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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. So more or less that's just the OEM version? I thought OEM was only available to actual retailers - like Dell, HP, etc. to preinstall on systems?
  2. Thanks for that information. I was looking into something quite like it but a little bit different.What about items that you would like "seeded" with the person's information so that if it's shared with others you can tell?I mean, uploading a book for people to purchase does no good if the person who buys it shares the link with millions of others so that they can get it for free. Or just shares the book itself.There are some places where your information is stored in the book so that they can press charges against you for copyright infringement and whatnot.Anyone know how that's done?
  3. Out of curiosity, what kind of games could you run from the VPS? Could you do like C&C Renegade, UT2k4, CSS? I'm really new to all of this so I'm not sure if the ram would be enough for it, under say...The Advanced package?Thanks in advance.
  4. You know, before this post I had never even heard of SMF. I had only heard of things like VBul, PhpBB, and one or two others.What features does SMF have that are hard to get in phpBB?I'm looking for a good forum base to use with Joomla, if there is one. So far everything I've researched in terms of getting phpbb3 to work in Joomla is trash. What about smf?
  5. These would be more fun without programs that give you the answer,
  6. I love the winter time. I can not stand summer.The reason is pretty simple, yet awkward.In the summer you are hot. The only way to cool down while just walking is with a portable fan or to strip, but then you are still extremely hot.In the winter you can bundle up. If you are still cold, you can add more clothes. So for me winter is the more favorable time, being that you can keep yourself at a very comfortable temperature.
  7. I have mixed feelings about Steam. I just do not like the fact that you are required to log in to it to play the games.On a good note, I love how you can reformat and install the game straight from steam. Some have slow connections but these days nearly everyone that has internet has broadband. It really does not take long to download the games.It does play a nice central role in keeping your games as well. No more fear of losing/breaking your CD's.
  8. Well you guys are bringing up the numbers that are based on supersititions, but there are others as well, like "187" I think it is - the Chinese mafia. I'm not completely sure if that's the right number but it's close, :)I don't really have a 'fear' of numbers, and generally am not even aware of them. To me they're just numbers.
  9. I feel that an addiction is anything that you do that you can not stop doing. Smoking is an addiction for some, but not all.Drinking is an addiction to some, but not all.They are just things that you do not need, but you want. In terms of voluntary or involuntary control, you choose whether you want to smoke or drink or if you do not. Therefore they are not involuntary but they are still addictions.
  10. I find this very disturbing, to say the least...Unless he did make it sound like a joke when he was talking about doing it. Maybe the people who were "egging him on" were doing it because they thought he just wanted to get a reaction out of them?Either way, if he killed himself he was going to do it whether offline or online, alone or with friends. So I don't feel that the online part had anything to do with it. I still find it stupid to kill yourself though.
  11. This all sounds like an interesting theory but until it's seen I won't believe that it's ever going to be possible.Then again, look at where we are right now in the world. Cars, Computers, Robots that can actually LEARN, Computers/cars you can control with just thinking...So I guess it *is* possible...Just need someone to figure out how,
  12. I think that Windows does have many issues, but when you really start to look at it, you can tell why they don't fix everything... Most people use Windows. They still have it monopolized.Although you can go to Unix, Apple, etc., it is much easier to use Windows still. As long as Microsoft still has that control they can do what they want, or lack thereof.
  13. I don't believe that 14 is too young. In fact, in most states you can get a license...I forget what the exact name of it is, but hardship or something, that will allow you to drive to school or work at 15.I personally started driving at 12-13 with a stick shift(family said if I could drive that then an automatic would be no issue) but I live out in the middle of nowhere.Really I think age is irrelevant, it's your ability to comprehend what is going on around you that matters.
  14. I have never heard of this either..is it a MMORPG or is it a single player game? And 2d or 3d?
  15. He is a little kid at heart, so what he's doing is just playing with others that are his age. I just don't think that Michael Jackson ever really grew up to begin with.
  16. I find it funny that people fall for these tricks. The Nigerian tricks have been going on for years now. They also do fake money orders that don't bounce for over a month.For those of you who did not know about them, more or less you cash the money order, you ship out the item(since the order did in fact get paid) and then over a month later you get charged the amount the bank or post office gave you, since the money order was fake.
  17. Nobody ended up answering this so I'll go ahead and do it for you. If your hosting is with trap, use the default name server. If it is with some other host, they will give you the information that you should be using. The default one is for Xisto's servers, which are how the domain knows where to pull your IP from. For example, if you look at trap's 'list'(which we can not see, but it is how their server knows what addresses - like /cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi - go to what) you would see like.. example1.trap17.com ../example1 example2.trap17.com ../example2 johnson.trap17.com ../johnson And on and on. This is not the exact format, but that's a general idea of how it works. When you point your name server to their database, it aids your domain in linking up to that list much easier. My understanding is that it cuts down on the number of domain misdirects, 404's, and so on. Hopefully this helps you get a better view as to what the nameserver does. If it does not, it may be in your best interest to check out a few websites that explain it better. I'm pretty sure that howitworks.com has a few examples of web databases as well.
  18. I've never watched Friends, but Two and a Half Men is funny to me. Some interesting things happen on that show...
  19. Thanks for the update. I was going to contact them about something earlier but I don't remember what,
  20. Just be yourself and network with people. Don't be afraid to just talk to random people and get to know them.Along with 'popularity' it will also help in the long-run, especially when you go look for jobs and stuff.
  21. I would vote Basic as the easiest language to start with, followed by C++. I actually see many similarities between the programs, because honestly the hardest part is learning their syntax...Like remembering that if you block off code you must call on it, what parts you need to call, etc.
  22. This car does look pretty nice, and I would actually compare the eye-candiness of it to Ferraris and Lambos to me.. So...Anyone want to buy me one?
  23. These are actually pretty good, considering that they're static and not dynamic.Depending on how big you expect the site to get though, it may be more beneficial to go with Flash or something instead.
  24. Awesome, I want to thank you for those answers as well.As for the question of the addons, they were talking about the one they put in their quote, about the 500 MB email hosting...I have the same question as well. Do we still get email addresses without that?
  25. Reading the other threads it's not only more beneficial, but it is required. They are going to do away with the entire v2 system once it is fully rolled out, and are wiping accounts that have not switched over. Unsure when that all will take place though.
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