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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. That definitely is a well designed website. It is easy to read, loads quick, and filled with good content. The images are amazing and everything blends together amazingly. I like the dark background because it makes your eyes see the actual website better and doesnt attract much attention. Finally, the content is pretty good and the picture you have taken are amazing. Keep up the work and the only suggestion i have is that you might want to put a summary of what the site is about on the main page.

  2. I have heard of it but ive been a fan of everquest for way to long to quit it to play ff11. Personally, i think eq2 is a much nicer game in the means that the graphics are amazing and you never can get board of it. You might want to try it out and switch lol. Besides that, i love all the final fantasy games.

  3. No circular classes do not include the header files in each other's header. Instead, in the main or whatever part of the program uses the class that includes another class, you would include both files. Then in the two class files you just would have class Class1; Class2 {...}; and then in the second class you would do class Class2; Class1 {...}; Let me know if this makes sense becuase if not i will include an example that i have used in a class of mine last semester. Just PM or post a reply

  4. I use a wireless network at home and at school. My recommendation is to do the following things1. Change the admin password and username (if possible)2. Set up 128 bit encryption on the router and create a code that is random but that you have recording somewhere that you will not loose. 3. Install a firewall (I use Norton Internet Security and it works great) on the computers to prevent anyone who might somehow get into your network from getting to your computerHope these help

  5. OK well i was exactly like you were. All i used to use was windows but then i started to do a good amount of programming (for the web and software) so i decided to try linux out. Now, i run both linux and windows on my computer and switch between them depending on what i want to do. Personally i use Suse Linux because i like its look and feel and it wasnt very hard to learn. I have used both Mandrake and Fedora before and i liked them but i liked suse better.

  6. My advice is dont use Frontpage. It writes horrible HTML code for you so if you ever try to edit it, you would have to start from scratch. Personally, i would say use Dreamweaver MX if you have the oppertunity and also try to learn as much HTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript as you can before you start making a page. If you know how to write it, then these programs do not really matter but i use Dreamweaver for the colored tags and autofill. Secondly, if you just want to write your own code, use either Dreamweaver for the reasons i use it or use CoffeeCup HTML editor because it does the color coding and has other things like indentation correction and such in it too.

  7. Hey everyone i am working on my third version of a site for the final fantasy games. Currently all i have done is the login script, news script and the layout but i figured i might as well start early on getting constructive critisism. Please look at only the main page cause nothing else really works and also do not create an account because it will be wiped clean very soon again. Advice, suggestions, and complaints are all welcome but keep in mind it is a work in progress. For one, i know people are going to complain that the name of my site is not displayed and that is currently being worked on and it will be an image ontop of the banner on the top with Final Fantasy Fanatics posted on it in the final fantasy font (which i need to redownload). THnaks everyone and the link to my site is here Final Fantasy Fanatics.

    Also if for some reason an image looks like it might be missing try refreshing and post what happened so i can try to fix it. Thanks

  8. First of all, the gigahertz does not matter. That number does not mean better performance because it depends on how the chip is manufactured and structured because AMD chips are just as good as Intel chips performance wise and they have a lower gigahertz. Plus, with the new 64 dual processors, performance wise the AMD chip outperforms the intel chip which is kind of surprising. I personally am an intel fan but definitely will wait til they fix up their dual technology before upgrading.

  9. My recommendation is to start with plan #1 and use it until you actually need the extra space and all. In my case, im still using plan #1 since i currently am still developming my website but once it is done, if i need the space and all i will upgrade to #2. Plus, it gives you plenty of time to get credits. I have only been a member of roughly a month and i have about 30 credits that i havent used yet.

  10. Hey thanks for the help and i was afraid that javascript was going to be the only answer. The reason is that i have a login script in php and once they login the menu on the right side of my page changes. On this menu i would like to have a text link that says logout (which i know ive seen people do) that when they click on it they would log out of my site. Anyone have other suggestions on how to do this. Also if you need the login script code let me know and ill post it.

  11. Wow that is completely rude and inconsiderate. I do know that any novices web designers looks at other peoples codes and uses it to enhance their own website but stealing the whole sites layout is horrible. LIke if she took like part of the side bar and rewrote the css and changed images and such that i think would be ok but to use everything you wrote is mean and disgraceful.

  12. I currently play everquest 2 and the subscription prices are the following

    1-month ......... $14.99  (plus tax, if applicable)  3-month ......... $41.99  (plus tax, if applicable) 
    6-month ......... $77.99  (plus tax, if applicable) 
    12-month ......... $143.99  (plus tax, if applicable) 

    Hope this helps

  13. I think you guys are mistaking what i am asking. What i want to do, if possible with css or another way, is submit a form using a text link instead of a submit button. If you can use css to make a button not look like a button but a text link instead thats cool or if you can make a text link act like a submit button thats even better. Something that works like that is what im asking for help with not the basic css properties of a button. Thanks all

  14. Hey me again. Looks like im having trouble with php. THis time the solution should be easy but i just cant find it anywhere. I am trying to post a variable but i do not want to use a form because i hate the look of submit buttons for what i am using it for. I do not want to use javascript because of compatibility issues. If you know how to make a submit button look like a nomal text link that would work if you know how to send post data through an href that also would work. Or if you just know how to do it another way im open to suggestions. Thanks for all of your help

  15. Hey everyone. I am having some trouble accessing the same php class instance in more that one page. This is for my login script and what i need to do is be able to call the classes logout function from a separate page. What i have tried to do is create a new .php page and include the class file and then make a new class and call logout. This does not work because it does not log out the current user which is my problem. Can anyone help me fix this or know of another way to do it?

    Below is my class file

    <?php     // member class     // handlers member logon     class member_class   {         var $message = '';     var $query_error = 'ERROR: something went wrong when accessing the database. Please consult your webmaster';           function member_class()   {   //constructor             if (!isset($_SESSION['id']))   {   //fills session with empty values                  $this->set_session_defaults();             }               if ($_SESSION['logged_in'])   {    //already logged in                 $this->check_session();             }               if (isset($_COOKIE['remember']))   {                   $this->check_remembered($_COOKIE['remember']);             }         }                  function register($username,$password, $email, $firstname, $lastname, $website, $show_email, $remember)      {             $username = mysql_escape_string($username);             $password = mysql_escape_string(md5($password));               $result=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = '{$username}'"), MYSQL_ASSOC);          if (!$result)       {  //insert record if user name doesn't exist      $date = date("F j, Y", time());               $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO user VALUES ('', '$username', '$password', '$firstname', '$lastname', '', '', '', '', '$date', '$email', '$website', '$show_email', 0)") or DIE ($this->query_error);     $result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = '{$username}' AND password = '{$password}'"), MYSQL_ASSOC) or DIE ($this->query_error);     header('Location: index.php');     $this->set_session($result,$remember,true); //log user on                 return true;             }//if     else     {              $this->message .= 'Username already exists! Please choose a different name.';                return false;             }//else         }           function check_login($username,$password,$remember)      {            $username = mysql_escape_string($username);            $password = mysql_escape_string(md5($password));            $result=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = '{$username}' AND password = '{$password}'"), MYSQL_ASSOC);            if ($result)     	{                $this->set_session($result,$remember,true);                return true;            }//if  	else   	{            	$this->failed = true;                $this->logout();             $this->message .= 'Incorrect username or password.';                return false;            }//else         }//check_login              function logout()   {             // blowup cookie             setcookie('remember',time()-3600);             $this->set_session_defaults();         }              function set_session($result,$remember,$init = true)   {             $id=$result['id'];             if ($init)   {                 $session = mysql_escape_string(session_id());                 $ip = mysql_escape_string($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);             $newtoken = $this->token(); // generate a new token             $update = mysql_query("UPDATE user SET session='{$session}', token='{$newtoken}', ip='{$ip}' WHERE id='{$id}'") or DIE ($this->query_error);             }                  $_SESSION['id'] = $result['id'];             $_SESSION['username'] = htmlspecialchars($result['username']);             $_SESSION['token'] = $newtoken;             $_SESSION['logged_in'] = true;                  if ($remember)   {                 $this->update_cookie($newtoken);             }              }              function update_cookie($token)   {             $cookie = serialize(array($_SESSION['username'],$token));             setcookie('remember',$cookie, time()+12099600);         }              function check_remembered($cookie)   {                  $serializedArray=$cookie;             $serializedArray = stripslashes($serializedArray);             list($username,$token) = unserialize($serializedArray);                  if(empty($username) or empty($token))   {                 return;             } else {                 $username = mysql_escape_string($username);                 $token = mysql_escape_string($token);                 $ip = mysql_escape_string($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);             $result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = '{$username}' AND token ='{$token}' AND ip = '{$ip}'"), MYSQL_ASSOC) or DIE ($this->query_error);                      if (!$result)   {                     $this->set_session($result,false,false);                 }else{                     $this->set_session($result,true,true);	                 }             }         }              function token()   {             // generate a random token             for($i=1;$i<33;$i++)   {                 $seed .= chr(rand(0,255));             }             return md5($seed);         }              function check_session()  {             $username = mysql_escape_string($_SESSION['username']);             $token = mysql_escape_string($_SESSION['token']);             $session = mysql_escape_string(session_id());             $ip = mysql_escape_string($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);         $result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE username='{$username}' AND token='{$token}' AND session='{$session}' AND ip='{$ip}'"), MYSQL_ASSOC) or DIE ($this->query_error);               if ($result != false){             }else{                 $this->logout();             }         }                   function set_session_defaults()   {             $_SESSION['logged_in'] = false;             $_SESSION['id'] = 0;             $_SESSION['username'] = '';    $_SESSION['password'] = '';             $_SESSION['cookie'] = 0;             $_SESSION['remember'] = false;         }     }  ?>

  16. yeah its simple

    <table> <tr>  <td></td>  <td>   <table>    <tr>      <td></td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td></td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td></td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td></td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td></td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td></td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td></td>    </tr>   </table>  </td> </tr></table>  

    so just use this code and insert the text or what not in the empty td's. By the way what i did was i created one table at first that would handle the two columns. Then i created a single row. In it you can fill whatever you want just by adding it between the <td> and <\td> tags. Then i created a second table inside the right column that its self has 7 rows of nothing at this point. Just add the content between the <td> and </td> tags of the second table. Therefore, for instance you wanted to add another single row below what you have drawn, all you would do is create another row in the main table with <tr> and </tr> and inside of it you would create one column and make it span the table's two columns with <td colspan="2"> content </td>

    Hope this helps

  17. I don't think you should dive right into C. Its best to start with a simpler language like Python

    I disagree with this. I would definitely start right into c or c++ because it really isnt very difficult to learn. When i started learning it in high school we started with c and very quickly went into c++. Plus, since you know basic you know some of the theory and understand how it is supposed to work so it shouldnt be too difficult for you to learn c or c++. It just will be different
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