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Everything posted by Archangel_Baw

  1. HOW NOT TO MAKE TEA:) I made teabags of 3 parts spearmint, 1 part sage & 1 part clove because I have horrible toothaches, and I found the sage does get rid of the infection while the clove numbs the pain;) it's a rather odd tasting tea so I tossed in tripple amounts of spearmint to make it more drinkable and less harsh on the tastebuds-- ;D I have a funny personal story to share on this subject: Lmao, the first tooth tea I ever made was a small handful of cloves in one coffee mug steeped for 7 minutes in boiling water- -this was NOT a good Idea! oh yes my toothache was gone, but my mouth was so numb, I couldn't operate my tongue, I had a horrid aftertaste that refused to go away, and... lol, [smiley=shocked.gif] -(this is embarassing but needs to be passed on to prevent others form reapeating my overkill mistake;) : I kept drooling when I wasn't speaking, (my mouth would NOT stop watering) and OMG: spitting whenever I tried to talk- i was going to name it Camel Clove Tea, but just decided not to ever make it again. So, I hope sharing my experience spares even one aspiring herbalist from enduring this embarassing initiation of how NOT to make tea;). Infact, just to remind all of you... Print out one of these pictures below & tape it to your Clove Jars:) You can even Name the Camel after me: (Archangel) if you so choose:) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
  2. ok so if it's cruel to have a dog there, what the hell are you doing there?????
  3. I use gmail more than hotmail. I like it better. Less junk mail, better security, and all that stuff from microsoft about gmail being a virus is a load of crap.
  4. Thank you for this great tutorial:) I can't wait to try it. :XD:
  5. Thank you. But wait.... there's more... I don't know if this would fit in the above post which is already very HUGE! So here it is... Assorted Printables Links To websites who offer FREE Craft & Homeschooling related printables. Enjoy! :XD: Notice from truefusion: You should know by now what is not your own words and what is from outside of Xisto should be in quotes.
  6. To: BuffaloHELP I really wouldn't worry about the opinions above of you, The empty can rattles the most. Some people can not cope without drama or a crisis of some kind and they will create one out of nothing just to bring those around them down! I'm relatively new here, but even I find it very easy to get to wherever I want to go: CLICK THE PIC AT THE TOP LEFT HAND CORNER THAT SAYS Xisto! IT TAKES YOU TO THE INDEX PEOPLE! It's very clean and organized here and as a forum Admin myself, YOU and ALL of the mods here are doing an excellent job of getting rid of the trash whenever it is posted. You are doing exactly what you're supposed to do here, and a forum this huge is very hard to admin/mod so whoever thinks it's easy to do your job can SHUV IT! The above complaints were spoken like a true idiot.
  7. I chose Dark and Organic (Smooth, circular), but I like all of them. I especially love seeing the designs of others, my own are boring in comparison. I appreciate the work of others more than my own. :XD:
  8. I just tried to check out your first design but mozilla said there was a problem loading the page, is it only viewable in Ie?I did however see your second design, very nice work:) :XD:
  9. hey, had to swing by & say good morning to ya:) peace

  10. Hey, I've missed you, My pc crashed, & i just got back online yesterday, had to come say how dooooo?

  11. Hey homie, How Ya Bee????

  12. I just checked out your forum, nice work:) I'm in the process of moving mine to trap 17 aswell:) you did a really good job, I'm used to phpbb forums, but i have a yaBB with trap17 and I'm just getting familiar with it all. It's much nicer, smother lines etc, as soon as i get mine set up ill register at yours, give me about a month or so, I have a LOT to move:) peace


  13. I just had to come meet you to say hello, you're pretty funny:)

  14. well thats awesome news, one less idiot on a computer to abuser the privelege of the internet, an those of us who use it properly:)
  15. I find it very disturbing, and you JUST KNOW its happening all the time but thousands of people aren't getting caught, one down, millions to go, but at least its comforting knowing something is being done about it.
  16. Very interesting, and creepy, Thanks for sharing:)
  17. you had a squirrel???? I'm so jealous, I want one so badly. I love squirrels:)
  18. lol sister, yes I have one of those aswell, but even though I'm older I think I'm her pet, she's bossy:)
  19. my advice, you're friends with her father, so tell her father about the flirting she does with older guys and he can nip it in the bud, or else she may well end up in a horrible situation.
  20. Honestly, just tell her how you feel, and even if she doesn't feel the same, that's fine:) You will still be close friends but at least you will know and won't be driving yourself insane with all these questions:) best of luck:)
  21. My husband and I knew each other years before we met, but I never gave him the time of day. Then 5-7 years later, he found me on tagged. We have been together ever since. I believe it's all about timing:) and Chemistry, there was very strong chemistry when we met the first time, I just ignored it.
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