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Everything posted by iGuest
Get in to users and groups this wayHow To Reset, Retrieve Windows Xp User Password ?Much quicker than using MMCStart, Run, then type control userpasswords2, then click Advanced Tab, and then Advanced button, takes you to the same screen but quicker.Then change password as the original text.-reply by NeilP
I have an ATI Radeon HD 2400 pro and I was wondering if its possible for me to have a triple display. Its currently in Dual display mode, the onboard VGA and s-video are not in use. I looked into the Display properties and it recognizes that there are three monitors but I cant get it to use the third one (s-video).
10 raised to the power of 100What's Google Mean?A famous mathematician from America was being asked a question one day from his nephew. Auncle what is the largest or biggest number in math? Uncle replied I don't know! Child repeated his question and said give me figure. Uncle stated: GOOGLE * 10^100 As of our understanding, we know that 10^100 simply means add 100 zeros infron of 1. BUT, when this large figure is multiplied with GOOGLE> IT is something that can not be calculated neither it can be measure. Today, When professors and teachers teach the term GOOGLE, they consider, it is something even larger than INFINITI... -reply by Israr Sajid
Is it Fake?? Yeah i think its a movie shooted by NASA pplMan Lands On The MoonI believe, NASA people shot this (MAN LANDED MOON) shooting for a movie. They might have planned to release it as a Movie. But as it was very good to see they started blaming as they landed moon. Nut its a loss to them Coz one good movie bcame just a documentary -reply by Sadik
Great ThoughtThe End Of The World By December 21, 2012Very Well Said. We should live our lives to the full that too with lots of happiness. We should make others feel happy by doing generous deeds instead of worrying about the end of the world. We must stop worrying about it. It's high time. Why everybody is so eager to let it happen ? -reply by unanimous
How Do I Overclock My Processor? Im a newbie at all this.
iGuest replied to cragllo's topic in Hardware Workshop
I was just wondering if I could overclock my processor from 2.53 to 2.6 for my laptop. I have a Sager NP8660 with a G-Force 9800. I do get a bit of lag on high settings and it seems to always be my processor. The recommended setting on most games is 2.6. My question is will I have problems if I overclock my processor from 2.53 to 2.5ghz. Games like Crysis I can run on most settings high its just when I get to a busy area I do get some lag. -reply by Ollie -
Huwai VWireless is best there speed 230kbps otherwise DSLHigh Speed Satellite InternetI think Huwai V Wireless is Best for which area that nothing reach DSL line or other comm. System -reply by Asghar Shah
Missing tables in MS Word document opened in Open Office WriterDifference Between OpenOffice Write And MS WordOpening an MS Word document (*.Doc) in OpenOffice Writer 3.1.0 contains blank spaces where MS Word tables should show up. Someone must have an answer to this. All I have found is to right-click around the blank space (sometimes several tries are needed to find the right place) to bring up the context menu, and select "Table". (Sometimes you have to click on "Edit" to create an editable copy to work on.) If you are lucky you see another box with table options: find "Alignment" towards the top right and select the button "Automatic", and click "OK" when, miraculously, the missing table now appears. The tables are numbered "Table1" in sequence as they are included in the document. You have to go through this rigmarole for each table. Is there a fix, or even a macro, to set the table alignment property to automatic for any/all tables on opening an MS Word document? -reply by Michael Lager
Lol... Combat ArmsHow could you not hate this game!Played it for 1 year!Thepinder lol solider front is bad as... The graphics and everything is bad. :)Play combat arms it is the best.If you do add SoccerYeah (Me) And Join My Clan Chaos UNLEASHED !NB. You cant get bored! You play all different types of matches use different guns and aemour etc. :)HAVE FUN! -reply by SoccerYeah
Make Money In Megaupload.com Rewards. Pretty easy to win too
iGuest replied to Lyon2's topic in Business Forum
About the site where you were earned moneyMake Money In Megaupload.com Rewards.Replying to paladinerdemI read the following post posted by you on Xisto.Com.This my earning list for last week and the total earningsTotal downloads for this quarter: 207092Total earnings for this quarter: $ 207.09Your rank for this quarter: 7Total downloads for today: 11276Total earnings for today: $ 11.28Earnings for the last 7 days:Date downloads earnings2005-10-16 11276 $ 11.282005-10-15 11884 $ 11.882005-10-14 12918 $ 12.922005-10-13 7213 $ 7.212005-10-12 10964 $ 10.962005-10-11 14196 $ 14.22005-10-10 13512 $ 13.51PLease tell me from which site you were earned.-reply by Srinath -
Data Structures -- Linked List -- Reverse Reverse a linked list
iGuest replied to varalu's topic in Programming
stack codesData Structures -- Linked List -- Reversehi there guys...Can you help me in my simple problem? how was the codes in reversing a name using stacks? just like this...M a r I c h u then the output will be like this one...U h c I r a m thanks for your help.,in advance! -question by mharie_chue -
How To Install Applications In Fedora noob question
iGuest replied to marretas's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Urgent QuestionHow To Install Applications In FedoraSir/ Madam,I am new to Linux using Fedora 10.How do I install my samsung USB modem data cable(for GPRS internet connection) which is a EXE file ?How do I install other exe ?I have downloaded wine-1.1.21.Tar.Bz2, but how do I install it ?Please. Help.RegardsSantosh-reply by santosh -
Increment A Mysql Column how to increment a MySQL column one unit
iGuest replied to mizako's topic in Programming
Increment A Mysql Column - how to increment a MySQL column with some input value.Increment A Mysql Columnhi, I want to increment my mysql column with an input 'x'. Wil UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET points=points+x be a solution? My doubt is wheather I can increment the column directly using the variable x or need to use '%d' (or %s ?...Total confusion..!!)? what should be tha datatype of x? Also sprintf(Query,"INSERT INTO category(ID,Cat,CatID) VALUES(NULL,'%s',%d)", newCatName, atoi(newCatID)); here,when I want to display the CatID field, a '%s' ( taking it as a string) wil do? Since I am trying to learn through websites,I want somebodies help.Please Help. Thank You Very Much. -question by Aswathy -
reflexions over the next super powersThe Next World Super Power? I firmly believe that the U.S. Will remain as a super power, but not the only one.Everybody has mentioned China and India as the next super powers along with theU.S. But those two nations will exercise more dominion in their respective geographical areas, causing them to a probable confrontation. As hard as it may sound the American people have to realize that their country its not the number one nation in the world and in the upcoming 50 years they will be down grated to a 3rd place behind china and India(that in the economic ground). Military speaking the U.S.Have a great gap of advantage over any nation in the world and will still do so for many decades to come; bottom line, they will be 5 spheres of influence in the world which are U.S.A., INDIA CHINA, E.U. RUSSIA (not in that specific order). One last word, throughout history two super powers could not co-exist which lead the to war (Athens-Sparta, Greece- Persia, Rome- Carthage, England- France, U.S.A.- Russia) War is on the horizon, and that is a fact that history has shown over and over again. Greetings fromM?xico -reply by adrian hallsey
long distance relationshipLong Distance Cyber Relationshiphey there people...Well , talking about cultural dif. Ive got 2 stories related to that: April 2007: I met this guy in a chat site , I'm latinamerican , He Is from Turkey... We got into an e-romance for 5 months or so , until he decided to leave everything and come to my country and stay with me ...Even tho I didn't feel that was true love ( I ve been involved in normal face to face relationships my whole life , so it was something new for me ) Sept 2007: He sold everything to get money enough to come here and start a new life... Unfortunately for us... Cultural difference was too much , hes muslim , I'm agnostic. I'm single mom , he was a virgin. And so on... We broke up like 18 months ago or so and still we are best friends on earth Let me tell you. Culture is way too important , if u wanna get involved in a e.Relationship with a foreigner...Ah well , learn A LOT abt his / her culture BEFORE u met up... 1 year ago I met this other guy...Hes an american guy , and , might sound funny but , I can see that our lifestyles, plans , way of living, and many MANY other things are so similar...Even tho we are a continent far away . My english its just enough to talk...Spoken , its same story...We try to go on video calls everyday jst to know "how was your day" and now I'm moving there in a few months,...I love him...Really I do! and so far I can see he loves me as well.. .. Most of his family already knows about me and whats he planning ( ahem...Yeah , wedding!! yay!!) I know some of his friends might think I'm using him to get a "green card" , since I'm latin, hes american and that whole jugdamental oppinions abt this kind of relationship...I don't give a damn!! I'm an engineer and earn good enough money here , So I'm not willing to go to states for a "better life"...A better life form e will be with HIM...He has nothing but his loving heart...And I don't care ...And he cant move over here bcoz he doesnt speak spanish at alll ...Ah! except when he says "Te Amo!!" (how cuuuute aww) So, does love have any kind of borders? I don't think so , Is it like gambling?Well you might find stupid people , nice people , liers and cheaters and honest people...But...Doesnt that happen in REAL LIFE as well?? I know Sorry abt my english !! I do my best Best luck to ya all!! -reply by Alejandra
How do you know when a girl likes you? How To Impress A Girl.
iGuest replied to iGuest's topic in Dating And Relationships
If a girl likes you, she will laugh alot when you talk, she would look straight into your eyes and sometimes nervously look away. She would smile at you and look at you when you are not looking, (although this is hard to tell.) Maybe compliment and tease you a little. Try and seem interested in what you are talking about, ( Even if she's not!) She tries to keep past relationships out of the picture. She should sit next to you in class and whisper to you throughout the block. I should know all these things because I am a girl, and even I will admit sometimes we are very hard to get/read. But don't worry, most girls like it when you make direct contact, sense of humor, talking skills, being yourself. That really is what most kind of girls want. Hope this helps! -reply by kk4950 -
Is Tupac Shakur Alive?Is Tupac Shakur Alive? IHave a lot to say on this subject. I stayed up all night longResearching this issue. First, I think he MAY be alive, but I am not100% sure. Second everyone who says the 7 day theory is the reason heIs coming back and that Niccol? Machiavelli faked his own death at 25Really needs to do some research. Niccol? Machiavelli did NOT fake hisOwn death and from what I read on Wikipedia last night about his book"Prince" it doesn't mention it either. I do, however believe theAutopsy photos are fake. The reason I think this is because I have seenLots of autopsy photos and they don't cut all the way up on theShoulders. Also, it looks a lot like the still taken out of one of hisMovies where he is laying in the bed with the woman. Now, the CNN storyIs FAKE and was an April fools prank. I think it is VERY suspiciousThat he was supposedly cremated the very next day. That just does notHappen. Especially in a murder investigation. Now, about the referencesTo things that happened after he was dead. I did a lot of digging lastNight and supposedly, there was another rapper Pac knew called BiggieSmalls. When he said that, he was referring to this man and notNotorious B.I.G. I find this hard to believe. I think it is highlyUnlikely that two people that knew nothing about one another wouldChoose the exact same moniker to rap under. I also learned last nightThat the mention of the Denver Broncos winning the Super Bowl wasn'tEven Tupac. I do not know. I haven't even been able to figure out whatSong it was. Everyone keeps saying he said it ,but no one ever says theName of the song. Now, about the World Trade Center. This one has aPlausible explanation. Most people forget there were TWO attacks on theWorld Trade Center. The first one did not do a significant amount ofDamage, so it was quickly forgotten. That happened in 1993. I think IHave pretty much covered everything. I do think there are a lot ofUnanswered questions and we may never know the truth. As far as himComing back and getting arrested, if I am not mistaken, the statute ofLimitations ran out at 7 years. However, if he had any type of lifeInsurance, that company could go after him for fraud. Bottom line, ifHe IS alive, I do not think he will ever come back. He has no reason to. -reply by Patricia Masters
Impossible-to-answer Questions... title says it all
iGuest replied to hibbso's topic in General Discussion
Zero degrees celsius is like...32 degrees fahrenheit. So if you double 32 and get 64 F, convert that to celsisus and you'll get an answer. The conversion is 32+(5/9f) or something of that sort. -
you can set itunes or windows media player, whatever software you use to rip at a lower bitrate so the files arent as big and save a lot of time downloading torrents!
How do I make a second page?Adding Second Page Of Cutenews To My SiteFor example I have my index*com page and I made a second page(with kompozer) which is a privacy policy page so I wanted to look like this... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/(.)com/privacy policy...What exacly is the procesure to this...Do I make a folder inside the website folder title it private policy then add the private policy html inside that folder and name it index??...Help will be gladly appreciated...-question by Victor
How To Make A Game-related Signature Not to hard
iGuest replied to Sizux1405241516's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
Keep up your learning skills and making signatures!How To Make A Game-related SignatureWe all need encouragement-You are very nice to help others learn. Have a great holiday season! -feedback by MomaNana2008 -
It is a recopilation of all the eipsodies where Link try to kiss Zelda. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Come on!, you did not see the series? They love each other,is a fun love, well they can never give a kiss, because monsters around, even when Zelda some times wants to give a kiss as a gift to Link they could not do it because something, jajajaja. Now, is not necessary to see a kiss in the games to know the love between them, the love that Link shows to Zelda, comes from the beginning of the intro: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Well they love each other, you want it or not. Remember is a game, what do you expect to see in a game? -reply by L!nk_Zelda_love