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Everything posted by wariorpk

  1. I personally think all the codes are good, even the ones I can't use. It would be cool if you could add a blue notepad for us normal members.
  2. Well, I like the colors of your forum and the fact that you used Invision. There is one problem though, you shouldn't force people to log in because I personally don't like to register for a forum until I know if I would have fun posting there. Good luck getting members and have fun posting.
  3. Thanks alot cmatcmextra that was a extrememly good explination. Now if I ever need to auto refresh a page I know where I should go.
  4. Bandwidth is an amount of data transfered over the net. They use this in webhosting so they don't waste all of the system resoursces. Some ISP's use this to limit how much system recources you use. I hope I cleared this up for you a little.
  5. Wow! Negative calorie foods, I have never heard of this. I've heard of healthy foods that help you keep your weight down but thats it. But I'm not surprised that foods like carrots would have negative calories.
  6. I personally don't really enjoy using windows xp. In fact, I don't really like xp because it crashes all the time. Its ok though I guess.
  7. Wow, thats pretty cool. Thanks alot I'll be sure to Google it later. Have fun posting.
  8. I prefer Invision there are many custimizations, modifications, and stuff like that. Invision 2.0 costs alot though.
  9. I unfortunately do not have an MP3 player, but I have heard from alot of people that the Ipod is the way to go.
  10. Thanks alot for this great tutorial. It should help me out alot. Happy foruming.
  11. I don't really see why it would assign a new drive letter. If it recongnizes the device it seems to me that it would stay the same. I recommend going to the manufactuor's site or the windows site.
  12. Anyone who needs up to 1 meg of space per picture and you need unlimited picture storage try ImageShack.
  13. I don't really think it is possible. I have also wondered about this. I hope you had better luck finding help than I did.
  14. Thank you. I have always wanted to make an animated GIF for forum signatures.
  15. I would go with cable depending on where you are because Comcast has upgraded some of its lines to speeds of 6mps which is extremely fast. If they don't have the upgraded lines in your area, or alot of people have cable on your block go with DSL. Also many more areas have cable.
  16. I have some advice for you guys who want to avoid school network policies. I learned that schools record everything you do on the computer. So I recommend you don't mess around with any settings. Other than that have fun posting.
  17. The best game I have ever played is Runescape. There is always something to do and there are updates all the time.
  18. This has happened to me before. I was going to a site to see if I didn't have any school, but instead I went to a site that just filled my comp up with spyware. Luckily I had the day off to run a few virus and spyware scans. Thanks for telling everyone.
  19. Thanks for the information. This helps alot. By the way how did you find this out anyway it seems like its not very obvious.
  20. MSN Messenger 7 was a beta version the last time I checked. It has a tone of new features. I think that MSN Messenger 7 isn't in beta anymore but I'm not sure.
  21. I still don't think this exists. In this day and age a Gigabyte for free is a really good deal. We won't get 1 terabyte free for a few years. You need a whole server to get 1 terabyte of space.
  22. These are three things that get me very mad:1. When my bandwith runs out since I use free hosting (this has not happened on Xisto though and I'm glad)2. When my favorite t.v. show gets cancled after a horrible fanalie3. When people who you see every day won't leave you alone
  23. I know what your talking about. Even sites with information we need for reports is blocked at my school so you guys have it pretty good. At my cousin's school they can go check your email, play online games, ect.
  24. I installed CuteNews on my hosting account and I can't figure out how I can put the news on my site. Can someone help? Thanks alot!
  25. I don't know which one is better. I would assume that Dreamweaver is better since everyone seems to like it better here. I use Frontpage cause I don't wanna buy a new program right now. If you have the money I would buy Dreamweaver.
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