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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Reading this reminds me of what someone said a long time ago...They said that if Microsoft was building cars we would already have fully gas-less cars that run on water or another source of energy, before the year 2000.Honestly, I must say that Microsoft has brought PC's a long way. Obviously they are not the only ones that are working towards progression, but Bill Gates and his buddies were the ones to spark it in the first place. For that, I give them a lot of credit.
  2. Wow, I'm amazed nobody said this one..Go to Google and search for Visual Studio .net express...Microsoft has VC++ .net, Vbasic .net, VC# .net, and a couple of other programs 100% free. They are meant to be used by students, but really can be used for anything.You can download the files from them in .exe as installer, or you can download a full DvD that has all of the programs on it.Keep in mind that these are NOT the same ones as professionals use. These can do most of the same stuff, but do not have all of the "extras" you may want to have. For me, I found that it had anything I could think of, but I guess some people need things I never use, :)Either way, check it out! That site's been there for a while now.And to reiterate, yes it's 100% official. The website is ran by Microsoft. And when you try to download one/all of the programs, it will verify your copy of Windows first.
  3. Out of curiosity...Can any of these also do 3d images?And I've messed with Gimp and Photoshop, and I found PS to be much, much easier to use. A lot of people I know are just fine with GIMP though. But are either of them able to do 3d or are both/just one stuck with just normal photo editing?
  4. Maybe the truth is that we yawn because it gives us a reason to say the word...After reading all of these posts the word "yawn" just makes me want to laugh. It just sounds funny now.
  5. To the two people before me, you speak of the food...Well there have been other stores(Wal-mart included) that have been found changing the expiration dates on items like meat. More or less taking the tag that tells expiration, peeling it off and sticking on a new one if they feel that it is "still good."To me, it's hard to really trust the dates anymore. We just kind of buy what we are eating within a couple days.
  6. Interesting theory here, and one that would definitely be able to be put into use.I saw a few posts where people said it would not be possible. I think it is.If you watch commercials, or go to stores and look at flashlights, there are a few now that run off magnets that slide back and forth inside to create the energy. I think it's just a matter of time before someone comes up with a way to adapt that into a much bigger source of energy for vehicles and stuff.
  7. I'm going to have to say that I never really thought of that idea. I did think of a nice car idea though, that would work great if mixed with that. If you want to check out my idea, here is the link: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/63321-cool-idea-about-a-new-source-of-vehicle-energy-solar-powered-electric-cars/
  8. More or less the car would be electric powered(battery) and also solar powered.Since most people work in the day and come home at night, here's how it would work:You wake up and start your car. If there is not enough light yet, it will start running on the battery. If you are someone who goes to work while it is still night outside, it will drain the battery as you go to work.Now you're at work, and it's day time. During this time, your car is re-charging the battery. If you'd like to go somewhere for lunch or whatever, it would charge as you drive as well.Now it's time to go home. You drained your battery on the way to work, however you are fully charged and ready to go home now. In the morning you re-start the process over again.More or less the battery would hold enough to go for two trips, so that it can hold for both the morning and night drive, and would use day time to charge it.Obviously this is a far-fetched idea to some, and I would work on some way to fix it, but I really wouldn't know where to start. I do think it would be a nice change though, and would solve the issue of pollution and many other things related to burning gas(not to mention save money!)
  9. It's a hard question for me to answer, as to whether the death penalty is "right" or "wrong." There are just too many complications with it.The first of which is that there are some innocent people who are found "guilty" for crimes they did not commit. If this happens to be punishable by death, and they are killed because of it, and then found innocent...Is that really right?If you want to take it over to a religious standpoint, it says in the Bible that killing others is wrong. Except in war. It does not say "If someone is thought of to have killed another person, kill them." In fact, doing so makes you no better than the murderer.But then again...What else is there to do? Those who have killed before are much more likely to kill in the future. Think of it like drugs, rapists, etc. Keeping them in jail would be a semi-fix, but even there they can get their dose of killing other in-mates. Some of them could also be innocent.Really, I guess there is no truely correct answer. There are both good and bad outcomes from death-row, so either way is fine with me. I just hope that I am never falsely accused of a crime and put to death for it before being found innocent.
  10. I have actually heard multiple variations as to why we yawn...Back in middle school we were told that we do it because it gives us air..And that's why you are more prone to yawn when you are tired.And then a couple years ago in high school a teacher of ours told us that it is because of heat...I guess really we will never know the truth behind it. There are many different studies "proving" various reasons. Maybe it's all? Maybe when we get hot we also aren't processing oxygen efficiently enough and so it's to not only cool us off but also to help us bring in more oxygen to account for the loss...
  11. I find it funny that people can make money off such easy ideas...There are many things I have thought of that I look at and think "Who would seriously pay for that?!"....And then I see others do things similar and get rich off it.One of these days I'm going to quit being so against taking risks and just take a few and see how it pans out.Anyways, about his site...Keep in mind that it would not work for just anyone. It takes a social network to get there. No random person would just pop up and say "Hah, sure...Nobody has bought a square but I'll buy some from you!"
  12. I really dislike dollar stores to begin with, aside from buying things like packaging materials for mailing items..About food, I would never even really consider it. At most, their "cheap" foods would be the same ones that you could obtain at other stores(Wal-Mart, Target, etc.) as store brands for at or around the same prices. Of course, candy is always the same regardless as to where you go(Assuming you are not buying in bulk).In terms of clothes...I've just never really considered it.So...I guess all I can say about the near-expired food is that someone has to take the hit for it, so they are not in the wrong for attempting to sell it. There are many things that are still good after the expiration date. Usually it's not even a "Use By" date, but rather a "Best if used by" date. We used to go to the cake store(Dolly Madison) and buy things at/right after expiration all the time. It was nice getting $20 cakes and stuff for like $2, heh.Of course there are some foods that are *not* good after expiration(Milk..Meats...)
  13. This is actually some pretty cool information. I didn't know you could manually change the settings for "Open With". Always just used the right click > open with > "Always use this program" settings. Either way, I do like knowing more about the registry because there are many times that it is more beneficial to edit things directly.
  14. For me, I would definitely have to go with Vista. I play a lot of games so it really is not much of a choice.In terms of reliability and speed, the others were definitely right : Go with Ubuntu. I hate Vista with a passion, so really I would drop that and go for XP instead, . Less resources, faster, etc.
  15. What is Puppy Linux? I haven't really been keeping up with the distros very well but I know the main names...I just haven't gotten into Linux because of the lack of game support(I play mmorpg's a lot).
  16. Yeah, the reason that these is illegal is because only the first person, or first couple of people to get in on them are the only ones who will make money. A lot of them end up making quite a bit of cash off it too. Regardless as to if you make $1 or $0, this is definitely a pyramid scheme, and is illegal.The ones that are "legal" are the ones where you say like "I'm not charging you $1, I'm donating the $1 to you to add me to your friend list." Either way, they are really the same thing.
  17. I thought it would be higher up than just third...If you guys have been watching Scrubs, on one episode Dr. Cox even says that "Our job isn't to keep people alive, it is to give them a short while longer to live" or something along those lines.I vote for Army hospitals being the worst though.
  18. I really don't know much about this but you guys are talking about a callcenter, like...Let's say Verizon's support, right? And if so, why would you choose Skype? My understanding is that Skype was like an instant messanger speaking program.
  19. Heh, you brought up a very good point there. I never even thought of it like this. It kind of reminds me of a very old movie that I can't think of the name right now. More or less some people are making a FPS and wearing a suit you can play it in VR style. And it gets shocked during a storm and then the game controls the suit, rather than the suit controling the game. So when the game boots up, it has the suit going around killing people because that's what's happening in the game. As bad as that scenario is, I can definitely see something like that happening in real life - not on accident - but on purpose. Think of it this way...If we use robots for everything, they run on computers. Enemies can then hack them and use them for our own destruction.
  20. You posted this recently about the games not running on Vista but honestly the number of games that won't work properly is very small. So far every game that I have had issues with I was able to find work-arounds for.Microsoft pretty much has a monopoly. People won't go to Unix because it is too hard for them, and won't go to Apple because Windows is much easier.So it does not really matter anymore how good or bad Windows is, people are still going to use it. They have worked their way into a situation where we depend on them, and as long as we do they are able to control us.
  21. I think that both games really get repetitive at end-game.I really do not enjoy either of these games as much as I like things such as Lineage II. I just can't stand games where you have to follow certain lines of quests and all, and I like having the ability to kill anyone, whether they are allied or enemies.
  22. I heard that this game was horrible...Someone just told me it's like RE but not as good.I haven't personally looked into it but when/if I do it'll be the PC version.
  23. I have never heard of the HDD causing a CPU to overheat, unless it's just the heat from the HDD itself...But they usually don't emit too much as long as you do have cooling in your system.One thing to look into could be the power. If you are pushing too much power because of the new HDD then your fan may not be working properly, and that may be the issue.Not really sure about that but it's worth a try. Never pass up the 'simple' solutions, you'd be amazed at how often they're the culprit.
  24. Yeah, I read about that but I think it's going to be another where the link in Joomla just opens up phpBB...What I'm looking for is like the internal phpBB2 that's in Php-nuke for example, where it will open on the right side of the screen, allowing you to still see the website's navigation bar and all on the left...I guess it's easier to just show it.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you go there and click on forums you'll see what I'm looking for. Sadly, that's just phpBB2, whereas I want 3.Thanks again for your response.
  25. It's not easy to get the hardship license. You have to apply for it and show actual proof as to why you need it. The general causes are things like...Your parents work all day and you go to school where buses do not goYour parents are disabled and still need to do grocery shoppingYour parents are disabled and need someone who can take them to doctors and stuffOn the license it will have a notice as to where you are allowed to go. So if you're driving to...Let's say your friends house...And you get pulled over, they will know that you are not in your allowed route.As for motorcycles, anyone here can get licenses for those at 15. Drivers permits for cars are at 15, actual license is at 16.
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