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Everything posted by Archangel_Baw

  1. Thank you from me aswell, I was also having trouble understanding what everything was for:) I had goten so used to the other site hosts who only allow use of the file manager, so when I saw all this other stuff I was very excited, and confused. The manual is amazing & answered all of my questions. Thank you again.
  2. Just to clarify my previous post, I respect all martial arts, My son is currently taking Karate and has 3 yellow stripes toward his yellow belt, I am so proud of him. I will send a show off pic when I get them on my computer:)
  3. How Ya BEE?????

    I've been on vacation & I just had to swing by and say How dooo?

    spam ya l8r homie:)

  4. LMAO! I know how you feel brother, I've had that happen so many times I am SICK of it. So I'm going back to school to take Carpentry & Cabinet making so I can design & build my own furniture to my own liking:) I'm 33 years old now, and I have use a LOT of diy pre-made furniture, but no more! I'm too old to bother with the stress it causes me. Being that and I have my second child on the way, (my first child is already 11), I want everything to be JUST PERFECT by the time my baby is born!Most women nest by moving furniture, cooking, cleaning & doing crafts, but I'm taking it a few steps further, my husband thinks I'm too much, but he knows better than to argue.
  5. Dear Carson: Well I have great news for you and everyone else who thinks they can't cook because they need directions: EVERYONE DOES! THAT'S WHY PEOPLE WRITE RECIPE BOOKS & PUBLISH THEM:) It is not possible to learn how to cook without using someone elses recipes at first. So using a microwave and making pre-packaged meals is JUST as much cooking as making your own meals from scratch. By eating pre-made meals, you learn what your body likes and doesn't like, from there, you learn to make things without what you dislike and add ingredients you enjoy. This is how we all get started, so yes Carson, you are a cook. I've been cooking since I was 8 years old, and I started by making Kraft Dinner, I had to read the box, hell, I've even burnt it, A LOT! But Then I started adding different things, like cream of mushroom soup, instead of the cheese packet, and ham or tuna, etc, and after that, I was able to do it without the directions on the box. So I took it one step further and bought different pastas, with no directions, and added whatever I felt would taste good and so on. So now I take a recipe, lets say I find it online, and I copy it into my recipe book, however, I do not copy foods I don't like from the recipe, instead, I substitute them with foods I love, and voila, I have made my own recipe. When I get some time, I will start a recipe topic here at trap 17, with my own recipes & everyone else is welcome to post their own favorites, wether they include a canned or packaged food or not:) All recipes are great, they keep us fed and alive, and all cooks are awesome because they feed themselves and others:)
  6. Re: benzkids I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. I know how it feels to lose someone you love, but there is so much to look forward to, like finding your true soulmate. If this person left, perhaps on some level, she knew she wasn't right for you, and I know it doesn't feel like it, but she did you a favor. In time you will meet the person who was made to be with you, so keep your chin up and your heart open and this will all be a bad memory that will be replaced by newer and greater experiences:) Brightest blessings and love form thy resident Archangel:)
  7. I've been cooking since I was 8 years old, I'm 33 now, so for 25 years I've been Iron cheffing it:) I love cooking and I think it's great that you are taking courses to be able to do it. It's very rewarding and helps a great deal with self-reliance. Good for you:)
  8. Well love, here's the deal, you're not a stupid moron, you are a person who is healing from heartbreak, and waiting like you did is respectful both to yourself and the girl you like. I don't seee any reason why she would not still like you. Just explain to her that you had feelings for her when she did ask, and that you were NOT rejecting her, you wanted to give her all of you not part of you and everything will be fine. If she is no longer interested, thats fine, you have made yourself a true friend, who is there when you're down and everyone needs a friend like that:) Either way it's all good. Congradulations for being such a REAL man about it, and being truthful about your feelings:) It's usually easier to lie & jump right in without thinking, but waiting shows how responsible you are. Good for you:) Ps the strangers on Xisto are more like brothers & sisters who love giving advice:)
  9. As a woman, I can advise you that its much better to be asked out in person. And also that you're not stupid for being too shy to ask, you're a normal human being who, like everyone else, is afraid of being rejected. So, My advice is to get her to go out with you, on regular outings just as FRIENDS first somewhere, like coffee, or ice cream, or even lunch, since you work together, (you get the point), instead of putting the "OMG I HOPE I CAN IMPRESS HER" pressure on yourself this soon. By going on regular outings with her and befriending her FIRST, you will both be more comfortable in eachothers' presence and it will show her that you care enough about her to take the time needed to get to know her for who she is. Trust me, if you become her friend, she will tell you all the things she loves, like favorite foods, flowers, and all the things that you need to know to sweep her off her feet. And from there, you can take the info she gave you and do just that.Get back to me on this, I'd love to help you get your girl:)Blessings-Archangel
  10. Just be yourself. Don't lie to impress her. If she said you are her type, then you are, you don't need to do or say anything you wouldn't normally say or do. Talk to her about how nervous you are, she will be just as nervous as you, and it is much better to get those feelings out in the open, than to try to hide them. The Harder you try to hide it, the more foolish you will end up looking because nothing will go as planned. So just be who you are, do what you do, and let her know you've never dated before. If anything she will feel glad to be the only person you have chosen to date. It will be fine. Enjoy yourself and getting to know her. You will see that there is nothing to be afraid of. Blessings-Archangel
  11. I have issues with anise, comfrey, fennel and cumin, they never want to grow for me. I think they secretly hate me, I've tried 3 years in a row to grow them all and it just isn't happening.
  12. ty, I hope its useful, I make all my own stuff, plus it saves their hubbys'/boyfriends money and being dragged through the cosmetic section in stores. so there's my gift to the guys with this post. :XD:
  13. Aromatherapy Recipe Links Stop buying expensive oils, try these recipes to make them yourself.
  14. I play guitar! I have a fender squire acoustic and she's my baby:) :XD:
  15. Cosmetics & Make Up Tips & Recipe Links Ladies stop paying out the wazoo for brand name cosmetics, Make your own instead:)
  16. Pet Treat Recipe Links Links to sites with FREE recipes you can make for your pets. Enjoy! :XD:
  17. I suffer from insomnia whenever I'm stressed out so I concocted a herbal tea that knocks me out gently. Here's the recipe:In a teapot, steep the following herbs for 10 minutes minimum in bolied water: -(3 pinches of each herb below)-Catnip leaves, (Active inghredient to cause sleepiness).-Chamomile flowers, (Active ingredient to calm nerves).-Peppermint/spearmint leaves, (Inactive ingredient For better flavor).-Sweeten with sugar or honey to taste.It takes about 30 minutes to work, but you will get great rest and wake up feeling much better. Make sure to drink this while in bed, it works faster on some people.Let me know how it works for you. If it isn't strong enough, just add 1 pinch more of the above ingredients.
  18. I use thermasilk, I load the conditioner on my hair, while it is dry, then I let it soak in for at least 20-30 min. I rinse it out & straighten my hair with my hairdryer first & then irons if need be. It works for me, and my hair is fine, not damaged.
  19. Can't wait to try it. I have a few recipes aswell, I just can't find them right now but I'll post them here for you when I do:)
  20. -Kind of makes you wonder why WE take them, Hmmmmm! Notice from truefusion: Seems similar to this: https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/Putting majority of post in quotes for two reasons: For being similar and for being a list.
  21. I have to take off but I wanted to swing by & say How do? c u 2morrow

  22. Re: TypoMage Yoga doesn't involve "ummmm ummmm..." That's called Sacred Chanting and it is done by Monks, Priests, Priestesses, Healers, Warriors, and people of Religious Authority, who enter a meditative state in order to prepare themselves to do a blessing on someone else. Which is NOT something you are in a position to MOCK! Please do at least basic research on the subject.
  23. Notice from truefusion: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. Notice from truefusion: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -Author Unknown
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