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Free Sms Service. How can send free sms?
iGuest replied to ĐeadHunter's topic in Science and Technology
searching for sending free sms to mobile numberFree Sms Service.Hi there! Does gmail.Com gives free sms messaging to any phone number?Where could I find this function?I could not find it in my page of gmail.Com.Could you give a detail guide of it.Thanks a lot.Hehe:)-reply by Gashaw Ayele -
How To Create An Animated Gif? from a video
iGuest replied to darran's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
Fantastic WEgif Photo Animation to Animate Your PhotosHow To Create An Animated Gif?Want to do more with your digital camera? WEgif create, view and share animated pictures. Auto align images, animate pictures, photo with similar content with one click of a button. Gif Photo Animation Now, making personalized gif images is easy. -reply by wegif -
How Long Does It Take For Google To Index Your Website?
iGuest replied to dwolters's topic in Search Engines
Google is not indexing my webpagesHow Long Does It Take For Google To Index Your Website? I have sent my web site url to https://www.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Ftools%2Fsubmit-url%2FAnd&followup=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Ftools%2Fsubmit-url%2FAnd also I have sent my sitemap.Xml to https://www.google.com/webmasters/toolsAnd I have added Google Analytics scripts to my each web page. https://www.google.com/analytics/And then my sites homepage have been added in one week. Now 2 months have passed but google has not indexed my webpages for Solutioninn.Com This website is built on Zen cart ! -question by Fawad -
Tata Nano: The World’s Cheapest Car.......
iGuest replied to malloc's topic in Science and Technology
feedback for Tata NanoTata Nano:Sir, I have already booked a Nano which is to be delivered in July,2010. I was thinking to cancel the booking as it will be difficult to steer for my sister as it has no power steering. Please advice me whether I should retain the booking or cancel it. Thanking You in Advance Prateek Kaura -reply by Prateek Kaura -
Indyarocks Social Network Website Is Very Nice
iGuest replied to friendforever's topic in General Discussion
all in oneIndyarocks Social Network Website Is Very NiceUnlike face book and orkut indyarocks is very easy to use with good features like games,bollywood content.We can do a lot more on indyarocks than on facebook. -reply by techcrunch -
movie sucksCirque Du Freakhavent seen the movie but just looking at the trailer makes theEntire film look like a commercial perversion of a good series ofBooks. I enjoyed the books and too much has been changed and addedWhich makes me not want to waste my money on a crappy hollywood darrenShan. Darren isnt supposed to be so generic and commercial he isSupposed to be a kid put through rough situations trying to do theRight thing despite his feelings towards what he has become (at leastIn the first few books). To me it feels like the eragon movie all overAgain and I'm disappointed the author would let this happen. NothingNeeded to be changed for this to translate into a good movie. Just theStruggles darren has with his new identity in the first 3 books wouldHave made a great movie but the story has been cheapened to make aQuick buck. Patheticthe only good actor in this movie is john c reiley, not the pictureOf larten I had in my mind but the character descriptions (althoughIgnored majorly) are not the movies biggest problem, which says much.And salma hayek is bangin hot. But the actor playing steve should findAnother job he sucks and every movie he's been in sucked out loud.There are a wide range of actually talented young actors which makesHis success in film that much more annoying. Take an acting lesson andHe might actually be believable instead of playing every character heGets THE EXACT SAME WAY.in conclusion, if I could speak with darren shan I would say this: F*** y**! you sold out on the very people who MADE YOUR CARREER YOUMONEY GRUBBING *bottom*! WE DIDNT BUY THE BOOKS SO YOU COULD MAKE US FEELSTUPID FOR READING THEM. YOU COULD HAVE GAINED ALOT MORE FANS RATHERTHAN LOSE YOUR AVID READERS. THE PEOPLE WHO LOVED THE MOVIE ARENT THEPEOPLE WHO WILL LIKE THE BOOKS AND THE PEOPLE WHO LIKED THE BOOKS WILLHATE THE MOVIE SO YOU'VE GAINED NOTHING BUT MONEY. WHICH IS GREATBECAUSE I HOPE YOU NEVER WRITE ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL BOOK AND THE REST OFYOUR WORK FAILS EPICLY -reply by john doe
My Naruto ShinobiWhat Is Your Dream Naruto CharacterName: Kaijin Ryuga Age: 20 Rank: Jounin Signature Jutsu: Senbon Taiyou (1000 Suns) Jutsu and Akuma Zankai (Demon Release) Village: in the middle of the outside of Village Hidden in the Sand and the Village Hidden in the Leaves Appearance: straight long shiny black ponytail close to the top of the head, shogun jacket with a Japanese symbol on back that says "Live" written in blood, ninja pants that goes to the bottom of the knees, ninja mesh for inner shirt, a kung fu outer shirt, and socks that goes to the bottom of the knees with the usual Naruto shoes, and he's a guy History: His clan has almost all destroyed by a rival clan from the Village Hidden in the Mountains, and now there's only a hand full of the Ryuga Clan left that support the Sand and Leaf Villages. He lives with his house workers in a rebuilt small mansion, repaired by his house workers, some of the leaf villagers and, some around country builders. The Ryuga Clan all had a special jutsu called the Akuma Zankai which releases a very high amount of power that is almost as strong as the Kyuubi and lasts only 5 minutes, after 5 minutes the person using it dies or becomes extremely exhausted for 10 hours, Kaijin only used the move twice in all his life. Kaijin is a very rich but, worried ninja because of his clan dying out. His family was a rich part of the Ryuga that survived the attacks of their rival clans. Kaijin's parents died of an unknown disease normally caught by people that travel in the forest to long (not a spreading disease) and his twin brother died in a battle against Orochimaru. Before Kaijin's brother died he wrote "Live" in the back of Kaijin's jacket. Weapon of Choice: Naginata, Katana, Shuriken, Kunai, Scrolls -reply by new guy
Warrior PrincessHidden FeelingsNice poem... You know what... When I was still in my high school andCollege years, I also felt that hidden feelings for someone... =) I can't recognize if I'm truly in love or just infatuation?hhhmmmmmmm...I cried and cried... Coz I know the heart can be deceiving...But thanksTo my Greatest Lover... He told me to WAIT... Wait for the right time,For the right person just for me...He will just come the way you neverExpect it... To have a crush is normal but never ever try toHelp it grow... You know there is that greatest Lover who will love youUnconditionally, the way you are, during your happy face or sad face...=) Let God writes your love story... ~ Jesus LOVES you... John 3:16-reply by Lani
how do i convert a christianHow Do I Convert A Non Christian?Seriously - everyone from history knows that Qur'an was written by Muhammad who just collected stories from travelers and those stories were from already existing Bible!! the reason Muhammad excluded Christ as the son of God is because Jesus preached love but Muhammad had so many people to kill to get what he wants but if Jesus is son of God than Muhammad would go against God's will by torturing people to convert so why not make Jesus just a prophet, and just so people would not compare Jesus to Muhammad lets make Muhammad a bigger prophet so that people listen to him more. - if there is one God1) One God can't say to one person kill and to other don't and to one you can do that but to the other you can't2) God is not someone who just sits there just because but He is the RULER - who wants to be obeyed who created us for certain purpose-reply by jeje
how do i convert a non christian?How Do I Convert A Non Christian?praying is a really big tool - prayer can do a lot of things you should pray very very hard for him because when you do it's like you fight for him and your battle is with devil who wants his soul for the fire and then get very close to God yourself because how can you be the light to him (and light shows the path) if you are not feeding from the source of light. remarks - think about it - how come Christians ALL OVER THE WORLD still talk about how God still keeps his word and still answers and still heals and does so many miracles and the biggest is changing a human heart from any kind of stage to humble - so many stories known - this God is REAL and mainly ALIVE and who really cares about people He created Then why would people just die for God who to some people was just an idea - why would people loose their life for that?!?! So stupid you think how they would see their children torn in front of their eyes or cut or go through hunger and so many other ways of persecution. MAYBE THERE IS SOMETHING MORE TO THIS "idea" maybe there is God who will give them a way better life in heaven. To go through all this you seriously Must have a 100 % proof that God is real and He sees them and He will take care of them. Those people had that proof and so they stood up for their believeth and were faithful servants till the end did not betray their God. -reply by lyuba
Adventure Quest Worlds Anyone Know Any Good Mmorpg Games? The graphics are okay, not PvP, even if you are non-mem boatloads of free stuff combat system is real-time, kind of turn based and it has parties and stuff- not like original adventure quest. I think the level cap is 20-but it takes a long time to reach level 10- it took me a year. Its made by artix entertainment which has made other mmo games like dragonfable, adventure quest, and mech quest. All are turn based, and you are only person there. There is PvP but you can only complete the bosses by yourself. There are wars and seasonal events. All in all all are pretty good MMO's, I suggest AQ Worlds. -reply by iGuest
why spanish speaking people should speak englishNon-english Speakers In Americahey first of all i have learned constitution pretty well and could have kicked any immigrants buts. The only reason they know it better is cause they had to memorize it to get into our country. Once they pass they say "what the heck with it" and completely forget about it.So I believe anybody who says immigrants like spanish speaking people know it better are completely wrong. -reply by Sneaky Irish guy
Is someone using kis on a win 7??What Do You Think About Kaspersky Antivirus 2009?I just bought the new Windows 7 and I have a licence for KIS 2009. I want to know if someone has already installed this version. I just want to know if someone can tell me if this version works good or do I havr to upgrade to a 2010... Thanks, -reply by Percy Sneider
rap to my friendRap Lyricsyo your name is wes u are like the rest u act like kanye west. U wanna get hig in to the sky but your life is such a lie and I can eat u up like pie.Why don't u just die. Stop sitting in your cacoun acting like a ba boon =stop sitting in your room wearing froot of loom -reply by mike
What Is Mysql's Default Root Password? Just installed in on my Linux box
iGuest replied to michaelper22's topic in Software
RE: What Is MysqlWhat Is Mysql's Default Root Password?To log in as the root user, type mysql -u root -p and for the password, just press Enter. -
Dragons exist?Did Dragons Ever Exist?More than likely what those in the past, all over this earth, called dragons were in reality Dinosaurs. The word "Dinosaur" was not used until 1842 by an English scientist by the name of Richard Owen. The size of the Dinosaurs are normally considered to be very large by most people, and there is no doubt that some were. But the truth of the matter is that the average dinosaur was no larger than our common cow of today. We have a Whale in the Ocean today that weighs more than what they claim to be that of the largest Dinosaur found (which is only a guess from bone structure). Our elephant is bigger than most dinosaurs of which bones have been found. People in history that may have came across one of the bigger dinosaurs and told the story of what they saw may have exaggerated what they saw and the story became bigger throughout time, just as people do with things today. ( and it can be proven that dinosaurs existed only a few thousand years ago along with people). For example, a man may have hooked a ten pound fish that got away and by the time he gets home it weighed about twenty pounds. Who is to say what is truth and what is not about the dragons. But the idea that they existed before a so called "Big Bang" theory is garbage. There are two basic laws that are a death blow to the big bang theory and Evolution. The law of Cause and Effect which states that "Every material effect must have an adequate cause that existed before the effect. That only life can produce life. Even the most educated Evolutionist Scientist will tell you that only life can produce more life. And there is no evidence that anything left in it?s natural state (without the interference of man) will produce anything other than that after it?s own kind. A fact that we learn from the very first chapter of the bible written over 3500 years ago. -reply by Bill
Is it TrueLock Ness MonsterI am regular person just like you all, but we all have different beliefs... Some are ridiculous and insane, or some could be logical...But, there is one more that is rarely used, and it seems as though it could be ridiculous but it is the least bit sane. I believe that that there is a lochness monster , and that it still exists, but it shouldn't be called the lochness monster, you see, the lochness monster is a myth told in stories or books, but the so called lochness monster or Nessie, is the pleslisaur. There has been hoax pictures but there has also been real pictures. In 1977 they found a large carcass in the exact same form as a plesliosaur. When I first saw I didn't believe my eyes, this was no hoax, no magician could do that, Go ahead be a lump on a log, be afraid to find new things or like me, you could be optimistic, and find new things do something people are to lazy to do...Discover... I think that the -plesliosaur is lurking , waiting for a deep sea fishing boat that just wants to come out and catch a few fish, but they with find something much more... -reply by Kennedy Johnson
Playstation 3 Vs. Xbox360 Who has the excellence?
iGuest replied to simipro's topic in Computer Gaming
ooooh wow... Can you tell us proof why is ps3 is better??? it because free online.. Well maybe you didn't know this ps3 has soo ****ing lagg.. On xbox you can talk or chat and talk on phone during in game and so much more.. Ps3 will die soon... Cause project natal is coming soon -
SimCity Societies is boring. We all want. Most of us want the old sim cities back like simcity 3000 or 4. In societies you build instantly buildings, you have the money,always. In Simcity 3000 or 4 you have to wait to build the buildings and you have to earn the money unlike societies. Societies really sucks, waste of good money... /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley7.Gif -reply by Lowrider
Html Tag For A Code Box Where You Put HTML Code For Your Users
iGuest replied to wariorpk's topic in Web Hosting Support
Is it possible to protec the code in a blog code box?Html Tag For A Code BoxIs there a way to protect the code in the code box? For example, anyone can copy the code from the box, but it's not protected. So someone could accidentally type an extra letter and/or number, it would mess up the code. Make sense? Any help or direction you have would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance! -question by Jane Says -
Lol, there's all kind of mmorpg: high street 5- A dancing game, great, good graphic and you don't really need a dance pad for it just the keyboard. Has couple dancing, street all types.http://www.highstreet5.com/ maplestory- 2D mmorpg. But really fun.http://www.nexon.net/ Mabinogi- 3D mmorpg. Its kind of like a fantasy thing. Not like perfectworld or something similar but its really cute and fun. You get to be born as a pet as well, but you have to buy a pet card for that. http://www.nexon.net./ You can check out the games at ijji.Com as well. There is audition. Kind of like high street 5 but different graphics and role. But same type of dancing. http://www.redbana.com/Home/Home.aspx there is games on http://www.webzen.com/ if you want to check it out. and there is tons of others you just got to check it out, but these are website and games that I know and have played before. Hope I helped a lil
pls help me ceate ghost image ....How To Create "ghost" Images (norton) On Windowsdear all friends ,need your help hello.Could u help me show step by step from install norton ghost 11 .Till create image ,I know how to clone disk to disk .But now I need to learn the step to install norton ghost 11 in ms dos the norton ghost that I have is portable bcoz I only knew to use norton ghost 11 .Pls anyone could help me really urgently need your help .I always fail to install norton in ms dos,I always confius does norton ghost need windows system to use or install ghost bcoz the third time I try to install it says no bootup system found,and the fourth time when I tried to install ghost the windows system corrupts (ghost not installed yet) its straightly hangs and reboot automaticly,pls help really appreciate your help.I aalso try a few from this website but I still cant make done, I guess if someone teach me how to install ghost my problem will b solved .The rest ill try by my self .B4 requesting I had tried to install ghost 7times .and I still fail ..Pls anyone help me.../txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley6.Gif -question by dash
Personality Disorder Test How are you...really?
iGuest replied to JaVe's topic in General Discussion
Being Antisocial doesnt really have anything to do with Antisocial personality disorder People with antisocial personality disorder usually have repeated violations of the law,Pervasive lying and deceptions,Physical Aggressiveness,Reckless Disregard of physical safety for yourself and others,Consistent Irresponsibility in work and family environments,Lack of Remorse etc...The onset of this disorder occurs by the age of 15...80%-85% of incarcerated criminals meet the criteria for APD,about 20% of these criminals would qualify for a diagnosis of being a psychopath,almost all psychopaths meet the criteria for APD but most people with APD do not meet the criteria for being a psychopath,Psychopaths account for 50% of all serious crimes committed including serial killers and repeat rapists,only 3% of the general population have full blown APD while a much larger percentage display some traits of it,People with full on APB are unable to love,have no moral reasoning and no impulse control,which is why serial killers with APB are able to commit their crimes with no remorse. -
The Sims 2 University! 1st expansion pack of Sims 2
iGuest replied to cragllo's topic in Computer Gaming
Reply To IGuestThe Sims 2 University!You can make your own greek house, by making a house of sims ( they must be living in rented accomodation and attending college ), then selecting the phone and applying for a Greek House Charter. If I remember right, this costs 25 simoleons and it means you can recruit people to join. Not much fun in it though, IMHO. -reply by Jools