10. Your site will be suspended from viewing. But you can still access your site via FTP or cPanel. It's just that no one can see your site (and probably they will see "sorry but this site has reached the limit for this month" or something like that) until the reset of your bandwidth count following month. If you see yourself over the allowed bandwidth limit 1) make sure it is the good kind (if the server admin sees as something you should not be doing your account will be terminated) 2) OpaQue knows that no one really need more than what is provided but if you really do, contact him directly and address your issue.
  11. epox, This is the exact behavior that led you to your first warning. I've asked not to post Japanese on the shoutbox but you ignored me. And I would have gotten rid of your warning but you were warned again from another moderator Well wait another 30 days . It's not that you cannot speak English or English isn't your first language, it's the fact that TOS calls for all of us to post in English because this forum happens to communicate in English. Your English skill wasn't the factor in waging the warning assessment but it was simply to keep within the board rules. Okay? This will be your last time you should post including in non-English. I'll see you in 30 days. Be good now!
  12. You're welcome.Problem resolved and topic closed.
  13. Topic answered--closing thread.(Re: my dog--thank you, I got him as a gift 3 months ago and he is now able to run around the yard)
  14. It's hard to pin-point exactly what caused a temporal disruption of your hosting service, but it's fixed now and it's up and running fine. By the way, great looking site.Sometimes when a database is being used, either by OpaQue for upgrading features or abused by another hosting member, the server will have difficulties in keeping up with other connect demands. Please be patient. As you noticed, it was right back up in 15 minutes. I don't think any free web hosting companies can provide such robust services, let alone even some paid hosting companies.When you require higher bandwidth than what you already have, try upgrading to package 2 if you have package 1. Package 2 offers 150mb of space with 5gb of bandwidth. It will cost 30 hosting credits for you to upgrade. Just fill out the Free Web Hosting Upgrade application.Thank you.
  15. Hey SharpShooter22,Welcome to Xisto, home of the best Forum Community and the best Free Web Hosting! You will find so many interesting topics to place your thoughts on or simply create a new one to view other's opinion.I have placed some links that might help you answering few questions. I hope these are useful. They are located in my signature. If there are questions besides what I have place, please feel free to contact me or any other moderators and we will be happy to assist you.Thank you and have a look around!
  16. You were approved for free hosting. But since you applied for top domain name (and I'm assuming you don't have your .com name purchased) your site won't be available.What you need is to request for domain name change, should you wish to continue to have free hosting, from yourRequestedname.net to yourName.trap17.com. This will provide you with free subdomain name.I'm also correcting a word in the topic title. Changing from "How Could I Owe A Free .com" to "How Could I Own A Free .com"
  17. I haven't supported question regarding deletion of an account. But when you type your page is no longer found. So, I suppose you deleted your hosting properly.Remember this, however, you are still a [HOSTED] member in this forum. Your credits will continue to decrease day by day. Don't forget to apply for your new hosting as soon as possible.Thank you.
  18. Yes. When you are approved from Xisto, you must use subdomain name Xisto. Please try again.Moving this topic to Questions & Queries (please direct all your questions in that section).
  19. Please refer to pinned topic on: Free Web Hosting > Have your say > Support and Feedback > Suggestions Pinned post http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ provides further explanation to why EDIT is no longer available to general members. This thread is closed. Thank you everybody for insightful inputs. Edit: Please do not create additional topic regards to Edit feature/button.
  20. It's the best professionally designed website from a younger person I've ever seen. I think I made my comment regarding your site long time ago--my jaw dropping and cannot compose myself...etcIf I didn't know your age, I swear I would've thought that it came from a large company who hired team of designers to compile professional yet trendy site. You say you don't do graphics, but what about the graphics you use it for the background? Are they edited by you? I've seen your past designed and they are all FRESH--very clean cut and undisturbing yet still holds anchor to the whole layout of the page.By the way, your current site doesn't sit long enough for me to see. It redirects to http://forums.xisto.com/ page. Are you blocking my IP???
  21. HA HA HAWhen this topic was posted I'm pretty sure no one really thought anyone would reach that high. Well as we all know we have two members that surpassed the 2K mark (well into 2300's) and two other members who are between 1900's and 1000's. So, the question is will the naming of high post members continue? Why not give them a member level name of their own, such as "The League of their own" or "The Class Act" How about "You can't touch this", "Too High" or "Trap Senior"?
  22. Hello and welcome to Xisto, Astireloth.There are many important posts you should read to understand our forum rules and TOS (terms of service) and I have placed them in my signature area--I hope they are useful :PHapkido, huh? How long have you been practicing this martial art? I have been pretty diligent on Tae Kwan Do, Kick-boxing and Judo. It helps me to concentrate for I am very scatter-brained. Any tournaments you participated?Well, enjoy your stay (lol it's like checking into a hotel or something) and feel free to ask questions. That?ll be $85.95 plus tax per night, please?
  23. I'm assuming the misalignment of the menu text? Try this for a size <html><head><meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en"><meta name="rating" content="general"><TITLE>XenonHack</TITLE><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"></HEAD><body BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF><CENTER><TABLE WIDTH=762 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0><TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="http://ukds0.tripod.com/mariocircuit/header.gif" WIDTH=762 HEIGHT=217 ALT=""><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="762" id="AutoNumber1"> <tr> <td align="center" BACKGROUND="http://ukds0.tripod.com/mariocircuit/background1.gif" width="157">LINK </td> <td align="center" BACKGROUND="http://ukds0.tripod.com/mariocircuit/background2.gif" width="448">CONTENT</td> <td align="center" BACKGROUND="http://ukds0.tripod.com/mariocircuit/background3.gif" width="157">CONTENT</td> </tr> </table> </TD></TR><TR><TD> <IMG SRC="http://ukds0.tripod.com/mariocircuit/footer.gif" WIDTH=762 HEIGHT=49 ALT=""> </TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER></BODY></HTML> What you had was the text LINK, CONTENT, CONTENT in separate table. Whenever you need to have text aligned with the background image, it's a good idea to place a general table (global table) then subdivide within that general table to align your text. What I did was I inserted a 1 row, 3 column table then I aligned them using ALIGN argument. I think you'll find that it's easier this way. If you want to align even further, insert a table within the table I placed and you can align however you'd like.
  24. This is turning out to be one man thread... closing topic.
  25. Oh I see, you would like to place ads that will benefit Xisto. And you are willing to place it among other ads in your site...?I think only OpaQue can answer that for you. Please feel free to PM him regarding this matter, as he is the beneficiary to said affair.
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