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Everything posted by Archangel_Baw

  1. Just chalk it up to soul-food. That feeling of total bliss when you are with a kindred or like-minded person. It feeds your soul to be with your friend and I think maybe you might have mistaken true friendship with romance. That's not to say your feelings for him are not genuine, but why ruin a great thing.
  2. Hey Just wanted to suggest a crafts forum wherein people can post craft resources tips & tricks, etc, I have PLENTY to add to such a forum:) Thanks Archangel:)
  3. Thank you for the kind reply to my poem. Blessed Be:)

  4. Just an opinion, but it sounds to me like it was written by a child. WAAAAAAAA! I'm a parent, and children can get on everyone's nerves from time to time, but when people who are adults are throwing temper tantrums on the net about hating children, that is a little more hate worthy. I have to point out that there is a serious contradiction in effect here- the whole becoming what you're judging thing. I can see where those without kids may feel they have zero tolerance for the crying, especially because they aren't used to it, but just try to imagine being a parent and dealing with it on a daily basis. You do get used to it and you will learn to either tune it out, or put a stop to it when you yourself become a parent. And you most likely will be a parent one day. Every kid pitches fits, frequently I might add. It's a part of life and learning to deal with emotions like anger, frustration & even the disappointment that comes from not getting one's own way. Remember you were a kid once too and someone probably thought all that stuff about you.
  5. As a rule, I generally keep people I hate away from me. However, there is someone I totally can't stand and that would be Paris Hilton, I despise her and I really don't know why. I just do. Shes around me frequently on my tv set and It drives me insane! I just can't bring myself to like anything about her.
  6. I am 1/2 German, but I don't speak it!
  7. Talk to your doctor about depression. I have it aswell and meds can help. YES! I SAID MEDS! I used them temporarily to pull me through a wicked Depression/Rage after my mother died and I used to be dead set against it. However, they helped me, I had clear thinking, Motivation, I became more social again and after a while I didn't need them anymore. Please go see your doctor soon because if you depression is left untreated, you could hurt yourself or someone else. depression is NOT a joke and NEVER fool yourself into thinking you have control over it because you DON'T! Just a heads up from someone who has been where you are right now:) Blessings:)
  8. If I were you, I would choose none for now and wait until you actually feel a connection with someone, and not just any connection, but a REAL one. There's no hurry to 'get involved' with anyone, and you seem to be feeling a 'false' sense of urgency. Take your time, be patient with yourself and you will make a good choice. However, if you just jump in, you may end up regretting the choice you make:) Relax my dear, the one who is worthy of your love will wait for you. I am speaking to you from experience. My husband and I met (for the second time) on tagged.com. We had met about 7 years ago in person through my old boss, but I was already in a relationship at that time, and so, I didn't pay him any mind. Then 7 years later he commented on my page at tagged and we talked back and forth for months. We took our time to build our relationship from friendship, to lovers and now were married and expecting a child. There IS such a thing as Happily ever after, you just have to trust yourself to find it, and NOT let fear or anxiety make you move faster than you are comfortable with. Trust me, if you aren't comfortable, your date won't be either and that can screw everything up:)And Remember: Anyone who won't wait for you to feel comfortable, does NOT deserve you:)
  9. Personally, I'm for it, and I believe people have their own reasons for doing it which are none of anyone else's business, and those who protest it are NOT in a position to judge and should keep their mouths closed.Honestly, if they were asked about it fine, but when they are complete strangers picketing outside a clinic/medical center they should be arrested and jailed. I've had a few friends who were attacked by protesters, who had no right to even be there and it p*sses me off.
  10. I've been using magick to heal myself and others for as long as I can remember, but then again, I use it for other things aswell, it's just a daily part of my life:) Great topic by the way:) Thanks for posting it:)
  11. Apparently from my own observations, women seem more prone to depression than men. I'm no expert on the subject, but I have found this to be true. I could go on without end about why I think this happens, but like I said, I'm no expert. Just chalk it up to yes, you're correct.
  12. I have OCD, the compulsive cleaning kind. The organizing kind, and the kind that makes me want everything to be "perfect." It's a pain in the but, because I will be in the middle of something, and I will get distracted by something else, like the urge to 'straighten a picture, BEFORE I will allow myself to make my coffee, or something of the sort. OCD and ADD/ADHD (ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER/ ATTENTION DEFICIT- HYPERACTIVE DISORDER) are very much alike because the mess with your ability to remain focused on JUST ONE TASK. You should see me, my husband thinks I'm hillarious, but I find it to be very serious. So because of this disorder, I feel like SCRAT the squirrel from the Ice Age Movie, I'm just like that when I'm shopping. I can't just buy ONE of anything, I have to buy in multiples of 3:) Why? OCD is why. And the hand washing, although I don't require a new bar of soap each time I wash my hands, I do wash my hands too frequently. Yet another thing I get distracted by when in the middle of something. Because of OCD I have a hard time getting anything done on schedule. All it takes is one trip to the washroom, or a need for a coffee refill, and I am off doing a billion other things, that are NOT on my list of things to do. and by the end of the day sometimes I've completed my tasks, and sometimes I haven't but either way I am exhausted:) My father sent me an ADD/ADHD related email that totally applies for anyone who happens to have OCD, so I will post it here, it's very funny and true... A. A. A. D. D. OK hands up for those of you have these kinda days cause I have at least 6 a week, and the 7th day..................LOL ("") Recently, I was diagnosed with A. A. A. D. D. - Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder. This is how it develops: I decide to water my garden. As I turn on the hose in the driveway, I look over at my car and decide my car needs washing. As I start toward the garage, I notice that there is mail on the porch table that I brought up from the mailbox earlier. I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car. I lay my car keys down on the table, put the junk mail in the garbage can under the table, and notice that the can is full. So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the garbage first. But then I think, since I'm going to be near the mailbox, when I take out the garbage anyway, I may as well pay the bills first. I take my checkbook off the table, and see that there is only 1 check left. My extra checks are in my desk in the study, so I go inside the house to my desk where I find the can of Coke that I had been drinking. I'm going to look for my checks, but first I need to push the Coke aside so that I don't accidentally knock it over. I see that the Coke is getting warm, and I decide I should put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold. As I head toward the kitchen with the Coke, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye--they need to be watered. I set the Coke down on the counter, and I discover my reading glasses that I've been searching for all morning. I decide I better put them back on my desk, but first I'm going to water the flowers. I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with water and suddenly I spot the TV remote. Someone left it on the kitchen table. I realize that tonight when we go to watch TV, I will be looking for the remote, but I won't remember that it's on the kitchen table, so I decide to put it back in the den where it belongs, but first I'll water the flowers. I pour some water in the flowers, but quite a bit of it spills on the floor. So, I set the remote back down on the table, get some towels and wipe up the spill. Then, I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do. At the end of the day: the car isn't washed, the bills aren't paid, there is a warm can of Coke sitting on the counter, the flowers don't have enough water, there is still only 1 check in my check book, I can't find the remote, I can't find my glasses, and I don't remember what I did with the car keys. Then, when I try to figure out why nothing got done today, I'm really baffled because I know I was busy all day long, and I'm really tired. I realize this is a serious problem, and I'll try to get some help for it, but first I'll check my e-mail. Do me a favor, will you? Forward this message to everyone you know, because I don't remember to whom it has been sent. Don't laugh -- if this isn't you yet, your day is coming.......! GROWING OLDER IS MANDATORY. GROWING UP IS OPTIONAL. LAUGHING AT YOURSELF IS THERAPEUTIC. P.S I just remembered. I LEFT THE WATER RUNNING IN THE DRIVEWAY! GOTTA GO!!!! Sound Familiar?
  13. I can explain a couple of the nervous disorder(s): Panic Attacks & Anxiety Disorders: Causes a person to become so overwhealmed with fear that they can NOT function like a 'normal person'. And are therefore useless in the work force as far as employers see it. Most people with these disorders have panic & anxiety attacks in public places, such as work, the mall, crowded places, etc. These attacks are horrible because they actually affect the nervous system to such a forceful degree that some people actually stop breathing, sweat profusely, pass out or faint. Some people can't even eat in front of others, if they see someone watching them eat, they become unable to swallow their food. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Is similar to the above, in how people who have it react, however, PTSD is caused by severe traumatic experiences. The person is constantly re-living traumatic events that have victimized them and therefore is unable to function normally. While the above disorders can sometimes be cured, or go away after treatment, PTSD is a lifetime of emotional hell for those who have it. These disorders are terrifying and the completely control the lives of those who have them. There are medications available, but depending on the severity of the disorder, people are still rendered unable to work. I hope this answers your question.
  14. good morning my sleep nazi, I've missed you:( It's been too quiet without you, I actually slept in the last few days:)

  15. Well little soul-brother, I can't offer you much useful advice because I am irritated and angered just as easily as you are. But, I can validate your feelings because I FEEL exactly what you mean. You see some of us were just born extremely sensitive people, and I just try to avoid things that stimulate my anger, like 'country music' for example. As far as people who deliberately anger me, for sport, or because they are just rude, I confront them and kick them out of my life. I am totally fine being a hermit and because of this, I've been accused of being, aggressive, bi-polar, and a list of other things. But the real issue is I just have absolutely no tolerance for cruelty of any kind and it drives me nuts! I can't even watch the news because it makes me LIVID! I'm a female, 33 years old, and I have NOT 'grown out of it' I was just born this way and I'll probably die p*ssed off at the world for a great many things. It's just a part of who I am. Righteous anger isn't so bad once you learn to accept it as your own and channel it into something productive. I am also very artistic, and so whenever I'm angry, I create something, either for myself, or a loved one and that usually helps:) If you feel the need to take anger management, try it, but be forewarned, when I took it it just made me angrier than I was in the first place. It depends on who's teaching the course I suppose. So, I just wanted to let you know you're NOT alone, and there are MANY other angry people in the world:) I am living proof:) Take care and don't be so hard on yourself
  16. As an angry person, allow me to say that I have been trying to be MORE like you. I have a very short fuse, and when I tell people how they make me feel, I stand accused of being "too aggressive." Probably because i don't use kind words if I am angry. You should be a zen master or something, because I would love to listen to how it is that you are able to remain calm when someone is clearly trying to insult your intelligence, P*ss you off, or destroy your life either to your face, or behind your back, and seriously thinks you're too stupid to see it. Mind you, I got rid of all the scum in my life years ago, but it didn't solve my anger about any of it. I have never been able to just 'laugh it off', I go straight to the person who is messing with me and confront them because I refuse to do nothing. I would LOVE to be more like you, however I guess I'm just made a little 'different' So to answer your question about if you're normal, I believe you are, and I also believe that I am aswell, we just appear to have different temperments & ways of dealing with things:) Stay happy for as long as you can!
  17. It sounds to me like this is happening to you because you just haven't made any REAL friends yet. The people you speak of seem to be insecure around you, which is probably why they put you down and insult you, in order to make themselves feel better. My son has had a similar problem, he was bullied mercilessly by students in his school, he too was very skinny, and talkative, and very sensitive emotionally. His feelings are hurt much easier than most. I think this may also be your problem. You value the opinions of others too highly, and you can't do that. True self esteem comes from within. Love yourself, regardless of whatever has been said to you, or about you, and soon, it won't matter to you anymore, and above all, be kind to yourself:)My suggestion is that you remove yourself from your current circle of friends, and find people who are interested in the same things you are. I mean REALLY interested, not just faking it. Soon enough you will find your own soulmate posse and the people who now harass you will suddenly find better things to do with their lives than try to make you as insecure as they are. Please realize that people who treat you badly do NOT deserve to be in your life;) And you DO have control over who you allow into your social circle:) Start from scratch, with a mission to get rid of losers, users and energy vampires who drain you, and keep only those who are not cruel to you, those who sincerely care about you, those who are there for you and those who love themselves:)Hope this helps:)
  18. beautiful, do it again, with different colors and they will sell fast:) I'd buy it if i were looking for one:)
  19. both! I prefer mutual love. one sided love does nothing good for either person.
  20. )O( Archangels' Kitchen Witchery-Recipes )O( I have tons more, Just haven't had time to type them yet:) My Egg Spice Recipe: I use this on all types of eggs, microwaved, boiled, fried, poached & scrambled etc. Mix equal parts of the following herbs in a plastic/glass container or jar with a tight lid & don't forget to shake well before using: 1 Part Basil Rubbed 1 Part Chives Chopped 1 Part Cilantro Rubbed 1 Part Dill Weed 1 Part Garlic Powder 1 Part Onion Flakes 1 Part Onion Powder 1 Part Oregano Rubbed 1 Part Parsley 1 Part Sage Rubbed 1 Part Savory Rubbed 1 Part Tarragon Flakes 1 Part Thyme Rubbed Use 1 Pinch of mixture for each egg. Archangelled Eggs: 10 Hard Boiled Eggs. 3 Tbsp Miracle Whip 10 Pinches of My Egg Spice Cool eggs before peeling by letting them sit in cold water for about 3-5 minutes. Peel eggs, Cut in half (the same as develled eggs), scoop out yolks and place them in a separate bowl. place egwhites on a serving platter or plate. Mix Egg yolks with Miracle Whip To suit your own Taste (About 3 Tbsp). Season with 1 small pinch of my egg spice for each egg, (see above). A sprinkle of Spanish (Hot) Paprika with a sprig of fresh Parsley on top is optional. My Egg Salad Recipe: 10 Hard Boiled Eggs. Miracle Whip To Taste (About 5-7 Tbsp). Season with my egg spice to taste. A sprinkle of Spanish (Hot) Paprika is optional. The reason I use so many eggs is because if I use less, my children always decide they want more and I have to do it all over again, lol. My Microwaved Egg Recipe: Makes 1 microwaved egg at a time. Sprinkle a tiny bit of salt into the bottom of the microwave egg container. (Salt attracts microwaves & makes the egg cook faster). Crack egg & pour into the microwaved egg container & make sure you break the yolk with a fork. Add 1 Pinch of egg spice. Grate old cheddar cheese on top and Add a tiny bit of Salt & Pepper. Mix well to blend all the ingredients. Put the lid on the microwave egg container, & place in microwave. Cook on high for 45 seconds. My Greek Salad Vinegarette Dressing Recipe: Using a funnel, Mix the following ingredients in a glass bottle with a screw on lid,(I use empty wine bottles or balsamic vinegar bottles), Equal parts of Olive Oil & Cidar Vinegar 1 Tbsp of My Homemade Itallian Spice 1 tsp feta cheese (optional use very small pieces). Shake well and store in a cool dry place. Not the refridgerator because the olive oil gets hard & clumpy when it is chilled. My Greek Salad Recipe: 1 Head each of Regular & Romaine Lettuce 1 of Each of the following Sweet Peppers: Green, Red, Orange & Yellow. 1 Large Tomato, cut into small peices 2 Celery sticks, chopped into small pieces 1/2 Cup Feta Cheese 1 Onion chopped or sliced into rings 1/2 Cup Black Olives 1/2 Cucumber, sliced 1/2 Cup Musrooms sliced(Optional) Toss all ingredients into a very large salad bowl, mix thouroughly & top with a few sprigs of fresh parsley and My Greek Salad Vinegarette Dressing. Feeds a small party of 5-7 people. My Homemade Healing Itallian Spice Recipe: Mix equal parts of the following herbs In a plastic container with a tight lid: 1 Part Basil 1 Part Marjoram 1 Part Oregano 1 Part Rosemary 1 Part Sage 1 Part Savory 1 Part Tarragon 1 Part Thyme My Olive Oil Sauce Recipe: I use this on bbq chicken, vegetables, steak & also as a salad dressing. Using a funnel, Mix Equal Parts of Olive Oil & Cidar Vinegar In A Glass Bottle With a screw on lid (Do Not use a plastic jar). Add equal parts (about 1-2 tbsp for a large/x-large bottle, or 1-2 tsp for a medium/small bottle): 1 Part each of Salt & Pepper 1 Part Zesty Pepper Meledy 1 Part Tex Mex 1 Part of My Homemade Italian Spice 1 Part Chives 1 Part Garlic Powder 1 Part Paprika 1 Part Cilantro Leaves 1 Part Spike (an all purpose seasoning found in healthfood stores) 1 Part Seasoned Salt Cap & shake well. Do NOT store in refridgerator. The Oil & Vinegar will separate. Keep in a cool dark cupboard or pantry. My BBQ Chicken Maranade Recipe: Mix the following ingredients in a glass bottle with a screw on lid: 1 Part Soy Sauce 1 Part Balsamic Vinegar 2-3 Parts Water (depending on your own prefference) Add equal parts of the following herbs: 1 Part Basil 1 Part Cilantro 1 Part Dill Weed 1 Part Onion Flakes 1 Part Minced Garlic 1 Part Rosemary 1 Part Curry- (Optional for those who like hot & Spicy) 1 Part Cayenne Pepper (also optional for those who like hot & Spicy) There are two ways to use this sauce: 1-BBQ Your chicken & apply sauce with a basting brush. OR, 2- Maranade (soak) chicken in the sauce for 1 hour prior to cooking it. Store sauce in refridgerator. Keeps for many months:) My Veggie Dip Recipe: In a medium sized bowl, mix the following to suit your own taste: (I use Cups & Tbsp measurements for Large Dip dishes to feed at least 5--10people, and Tbsp & Pinches for 2-4 people). 3 Parts of Miracle Whip (Parts can either mean Cups (for 5+ people) or Tbsp(for 2-3 people) depending on how many people you are feeding). 2 Tbsp/Pinches of My Homemade Itallian Spice 1 Tbsp/Pinch Garlic Powder 1 Tbsp/Pinch Onion Powder 1 Tbsp/Pinch Parsley Flakes 1 Tbsp/Pinch Dill Weed 1 Tbsp/Pinch Chives Chopped Mix well and Keep refrigerated. If you plan to make the dip for personal use, it Keeps for about (1-2 weeks if you use a plastic container or a glass jar with a tight lid. Do not put it back in the fridge after it has warmed to room temperature. You will have to make up a fresh batch and then you can chill that:) Archangel's Seafood Cocktail Sauce Ingredients: 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 tbsp horseradish 4 squirts Worcestershire sauce 1 1/2 cup salsa 1 1/2 cup ketchup 1 tbsp garlic butter 2 tbsp chopped fresh tarragon 1 tbsp dill weed 1 tbsp chives 1 tsp each salt & pepper to taste Directions: 1. Start with salsa & ketchup. 2. Add other ingredients. 3. Mix well and refrigerate. 4. Store in glass jars with screw on lids. 5. Use as dip for all kinds of seafood.
  21. This recipe sounds yummy, Ill try it & let you know what I think:)
  22. I was here:) You should post in the forums:) Trap 17 is AWESOME!

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