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Everything posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. Yeah...a little slow with Hot News. I saw it nearly as it happened, but logging into Trap 17 and posting takes some time :lol:Politicians should stand up to North Korea! Sure, they have nukes and the such, but our military is great, and could probably get rid of any threat out there. The country that the United States would have a problem with (if we pissed them off) would be China.I'll tell you the truth, I hated all the clapping and remarks about the speech. God it's a speech, not a clapping party. He should have made the address through live TV at the white house, not with congress, so that the speech wouldn't consist of 70% clapping.
  2. I'm 99% sure that employers are required to pay a fine if they don't provide healthcare. As for the unemployed, I'm not completely sure, I'm reading as much of the bill as I can as fast as I can, but it takes a long time. If they do put you in jail, I'm sure your friends here at Xisto could arrange a bail bond. There's no way we can lose our #1 spammer.
  3. I got better by playing bass guitar every day. Learning on an instrument where the frets are double the size of Guitar Hero frets makes playing the game MUCH easier. As for solos, I just worked on songs until I pass them. Provided that a ton of the music on Guitar Hero 2 and 3 I listened to far before it came out (Metallica, Disturbed, Killswitch Engage, Slipknot), I knew the solos by heart before I even started playing the game. Guitar Hero is also much easier if you have a basic knowledge of music thoery.
  4. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And a video is: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I thought that this was quite funny, and Pelosi (the woman in red on the right)'s reaction was even better. You can tell that most of congress are liberals, from the commotion after the comment was made. The man that made these comments, Joe Wilson, had the balls to stand up to Obama in a nationally televised event. I think that there was nothing wrong with his comment, as it is demonstrating a freedom of speech. Sure it was rude and disrespectful, but he is allowed to speak his mind. Whether or not the bill provides coverage for illegals, it makes it easier for illegals to get healthcare. I have seen sources show it both ways, confirming Wilson's allegations, and rejecting them. And for people who say that such comments to the president of the United States is unprecedented, I can produce a long list of times that congress has make worse remarks to George Bush. So, do you think it was right for Joe Wilson to shout such a remark at President Obama, and do you think illegals will be able to get healthcare under such a reform?
  5. Exactly. I think health insurance should be used exactly in the way car insurance is used. You go for a physical, you pay the $60 or whatever, instead of your $5-$30 copay. If you need an operation or something major done, health insurance would take care of that. Imagine how much money would be saved. In an analogy of cars, wouldn't car insurance go up if it covered oil changes, tire replacement, and your 90,000 mile service? Sure it covers everybody, which I am not opposed everybody who wants insurance being covered, but I have heard major drawbacks. Long waiting lists for family doctors, waiting in hospitals for days for treatment. I read from Fox News that a Canadian woman was fed up of the care in Canada, came to the USA and got tests done at the Mayo clinic (one of the best clinics in the United States) and the doctors in Canada refused to look at the results. They kept her waiting for treatment (I believe it was cancer), and she ended up getting treated in the USA. I'm not saying the USA's system is perfect, the insurance companies are denying people coverage for the stupidest reasons, and in turn, people are dying, but I'd rather stick with private coverage. jlhaslip, I haven't ever gone to doctors offices or hospitals in Canada. Are they anything like what is being reported (long lines, waiting for family doctors)? Maybe you can give me insight, since what is being reported can be biased (in either direction) by who is reporting it on the news.
  6. Bull Crap. Obama, leave healthcare as it is, and don't screw it up anymore. Sure the system isn't perfect, but you are going to wreck it.
  7. I play on expert, but haven't really played (30 minutes or more) in about a year or two. It is really a waste of time, and I can get better at a real instrument in the time that most people spend playing those silly games.
  8. Why doesn't Microsoft talk about security on there? Or updates? Linux has many dedicated programmers that work on coding and can release updates fast, while Microsoft probably has a bunch of of overpaid programmers that sit in an office working on yet another OS, while Vista is far from perfect (hearsay since I don't have Vista). Sure Linux might not have all the latest games or applications, but unless you NEED them, it shouldn't be a heartbreaker.As for Best Buy, next time I'm there I'll talk to somebody there about looking for a computer so that I can run Linux.
  9. GarageBand is one of the best out there, but as far as I know, it is Mac only (unless you emulate OS X). For mixing and such, Audacity is great. It is free/open source, and very easy to use. I would sugest having over 1GB RAM for both programs, as they are both memory hogs (as are most audio/video programs).
  10. I'm running it on 256MB of RAM and it works perfectly fine. Might be a problem with a specific computer, or if you were running on 128MB of RAM.
  11. My backup browser is Opera, which was my normal browser until I found that a ton of my favorite FireFox addons didn't have a cousin in Opera. I actually like Opera (by itself vs FireFox by itself) better, but FireFox addons give it the upper hand for me.
  12. Nope. You need a PalPal credit card, or a bank account directly tied to the account. Otherwise there is no way t do it. You can confirm address and telephone number, but it still won't let you receive or send money. To just open the account, you need nothing. They require the credit card or the bank account to prevent illegal money laundering. Otherwise it would be very easy to do, since PayPal wouldn't be able to track it.
  13. I'm thinking of getting KAV 2010. The trial was nice, though I didn't have any viruses. Right now, I'm just running another trial and a freeware virus protection.
  14. I don't mind this theme, in fact I like it better than the blue theme, but I wouldn't mind a redesign. The only problem is that there are so many customizations to this current theme, that it would probably take the admins some time to make a new theme. And I agree, please no dark theme!
  15. I usually spend about 10 to 30 minutes a day here, an really don't mind it. Just a way for me to relax and talk with other website owners. Not really an addiction, just having fun.
  16. Writing it down is just stupid, especially if you write it down and put it in your wallet. What's the point of having one if they can just find it in a wallet. And you are one of the many people suffering from RAS syndrome. I suggest you contact your doctor.
  17. No, and in fact, I think you earn less. When I moved up in rank/posts I thought I earned less, but it is slightly less. With the old v2 credit system, the more posts you have, the harder it was to earn credits.
  18. What makes you say that OSX is the least secure? You have to have an administrator's password to install anything, and most viruses won't work on macs, since the process/application is easily detected and halted by a user.
  19. I would stay with SMF even if I had the money to switch. The lesser of the two evils for me is vBulletin, because it is very powerful, and because it has almost any MOD you can think of. The layout is nice as well.As for why I don't like vB, the admin panel is too confusing, the default theme is toilet-worthy, and some themes take a while to load.
  20. Sounds like on heck of a browser.I saw this topic, and was going to reply with "none", but S_M beat me to it. The safest that I know of is the iPhone's Safari, since it blocks nearly every filee download, as well as almost all Flash components.Whatever browser you use, just make sure it gets updated regularly.
  21. I guess I'm going to have to learn some 2.0 design then. Everything in 1.1.10 is hard coded, which makes it easier for me to work on it. In 2.0, everything is scattered in CSS files, and it confuses me. This week I'll dissect some 2.0 themes and see what I come up with. You might have to hire somebody else to make the theme in the end though.
  22. I am enjoying reading this topic. Seems to me that a bunch of members here are trying to get powers prematurely. Change we can't believe in. Really, how likely is it that if you have a warning log, or if you are brand new to the forum, that you will be a moderator right now?*Hums some Rage Against the Machine*
  23. Rayzoredge, you make a ton of good points there. The reason why I brought up the 8% unemployment, is to show not only that Obama is promising things that he can't keep, but also promising things that he has no control over. It's like me becoming the CEO of Hersheys (the chocolate) and saying that the price of oil will not hit $100 a barell while I am CEO of the chocolate factory. The only thing Obama can really do is hope that enough jobs are being created and promote being employed. All this while running up our debt that you or your children (depending how old you are) have to pay off. I just can't wait to be an adult. With the topic of people not spendingas they used to, it is 99% psycological. If all that you hear in the news is recession, economy, and the evil "depression" word, how can you spend like normal. The media has to lay off this topic for a while, even if it attracts viewers. They are the ones that have one of thegreatest effects on people. I'll jump to healthcare now. You hit the nail on the head with all the young people supporting universal healthcare, since it's free, and free is great. I'm a young person (still in high school, but from my strong political opinions, and extensive vocabulary, you may think I was older), and throughout school I see Democrats and liberals all over because these younger people want to spread the wealth. (Keep in mind this is a "rich" school district, if I do say so myself). They get their ideas from the mass media, which is mostly left wing, besides Fox News, and go along with it. I get my ideaology from Hannity, Limbough, and other great conservative thinkers. Our current healthcare system is one of the best in the world, and changing it right now would be terrible. I read somewhere that the president estimates that 75 million people are lacking healthcare right now. Sounds like a big number, as there are 300 million or so people in America, but it is quite small. Take our the millions of illegal immigrants that are included in that number, take out the people that choose to not be insured*, and take out the number of people that are only out of health insurance for a few months, and you end up with a number close to 20 million or less. Should 93% of the population have to suffer high taxes and crappy health care just so that this 6% minority can be insured? It doesn't make sense.Canadians don't like the high taxes either, in fact the clothing stores and shops on the United States side of the border get a ton of buidness because the sales tax in Canada is outragous. If Obama gets his way, do you want to really be paying 15% sales tax?*I will probably be one of these people once I get out of college. Health care is expensive, but I'll go without it for a year or however long I need to so that I can save money. It's a choice I will make, bug I won't rely on the government to provide me with health care.
  24. The custom themes for SMF will run you about $30-$200. It depends on what you are looking for. You can try posting at the help wanted boards on the SMF community forums. I could try to make you one if you have something specific in mind. I haven't made any custom themes from scratch, but I have modified my current theme to make it highly "custom". I have avoid idea on how to do themes on 1.1.10, and a basic knowledge of how to do themes on 2.0. If you want me to try something, pm me here or post back here.
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