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Everything posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. Sorry I didn't post. I could have really helped you. I would say that you should probably use 1.1.6 since 2 is still in beta stages now (Unless you are a Charter member). I would say look at: http://download.simplemachines.org/?bridges Because they have a bridge there that could help you. Sorry that I didn't post, I didn't see this topic!
  2. I think that vBulletin is actually the best. They have a bunch of MODs that help SEO and practically invite spiders to index your website. For free forum software, I think SMF is the best. Mine was indexed easily and fast, but Google hasn't put it in searches yet.
  3. Unfortunately I can't use Paint.net because I run a Mac on OS 10.2.8I have yet to find a free program that will work on my outdated OS.
  4. Seeing how has hasn't returned, I'm not going to give the same redundant advice.Somebody having your IP means nothing. It changes also, if you didn't know.
  5. I think that the number has changed. Remember, this post was made over 3 years ago!
  6. I think it just looks too default for me. When you do a first install of IPB, this skin shows up, so many forums look this way. I just think a simple color change would be nice.
  7. The Phillies Phanatic is cool, but I think that Mr. Met is better
  8. I wish that the Rays won. It would have made a picture perfect year for them to come up from last place with a new name and stuff like that, and win the World Series. I didn't know that the last batter for the Rays (Eric Hinske) was traded (or picked up by) to the Rays until that inning. He used to be with the Red SOx, and I think he was one of the most underrated players on there.The Phillies are the only team I believe, who have even lost 10,000 games, so they would be the first to win the World Series with 10,000 loses.
  9. I would say just change the colors. I don't know how to do it in IPB, but I'm sure it's fairly simple. The MODs will still work if the colors are changed.
  10. I guess that's another negative then. I still think that masking it is a good idea, since it protects your privacy. I wouldn't want people knowing where I live and stuff like that.
  11. I sort of disagree with you, bk2070. The home page gives the first impressions, but everybody should visit the forums anyway.
  12. I'm a member of a forum where one person did just that so that they get a title. There wasn't even a cash or reward involved. Pathetic indeed.
  13. Maybe add a few pictures of some servers and the two plans should be updated. Also show that you can get free domains , VPS, and dedicated IPs just for posting.
  14. So we can vote for ourselfs, but we can't nominate ourselfs? To tell you the truth, I think that's a good system, but I'm sure some person is going t make a new account to nominate themselfs.
  15. If you want to have the website up for sale ever, it will be harder to contact you.
  16. Ohhh. thats what it was. Thanks guys. $1.99 isn't that bad though!
  17. Spam? S_M, I remember you bragging about the amount of posts you had in the shoutbox and calling me names such as noob, n00b, and newblet.jki gotta go to school now
  18. I was talking about the Logic plan. I thought it used to be $0.99 a month, and yesterday it was $1.98 or $1.99 a month, and a bit less yearly.
  19. Marked as funny.You guys make me laugh-what a community!
  20. Darn. I noticed that the prices for a month of hosting went up a dollar. Does anybody know why this was raised?
  21. I disagree. Hosting is easier to get, but to get hosting with the features like we got before, it's going to be a lot harder.
  22. co.cc's aren't the best for search engines. Mine was never found by any of them.Go to smartdots.com, or use co.nr (yes I actually did say that).Co.nr doesn't allow DNS unless you pay, and smartdots doesn't allow DNS whatsoever.
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