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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Where to upload and to which folders?Where Do I Upload My Ftp Files? [resolved]I`m using iWeb and Transit to create a site but after all the work I try to find the site and get "can`t find localhost" and other 400 errors. I assume iWeb is structuring itself correctly but I`m unsure what the file and folder structure should be in Transit so they end up on the webhost server arranged properly. Do I even need to use Transit when I upload to my webhost from iWeb? -question by Fred Madwid
  2. To : FeedBacker I am geez I know I am a man but I want to take the pain away I know how it feels to be picked on and it takes away self esteem and too away my manhood in a way my ability to feel good about myself for a long while . This can't compare to what you went through but you are not a victim anymore you are important and worth something and you can't let him win you are alive and that is what matters . I put my parents through a lot with my anger at those bullies then I had to move past the hate and gain strength and I learned to be a man. I lost dad in 2004 feb 14 I had to take care of mom after that I learned to be a man. I have days where I fail we all do but never believe for a second you are not worth anything because I know you are worth something. The best thing to beat this guy is to live without fear and love again. I won't lie you will cry you will feel sadness and you will struggle with this for a long time but fight it. -reply by underling
  3. I was scammed once and the person reported me for good measure. I got a ban and it wasn't hard to appeal. I actually got a reply in my runescape mailbox. But now, everything has become automatic. They have this crap about people having to be high exp enough to exp to express their views... -reply by Unban
  4. Updates Crash ComputerWindows "updates" Crashed Your Computer?I to have experienced crashes after updates from Microsoft. The one thing I have found that works every time is when you get the notice to restart your computer is do not click on "Restart Now". Instead close out all windows and programs and restart the computer yourself. I have found that this works with all of Windows OS all the way upto and including Vista. I don't know about Windows 7, haven't experience that OS yet. Hope this helps all.
  5. SMS ShayariShare You Shayari And Poemspyaar karnar ne jagat maaf nathi kartu,Koi eni sathe sacho insaaf nathi kartu,Pyaar ne paap kahenaara koi to dekhado mane...Kon evu che aa duniya ma j aa paap nathi kartu?? -reply by Afsal
  6. ansewerSending + Receiving Email Via TelnetReplying to iGuest-EdU could use PuTTY to do this job, set connection type to raw instead of telnet, this should work. And don't forget to send quit command when your done -reply by Rubie
  7. Lying creates distance ..Involuntarily. And distance creates breakups. Cheating is, of course, "bad" because you are clearing the path to a breakup. You don't' normally lie to a person you like or atleast respect, like best friends or parents - people you expect to know for a long time. It's true But say you wanna have one of them open relationship-thingies. That's not lying. No, no, no That's like saying to your girlfriend "you are TERRIBLE and I diserve better!". But it's not lying. You want a open relationship? Two words : Internet Dating ...You'd be surprised how many chicks out there are up for "no-strings-attached-fun". -reply by CheshireCat
  8. Displaying problems with IEFirefox And Ie: Table Layouts Look Different In Us!I don't know what to do.I've created web site for Firefox, but when I see it in IE it's really messy.The problem is that the table from template has totally different W-sizes for cells.And cells are justified from bottom to top and it shouldn't be like that:(. The rows should be concentrated at the top of left column...It has to present some kind of meny . Does anybody know how to fix it? Please...))) -question by jelica
  9. It's pretty much a proven fact that dinosaurs did not existwhile people were around. Evolution is a fact. Sorry to burst yourbubble. Scientists have found ways to MAKE amino acids from certainchemicals (ammonia, CO2, O2, and I think a couple of others),electricity and water (steam), which were all present on earth afterits formation. You may not know this, but no life would be aroundwithout amino acids. First came simple molecules, which then, usingenergy and nutrients, became self replicating molecules, then they cameinto contact with molecules that commonly linked together, I think itwas some kind of phosphate. The phosphates would envelop the selfreplicating molecule and grow with them. Millions of years later, youhave a sentient race that is now destroying their planet whilereassuring that God will save them. Go figure.
  10. hey mehak I can assume you are totally wrond,you can really make much money from your blog,like selling advertising space on your blog each column for your choice per month,you can monetize it adsense which is going to make you a lots of money let me tell you the most popular keyword make money online lists thousands of results but the first one is moneymaker.info and do you know much traffic he ge70000 visitors a day and he gets thousand clicks daily so can you imagine how much money he makes,he also places the clickffilaite links on his so at least 50 to 60 people willbe purchasing the product from 70000 visitors just imagine much is he earning.Please think before saying and yes if you don't believe me search for the person ewen chia and you will come to know that online money making is not a game of kids. -reply by romailtariq
  11. FelonsHiring FelonsI'm not sure you know how easy it is to become a felon. Ever lie, or even stretch the truth a little on your taxes? Ever tell a cop "I didn't know I was speeding"? Have you ever taken a look at the EPA regs? Store one chemical next to the wrong one and guess what, you are a felon. Know what they got Martha Stewart for? Lying. There are well over 10,000 laws that can make you a felon, so before you judge make sure you know ALL the information. By the way, in some states (California for one) if you are a non-violent or non-drug related once you complete your sentence you can petetion the court to reduce or dismiss the charges, assuming you had no problems during your sentence. I think this only applies to probation but I'm not sure. Worth checking into though. And if you look at this page https://www.aclu.org/map/state-criminal-re-enfranchisement-laws-map?redirect=maps/map-state-criminal-disfranchisement-laws you'll see that felons can vote in most states. -reply by Keith
  12. Acer laptop screen is not comming upAcer laptop screen not coming upI had the same problem with my HP DV6599. On power on the screen wouldStay black, no POST, nothing at all on the display. The HDD would spinUp but the HDD indicator would not come on and would not boot. The DVDDrive would spin up and attempt to read a disc if one was in the trayBut still would not boot. I found an answer on another forum. UnplugThe power, remove the battery and then hold the power button for 30 to60 seconds. Then reattach the power and attempt a boot. It worked forMe! Just shutdown, put the battery back in you're good to go. WorkedFor me so definitely worth a try. -reply by Ritesh
  13. Kaspersky Internet SecurityKIS 2010 Usage of System ResoursesNOD32 vs. Kaspersky: Which Is Better?I have been using Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS 2010) since August 2009. When I scan a USB or a memory card task manager shows up to 99% of CPU usage by KIS2010. In other idle times usage will be in a range of 2-35 % CPU Usage. What is your opinion. Please reply me. -reply by Bobby
  14. Child Speaking Normally At What Age A Child Start Speaking.My kid is 13 months old. He started speaking some easy words from around 8-9 months, like dada, mama, thatha etc. He was continuously repeating these words till around last month. But for the last one month, he is not speaking any words. He only speaks AA. All other activities / growth is normal. what could be the reasons. Do I need to worry. any suggestions pl. -question by Vishal Sinha
  15. using copyrighted music in non-profit slideshowUsing Copyrighted MusicI can't find a stragiht answer to this. Help! If I make short slideshows highlighting non-profit mission opportunities for our church website, is it legal under "fair use" terms to run copyrighted music (I own the cd's) tracks in them?
  16. issue with function key Laptop Keyboard Problemmy letters that have function keys will not type the letters unless the function key is pressed how do I fix that? -question by marie holland
  17. iGuest

    I Hate Greenday!

    Okay, I understand this is a "hate thread," but I've just got to speak. Fair enough if you don't like them, your opinion, that's awesome. But when people say "There is nothing good about them!" Oh really? Nothing good in changing peoples lives and making their dreams come true? How many bands do you know get audience members on stage and let them sing a whole song with their favourite band? I saw Green Day the other day after seeing them for years, and they just keep getting better and better. Also, who ever thinks that Green Day are a "bubble gum band" are completely wrong! The audience is generally an older audience. Heck, I started listening to them when I was young, and I'm still a fan. When Green Day started off 21 years ago, young kids would listen to them, now those kids are in their 30's and 40's. And a theory I heard about the Beatles not being a good band. What on earth is this person on, acid? The Beatles changed music. Anyone who thinks this is lies clearly knows nothing about music. I'm not causing arguments or stating that you should be fans of Green Day, but just think about how many lives they have changed and what dreams they have made come true tonight. Because I see it every time I see them live. They pick people from the crowd to join them on stage to play instruments, sing, dance, crowd surf, take pictures with them or just to give them a hug. If your favourite band or artist did that to you, how would you feel? These guys are doing it every time they play live. So just think...You may not like them, but they do good things for people. They are not just money makers -reply by Alan
  18. firefox closesFirefox Not Loading JavaEverytime I try to run anything that uses java, including the check your java at sun,my firefox closes. I updated my java, I updated my firefox, but still turns off .Please help! -reply by karen
  19. lovers love it, friends need it, relationships starts with it and life ends with it..It is __d_a__z. FILL IN THE BLANKS -reply by redds
  20. Money making!How Do I Make Gold Fast In Runescape/What I do to make money I kill Hill giants (level 28 and easy to kill) and there bones are worth around 400gp-500gp each. You can find them down a ladder in a little hut west and a bit south of the G.E (Grand Exchange) . What you should also pick up is Body tailsmans, law/cosmic/nature runes, limpwurt roots, steel arrows if you get 20 or more and if anyone is ranging you can collect there arrows like steel or over. I've gained over 800k-900k doing this and it is non-members! Happy money making!! (I make 17k-19k mostly each trip) -reply by Naomiwa
  21. Easy for you to say "don't overdraft." Well, last week after the Chase merger they STOPPED accepting my paychecks altogether, and I ended up with 9 overdraft fees. My paychecks were written out to my photography business, but they said they couldn't accept it because it had to be my exact name, which I NEVER had a problem with WaMu. It's their fault for not informing us of their new standards. Maybe it was written somewhere in fine print, but I bet you never read any of it just like the rest of the 99% of the population. On top of that, they never told us about how over the weekends they charge the highest payments first instead of chronological. There should be an option for customers. So if done chronologically like WaMu used to do, I should have only 2 overdraft charges instead of 9 since my high payment went through late Sunday (google ads). They know it's a problem, so they're reversing it next quarter, and they can only give me back 2 overdraft fees for the entire year. But I guess it's better than complete highway robbery. I needed that $200, and now I'm flat broke and about to go under again unless I sell off my car and end my apartment lease and live on the streets.
  22. Converting scrap file to jpgScrap Files?I am using windows XP. I received an e-mail with about 17 pictures in it just scroll down in the e-mail and I can view the pictures. I highlighted each picture individually and saved them to my picture folder. They are scrap file. I am trying to convert them to jpg or jpeg so I can print them out. I do not know how to do this. Please help. -reply by Barb
  23. How can we trust the Google Checkout System, when there are reports by Asense publishers that they are not getting payment by Google for no other reason than glitches in their payment system. I'd trust PayPal over Google Checkout anyday. I have never had one single problem getting paid through PayPal, but when it comes to Adsense, Google is now holding back $9 from September 2009, that should've been sent to me a couple of days ago (this being the end of October). A bunch of publishers got paid without hitch and yet, tho Google reported a bug in their system in February 2009 (yes, officially they did), and sent out payment to publishers asap, this time they're putting their foot down and not going to pay us asap, and would rather pay us at the end of November, and yet they're still not reassuring us very well that even that will happen as many publishers still have not gotten paid since the last officially reported payment bug in February. Talk about looking faith in Google. I'm ready to switch to Yahoo ads if they cannot pay me at the end of November, and I have to take out a loan, just to survive this month. So while it's going to cost me money to borrow upon the $9k Google is illegally holding back (according to California Collection law) Google gets to collect interest and make a profit. -reply by Steven
  24. I live in Ottawa. I have been harassed for months by telemarketers, most of them calling from India on behalf of Rogers (my least favourite company). Out of frustration, I sometimes take the phone of the hook for a while or leave it by a radio. -reply by Vic
  25. 1.The man's name was drew2.He is lying3.He wrote "your exact weight on the paper"4.The man was born in the hospital room 1955I think these are right
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