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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. First of all, you do not necessarily need a splash page. However, a banner on the top of you site would be wonderful. Secondly, i would get rid of the makepovertyhistory.org link at the top since it makes your site appear to be that even though it isnt. Also, i think the blue squares look fine on your page and do not need to be changed. Hopefullt these suggestions will help

  2. Hey i loved FFX. It had a great story, good graphics and fun mini games to keep you occupied for hours. I think it was the second best in the series just behind ff7. If anyone is still playing it, check out my old site that has information on the game ( Final Fantasy Fanatics ) and in the future once i get time my new site hosted here will contain info for all the newer and older final fantasy games. Just need to time to work on it.

  3. Looks good and appears to be easy to navigate. The only thing i noticed was that is seemed kind of empty and had a little too much white space. So i was wondering where the mousover information was going to show up because you might want to add some content in the rest of the white space on the page. However, keep in mind you dont want it to be cluttered either. Good luck and keep up the work cause overall its a good design

  4. I use winamp 5 for numerous reasons. For one, it takes less cpu than windows media player which is nice when using it while playing a high quality and system intense game. Another reason is the visualizations are soooo much better. Plus, you can make the visualizations your background. Finally, the last real reason is use it is because of the number of plugin and addins that are available and useful for it like a volume leveler or dee 2 (used to increase quality of music similar to dfx but better) and such. Also, editing and searching media files is much quicker than windows media player. Hope this helps

  5. I prefer speakers. I like listening it with the surround sound effect and being able to walk away and still hear it. Plus, i can talk to someone at the same time which is nice since i use music as background music all the time. However, if its late at night or someone is sleeping, i do use headphones but still prefer speakers. And the person who said that music sounds better with headphones is completely wrong. Speakers have a much higher quality than headphones because of their size. They are able to produce much lower and higher sounds then even the best headphones. The reason for this is due to the way speakers work which i wont go into.So basically, give me 7.1 speakers over headphones anyday

  6. As far as C++ programming goes, if you are using windows i recommend visual C++ as the compiler because thats all ive ever used and its what i like. However, if you are using linux or cgywin for windows, you can write the files in emacs or xemacs and then compile with either CC or g++ and both are free. So its up to you. I used all three of those just depending what system i am on when writing code but its normally not good to mix and match if its all the same program so be careful

  7. I understand that your are only 15 but to be honest, i would def update to a newer motherboard (they are like just above $100 for the best one) and get a pci-express graphics card. The hd issue (ata to sata) is not that important if u ask me and 512 ram is ok (preferably would update to 1 gig). Finally, the only other thing i would do is get some kick *bottom* speakers

  8. Actually at this current moment i am not listening to anything but now that it is a few seconds later i am listening to a remake of Summer of 69 by bowling for soup. I'd list my play list but 5000 items is a lot plus the admins prob would get made cause id get a ton of hosting points. Mainly i listen to rock, alternative rock, or vgm (when i just want to chill).

  9. Well you say that AMD processors are better but to be honest that is not true. If you need amazing performance yes the Athlon 64 performs better than the new P4's (which also are 64 bit) but not by much. Also, if you have been reading about the new releases of both AMD's and Intel's dual core chips, the Intel chip is supposed to be a much stronger chip than AMDs so before you buy your next chip, you better do some thourogh research.

  10. For atleast 5 years now i have used Dells. I love them because they are reliable and run smoothly. Earlier in this topic someone mentioned poor fps from them but i depends on what you add to it. For one, right now i am using a Dell Inspirion XPS Gen 1 and it get atleast 30 fps in Doom 3 on Medium settings and keep in mind that this is a laptop. Obviously, if you build the computer yourself, you can customize it to operate at much more efficient and powerful levels but normally, if you are going to do that you need to buy the most expensive and state of the art parts. Thus, they can cost a fortune. Overall, Dells are well made and reliable computers that dont have to break the budget of its owner. Plus, they can easily be updated

  11. I really like your layout and color scheme and such. It really makes your page easy to read and to find what the viewer is looking for. Like others said i would avoid Iframes. I know you siad this was to be a portfolio site but to me it looks more like just another site so i would add you informaiton to the main page and remove the about me page. Also, instead of the about me i would put my links to other sites you designed there. Hope this helps

  12. Digital rides are good but the actual thing is amazing. I have been on the virtual roller coasters and they make me sick to my stomach yet i go on every roller coaster possible and have no problem like the Millenium Force and Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point (which i must say is the same right but 10 ft shorter than the Kingda Ka and has been out for 2 years). So i think the future of rides is gonna stay the same pushing the height and speed and maxing the amount of G's felt instead of just going digital

  13. Yeah ive always wanted to make my own games and actually have atleast one planned out. Current ive been teaching myself directx and advanced 3d rastorations so i can hard code the game myself. Ive never considered using someone elses engine at hte moment nor a software package to do it because i find that anything that will be great when completed is from the ground up plus im a computer science major at college so i might as well learn the techniques but thanks for some good references

  14. Hey the site looks nice. I for one dont like the splash page because it stops a viewer from actually seeing your site from the get go. Also the transition used by IE is bad because once again the viewer has to wait. Also, i noticed you used another sites template which is ok but the best way to make a site is to write your own and one last thing, you need more content. Overall, its a good site. The colors are nice and everything. A few minor adjustments and maybe i major (writing your own layout) adjustment is all thats need. Keep up the work

  15. Normally i use a dell optical mouse that came with a bunch of computers i work with but since i own a laptop, i also use the touchpad. Both the touchpad and the mouse are accurate enough to be functional at anything so i dont know why anyone would go spend money and a "more accurate" mouse unless they are doing photo imaging because it is a precise job.

  16. Hey yeah it looks and seems to be an amazing system at the moment. So far i have heard that the graphics kick the Xbox2's butt so go Sony. I like their design but the controller might be iffy. The orginial ps and ps2 controllers were so easy to use and dynamic but they may have gone curve crazy on this one. Guess ill find out when it comes out.

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