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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. The right brand just depends on what you are doing. If you just need to search the web or word process, anything will do but if you need to be able to game or upgrade the system i recommend either dell or alienware. Dells are amazing. I actually have owned 3 personally so i definitely would recommend them. Alienware are supposed to be very good gaming machine but i myself have not tried them but have heard good things. Hope this helps

  2. Yeah i too like the banner but like everyone else, i think the font should be changed to a more readable one and in the banner i believe the text should be an lighter color making it easier to read. Also, i would recommend doing some mouseovers on your links on the left because its way easier to tell where you are goin then. Overall, great start man amd keep adding things to the site

  3. Well i got my login script and everything like that working on my own server running apache and php 5.0 but now that ive uploaded it when i try to register or login i get errors.

    If i can fix the register problem, i think the rest will be fixed too. So when i click the register button it is supposed to take me to the register page. However, instead i get this message "Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ffanat/public_html/db_connect.php:7) in /home/ffanat/public_html/loginCheck.php on line 4"

    I know that this is a message that is used it anything at all has been writen to the page already when the function was called but i dont get why it works on my computer. I know it is one of these 3 includes that i have in my index page at the top of the page.

    Index top relevant information:

    <?php	session_start();    include 'db_connect.php';    include 'member_class.php';	$member_class = new member_class;	include 'loginCheck.php';?> 

    <?php  /**   * Connect to the mysql database.   */  $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "*****", "*****") or die(mysql_error());  mysql_select_db('ffanat_users', $conn) or die(mysql_error());?> 

    and loginCheck.php
    <?php	if ($_POST['Register'])	{  header('Location: register.php');	}//if    elseif ($_POST['Login'])      	{        $username=$_POST['username'];        $password=$_POST['password'];        if ($username && $password)   {            if($_POST['remember'] ==1)      	{            	$member_class->check_login($username, $password, true);            }//if  	else  	{            	$member_class->check_login($username, $password, false);            }//else      	}//if      else   	$member_class->message .= 'Please fill a username and password.';    }//else if    elseif($_POST['Logout'])   	{       $member_class->logout();    } ?>

    Hopefully someone can tell help me fix this problem. If you want to see if first hand just go here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and click register. Thanks everyone for helping me sooo much.

  4. Very clear and easy to read but just from i get go i noticed the image in the top left and i knew it was from word or frontpage. To be honest, i hate websites created with those packages just because they really dont have good code nor very interesting and exciting features available. I would recommend just reading a html tutorial and writing the code yourself cause it would take like 1 hour max once you know what u are doing and you will have a much more personal feel and many other features available to you.

  5. Yeha i just voted for your current one. I just think it is a more modern and stylistic design. Its easier to read and all and its really attention getting and does the job well. THe new design just seems to simple and the contrast in colors is a lot lower making it not as easy to read and all. Stick with the old design

  6. Well for a php tutorial, i learned it using Sams Teach Yourself PHP in 24 hours and it didnt even take that long. I recommend buy that book or downloading the ebook version which is what i did. If you know any C or C++, PHP is simple to learn. As for a phpnuke style, it just some tables in html and all so you dont even need php. THe php does the user scripts and the polls and what not so if you just want a similar layout you just can use html. If not just learn some php, search google for secure login scripts and such and you can write your own. Good luck

  7. OK well it looks like you have a few options.1.) Like you said people say you should get an AMD 64 if you build a computer but it really depends on your usage. If you plan on trying to have the best system for gaming then yeah an AMD 64 is the fastest but the new P4 (which are 64 bit now) are not far behind. If you dont plan on playing many games or high tech games atleast, stick with a Celeron or AMD Duron processor cause they are cheaper but not as efficient gamewise. 2.) You can get a Dell. I actually own a Dell and I love it. To be honest I have more than one Dell and they never have let me down. So i you dont want to build a system i actually recommend a Dell b/c of their service and their computers always work well.Those are my recommendations so take them as you will. Hopefully it was of some help.

  8. Well besides like a bio, i would recommend adding a blog, journal, or news thingy along with like others said games, musics, etc. maybe even wallpapers that you like. Include information about your hobbys like i would add a hockey schedule (cause i love hockey) and post scores and such for my favorite team. Basically just add anything about you to your personal website

  9. Yeah my favorite is final fantasy 7. It was just amazing. The story was intriguing and the gameplay was fun. It had soooo many side quests and minigames to keep you entertained for forever. When i finished playing it (the first time through) and did everything i was on 100+ hours of gametime. That is a great value and a great sign for the game. It was and still is the best rpg available.

  10. i think it's with $logged_in not beeing assigned with the right value

    Yeah i know my auth system works cause i can produce a login script that works when on a separate page. However, who wants to change pages just to log in. It has to be with teh $logged_in variable. This is the order of operations that need to happen along with which ones work:

    1.) Users enters fffanatics and decides to log in using the form (works - it is the else)

    2.) THe user hits submit and is authenticated (works)

    3.) Now instead of the form still being on the page, it should display the users information instead (doesnt work)

    I just cant seem to get to form to go away after the user hits submit. Hopefully this clarifies the issue.

  11. OK thanks for the reply and sorry about not using the code tag. i didnt even notice that it was a tag so sorry. What i was asking was that it would display the login box in the loginMenu div but once the user hits submit in the form, that the user logs in (which my script works) and then instead of showing the loginMenu, it would display the users information. Thats what the if (loggedIn) was for but what i think happens is when the user logs in, the page isnt refreshed so it doesnt even see whats in the if.Hopefully someone can help. Thanks agian and sorry about not using the code tag

  12. Hey everyone. I have a login script that i know works. My question is that on my main page, it have a form to allow the user to log in. What i want it to do is that once the user logs in, the form disappears and the users data (aka username) is displayed where the form was. At the moment i cant get it to work. Below is my code.

    <div id="loginMenu">  <?php    if ($logged_in == 1)    {  ?>     <!-- User information -->  <?php     }//if     else     {  ?>    <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method="post">   <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">      <tr><td>Username: </td></tr>      <tr><td><input type='text' name='uname' size='17'></td></tr>      <tr><td>Password:</td></tr>      <tr><td><input type='password' name='passwd' size='17'></td></tr>      <tr><td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Register"> </td></tr>   </table></form>    <?php   }//else?></div>

    What happens with this code is that it only will display the form because the user isnt logged in. If i refresh the page in IE it will then display it. There has to be a way to dynamically change it once the user submits the form. THanks for the help

    Notice from snlildude87:
    Use code tags for code. This is your warning.

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