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Everything posted by Chesso

  1. I like the design of it but full size it seems rough around the edges, has it been stretched or is it originally like that?I like the shadowing sort of effect or mirroring I suppose it would be.
  2. Where did you find the release notes? I used auto update and checked out their main page and it still had on it and it's release notes?I guess perhaps I got the update just when they had put it up eh.
  3. I'm pretty sure most if not all database software accepts pretty much the exact same syntax or close to it. I would say UPDATE is what you are looking for, it basically let's you change a field in a table to my knowledge to say update a int value incrementaly and such.INSERT would allow you to insert a new field in the table or record either way, by id or if the table has an auto_incremental primary key then it would do it automatically.I don't know of ALTER though? it sounds like it does the same thing as UPDATE? (Either way updating or altering your'e changing the original so what would be the difference between the two? there shouldn't be....)
  4. Google is pretty good but Babelfish if I remember correctly has more options. I'm not entirely sure on that but I remember needing to use Babelfish as opposed to Google and such because of it.Otherwise i'd say Google is better.
  5. All the same it's a nice tutorial, I just use plain includes myself rather then anything overdone or fancy but I don't really have to worry about anything ciritical being broken into.
  6. Windows was written in C++ beause it is not enviroment specific. Languages like Borland's Delphi and Visual Basic are for purely programming under Windows.How hard disks and Windows work is fairly simple to explain. Windows stuffs crap on your hard disk, when you delete it Windows will simply mark these areas as *writable*. So when you need to fill some more space in it may overwrite deleted data. Hence why it is sometimes possible to recover deleted data.
  7. But if you can provide better support and services then you may well be more then entitled to have the fee hiked up a bit.I'll tell you right now though, being sucessfull in a reselling business is not easy, not if you plan on pushing it far as you can. Iv'e done a little bit of reading on the subject and know a few people that have tried to do it several times but ended up flopping.Not saying it can't be done (obviously it can) but I doubt you'll get anything out of it or it even be worth the effort unless you really want it.
  8. It's nice to see realistic story's like this, bit of a success story and obviously he and others went through quite a bit to get there too, certainly well deserved.I have been unsure of how Xisto and Xisto linked together so to speak since I first found my way here and this does make things a little clearer.Great work everyone involved an i'm sure everyone here is would be very proud of OpaQue for not packing it in.NOTE: Iv'e just scrolled right back up and noticed this is old, hope nobody minds.
  9. I can't seem to find anything on my full name (Including middle name) but I can see plenty of results without my middle name, my first name is very common (Christopher) and last name is fairly common.
  10. Might as well put mine too.Well lately I have been listening to a fair bit of Techno, Dance and Trance variants etc but my always favourite band is the "Beastie Boys".Some of you might remeber their Intergalatic song with the three guys in orange suits and a big robot roming around the streets heh heh.
  11. You always have to take a persons past efforts into consideration, if he has done nothing wrong before and much good, why would he go and break the rules on purpose?I find the message sent rather rude in a "i'm smarter then you kind of way" and he sent an additional message a mere 2 days later, not everyone is on the internet on every place they visit everyday.....Rules are rules but if someone doesn't challenge them they'll never change eh? I didn't much like his response though either.
  12. The annoying thing is, if you replace too many core components of your PC, e.g. you upgrade your motherboard, cpu and memory, Windows XP will refuse to start, similar to said above.And guess what Microsoft will tell you? To buy another copy, yeah pay more money for using the same product on the same machine, how pathedic.I had this problem a few months back, I didn't buy another copy though and I won't go into what I did but suffice to say I felt I had every right to.I had no idea you could purchase one copy for several machines though, I guess you get 5 different activation keys or something? You should be able to just order them online or something it would be benefecial to some people, say a large business but I suppose they have options for that too.
  13. I like yordan's idea, especially if it is only a small business type thing, for example a local computer store with an online website. This way you could avoid people hacking your websites database.I'm not sure on what should be used to get this done though, there has to be something around that can do it. Perhaps try asking in the PHP/MySQL section of the forums?
  14. There's nothing wrong with EasyPHP at all, I use it for testing and even for some users to access tests of some of my site and general script building. It has PHP, MySQL, Apache and PHPMyAdmin all bundled and is quite easy to use. Once you have EasyPHP started try going to localhost in your browser. If you are building up a site try putting it into the WWW folder of EasyPHP for example: PathToEasyPHP/WWW/YourSite. If you have an index.htm, .html or .php then just simply put in your browser LOCALHOST/YourSite/ and it should go directly to the main page. This way you can also have many different sites set up. If you need any help learning PHP and MySQL I might be able to help you out, I'll also keep an eye out for some good sites for learning, search Google for PHPFreaks, I visit there quite often and they are very helpful. EDIT: Also if you do end up learning PHP, do some searching on the include command of PHP it is very usefull, much like using borderless iframes but it injects the source of the file directly at that point.
  15. I don't know about here in Australia, i'm just a hobbiest software developer and web developer in general. I know a few friends that have been hired as web designers that make some decent money but that's about it.I haven't seen any jobs for this field..... none at all to be honest. But I don't have $1000 to take courses for certificates that are probably outdated.My other half right now is doing an IT course, and one of the assigments asks for an explanation on settings up and installing an Apple Printer that was disconinuted two years after it's first release in 1986 and was primarliy for businesses only at a cost of arounf $1000.Otherwise I have no idea what's it like here in Australia, but I don't know a single person in this country in my entire life that makes software..... perhaps someone else from Australia knows more about this?
  16. Perhaps there's nothing old about the rest of his hardware?I use a 17inch IBM monitor, not the newest thing out but anything higher then 800x600 resolution makes everything far to small too even see close up without straining.... so what's the point in that?I honestly think 800x600 is a perfect medium, there are only some issues with games that like 1024x768 by default but they don't look too bad and as long as your monitor supports it of course (World Of Warcraft for example).The only problem I can think of right now is the fact that alot of video card drivers (nVidia from what I have seen) when installed tend to make my video display always be at 1024x768 again. That might be based on the capabilities of the Monitor/Graphics Card though so i'm not sure.And yes, you definitely do not want to have a 60hz refresh rate, 75hz at the very least I would say but that's just my preference.What hardware do you currently have?
  17. I'm not sure how that would be done, but if a user has several machines in the same home that they use for what ever reason, I don't see why they should have to pay for X amount of copies of the same thing instead of one.The EULA should be expanded to allow multiple copies in use (perhaps at different times?) on more then one machine in the same home. Of course that would probably pose as a problem with how it would be done with Microsoft's shoddy attempts at OS activation online...
  18. Or the equally simple Delphi which applications can be compiled stand alone, removing the need for users to have a run time library installed.
  19. Ha, I bought a new printer that was unsupported only a few months later as they had released many new ones by then. New stuff is popping out all the time, but it's all minor incremental improvements.I think these companies should keep their mouths and wallets shut until they do something to really be considered an improvement.
  20. That's right all Operating Systems have masses of bugs and security problems and they always will.Windows is for people that don't want to screw around all day/week/month/year to get something productive done. Then again there are tons of developers for Windows obviously who know more then enough about computers.
  21. But Google has a calculator, trandslation, conversion tools and everything lol, image search etc.
  22. From what I could find it would seem around 3 months until the ranks start going up. Apparently it's inplace to help stop spammers, people that just make a site purely optimized with every keyword you can think of just for making money from AdSense etc.I never knew about this, it's nice to know though.
  23. I would have to agree, I have tried alot of that crap myself, but doing so manually to the point of perfection and got next to zip.One thing that I have found to be fairly true is that you do get better rankings if your'e url as it alot of other sites, especially ones that are already on good rankings.You have to think about content and accesability aswell, A website with mostly images and nothing else (not much textual content) will find it more difficult to get good rankings or even be listed.....
  24. Well I have been playing Gunz - Online a bit despite it being a very big pain in the butt.Iv'e been playing a little Neverwinter Nights aswell, I only ever got up to the second chapter somewhere around the start, but I lost my save data and it's a real pain to start from the beggining again so i'm just playing it bit by bit from time to time.
  25. Wow that's a long read, but you are right I do feel a little more motivated then I did before just by reading that. If you are going to explain some more techincal information about *actually* building a site, may I recommend a link to http://www.w3schools.com/ for those who want do it the best way or those that may need to manually change/fix something.Using frontpage and dreamweaver is fine but they bloat your documents pretty bad in some cases, but if this *article* sort of thing would be way too large if it went into detail on that one heh.
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