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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I've played every COD except the last one, but I never really liked playing any online. Pretty much I just played until I beat them on single-player and that's all.I couldn't stand online because I spent more time dead than I did alive, .
  2. I actually laughed when that one person posted their 5 page stories that you would normally see on blogs, like "And she went to the store to buy WOW GOLD for her son and also bought some new bowls and a WOW POWERLEVELING cereal." Something about those just make me laugh. I find it sad that people keep trying to destroy such a nice system, and ruin it for the rest of us.
  3. I think that there are a couple of reasons for not doing instant updates. I'm going to assume you meant the myCENTS per post, meaning if you make a new post you will see how many myCENTS you got instantly. So in relation to that...There are a couple of issues. 1)That is a *lot* of reading and writing to the database. It would have to do so after every post anyone made. 2)People could spam long messages before their posting ended to get it renewed for the next month, and then it would be until the mods deleted the post before anything got changed. I think the system is perfect how it is now. I don't see any issues with waiting to be credited.
  4. I hate you,Echo, lol.An arcade is what I just recently started implementing on my website.I'm not sure how well it's going to catch on or anything but at the minimum at least it will allow people to get on and play games while at school(Yes, I am a bad, bad person).But not sure how well it would catch on here. People here aren't visiting to play games. Most visit to get the information that they want and then leave.
  5. I missed the part where it said that both HDD's are 250 GB's.That would make no sense for it to say not to use the second one for an OS.Do you know if they are both physical hard drives or if it is really one 500 GB that is partitioned into two parts?If they are two physical drives and you have the "restore" partition(Usually drive D:/) then you should be able to use Partitionmagic to slice the second one into two parts, leaving all of the restore information. This would then bring you up to 3 "drives" but really there are only 2. The good part about doing this is that you could still use the restore partition.If you don't have a restore partition, I'm unsure why it would say not to use it for another OS.
  6. This is definitely true. I personally usually buy the off-brands solely because you really can't tell the difference between it and the expensive stuff. But not always. Case in point : Cereal....Store brand...I'll usually buy that but there is one type (Sugar Smacks) that tastes horrible as store brand(at Wal-Mart or Brookshires). Or vegetables. Canned spinach doesn't taste the same as the expensive brand either. But pretty much aside from those two I'm willing to always go with store brand. No reason to pay more for the same thing. That's what causes so many people to experience issues during economic hardships and stuff. They spend unnecessarily on things that they could otherwise do without.
  7. True...There are some 4 year olds that look like 8-9 year olds,lol. It's not a *lot* of them but there are some nonetheless. About the anger management...From a psychological point of view, he is going to be at risk to shoot and/or try to murder others in the future. Because he tried it once, it will shape his future behavior. *Especially* if he gets away with it. He will learn from that that there is no real punishment for that type of behavior. Although I do understand that he is very young, he needs some type of punishment that will explain to him just how bad what he did really was.
  8. You're right about never having used Drupal. But I haven't found anything that Joomla wasn't capable of doing. Joomla has awesome templates, themes, etc. and works well with anything you can throw at it. Granted, yes, a lot of the extensions cost money(as well as templates) but there are quite a few that are free as well.
  9. On the touch screen aspect, I have a question...Is it supposed to convert monitors into touch-screen or are we supposed to go out and buy new $7000 monitors?lolAnd yes, I am pretty sure I already know the answer to that.But if we have to buy new monitors anyways, why worry about an OS that has touch-screen capabilities? Just buy a touch-screen PC that has all the software needed on it already installed.Or am I missing something here?
  10. I forgot to list you under the non-spam list. Or are you a spammer?>=) And to curtis....It's a nice theory but I'm not completely sure if it's proven. Can you really say that if we get, lets say 300 new people who all get accepted for hosting....And it costs...Assume $1.50 a month for each...Can you really say that Trap would be earning another 450 a month off advertising, minimum? And what if people go for more expensive packages? There is a possibility that it could all work out, but so far every program I've seen that has a huge influx ends up crashing. But then again....This is Trap. We'll see what happens, . Trap has amazed me in the past with different things, so it has a chance to live!
  11. I see what you mean about low earnings. I get 35-50 impressions a day and I've earned less than 40 cents so far as well. I get 1 click a day, if that.But about using it as a bonus to a site that you already have, I agree it's a good idea(assuming you *are* using Kontera on your site).I personally am not sure what type of advertising to go with on mine yet, so for me this is a way to learn Kontera, how it works, how efficient it is, etc.And truefusion - no, I didn't notice that it had his referral link,lol.
  12. Yes, you can do that!Okay, first of all there are some questions.1)What OS are you using right now?2)Are you planning on fully wiping your second HDD?3)How big is the second HDD?(If you just repartition the second one, assuming it's big enough, you could actually host both linux AND files on it).Answer those and I'll offer up some more guidance, .
  13. It's more of an ongoing thing. If you look at people's myCENTs while you explore various posts you will see that one minute they're negative and the next they aren't. Just kind of off and on. As for it affecting your hosting, no. The myCENTS in your Xisto account are already yours, .
  14. I'm just annoyed at the ones that spam or just flat out let you know that they don't care. And it's obvious who those people are. Some of us(Me, SM, Echo) have enough credits to not have to worry about posting anymore for our hosting. I have enough to last years,lol. I still hang out here because it's become like a new home to me, .
  15. Broadband usually is fibre optics...Fibre optics is just a way to get more throughput. Broadband is anything faster than dial-up.So which one is best? Neither. Essentially they are the same thing.
  16. I was reading online that there are very few differences between it and Vista anyways. They said really the only things that are different are graphical changes. Based on everything relating to Windows 7 I don't see a reason to really upgrade to begin with. As long as XP and Vista are still supported 100%, why would they even make a new OS? And supposably Vista will be 100% compatible with Windows 7 and vice versa. So...People will be paying money for looks?
  17. I would vote Joomla as the best one to use...But I wouldn't start a social network to make money. The chances of coming up with the next Myspace or whatever are very low.And those weren't made for money. They were made for friends and slowly(over years) grew bigger and bigger.
  18. If they all became members I wonder how long Trap could keep up all the hosting though. If you notice, there are only a few(compared to total members) of us who ever even post. I would estimate ~200-250 of us, if even that many, including the mods/admins. I honestly think that if Trap did get a huge influx of new people the cost to maintain all of their accounts would be significantly greater than it is now.
  19. I'm going to skip Windows 7 for now.What I learned from XP and Vista is that you should give each new version about a year to get the kinks out of them.Until then they will have complications, whether it be crashing, memory issues, incompatibilities(both hardware and software), or anything else.Once Windows 7 is out for long enough and I feel more confident with its progress, I will then possibly jump in.It took me until Vista SP1 came out and was fully analyzed before I made a true step into its direction.
  20. First of all, how could it possibly be a 'scam' when you aren't required to put forth any effort, nor give anything in return for the new system? Second, I've earned almost a dollar off it. It's very low, but there are a lot of people who's ads are being shown too. Imagine an area with 30 people who posted. There's a 40% chance that ONE of theirs will show, not a 100% chance that *all* will show. So yes, the chances are low. I personally get about 30-35 views a day and ~3-5% click-thru ratio. Yes, it's low, but I'm not doing anything extra for it anyways, so no matter what it's free.
  21. Wow, over 1400 people is quite a bit. Sadly though most of them were just guests, not members. The most actual members I've seen on at once was like 12 or 13,lol, and that wasn't anytime recent.Which shows that the site also has very, very good SEO, being that they are constantly getting hits from people on various search engines.If only I knew their tricks, .
  22. Yeah, I agree with most of what the others said. Don't worry about it. There is someone out there for everyone, .Just give it time, don't rush it, and understand that you don't have to have someone to be happy. That is what gets a lot of people into relationships that are abusive or otherwise negative. Understand that you can go along by yourself, and that having someone else isn't a necessity, it's just something that you want.Not to mention you're from Texas...I am too. If I were a girl I wouldn't date any guys that live here,lol. Find someone out of the state!
  23. Where can you take an *official* IQ test at? Online they are all based on whoever made them, so I'd like one that's a standardized test.Aside from MEMSA's test(That's the elitest group, right?)
  24. Nice template links there. These would be helpful, were I to not be doing CMS'ing now, . I spent forever looking for decent templates back in the day, and always had issues with it.Are templates okay to use with commercial websites? I'm wondering what the rules are on that. For example, can you use a template from one of those sites to make a site that you are charging a client for?
  25. 3 letter domains cost a lot because as far as I'm understanding, 3 letters is the least you can put in a domain. You can't have like http://www.afternic.com/forsale/gk.com?utm_campaign=tdfs_namefind_orca&traffic_id=Namefind&traffic_type=TDFS or anything, and so people take the 3 letter ones because they are useful for domain forwarding systems and stuff.I would recommend you just forget about that domain and stick with a normal one, .
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