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Everything posted by Archangel_Baw

  1. believe it or not its better to do them yourself, I've had the same problem, some jealous angry woman who hates her job because she SUCKS at it & i was left with horrible nails. I refused to pay for them, and that woman was fired. However, ever since, i do them myself. My advice to you is NEVER EVER PAY for a botched jobDo them yourself Or get a good friend who knows how.
  2. What Is Magick? Magick is the power to create, modify and destroy reality. It is the manipulation of natural energies into a desired result by way of will, intent, focus and emotion. The letter 'k' on the end of the word magick, serves to separate it from the illusionary magic. Magick is REAL, whereas magic is no more than entertainment. Regardless of what you've heard, read or been taught from anyone else, the only RIGHT way to practice Magick is your own, and NEVER the way someone else tells you: "you should..." To practice magick your OWN way, means you trust YOUR OWN Intuition, -afterall it's sole purpose is to protect YOU from all harm, this includes harm you would otherwise unknowingly bring unto yourself. So remember this, if nothing else that I have said: Life is far too short to second-guess yourself, and much to dangerous to proceed without caution, therefore, when all else fails you ; TRUST THYSELF!
  3. What Life After Death Really Is... First of all, Forget anything you've heard or read from the bible. lol. There is NO spirit prison, NO hell. You simply go back home to God and Goddess from whence you came. Please stop torturing and scaring yourself with all that bible propaganda. That is nothing more than a book of false prophecy, one that should have been destroyed I might add, but unfortunately it wasn't. You are always loved by the creators regardless of how badly you mess up on this planet:) And you always will be. And there is nothing to fear about going back to your REAL HOME to be with them. Before we come here, we map out our lives, every detail, even the bad stuff, we even choose our parents. Then we go over it with God and Goddess, and when we are ready, and our Earthly parents are ready, (they mapped us into their charts aswell), or rather when the mutually agreed upon time comes, our spirits leave our home with god and goddess to inhabit our physical bodies (in our Earth mothers' womb). Life on Earth is like going to a school of our own choosing. According to what we need to learn to help our spirits achieve perfection at the wonderful gifts God and Goddess blessed us with. We learn to become the very best at our own individual specialties, so that we can help others in the spirit world. When we feel we have accomplished what we set out to learn, We Graduate, leave our physical bodies, and go back home to put it to use:) Usually for the purpose of teaching others And to advance our own spirits:) There is no need to fear death itself- or what comes after: it is nothing more than the journey back home to your REAL home where you belong with God and Goddess (or your real Mom and Dad as I call them). Compared to your eternal life with God and Goddess, Living on Earth is no different than taking a vacation. It feels like a long time that we are here, but in reality, it is more like the blink of an eye, to your spirit which is like your creators, ETERNAL, and never dies. Far too many of us were raised on this earth guided by false teachings from the bible and who knows where else, but the truth of the matter is, life after death is purely blissful. The only reason we can't remember how perfect and peaceful our lives are on 'the other side' is because none of us would bother to even learn anything while we are here. We would all become grief-stricken, & despondant and we would just give up and try to go back home every chance we got. So I hope that helps answer some of your questions and I hope you will run this information by your own heart, if for no other reason than to prove me wrong, and when you find out I'm onto something here, I hope your mind and your spirit will be comforted:) Blessings
  4. I could not agree with you more! I'm very happy to see someone else who has the ability to see things for what they are. great comment:)
  5. TRUTHFULLY: Personally, I'm a Matriarch which means I worship The Goddess (Gods' Wife:) And I don't believe anything in the bible about hell or demons or a devil or sin or any of that. I believe that most main-stream religions, like catholic, Mormon, Jehova witnesses etc, are for the most part good people with good intentions, however they've been taught about who our creator is through a lot of false prophecy and thats how things have come to where they now stand. And it's sad really because people are turning against eachother over some very unimportant things, such as who believes what, and who the one true god is etc. These are all false teachings that pit people against eachother, calling some people evil for really ridiculous reasons. There are NO evil people, just evil acts performed by people who make poor choices. The Good/Evil & Heaven/Hell complexes have to go! Theres no such place as Hell. The creator is NOT some scary, manipulative wrathful, jealous God. Those qualities exist only in Human Beings. MANKIND is power hungry, God and Goddess are ALL POWERFUL, and it makes no sense that we would be created by them just so we could all screw up and they could punnish us with some absurd eternal torment. I believe in our hearts we all know better than to believe that propaganda. We all personally know our creators wether we talk about it or not. So regardless of what your beliefs are THINK! Would you do any of that crap thats in the bible to your own children??? Not likely, and you are a human being NOT PERFECT. So Why would our creators who ARE PERFECT, who have DIVINE love for us ever harm us? They wouldn't. I would not put any stock in what any religious leader swears to be true because they are governed by things like greed, money, power etc. NOT by God or Goddess. These so called EXAMPLES Have their OWN agendas and the sooner people realize that, the better off they will be. The followers of the mainstream religions are NOTHING like their leaders Thank God and Goddess for that. But unfortunately people are taught to judge each other as sinners and so forth for stupid reasons, and most of those reasons revolve around mass manipulation & control started by the false prophets and manipulative church leaders. I realize in text it says JUDGE NOT and bla bla bla, but if you keep thumbing though the bible with an OPEN set of eyes you will see very little BUT judgement. And that Judgement is NOT Gods, OBVIOUSLY! It's MANS! The sooner people stop quoting that b*llshit book of contraditions, (The so called HOLY BIBLE) that was clearly written by idiots on a power trip of some sort, the sooner world peace will come about. Really read that book, there is NOTHING HOLY about it. That stupid book of lies is the very thing responsible for all the horror that takes place on this planet, and that adam eve story was all bull aswell. theres no devil or demons or any of that crap, it was all fabricated for the sole purpose of scaring the masses into doing the will of the churches. It should be re-named the UNHOLY *BLEEP* written by drunks and cowards who were terrified of their own shadows. Litterally. Your shadow is your dark side, it's in ALL of us. And these people who wrote this crap were in denial about who they really are. Unwilling to face themselves, and hold themselves accountable for their own actions, they fabricated a supreme evil being to blame for everything they could not forgive themselves for. Lets face it people, mass murder in the name of God must really screw up a persons conscience. And thus the devil was born. NOT EVEN ONE REAL DEMON EXISTS>they are fabrications of human creation that come from suppressed guilt, fear & shame. Which coincidentally, are the very things churches USE against their followers to manipulate them into blind obedience. I believe in angels, God & Goddess and life after death, but I believe these things because of the experiences of my own spirit, NOT because of anything in that stupid book. Theres no need to argue about who's right or wrong. It's redundant. WHO CARES! Everyone walks their own path, but we will all end up on the same road in the end. No exceptions. No ones going to hell. There is no such place. You don't have to forgive or forget anything, or anyone. That's also a bunch of b*llshit. That commandment was just fabricated by the leaders of the churches, and writers of the bible, for when the people 'woke up' and realized they've been lied to for millions of years. It was manipulatively constructed to save their own *sses from being tortured like they did to so many others for NO REAL REASON. THINK people THINK! wow. This religion stuff really gets to me because i've witnessed too many people who are terrified to think for themselves and it breaks my heart! TRUTHFULLY! -Archangel
  6. I didn't even know it existed, until now, but I will check it out and let you know my opinion of it:) I love self help stuff:)Personally I'm a fan of Anthony Robbins, Doreen Virtue & Sylvia Browne, I find thier writings extremely helpful, so I just thought I'd pass it on:)
  7. no i don't! wireless sux unless your using a laptop, then it's a little better!Sorry, but, I have to tell you, your mum is right about both things, especially the hacking; its called bandwidth stealing and anyone within a block or so of your house, with a computer can get on the internet for free by using your wireless system. You mum is smart:) you should listen to her:)
  8. the skin cancer in a tanning bed thing is A MYTH! NOT REAL!it's been tested repeatedly and the end result is the same: You can NOT get skin cancer from tanning especially if you're using a tanning bed in a salon.nor can a tanning bed cook you from the inside out. It's well documented. whoever told you that cancer crap is obviously trying to scare you. Just don't believe everything you hear or you'll never do anything fun:)
  9. what's shakin? long time no see:)

  10. hi there, nice to meet you, you've come to the right place there are a LOT of awesome designers here:) Saint Michael, TikiPrincess and about a thousand more whom I haven't met yet:) but I know they kick but from their avatars/siggies. theres lots of helpful posts to help get you started here: Tutorials: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/169-tutorials/ Web Design: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/68-web-design/ ....and i think just by checking out the following link you'll be very inspired: Website Showcase: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/135-website-showcase/ Enjoy!
  11. I have NO idea but when you figure it out, please post the answer so I don't go insane with you!
  12. I like it, its a lot better than I could ever do:)
  13. well I like it:) keep playing around and you'll get even better, not that you're not already great at it but you know what I mean:)
  14. Happy belated birthday:) your birthday is the same day as my neice Kezia, and I couldn't post in time because I was out of town visiting her, and at my cousins' wedding shower:) busy day for my family:) Hope you had a blast:)
  15. I picked hazel, my eyes do change color & i like it best when they are hazel:)
  16. I've been through something similar, I lost my grandma, to cancer throughout her body, and then my mom on November 21 2005 of a sudden & massive heart attack. And it doesn't get easier. But you can't torture yourself about it, look at what that did to your mom. Don't fool yourself into thinking it can't happen to you too. Untreated depression like that will kill you if you let it. It has taken me a while to gain weight back, after my mom died i lost so much weight i was skin and bone, & I litterally looked like skelletor from he-man. That was my depression turning inward. Now im healthier and i look at pictures of me & think wtf was i thinking, but the answer is disturbing: at the time when i was sick with depression, I just wanted to be with my mom. and thinking like that almost killed me. so if you need someone to talk to about this stuff you've come to the right place:) welcome to Xisto:)
  17. Thank you for this post I'll have to show it to my husband, he's always having computer problems:)
  18. i believe in both theories having experienced both myself. I chalk it up to the law of attraction, like attracts like. When I'm in a great mood, everything around me seems great aswell, likewise when I'm in a worse mood, everything around me seems worse. But, there are also times when I'm in a great mood and things get worse or vice versa, so I don't think merely positive thinking is the key:) I have learned to give up the illusion of being in control, lol, the universe, does what it wants with or without my consent, but I also believe there are Deities & Angels who help in times when everything gets too much to handle:)
  19. The ingredients can be bought at bulk barn (its a store that specializes in herbs & spices etc) you can also grow the plants yourself & take the leaves off as needed.
  20. hey just wondering how you've been keeping! Hope you're sleeping better :)

  21. you can definately grow american ginseng, or in my case canadian ginseng, I even drink korean ginseng tea, but then, it isn't 'chinese' ginseng, although I'm sure since its the same plant family it will serve the same purposes:) Believe it or not, there is a difference in where the plant is grown, the gardening methods differ from country to country, not to mention the environmental conditions the plants are grown in, and as a result the plant produces different degrees/amounts of 'healing properties.'
  22. If you can't control your nerves, fit jokes about them into your act. Think Mr. Bean, he seems awkward and nervous but it's hillarious. Just be yourself and you'll be fine. By using your nervous energy to make the judges laugh, you will gain their respect and favor. AND your nervousness can't embarass you if you don't let it:)
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