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Posts posted by fffanatics

  1. I third that to learn linux without installing it I would recommend using a live cd distro like Knoppix or Mandrake. however, I am not a big fedora fan. I tried it a few months ago and hated it. I just didnt like the way they did numerous things. Current I am using Suse 9.2 Pro and I love it. It definitely is the distro for me. So what I am saying is that there is no "best distro" as some call it but it is more of a personal preference. Just download one and try it and if you like it keep it, if not try a new one. Thats my advice.

  2. I agree with almost everything you said especially the rejection comment but there was one of the four tip to ask out a girl i completely disagree with.

    3. If you want a girl to go out with you, you're going to have to look pretty prepared most of the time. None of that nerdy crap, if you have glasses, get contacts, ect.

    I thought this was very cliche and is not necessary true since every girl has their own taste. Some girls like nerdy guys and glasses are not necessarily a bad thing. Finally, the four ways to tell if a girl likes you is kinda only if you are in high school. At college you can tell if they want to hang out after a party, if they put their hand on your leg, etc. Overall good tips

  3. The reason i think it displays 80 instead of 50 is because of one reason. You cannot have brackets unless it is for a class or structure or function definition or unless the statement is a while, for, if, etc. statement. THerefore, where you say

    { //new scope starte here...

    you should get an error or it just ignores them and stays with the same scope. Try it with an if statement to understand what i mean.

  4. OK here is a long post about what these things are. First of all, like you heard you should not use frontpage because it changes the code you already have written. However, i use dreamweaver because it doesnt change your code and it gives you highlighted code and basically a manual for the popular languages.

    Now for the other languages. VB is used for databases and macros for word, excel, etc along with simple windows programs. Since it is a basic language, it does not have complex statements nor semicolons. C++ however is a complex language that is used for windows programs, graphic, games, etc and anything else.

    Now for msg boards and dynamic pages. Perl, PHP, java, javascript, etc are all used for dynamic pages. phpbb is a msg board created with php. Basically in order to make a message board you need a language that can interact with a database that would store all the information. These languages allow developers to make login scripts, pages that change over time or can be updated with having to upload new files and such.

    Finally, if you want an example you can check out my newer unfinished site here

  5. I thought that Final Fantasy 8 was a very good game. However, i liked final fantasy 7 much better. The reasons for this is that i didnt really care for the card game nor the guardian force idea but i did like the plot. My only complaint was that the game did not have an easy straight forward flow because sometimes if you didnt look at a guide or something, you would wander for hours. That is my thoughts on that game.

  6. I am the similar actually. Whne i break up with someone, i feel bad for them for like 1 day or so before and after the break up since i know it can hurt. However, when i am broken up with i also feel bad for like a day or 2 but not much more. The reason for this is that i believe that what is meant to happen will happen.

  7. If there is physical actuivity involved, then yes i consider it a sport. Therefore, golf and figure skating are sports but chess is not. I mean, golf definitely is a sport for one because it is an activity that takes tons of hours to get good at and it is played outdoors and surprisingly it works many muscles in your body (esp. if you walk the course). Figure Skating is a bit different. Since you are skating and jumping and such you do get physical fitness from it so it is a sport but it is more finess than many other main stream sports. However, it does take a ton of talent to do. SO that is why i consider them sports and what i define as a sport. Physical fitness makes a sport.

  8. I hear it is a great fun game. I too know a ton of people who play it but at the same time, i have been a fan of Everquest for so long, that i am hooked on Everquest 2 so i dont have time to play World Of Warcraft. I know during beta it was free which was awesome but i do not know what the cost is now but i would assume its like EQ2.

  9. OK i can tell you are a newbie to this forum because this is the stupidest post ever. Everyone knows about Firefox or have heard about it in the paper or on tv. People on this forum post regularly and obviously have seen posts on it. I want new exciting posts not old boring posts so maybe be more selective. Thanks

  10. Yeah bittorent is not a fileshare program like Limewire, Kazza and WinMx but instead it is more of a protocol. You download the software from bittorrent.com. Once installed you find a site that has .torrent files and open it. This will open the default bittorent client but many prefer an alternative like Bittornade (its the one i use) or Azureus like Tyssen said. In the end, they are all the same but have different GUI's and such but overall they all perform the same. Thats about all bittorrent is.However, like people said setting bittorrent up can be confusing and time consuming if you are unsure of networking. If you do not use a router or a firewall, there will be no extra setup besides installing the software. However, if you use a router, you need to enter the router's setup and turn on port forwarding. I use a netgear router and i route my bitttorrent ports to my computers ip address on the network. If you run a firewall, you must also open those same ports to the program. Finally, you will be able to get speeds past 3 kbps like 150 kbps depending on the number of seeders and there connections. If you need help setting this up just PM me or something and i can help you. BTW, do not use bittorrent for illegal activity because it just hurts everyone.

  11. The only way i can think of doing that is to make a JavaScript funtion for the mouseover on the parent that would change the color of the current item to black, revert the old item to its original color, and then save the current item (window.document.<etc>) to the old item variable. Therefore, this function would only change the color if a new one is hovered because if it is the same one, nothing would end up changing. If you need help doing this PM me or something cause i could help you with the function if you do not know javascript

  12. Hey everyone. My problem is that current i have a left menu and a right menu which are created using a div the properties listed below. Then i have a center section to my website where i have a table that i need to fill the remaining space on the screen (aka the space from the right side of the left menu to the left side of the right menu). However, when i set the table's width to 100%, it goes of the screen. Can anyone help me with this? If you look at my main page, the news section works but only because the text forces the table to its largest size and then wraps. I need the table on the My Account page (only accessible by users that are logged in) to be the same size even though it does not have enough text in it to force it to that size. Feel free to register and check it out if needed. The link to my site is located in my sig. Here is the properties of my left, right, and center area divs:

    #leftMenu {	background: url('./images/sidebar.jpg');	position : absolute;	left : 10px;	width: 150px;	z-index : 2;		background-color : #000066;		border-right: 1px solid white;	border-bottom: 1px solid white;}#rightMenu {	background: url('./images/sidebar.jpg');	position : absolute;	right : 9px;	width: 150px;	z-index : 1;		background-color : #000066;		border-left: 1px solid white;	border-bottom: 1px solid white;}.centerTable{	background : url("images/tableBg.jpg");	border : 1px solid white;}

  13. Yeah Kazaa is bad. I use the bittorrent protocol and shadow's experimental bittorrent client called bittornado for filesharing. However, piracy is bad and should not be posted here at Xisto so do not use these programs for it cause its rude and inconsiderate. Personally, i use it to get freeware and save websites bandwidth esp. for new linux distro and such since you get better speeds that dling from their sites anyway. Hope this helped but be warned that piracy is bad and that if you are a novice at network then bittorrent is not for you.

  14. Well i actually like this new theme. The top logo is better than the old one and i personally like the color contrast much better. Its easier to read. THe only thing i liked better with the old one was how it had a second color behind the posting that wasnt the background that was lighter than the background. If a light blue color could be inserted there with these colors it would like amazing.

  15. OK well i love gmail and it has to be the best free email account on the internet atm. Secondly, people actually use a gig worth of space for email because of two reasons...1.) they just get a ton of email and or picture which take up space 2.) They have software that allows them to store files on their gmail account and use it like a harddriveFinally, varunone says that gmail is unsafe but in this day and age, size doesnt matter anywhere near as much as security which is why gmail is still in beta until they make gmail as secure as possible...Finally, varunone said something about msn messanger and windows messanger. To be honest both suck. Anyone who likes something that basic made my microsoft is just kinda lazy and doesnt know what they are missing. AIM is much better than both of those and to top that off Trillian is the ultimate messanger for windows. It can do anything possible including give you the weather and control winamp plus it is skinable so you can customize its looks to whatever suit you. Hope this all helps

  16. Yeah i leave mine on for like a week at a time then reboot or turn it off for a few hours if i am not using it. The problem is that i download a good amount of files and they sometimes take a while plus i always am going from my computer to other places and then back so i dont like to have to wait for it to come back on and all. The other thing is that when my computer is on, i normally dont have a 100 watt lightbulb on so technically, i am using the same power but on something that is more useful in more ways lol.

  17. Yeah i agree. Read more tutorials, shrink the size of the image, and also change the brush....i would use some more blending and change to color cause i personally dont like the dark red you used...it makes the text hard to read.Another suggestion would be to add some back-shadow to the text and an inner glow so that it is more readable and more a center of attention then something blended into the background

  18. Yeah i like your site but just like everyone else said its PHP-Nuke which i dislike. I like how you made your own theme for it but unless you just dont have the time to design your own layout and backend, you shouldnt use php-nuke cause its overused and unoriginal. For my personal sites i use my own code but for my fraternity i used php-nuke becuase it was secure and i didnt have to spend forever making it. Also, you need more content because current there isnt that much to do at your site.

  19. I like your site but you do need more color and more content. You might also want to decrease the image sizes because it does not load to quickly. Also, i would recommend creating a mouseover effect with CSS for your links on the left hand side where the background would change color to a light grey. If you need help doing this just PM me. Overall keep up the good work and i would also like to recommend moving the add to the bottom of the site because it is kinda annoying

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