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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. The most aggravating thing I have experienced with their online support is when you have a question and they explain that you must call in, and during that time the person you're speaking to does everything in their power to sell you something new, regardless as to how many times you say "no." I ran into that when looking at whether or not my existing HP Media Center case would fit my new motherboard I was buying. I had to call in, and the guy kept bothering me about buying something new... Him - "We have a sale on the current model xxxxx at $599.95 with free shipping." Me - "No" Him - "If you buy now, we will also upgrade the ram from 1 GB to 2 GB free" Me - "No" Him - "We will also give xxx" And he kept going on with it. The worst part is that this was all *before* I got my answer, and so I was forced to sit there listening to it. I finally hit the point where I said that if he gave me all the stuff on that list, *plus* either $100 off or a free 19" flat panel, I'd take it. But he said no. Aside from that frustration, I haven't had any issues yet.
  2. Yeah, I'm on Vista now, although it took me over a year to finally drop down to it. I still prefer XP due to speed, but it's turning into a necessary evil. I'm getting used to it.As for my video card, I'm using an 8800GT right now.And for the record, listening to your idea kind of makes me think that's what my grandfather had done before...I seem to faintly remember him having the video as like the background of his PC so that it was always up no matter what, rather than in the foreground as I was thinking.I will definitely attempt this and let you know how it goes! Wondering how this would work for games too...(Play games while watching a movie, like when you're doing a game where all you do is just heal or something, and don't really need to be able to see your screen all that well).
  3. Okay, so then, the 15k RPM drives would be better for things like gaming servers? Not like UT2k4 gaming or anything, but let's assume that you were running a private server for a MMORPG(for the sake of this, let's assume that it's one you made yourself). Would those be good for databases? Because of the higher write speed, I'd guess it would be better, but with the higher fail rate...?So far I'm pretty much coming up with a conclusion that 15k drives, and even possibly 10k drives, really do not have their place in the market yet.@truefusion:You brought up how they can be used for people who have low ram, but if I was tossing down $400 on a drive that holds less than a $50 7200 RPM drive, I could afford the ram, .@ TramposchIf I were to build a gaming system I would go with liquid cooling. Much more efficient than with fans, .
  4. Well I was thinking about games that load up levels as you go along, such as (and I hate the game) Age of Conan. But pretty much what you guys are concluding is that the games and stuff load completely into ram, rather than being read as you go along? Sorry about my ignorance on this, I've just never really paid attention. I always assumed that 10/15k rpm drives were best, .I am going to assume that 10/15k rpm drives also run hotter/louder as well, correct?I guess overall I really do not need a need for one. But then what about 5400 > 7200 RPM? Like laptops generally use 5400. Is this really the same thing, because I've noticed that usually those laptops run significantly slower than the ones with 7200 PM(but that could also be because obviously the one with the more expensive driver is going to be higher-end)Thanks again for your input, guys!
  5. Is it possible to use flat files for a type of forums as well? I think that it's how Craigslist has theirs set up, for example.I hate mysql with a passion. It often is slowed, there are database errors, etc. It's probably just my lack of knowledge about it, but still, if it can be done using html it would be best(especially for search engine optimization!)
  6. The reason that friends become enemies when it comes to going into business is that there is no true equality. The person who does most of the work(even though they may just think they do more work) will want a higher percent of the profit. The other person feels betrayed.To break it into a theoretical situation, think about it like this.--------Start------John and Bob go into business together. They decide to start up a new web design business.So in this, they split the cost of start-up 50/50. This makes it equal between the two.Now in terms of the jobs, John is in charge of all the coding, whereas Bob is in charge of finding clients and doing graphical work(for the sake of the story, assume that the coding is equal to both client searching and graphics).After a few years, their business starts booming, now pulling in $900k a year in profit! Obviously, this is a huge chunk of money.So John breaks down and says "I do all of the coding, and all you do is graphics and client issues, so I want 60%, as I feel that's how much of the work I do." Bob says "Coding is much easier than everything I do, I want 65% of our profit!"And this is where it goes downhill. Both sides are too tied up with themselves to care about the business, or their partner. -------End Story--------Now, this won't and doesn't happen to all friends who go into business, but based on what I've heard it's a pretty common situation.A more recent scenario I know of personally were two guys who started a game hosting site, taking in donations. One did all of the coding, the other paid 100% of the dataserver/server costs($600 a month plus the $18k server). They planned on using all of the donations to just pay for hosting, until after 7 months they were bringing in over $20k a month in pure donations. Less than 3 months later one of them went into their joint account and stole most of the money, as he felt it was his. So it turned into an argument over who deserves most of it. Their argument was this:Coder - Felt he did all of the real work. Without his coding and work on the server, it never would have gotten as big as it didServer Owner - Felt he needed most of it, since he put down almost $20k in a RISK in order to try getting a gaming community goingIt ended up with the coder stealing the hardware as well, and they are now in a legal battle. Two best friends are now worst enemies.So I guess what I'm trying to say is...No matter how good of friends you are with someone, make sure you are very cautious if you go into business with them. "Money is the root of all evil." If nothing else, look at the business venture as being not only a risk in terms of finances, but friendships as well.(Please keep in mind that I'm not saying don't do it, I'm merely explaining what can, and often does, happen in these situations.)
  7. By making the window transparent, would it also allow for clicking through the window? More or less so that I can browse as normal, just with the video overlay here. Most programs that allow you to make things transparent won't allow click-throughs.
  8. So we have two for Defraggler now. Anyone who has used Defraggler and another?(Excluding Windows built-in)Also, can Defraggler do the MFT and all of the system files(Called "offline defragmenting" I think)?
  9. Follows voice commands...I must admit that I do have issues with that. I know we've all called a phone line(for support) at one point and gotten the dreaded "Please say your account number," "Please say 'Representative, Support, Billing, or Technical'", "I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Please say ----'"I can see it now...Rolling down the street and you say "Forward" and it says "Going left" and runs out in front of a car,=/I wouldn't trust them until they iron out the kinks with all voice recognition.As for your question of where it will go next, I honestly believe that at some point we will have mind-powered things, including wheelchairs. Where you just think "forward" and it automatically goes. Hopefully it's more stable than our voice recognition is now. Think about driving and seeing someone attractive and thinking " I want to go meet her" and it running her over, XDSorry about the jokes in there, it's just how I envision it.
  10. I want to thank you for that information as well. I, too, have dealt with that before. I just assumed that they were meant to stay there or something, :PBy the way, eskimos don't need ice cubes?. Looks like my Christmas present will be returned to me, hopefully *not* melted yet!
  11. Well he had a license, it just wasn't from the US.And about the story, I could see it as being more understandable if he wasn't in the US, but if he's in the US and he's a dentist..He should have no issues with getting a real firm to take him in.
  12. Oddly enough, out of all the reviews/sites I've read, nothing even mentioned that "defraggler." Is that an actual program?lolAnd do you happen to have experience with others as well? Everyone can say that theirs is great, if they've only used one. I'm more or less looking for actual comparisons to help narrow it down. For example, I see it going like this(this is theoretical):Person 1 : Diskeeper is better than O&OPerson 2 : PerfectDisk is better than O&OPerson 3 : Diskeeper is better than PerfectdiskSo I would rank them Diskeeper > Perfectdisk > O&OI know it's not a "solid" judgement, but at the same time it's much better than just taking the sites that market them and using that as trustable advice,
  13. Yeah, they really are a great host. I also thought I got activated already but just noticed that it takes 1-5 days until it's done. Do you happen to know if they go through that process with upgrades and new sites as well, or just our first?Hopefully it'll all be set up and ready for me tomorrow, .
  14. Yeah, I'm glad to hear that you had a lot of luck. I was wondering if they only did free shipping on PC's and laptops, or if it included other items as well.Thanks for your input on here. Maybe this will sway others into trusting HP more as well, .
  15. About going to Craigslist...I've yet to have any real luck there. So far out of probably 100 people I've contacted, 90+ didn't even reply and the few that did were just looking for people to "work at home for only $50 application fee!" or whatever - the scam programs.If anyone finds a legitimate place to find writing jobs at, I'm also interested in it. I just got tired of wasting my time on worthless emails that got nothing done.
  16. Out of curiosity, when you had your issue and had to ship your printer to them, did they give you a postage-paid box for it, or did you have to pay for shipping?And your estimated turn-around time? Like if you shipped on 2nd and it came back on 9th, that's 7 days.Trying to see how other people's experiences with them compare with mine. Maybe I've just been real lucky with them, or maybe some others are just very unlucky.
  17. When I looked in my account it seems to be generic, just showing the total. I didn't see how to show it based on site or anything. Maybe if you email the admin and request that feature they might do it. It does seem like a pretty logical addition.(The admin of Kontera I mean).If you do end up finding a way to do it, let us know, :PI'll do the same!
  18. Thanks a lot for your reply on this. Although I do appreciate your answers, I am looking for a more solid admin or-so answer, :PIt's nothing negative about you, but I'd rather be 100% confident before I make the various decisions.Regardless, thanks again for your assistance!
  19. Hopefully this is easy to understand, but a long time ago(I'd estimate 6-7 years) my grandfather had a video capture card in his PC.Now the feature that I liked about his program(I'm completely unsure if it was just software, or if it came with the card) is that you could put the video you were streaming into the foreground of your PC, but in a ghost-like way.More or less you could have like...This web browser up. And over on top of it, but see through, would be the video. So that you could do other things while watching your video full screen.And now, I'm looking for something like that but that will play video files(WMV, dvd's, etc.). I want to be able to watch stuff full-screen while doing other stuff online.So does anyone happen to know of any programs capable of that? Free or paid is okay. I would also like a walkthrough as to how to set it up.So far I've tried Windows Media Video, VLC player, and a few dvd-specialized programs but none of them allow me to do the see-through video. Most will allow you to "force" it to the top, but that does no good if I can't see behind it, .So hopefully one of you understands what I'm looking for, and can help me.Thanks in advance.
  20. Video camcorders(hopefully this is the right area to post in) are something I know very, very little about.More or less I am wanting to know what a decent(although semi-low priced) camcorder would cost that would do the following:Record video(obviously) onto a hard drive, or another medium that would allow you to record the video to discs, email to others, post on Youtube, etc.Take digital photos - decent quality. I can't stand the ones that have such bad quality it's all fuzzy.Can record sound decently - sound is a big issue with me. The echoey sound bothers me...The sound that says "Hah! This is a home movie!"If there are no semi-low priced ones, can anyone give advice in general? Like what is a good MP to look for in them, what is a good zoom ratio, etc? I'm very, very new to this so I don't even know where to start.Thanks in advance, and if I posted this in the wrong area, I'm sorry. I did look, but did not find anything related to video cameras.
  21. Man, you brought up a point that I really dislike, but is true. It's about Firefox. I have noticed that a lot of sites that I frequent/used to frequent are now requiring Firefox for stuff. Even some school websites require it for their programs(online classes and stuff) and aren't even compatible with IE anymore! I've used Firefox, Opera, etc. many times, but still, for some reason, I prefer IE. I think I'm one of those people who just hates to change when it's not really a necessity. After all, IE works for me still. And I know it's a bad mindset, and it's the same one that is keeping Microsoft on top, but still, "Don't fix what isn't broken." And of course some people will argue that anything Microsoft is flawed, but regardless, I just don't see any issues with it, . What we need...Is a browser that already knows what we're looking for and even searches through the results on Google FOR us. No more "https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl > free webhosts > searches through 5000 results before finding Xisto." Instead, it would be "*thinks about free webhosts* > Browser automatically searches and comes up with Xisto, opens on screen with a message saying "The best!"* And then I wake up from my dream, . If only...
  22. I currently prefer flat files, actually. I've been messing with both CMS's and flat files, and I just find it much better for me. I cannot stand Mysql, and on my sites there is no need to log in. Only for the forums.First of all, I've never heard of the term "flat files," so yet again Xisto teaches me something, .Second of all, do you think it would be possible to upgrade a 'flat file' site to a CMS?At the moment there is no use for a CMS but in the future I may need a login or something(maybe Membership based site). This probably won't happen, so it's not a big *need*, it's just something to keep in mind.Thanks.
  23. Okay, so I signed up for my hosting, finally(been procrastinating, ) and I'm ready to move on with creating my site!So I do have a few questions, though.1)About upgrades, can we upgrade more than what's in our package? Meaning, could we upgrade our site to a VPS? I know that we can sign UP to a VPS but could we also have all of our site stuff transferred to it? And would the cost difference be what we pay, or the full VPS cost?(Note : This isn't about a VPS, it was just the first example that came to mind)2)Is it possible to do downgrades the same way, and be credited for the difference as well?3)With these hosts, are we allowed(assuming we don't go over our bandwidth/space) to do video hosting and stuff(like Youtube clones)?I've had some great idea regarding some video hosting sites, but want to ensure that we're allowed to do stuff like that first, .I think that's all the questions for now. At the moment I'm awaiting my confirmation that my account is set up.Thanks in advance.
  24. Not to be overly critical, but I think that if you wish to do a real writing job you need to first learn how to use proper English. Otherwise, your writing isn't professional, thereby granting the website owner nothing but a negative image.
  25. Okay, here we go...Hopefully you all understand what I mean by this, and maybe someone knows how to make it a reality. More or less I want to design my site using Photoshop(I'm assuming I do a jpg or some other format and it will be the basis of the site). Now, afterwards, I would like each block to be able to hold information. For example, Banner would have a banner on it, The main area would have any real information on it. The nav bar I'm unsure if I'll just use normal html or something else to write it. Maybe flash. Ad1 and Ad 2 = advertisements Footer = "2008 ????" most likely Now I think that I can create the design, but I do not know how to get the actual information onto it. Hopefully it doesn't involve editing a lot of pictures and uploading them. For example, in the main page, I would like to even have a scroll bar, assuming that the information I'm adding would not fit. Now, in terms of the design, this is most likely not how it would look. I am just needing help with figuring out how to use blocked off areas to add content. Then I will work on the design itself. I'm planning on the site(assuming I can do this) getting larger and larger over time. I have thought about using a CMS, but I just feel more comfortable using HTML, not to mention I can fully customize it. As for the methods of adding the information to the blocks, I have a couple of questions. 1)Would I actually draw the content areas using PS, or leave them blank and mentally work information into them? 2)If anyone does know how to do this, it would be appreciated to explain it(so I can adapt it to my use), and Dreamweaver tutorials/explanations would be best. I do know how to customize/clean up code, but using DW is a faster method for a lot of things. Thanks in advance. If you don't really understand what I'm looking for, please ask. I would really like this to work out! Hopefully the answers I get here will help others who may have the same issue as well.
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