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Everything posted by mandla

  1. in my view a lot of things have changes over the last decade. These factors have all affected the news that we see in the media as it has become a thousand times easier to access information in today's world. firstly we got camera phones and digital cameras that are now easily accessible and lowly priced. Which means there is now more information about celebrities. This information has then made it easier for celebrity x who was a Z Lister to be spotted kissing a drummer in Band X and the news will now be available on the net like on Youtube and before long there are a thousand hits from all of Celebrity X's fans who ealier on had no access to this info because the mainstream media only covered A listers. Another thing is because of the availability of 12 Meg Digital camera or high spec cameras becoming cheaper and more affordable as well as the high pay offs paparazzi is getting, this bas increased the viability of being a paparazzi and remeber the more unique your pictures are and the bigger the scoop as well as the biggest pushing factor being that Bad news sells, Theres no point having 300 paparazzi staking outside Britneys House and 300 of you get the same picture which will then be harder to sell for a high amount as the other paprazzi will be accepted or undercutting the price for the same photo say you offer a newspaper thet story for 10 000 Pounds, a paparazzi who was with you will offer the same or similar picture probably even better quality for 8 000 and because all other papers will probably have the same story this devalues the story because the paper can really guarantee that its an exclusive and people will choose to purchase that newspaper brand because paper X and The X times and The X news will be running the same story meaning readers will not be specifically drawn to their paper as there might even be cheaper news papers running with the same story.This has then pushed the paparazzi to diversify and take a chance with any celebrity as long as they can get an exclusive. Cause as long as they have an exclusive there is a guarantee that the pay out will be high and it builds a good relationship with the paper for that paparazzi because they will be loyal to him when stories are running dry or when there is competition. This means that even sports people who aren't even that relevant like a refree would suddenly find themselves in the papers for anything silly they do. Even former reality tV starts arent safe, if they as much as cheat on their partners and there happens to be a camera nearby, they will be splashed all over the news the next day. The same applies if they get too drunk, snog another girl, go out without wearing panties, get turned away from a pub get pulled over by the cops, get a flat tyre anything is news as long as papers are willing to buy the stories.Also the rise of dot com businesses and dot com tycoons has made this a possibility with people uploading any celebrity news to their websites and tryna generated as many views on their sites so that with high ranking they get paid more for adverts to be placed on their sites. The reasons are endless. But one thing for sure is that No matter who you are these days you can be a celebrity over night. You dont even have to be a great singer as long as you can do something soooooooooo good and have talent be it sucking off the president like how Lewinsky became famous, or Faria Alarm who is a celebrity in UK for having an affair with the England Soccer/ Football Team Manager or Rebecca Loos who is famous for having an affair with David Beckham. They are now celebrities on their own right and whats shocking is they are even more famous than a lot of Olympic gold Medalist who should be known for being good at their sports and winning the highest ranks at the Olympic games. Look at Tila Tequilla she is famous for having is it a million friends of Facebook and has become a celebrity for something so trivial yet we haardly hear anything about the people that actually created face book. Wierd but i doubt if sports is the one thats come to such a llow but i think its recording technology that has raised to the level where its flooded every market and made information so easily accessible and everyone is trying to come from a different angle so they have the highest following.
  2. If I had my way, any rapist would be castrated or have their penis chopped off. I know this is harsh but sometimes it scares victims for life. My best friend dated a girl who had been a victim of rape 3 years prior and it took him over 4 years to finally get to sleep with her cause she just couldnt let him and her go into a room alone she'd have panic attacks if they started getting to frisky and she would cross her les and freeze. this was all happening long after the rapist had been feed and was probably having healthy sexual relationship with his new girlfriend. Whats worse is he was only given a three year sentence because he co-operated and throughout the trial showed and expressed remorse.By the time she met my friend he has already been freed on good behavior and let out on cerfew were he had freedom but had to wear a tag. Id say cut off his penis so that the scar is there for the rest of his life to remind him of the pain and suffering he's cause someone else. Repeat offenders should be sent to the death chamber. None of this humane killing and *BLEEP* but nasty stuff like making them breath sulphur and die a gruesome death. AFter all the murders and Killers on death row die such a cool death, theres minimum truama as everything is designed for instant death meaning they make familes suffer yet they get an easy way out.
  3. in what i have seen, th e fututre in movies sometimes isnt real predicition but things that are currently happening but just not available to ordinary people. Th jet pack has been available long before the JAmes Bond film and it was only used in the military jus like the internet was an army tool for long time and only sortof became world wide after the army had been actually using it for many years. Because the military guys are told or rather sworn to secrecy they cant devulge this info and only leaked out info is what the movie directors pick and then use in exaggerated format.Sometimes when future predictions are made they are nothing like the future take ZOolander, when zoolander was made it was during a time when mobile fones were becoming smaller and smaller they were not as chunky as when they first started and everyne thought cell phones of the future would be even smaller so if you watch zoolander he has this rediciulously small mobile fone that never existed because mobile fones took the inbuilt camera route and the internet and gps touch screen route so they stopped getting smaller and now the thinner andlarger screen is more advanced than the smaller flip fones.As for the future world I dont know if anyone has noticed the future in films and movies has little sunlight. Its always like the sun is dead and its like the place is always dark. Yeah they over play the robots running earth thingy and electric cars but then who thought in future thered be plasma screens. Most future predicitions in filma actually have holograms or TVs built into walls not LCD, LED screens. I have neve seen a future or sci fi movie that had actually thought of concepts like Sky plus, Tivo and FOxtel Plus. There a predictions of hologram phone calls but i doubt anyone ares about hologram calls if they have simple video calling.Sci Fi clothes are really wired to it looks like coveralls in a different fabric or star treck like uniforms and its like there a robot war or curfew. There are limited black people and its as if the world is going to be full of white people lol. None of the future predictions are actually diversly populated. and they all seem to be about some computer that had artificial intelligent and went crazy and we fighting to win against a super computer.I dont know the future but if you take movies that depicted 2010 they are so dumb and unrealistic now that we are in 2010. haha I guess though one thing them futuristic films and movies did do was give us great entertainment.
  4. wow. It seems this website thing must have really got you spooked. Well I know we all view tasks differently and right now you dont know jack shite interms of doing the website. Without sounding negative I would like to say Webdesiggn is hard. Thats why companies charges loads just to do simple websites and if you are not patient you will not be able to get into the game.Web Design can be a daunting task especially if you are designing from scratch and have no experience at all. My best advice would be for you to get or goole search free website templates. Actually I think the first thing you need to do is draw up a rough plan of what you want your site to be like and what its gonna be structured like. Its so eay to have the ideas in your head and yet if we asked you what exactly do you want your site to look like youd respond like you know a simple website and yet there is nothing really like a simple website if you are the designer in my eyes.So once you have an idea of what you wanna achieve do a search for a Free website template and choose something that closely remebles what you already have in mind. I say stear away from fancy designs because whilst they look attractive as templates, if you are designing a simple website as you would have rough drafted you will find you run out of material to post around the complex designs. Take time to carefully play around with the template in a wysiwig editor like frontpage which is free from microsoft. For starters do a static site that hasnt any a moajr scripts this is to help you build your confidence without the complication of getting database errors and script errors. Simple websites like just a page with your picture and a little info about you. Its easy to get carried away and stuff and soon you'll find 2hours have gone by and you havent even done a complete page but thats progress cause at least you are learning as opposed to being frustrated.DOnt start planning to desing a search engine or youtube because you are still miles away from this so keep it simple and dont start trying this and that if it wasnt in your original plan. Designing the websites in my experience was initially like browsing the web. If you go on the internet not knowing what you really loking for you will find yourself crawling and toying around wiht so many links you will soon find that you havent achieved much yet you've clocked up a lot of bandwidth. So stay focused on the original plan and dont divert from it otherwise three hours down the line you'll be still trying to design the home page after having had to restart shed loads of times because you realised you'd messed up and in frustration you'll be like arghhhhhhhhhhhh this is bull let me statr a fresh cause this isnt working. So keep it simple and once you are able to do a complete simple site you can then use slightly complex templates and improve on your skills sooner or later you'll be a pro and you'll be thinking wow I cant believe how much improvement I''ve made since the day i was writing that post on Trap 17.Once you sort of start to getr an understanding of what you are doing you'll start to find better web design software and you'll then be ready for things like dreamweaver. What I find helpfull is taking a break after a few hours cause you then get this hindsite or retrospect where your mind thinks hey maybe if i did like this i would do this and that quicker. It sort of helps give perspective cause being stuck on the PC only gives you the blinded thinking were you just trying to get to the goal and limits your innovativeness. Do Not let it get you down. Its like playing a computer game on a games console, at first the controls are hard and everything seems so easy to mess up even at times when you thinking Im driving like a pro now and suddenly you loose control and are all over the shop floor. It just takes practice and not giving up. and in a few months you'll be the one advising a newbie on web design lolI hope this helps you and Good Luck
  5. you must be joking right? The site you claim to have created as new with your frends actually has been working since 2006. I saw this site like 3 years ago. same look same feel. whats really new about it. I dont know maybe you used a template similar to one site i have seen before. to be Fair I honestly doubt that you and your mates put that site up together lately and if this was a prank, its sooo totally not funny because you wasted my time i'd much rather spend time looking at a genuinely new website and giving a review for something aomeone actually made an effort with than wasting my time commenting on a silly prank like this. Again this is only the case if you directed me to a website that has trully been in existence for over 4 years under the guise that you just made it. Thats what I think lol
  6. Racism is not something that will ever go away. No Matter were you go racism will always be there. Its a shame when it gets to a point it starts affecting people on a large scale for instance with immigration and the negativity that people associate immigration with. Ther are so many racist statements around us that some we have come to live and accept. Some are actually statements that people think are a proud label but hey are down right racist. I will give an example. I am english and from England. Now THis will also apply to America I think based on some stuff I have seen on TV. Not sure if what is on Tv is a true reflection of reality. United Kingdom is the area which covers countries Wales, England, Scotland and Northrern Ireland. and if you are Black you are refered to as Black British but white people are refered to as british not White British. I believe in America there are Americans and Black Americans who are now labelled african Americans for political correctness someone will say its because they are originally from africa but the white arent native to America either they are from Europe how come they arent not european americans.In England I have also realised that If say there was a fight in a club and being reported you hear these guys started up on us and hit us. (this automatically means they were white. if the people were black its some Black guys started on us and beat us up. With the illegalisation of racist remark and political correctness we have all become political correct lest we get arrested lol. What I love though is that the newer generations are not as racist as the older generations we are more tolerant of each other and inter racial relationships are everywhere and are a common thing now and no one really even notices them now because they are now an accepted part of society. We will always have that few select group who will be extremely racist and push the envelope when it comes to skin color and origins but hey every society has its bad eggs otherwise the world would not be so colorfull. Australia should seriously look into the issue of racism against Indian or rather Asian people because they seem to be paying a blind eye to it. I have a lot of friends from Australia who have migrated to England and they all complain about the illtreatment of Asian Nationals. England has the same issue but with people of Middle eastern Origin calling them Pakies (short for Pakistanies) But this is a crime in England and they take any racist reports very seriously and that has made a lot of people very conscious about derogatory words. Then you have countries in Africa were they dont care if you are black or white. THey will say you are Zambian and it doesnt matter whether you are black or white. Its gonna be a little while before we are all color blind so the authorities especially in countries that are first world should realise that the world is waching them and that the international community will not take kindly to blindness againnst racism
  7. i guess maybe stupid is the wrong term and after reading the answers so far I believe foolish would have been more appropriate a word. But still in hindsight we do realie how foolish some things we did for the sake of love eg. some people when they find out loved ones cheated take their own lives and if they catch lovers in the act of cheating they react by stabbing or litteraly going mental and doing things that they ould never ever do if they werent in love. I know i seem to use bad or negetive actions but that all that i can think of off the top of my head. Also this is probably because we are looking at it from outside of a relationship. Usually in the relationship there is a lot of positive things like when I was eighteen, my now wife came from a very well off family and mine was just middle class. I had just moved out from home and was starting afresh my then girlfriend was helping me furnish our new place and would lierally lie to her parents that she needed money for this and that and they would give her money. I mean she had those parents who did wanna upset her or were wrapped around her finger because she was an only child and her biological dad had passed awa a few years prior to that so i guess the parents were tryna over compensate or something but everytime she would get money we would by stuff for my flat. I rember we literally furnished my flat in brand new items fully furnished it within two months. I wasnt aware that thats what she would do because throughout our dating she always had money and would say yeah my mom gave me some money let me take you out tonight. Save your money for our wedding one day. And so when she said i got you a present and i got home and a brand new TV and VCR where in the house I just took its as wow - you didnt have to do that much but she'd always say we can go clubbing and use the money we have for drinks and pub crawling and an expensive hotel suite like we used to before or we could buy stuff for our home so when we come home we can relax and have fun in our own little place.Whilst inside thie relationship I thought this girl is a keeper cause I'd always wanted to be with someone who was responsible and would work for our future as oppoosed to one who would just think of today only. Obviously then I hadnt even planned to maryr her I was just dating a really awesome girl thats all. I always say to myself what if I hadnt been that into her and we had broken up or things later didnt work out. Would she not have regretted buying all that stuff and my new girlfriend would have now been using her cutlery, the bed, the stereo etc. I guess thats as close to a good experience I can come up with. But some of the foolish ness is obvious from the onset especially when looking at it from outside of the relationship. SOme people would hjave said is being foolish trying to buy my love or i could have been thinking silly girl im actually in love with sarah and you just a side thing but you pimping up my pad so i can bring sarah home and etc.It could have played out either way. But I think had the results been negetive, she would have been thinking - damn i was so stupid to buy him all that stuff.PS. No she wouldnt have taken it all away cause from day one we made it clear that when we bought each other presents they were forever no mater what happened there was no gimme back what I gave you. Once you give the present thats it you kiss it goodbye its not a loan its gone forever I f choose to throw the present away its mine to throw away. So no she wasnt gonna get the stuff back
  8. My brother in law was in a long distance relationship, he was in oz and his gf was in brazil, they met on holiday and when she went to back to brazil they just used to talk everyday on skype for about a year eventually they met up again and spent a few months together and they were still so happy when they were together after all that time. She has since gone back to brazil but they still talk everyday, even tho they miss each other like crazy they are both happy because they maketime each day to talk with each other. It sounds like your not too happy, maybe you could be friends for awhile and see if he changes his ways, or suggest you want a break to see other people maybe he will get scared and step up his game and try harder for you. tell him to get his act together or its over, if he doesnt want to then you know hes no good, you shouldnt try all the time yourself to make things work when he cant be bothered. hope all goes well for you
  9. Ive been talking to some girls and they said that they love it when guys take them out to a nice romantic dinner or shopping. It doesnt have to be expensive though you could take her on a picnic in the park or beach with just some sandwiches and wine or something. save the more expensive outings for when things are serious and you know your less likely to be dumped, then you wouldnt have wasted lots of money. Im sure anything you do will be good enough for her, just be nice and a gentlemen and im sure she will be impressed..........good luck !!!
  10. Have you ever noticed that it a crime to speak badly against religion. not so much a federal or state crime but a moral crime. Funny tho we get abuse from relious people all the time.I have a friend who is Christian and every time i say something like I don't really think there is a gOd I get an earful bashing of how Im the devils tool, how I am evil and should not say that. They practically force you to believe or confess what they believe and yet if i said say god doesnt exists they would never do that. Why should Christian threaten us into being believers eg. If you say that it shows you are demon possesed. You are the devil's child if you do that. Why can they just say look i do not believe in what you saying cause to me god exists. and if you say prove his existence they get all angru and call you blasphemous. If things do not go right they always say you did not have faith. When danger is iminent your faith will multiply we all know that. the bible will say jesus says if you have faith the size of a mustard seed ahhhh well when tthings are terrible I think we all have bus loads of faith so how come things never work out then - Its cause did not have enuff faith.I guess right now I will be called a satanist who is possessed all because I dared to ask lol.Please be aware my post is for knowledge perpose not to look down uporn christianity or make you stop believing in GOD no. Im just try ask the questions others havent asked
  11. I have a website and I would like to make a 3d chat which is a virtual world like what Lively from google had. I dont wanna create a whole world but just a nighclub scenario where you log in and you rez (appear) oursite the club. You walk in and its club setting inside the virtual building and you can hear music and dance or chat to other listeners usign txt. I know secondlife has a virtual world but that tooooooooo big. I just want a room for a virtual club. Is there software or a script thats free out there that anyone knows of which I can download and upload on my server. I want there to be realistic people and you can dress them as you like and change their appearance to what you want. I have been searching on google with no luck only saw a google version called lively and they disconinued it but their idea was you could create a room as they called it and give frend the link so if they logged they would be at the place you designed. I want somethign like this i anyone knows or has a link to a download of this nature or a site that allows me to do the room and link my wistiors to the virtual work, plaease let me know.Thanks
  12. I've seen a few experiences in life that have made me wonder is love is a drug people get high on.I mean there surely must be fine line between love and stupidity or insanity cause Loves makes us do pretty stupid things. I know a frend who was in love with an older woman and her husband was a total nutcase and he was only like 17 (my friend) and he actually wanted to confront the husband for beating up his wife. Damn I thought how stupid is that. THen ofcourse we've seen the situations where a mum will run in front of traffic to save her childs life yeah brave but its kinda stupid. Not that I have anything against that kind of love all im saying is we not thinking straight when love is involved. Could it be that love is actually a chemical that is secreted into our bodies and we get high on it without even realising it. Now all these examples are pretty common but the one Im about to say scared the shite out of me.I have a Skype friend who lives in Canada, we've never met in person but just sptarted talking becuase she thought I was someone else and added me on skype. We started of chatting random stuff but over the last 8 months i can say we have become really good friends. Anyways ealier this week we were talking about children and how they make one so happy etc. and the conversation turned round to cheating and how children get affected by parents breaking up after cheating or how some children loose their parents to Aids and HIV sometimes cause on of the parents was cheating and brought the disease home. She started crying and it wasn't that sad crying but that crying where you can feel their pain and to cut long story short she told me that her husband or rather ex husband had done that to her. They married 10 years ago and had been to a test prior to their marriage and had gotten married and he was always on business in America and would sleep around with Prostitutes a lot on his trips. One day she got sick blah blah blah and tested positive needless to say husband blamed her and left her because he thought she was unclean though a year later he had tried to return and beg for a second chance after he found out one of his ex prostitutes died from aids and he had been living with her and he later tested positive. She told me she had been faithful and etc i sympathised with her.Now the story went to say she went for counselling and stufff and through her counsellor met a man who liked her and obviously knew her situation. They fell in love and obviously used condoms but a year later things started to get serious and he moved in with her and stuff but then started saying he didn't wanna use condoms anymore cause he wanted a baby. They had been to the doctor and the doctor had said they would have to the turkey baster method and he said this was not how he wanted to make babies with the woman he loved. He actually wanted to risk infection in the process of making love. she says she alays insited on condom but he'd say while they have sex and she is about to climax he'd pull out and rip off the condom and put it back in. And she wouldnt be in control till she had finished climaxing and come back to her senses yes they had a baby and he was lucky cause he didn't test positive but I ask how far was he willing to go for the sake of love. I mean 4 years down the line things havent worked and they gone separate ways. Yes it as worth the risk if they'd been together till they die but im thinking if he was positive and things didnt workout yet he'd taken that risk would he not be kicking himself for the rest of his life. hmmmmmI know in his shoes many of us would have done the same thing and yet looking at it now we all thinking Nah i'd never be that stupid. Let me ask you now have you never done anythign stupid cause you were in love. Anything even stealing from your parents just to impress a guy / girl we all do pretty stupid things for love. What have you done and how far would go for someone you love with all your heart
  13. wow. the hardest thing i've ever had to go through in my life is being in a long distance relationship. I feel for all of who who find yourselves in the situation were a partner or boyfriend has to move to a different country. I think the main problem we all experience is that feeling of helplessness where it feels like you looosing that person ou love because they have changed. I know this from my own personal experience. My advice would be to continue communicating cause with out that its all going to fall apart. And while it hurst especially when we start to see those changes we shouldn't let it get us down. If you have something worth, its best to try and make time for each other as much as possible and support each other. Yes it hurts finding loop holes in their stories like the sitaution were you discovered they were baby sitting for free but honestly thinking too much only makes it more painfull. Remember they arent on an island so don't isolate yourself too. Find other stuff to do otherwise you easily find yourself thinking bout all the cracks that are developing.the worst bit is research sometimes being naive is better cause when you talk to people they will tell ohhhhh she is France oh my god she's probably having sex with some french dude right now and yes its a joke but they forget that next time you cant get hold of your loved one, stories like that will tend to replay in your head and crush the trust. We jus need to open up our hearts to dissapointment becaue we might not get back the effort we are pitting in over the distance and maybe sometimes its better to just find someone to move on with but then its not easy Its really hard. In my experience i got to a point where I was even scared to read mail from her cause I was scared that shed tell me shed found someone else and that kind of stuff can drive you nuts.TO someone who has never had a long distance relationship with someone they trully had feelings for, its easy for them to say evaluate this and decide that or move on or just walk awya now than later and all that but like a divorce or break up no one really know how to advise you like one thats been in the suituation and even then we all react differently some get depression some feel lost and some just withdraw. There is no right do and donts all I would recommend is to follow you heart and always remember in love we loose our selves and in love we break each others heart.I hope i made sense lol
  14. hahahaha This is such a clich? topic. I grew up in Africa where my parents were missionaries. Wow I still have fond memories of how kissing was enough to make my mum uncomfortable. Back then the television would have family viewing until 8pm then News Hour and at nine things like Dallas and dynasty started and mummy dearest would always say its adult viewing time so kids off to bed. We hated this because even though they played on Saturday and Friday we still were not allowed to stay up late yet all the other kids in our school would be talking about Dallas and Dynasty and Falcon Crest. Yes that's the third One falcon Crest lol. Anyway one school Holiday my really cool aunt come over to live at ours for a while and she convinced my parents that other kids where she taught watched the programs and it was not such a bad program anyway since it was on a weekend so it was okay for kids to sleep late but my mum said the problem was not the time but the adult content. Anyway somehow my mum was convinced to let us watch the so called adult filma and come friday we all sat there watching Dallas and everytime they kissed my mum would say cover your eyes and when they finished she would say its ok to open them and watch. So the next week she said to bring a duvet and every time kissing happened we would cover our heads till the kissing was over and she would say its ok you can come out now. But Hey we were so curious to know what it was we were not allowed to watch so we made little peep holes in the duvet and for sure the next kissing scene we went under the duvets with my brother and sister and watched through the holes we'd made.And lo and behold all they did was kiss passionately and then they sort of went down or was it the camera went upwards and that was it. none of the scene were like clothes ripping or strong sex scenes wow. I look back now and I always laugh. I have kids of my own and we walk television together and kissing scenes come on they get restless and start looking around and getting shy and my eldest son will say hmmm i think i need a drink of water or something silly like that and we always laugh about it with the missus and realise our babies are growing in a totally different world from what we grew up in. Dont know if this is going off topic but come to think of it I never ever saw my parents snogging. I rmeber once they were i guess snogging in my lil sisters bedroom after putting her to bed and I walked in and they behaved like Id caught them having sex they were like freaking out and they looked so silly.All Im saying is the enevironment now is different for our kids and the now generation because my kids see us snogging all the time and they tease us about it without there being that wierdness. They always joking with us when we go to the mall like hey guys leave the kissing at home and dad no touchy feely with mommy ok. You guys can do that when we get back home and we tease him about him being shy to hold his 13 year old girlfriend's hand and stuff cause hes 14 now. Wow the world has surely matured in terms of that but then if its taken us 2 generations to change I ask myself if future generations will be more of less strict because future generations might think damn past generations were just to lenient and like impose really strict rules on their kids food for thought......
  15. i have been a Christian for years but now that Im grown up Ive come to question some of the things we do as Christians. I know that religions differ so bear with me if your religion does not speak in tongues. The bible mentions things about getting filled with the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues. but my questions whether the tongues are real or not and how come they all sounds so different and you feel under pressure at church to speak in tongues. I just wanna know if this is something that churches do just to create their own identity. Does anyone know more about tongues and stuff. I would appreciate some open minded answers unlike the other religions that will accuse me of being demonic or evil or satan filled just because I dared to ask lol
  16. Setting up an internet radio is simple but there is a lot of work involved outside of setting up the whole process. i run an internet radio and things get hard at time like updating the server, setting up encoders for other djs their computers will and always give you problem. I'm not saying its a mountain climb im just saying it takes it toll if you are not completely dedicated to the whole project, there is other stuff involved like setting up jingles and station IDs and creating station id's I am just saying the station can be up and running in a few minutes but there is also the hardwork of getting listeners who will always come back and listen on other days. Its cool knowing you have listeners but there is also the bored feeling if you dont get listeners or get one her one there cause its very disheartening. Then after a while you'll need to build quality programs snd then you will wanna work hard to get advertisers to pay to advertise either by banners or Jingles its qite addictive but be warned the results are not instant Just go into the radio station thing prepared to do some hard graft for a long time MANDLA
  17. hi allI have been scratching me head for days now tryna find a way around this. basically i will try and explain as much as i can so its clear what I require. I built a website which is database based for a community internet radio station I'm trying to put together. because the djs are volunteers they do no have set time every week so writting a script to display the current deejay would no be right because another volunteer might turn up on the day. and it would mean correcting the script weekly. Instead I have collected their images and put these in a file. They have been give login names and when the log in to the site they change the status of their account to On Air and this means the MYSQL database will pick the name of the dj logged in and set to online because if we set automatic status change it would be wrong just incase they are logging in only to change the program synopsis or info in preperation for their next show. So this means they manually have to change their status to achieve this. With this process things work fine for anyone coming to the site after the SQL info has been changed other wise they are stuck with a picture of the previous dj on the screen.(obvioulsy the picture only covers a quarter of the screen and theres info about the show playing. Say you tuned in at 950 and where listening and another dj come on at ten the image does not automatically change to the next. I know your thinking why dont he just use page refresh every say 10 minutes. Well I did think of that but then we have mini chat window on the home page and people use this to chat with fellow listeners so it would be an inconvenience for them to have to re-login because the META REFRESH has kicked in every 10 or so minutes. I also thought I'd use a <iframe or framset and set that page to diplay the program info and picture and have that page refresh every 10 minutes which would have been perfect but when I used iframe everything after the area witht frameet /iframe disappeared. Is there a little script I can use to place inside the area to display picture and text from the database and have just info refresh every 10 minutes without affecting the rest of the page.if anyone knows how please kindly let me knowthansk a lot in advance
  18. Notice from truefusion: Quoted what was found to be copied. Its hard to get someone to love you but then its easier to impress a them so they like you then ofcourse once they like you if you just be yourself and spend lotsa quality time together, try not to be too much of a friend cause once you becoma a friend who is like a brother or a sister then you messed it up. Unfortunately I've never tried impressing a guy so I wouldnt know where to start but with girls its different caus e I have a bit of experience so here goes guys... You see suff like this leaves a mark cause to most girls no other guy would have ever done this for them so they'll remeber you for it and it will make them feel like you are trully god given. Do come off a d**k who is self conceited but when needed just show hints of being strong. This one is a bit tricky you dont wanna over talk about your feelings but just talk about one or two incidents just to show you do have feelings choose a week moment and tell them about it but obviously with the right timing so it looks like it was a natural conversation not a planned thing e.g Hi, Marisa guess what last week my ex Kissed another guy and it hurt boo hooo but say you were already talking about being treated badly by an ex, then you can talk about an ex that hurt you badly and the effects it had on you as a person or even the way you've become. Sound genuine so she knows that dep down you are fragile too. Also9 listen to when she talks about whats upset her and show genuine concern and say things i like I might never be in that situation but I think I understand how you probably feel. be a silly romantic like piggy back and you know joke and make her laugh, the more she laffs and enjoys herself the more she'll associate happiness with being with you and most girls wanna be happy so thats a point in your favour. Dont assume that cause you went out to the pub or clubbing together that means once your both drunk and shlurring your spleach then you vill dofinitely get the shag. just let things flow if its on dont forsh it (dont force it.) Her friends will judge you and down talk or up talk you so be nice to them but not overly nice so it seems you sucking up to them but genuinely nice so they see your a nice bloke. Need I say more. Dont promise things that you cant do but think you probably can do cause in the end you'll just come out a liar. Rather say I'm not sure I can do that but I could try. Though I'm not making any promises cause that out of my league. Girls appreciate honesty. And the truth shall set you free. hopefully you get the girl you want
  19. i dont think all fones have a GPS in them cause then wouldnt than mean every phone could literally be converted to have a sat Nav program and it works but sadly I have an LG viewty and read somewhere that it donesnt have a GPS inbuilt which means even if I down loaded the software it might not work. But then how does earth google work on a fone cause it tells you your location when you start up dont it. I am not knowledgable on this just wondering aloud
  20. I would be able to survive with out my mobile phone cause I'm not treally a phone person but damn I know a hell lotta people who would seriously struggle without their phones. I mean in UK you get lots of people especially young teens who are actually addicted to mobile phone texting. They literally go crazy if they cant text. I think the doctors in UK have actually come up with a name for a person thats addicted to texting if you google it you might come up with the full details but damn how long shoudl one be on their fone to becoma a text addict. Makes you think dont it
  21. i hear canada is extra extra cold all year round save for isolated bouts of heat. I'd like to live in canada but i'm not to keen on very cold wheather. Can you tell me what its like in canada.
  22. I will have a look on fantisco and see. thank you for you quick response it is highly appreciated mate.
  23. this is one thing i've struggled with for ages. I want a webpage where there are little thumbnails and in the middle somewhere is the main picture. The littole thumbnails or snipets of infor when clicked display the main image corresponding to that clicked thumbnail or link.e.g pictures of the country sidelisted in pairs or 3's or 4's in a column and you click each one an the main view on the screen displays that particular picture. How is this achieved. Can any one gimme a link to a site with templated for that or javascript for that or html code or paste the instructions as a reply herethank you ever so much
  24. i'd like to die just after or during an orgasm. Wow, just thinking of it coming and going at the same time. lolThat would be lush.
  25. its a tricky situation youre in but being alone is the worst thing i'd do after a break up. but thats me. Usually for girls its easy to got out clubbing and pull a bloke or in aussie they say pick up a guy in US its probably hook up with a another guy but thats only a temporary measure cause after the fun all the pain come back again. I'd advise people to be less selfish and more gentle when they break up. Mopst people prefer the I dont love you anymore tactic but that usually is a slamming door in the face of the soon to be x cause their feelings might still be strong and rejection is something many of us cant handle thats why we struggle with break ups. My mom always said Mandla you never dump a girl cause if you dump a girl (or guy if I'm the girl) it really hurts and sometimes someone takes being dumped really hard and tommorow not literally but in future, you'll be in hospital queue almost dying and she'll be doctor or nurse in charge and she'll walk past you thinking that *BLEEP*ing dog ditched me hard. and you'll die in the queue but if you were nice they'll see you in the queue and think oh thats my ex how are you? what are you doing here, whats wrong and you'll probably skip the queue and get seen to. basically she said when you dont wanna be with someone anymore just avoid them, dont be mean, take their phone calls and agree to appointment then an hour before appointmnet send a text. I'm sorry I cant make it somethings come up. if you do it for two weeks she'll soon get the message and most girls usually think i'll wait and see if he'll call me and before they know it they have no more feelings for you and one day yoou'll meet and she's with the new guy and your with new girl and obviously you'll panik cause you think she'll make a scene but shes paniking your gonna make a scene and if that dont happen you both will find you've moved on - no pain involvedmeaning no need to get over each other cause you already did subconsciouslydunnno if that helped
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