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Everything posted by elevenmil

  1. I don't believe there is a mod for what you're suggesting but you wouldn't necessarily need a modification for that... All you would really have to do is log into acp and add these !!!!!!!!'s and such into the bad word filter. Even though that's not the purpose of it that's one way the problem you mentioned could be solved. Answering questions on this forum should not consist yes or no's. You are to contribute everytime you post, I truely believe there isn't any reason why each post made isn't longer than one line in length. Look through my post history and find all the one liners I've made, needle in a haystack-type comparison. There's no valid reason to post less than 40-50 characters in one post, that's just my opinion.
  2. Seems like no one wants to say hello so I will.Hello.Yes Xisto is basically the best free hosting you will find anywhere on the web. The "sis" is right and you'll receive the same treatment she has. Enjoy your stay.
  3. To cut down on spam at IPB Gaming I installed a nice little mod that forces a member to post a certain amount of characters. Link ---> http://mods.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/5890 ...Will get rid of short, pointless, stupid, and ignificant and annoying posts that can sometimes plague a forum. Take a look if you haven't already...
  4. sxylover is right...basically you need to be patient. Things will fall into place soon enough and you will be good to go...trust me, I'm a Xisto - Web Hosting guy myself...
  5. Hmm maybe I should post in hot news everytime something happens in my life!...Congrats now make something that people will be so jealous of and try to hack and destroy!
  6. No, there should be no excuses with the credit system.When you join you should become fully aware of what is expected of you. If you can't meet the expectations, then don't expect to receive services. It's quite simple. If you can't post in the forums then don't bother asking for a free website. I don't care what circumstances a member might be facing, if you can't meet the requirements, then pity you, but don't complain about it...live with it...
  7. So someone injected the site here last week?We patched IPB Gaming just in the nick of time, last week some people tried to hack us but we were already patched up...
  8. Here is my late welcome greeting in your late greeting thread.Welcome and enjoy your stay. We have a great community here and you are sure to love it. I can already tell from your posts that you are moderator material so keep it up! Stay away from dumb spam posts like the one two posts above me! I'd like to meet you - want to go for some burgers? How about some salsa and 3-year aged tortilla chips?Anywoo, there you go. Now give your late response in my greeting thread...which is somewhere...
  9. And your theory proves to be a pretty good one. Today the pleny of 0's that I have been seeing for the last week and a half are no more... Funny situation there, and I would like to hear of the reason behind it, if one can be provided...
  10. I need an admin account on your board also FTP access, I think you did this before for the AS but I forget the info you gave me...
  11. I will look at the arcade mod itself, I haven't installed arcade in a forum for a long time. If I can't find anything then yes I can take a look at your files, I will let you know...
  12. Are you sure you did all of the edits correctly on the install? This is an easy mod to install and shouldn't be much of a problem I would focus on your edits and not necessarily the admin_functions file.
  13. I logged into cpanel tonight to see that my web statistics have not been updated since April 28th. Each day from there until now shows no information. Any reason for why this may be happening?If you need a screen shot I will provide it but I have searched for this issue in the forums and no one else has reported a similar problem.
  14. Well I installed this at IPBG and I think it seemed to help. It seems as if IE would load images from top to bottom of the page and it took alot longer than it does now after I installed the mod. What you said about loading images and cache is probably true, but I liked the results so just thought I'd pass it by you But if we look at the membership ratio, Trap obviously has many different posters for a particular thread in comparison to our forums where our membership is alot lower and many members post more than once or twice on a particular page. In addition, we show 20 posts per page in comparison to Trap's 10. Basically it can be said that with your set up and many more members posting in threads, you won't have the situations I settled at IPBG where sometimes we'll have one member post 5-6 times on one page of a thread. I think another advantage of this is having a much cleaner page, less images = happiness to me. Sometimes it's annoying to scroll past sig after sig...
  15. Buffalo this is just for you http://mods.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/5545 Show sig once in a topic to help with load time on a page for users that just happen to be the frequent posters in a particular thread. We have this over at IPBG and it seems to be effective, and obviously not a large modification to do.
  16. Fastastico is great and it's free.As for forums which does not count for credits how much of a selection to you need to be satisfied? There are many different forums here that do give credits so for the ones that don't let's not complain to much.I fully support these forums not having a credit gain simply because of the spam factor previously mentioned. Those forums are just a breeding ground for spam.
  17. On what page does the error occur. I'm in the same boat that the forum indeed does load correctly.Remember the error message tells you exactly what is wrong. You need to go to line 219 of the file mentioned and look for the source of the issue.Also, take the advice of uninstalling and reinstalling the forum. In doing so, if A. you don't get the error, you know it's a bad install, and B. if you do the reinstall, and it works fine, but doesn't after you make changes, then you know you're goofing up when making those changes.
  18. These all sound realistic...if you're in grade school...As them kids age those antics and flirtatious strategies become null...well, most of them.
  19. 1. Looks like some of your post should be in quotes!2. How is this a 4 page thread!? The question was answered on the first page!This makes me want to get "crunk"...
  20. I hate my alarm clocks, yes thats plural which means I have multiple alarm clocks. Why do I have multiple ones, 3 to be exact? None of them seem to wake me up. I set each one for a different time in the morning, and each one I manage to hit the snooze button. If I set my alarms for around 8:30, I wake up and get out of bed at 9:30...frustration. So how pathetic is that!? Three alarm clocks and I still can't get out of bed...
  21. Didn't take him too long :angry:Fairly old before he got married eh? I don't know his exact age, nor do I intend on researching it (I'll leave that to you), but I thought he was an older guy back in the days I watched that show...
  22. Kind of hard to have the word there and then tell everyone that that word can't be used...obviously that point has been covered in previous posts in this thread.If OpaQue wants the opinion of his members, than the best way to do it is by poll, but I support the decisions he makes. We shall see if this was a good move or not in the future, but for now, I see some slight problems but none to get too worked up about.
  23. Thanks :)Today's marks a year since I registered It's been a pleasure...To whomever who sent me credits, I thank you...
  24. You had both better be sure you are running legit IPB's on your webistes...IPB searches for unliscensed versions of their software and it is not hard for them to catch people!I only say this because if you have enough money to buy an IPB then you should have enough to have paid hosting as well...just my thought...IPB...$150 and upC.H. Paid Hosting $10 and up (w/, after domain purchase)
  25. In 3 days it will mark a year since I joined at Trap and it's been a fun ride. I've done two projects, sacrificing my first to try for something of value but it never quite took off... My third project took me to paid hosting and I am now with Xisto - Web Hosting...currently I'm an admin over at IPBGaming and spend a lot of my time there as a new set of responsibilities have been thrown at me, and even though it may not be a ton of new responsibilites, when there is work to be done I gladly step in and try to do it when I have the time... As for here I don't know what to do, I love the community but I have no projects lined up nor any ideas in mind. I've been loyalty minded and do the best possible when posting, trying to set the record straight on how one should conduct themselves at this forum. But time is limited and my posting isn't as frequent as it once was. Just a few days ago my account went below 0 credits for the first time ever. So I'd like to stay, but right now the only reason to stay is to keep chatting with everyone and keep promoting OpaQue and this community while trying to keep members and their antics within the boundries of TOS. I shall do my best, but I'm not sure how good that will be. Keep your eyes out for elevenmil, he will be here...here and there... And to all those who know me be sure to keep in touch AIM style and don't forget I am on partner site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ so be sure to stop by and say hello (and of course play AS and arcade ). This is not my goodbye but just the explanation of where I stand, I'll always stop in it just depends on the 'ol life situation. Stay classy!
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