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Everything posted by mandla

  1. Yesterday I checked my email and found a letter from some person I never heard from before. Now wierdly enough when i read this I fell for it but then i was in for a rude awakening later today when I got another email. The ltter was froma Miss Grace Bello. It read - Hello, How are you I saw your profile and I was highly satisfied with it. My name is Miss. Grace Bello, i am 24 years old from Durfur Region of Sudan and presently i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the killing of my family by the rebels last year, please don't be discouraged for hearing this. My late father Engr.Ousman Bello, was the Chairman, Gruv-Melton Oil and Gas Company a private extracting oil firm in Durfur. The brutal killing of my mother and my father, one kid sister and kid brother took place one early morning as a result of the civil war that is going on until now in Sudan. It is only me that is alive now and I managed to make my way to the West African state called Senegal where i am leaving now in a refugee camp here in Oakam North, 12 km from the capital city of Dakar Senegal I would like to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently. I will tell you more about myself in my next mail. Attached here are more of my pictures for you, and i will also like to see more of yours. I wait to hear from you soonest. Kiss Yours gracebello Attached to the email was her photograph and an Id Card seemingly from The refugee camp that she claimed to live in. Everything was looking coture and I had no reason to suspect because all the things she email when piced to gether did paint a geniuine looking picture. Now I automatically had my guard down when I saw this because nothing about this letter says scam artists. It just sounds like someone who was in an unfortunate situation so I wrote back and was nice and understanding though I did ask what profile they got my email from as I was not signed up to any profile site using the private email they'd sent this too. Ususlly I have all public email and site email on one account and personal emails from close friends and family coming on a diferent email. The response was sincerely that I wrote and I really felt sorry for this girl. I asked her how she was coping and told her if she ever needed someone to talk to I dont know her but I am willing to be a friend because of the extenuating circumstances she was in. I asked her to give me more information of how her parents had been fkilled and how she had managed to escape you know just out of curiousity I wanted to know t the full details so I understand it all better. I said I wouldnt send any photos for now or ny personal infpr about me because I didnt know her that well but maybe with time and all that we would become better friends and maybe we'd exchange photos. Now A few minutes ago I checked and she had responded to my email Good day my dear, Thank you for your response to my mail and your pictures, (which I never sent out ) you are a very handsome man and i like you so much. As i told you earlier I am staying in a refugee camp. This Refugee Camp is headed by a Reverend Father Peter Ajai whom i used his office computer to send you this email and i only enter his office when he is less busy. The Reverend father's e-mail address is (rev_peteraja@yahoo.com ) This is his telephone No. +221 76 85 45 382. You can as well reach me through his telephone number, when you call tell him that you want to speak with Grace Bello. My father deposited the sum of US$2.5 Million (Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars) with Chase Financial Bank in London in which he used my name GRACE BELLO as Next of Kin to inherit the money if he eventually dies. Unfortunately now that he is dead and I have to inherit the money having lost all members of my family in the war in my country. When I arrived Senegal I sent mail to the bank telling them that my father is dead. They demanded for Death Certificate confirming that my father was actually dead. Then I gave them the certificate as demanded. They also asked me if I have the original copy of the Deposit Certificate, I gave them with the account information my father used in opening the account with the bank. The bank confirmed the two documents that they are ok. The bank now said since I do not have any traveling documents to come to London and even bank account where they can transfer the money that I should look for a reliable foreign partner who I trust to stand for me as a trustee to receive the money on my behalf. Which is why I contacted you to receive the money for me so that from the money you can send me part of the money to get my traveling documents to travel to meet you in your country to continue my education which is the most important to me. Or in the alternative, if you can help me to get the Camp Clearance and Passport to come to join you then on my arrival i will apply directly to bank myself so that they will transfer the money in to your bank account. It is now left for you to choose which option you prefer to help me. (1.) Either to agree to represent me at the bank so that I can give you the contact of the bank in London and all information for you to contact them directly so that they can transfer the money into your bank account. (2). Or to help me come over to your country so that on my arrival i will apply to the bank for the transfer of the money in to your bank account. I promised to give you 25% of the total sum for your assistance, while you will help me to manage my own share of the money in any good investment in your country because i do not know much about business. Honey these are the reason why i contacted you and the ways you can help me. Waiting for your positive response. Yours faithfully Grace As soon as I saw this I thought WTF a 419 scam wow they have evolved havent thay. I still cant believe this and I am surprised how they are actually using such heart felt info to con people of their cash what dirty rotten scoundrels. How far are they willing to go and to abuse peopels trust just to try and robus of our cash. And is it not obvious to them that we will definitley see thruough this. Anyway I have written back and told her I am willing to help after all I wanna waste her time and drag this as long as I can make them work hard for nothing . That will teach the bastards
  2. what exactly would this function do. would it just refresh the bit of the page that is after the marker id location. also I eventually used a iframe or framset cant remeber exactly but what I did was write a new html /php page with margins on top and left set to zero. then had this page have the meta refres every 60 seconds seeing as songs play about 1 minute to about 6 minutes so I assumed refresh every minut will be fine. I then used a iframe with no scrolling and no border and obvious witht the width set to whet I requred for the set aside space on the orignal desing, so the page displays as if part of the original index file and every few minutes it just flickers and updates the new info. yopu hardly notice it as you are browsing especially when it change sdue to a new song playing at it looks like it just updated the info. All I neednow is to be able to set it up so that a listener can click a Buy song button and is able to pay for the song via paypal and download it using a ddynamic link. You knwo the fake links thats are created when you purchase a MP3 and this creates a unique temporary folder and you can download the song with in 3 hours and it lets you downloa dthe song three time and and exppires due to the time out or the max download is reached. How do I set up a diectory on my CPanel which cant be accessed. anyone know? Thansk guys and girls for all your help. These Forums are so helpfull
  3. i guess in a way they are fallen heroes. because though it was an unsanctioned official war they did die from friendly fire (their own).I feel sorry that people can take advantage of each other and make lesser persons do such acts. I guess its the same in any army though. You get the bosses staying at home and the lower level army boys are sent to fight and die while the bosses control stuff by telephone. Do this do that. I know its a suicide mission but that gotta be done. Only difference is that they wear a uniform and are paid by the governement. but how different are they in principle outside of the extreme manner they achieve their goal.
  4. oh yeah, its working now. My cents have updated and even i dint wait more than just a few minutes and the ready cents had gone to billing. Wow. I just hope it always stays this fast. THis is progress. well done opaque. Was disheartened there when for three days or four nothing was happening to my posts. but still I get this feeling I got less than I would normally do for the same amount of posts. but hey all is well that ends well. For now I'll just carry on posting that way I wont be crying if the system ever goes down I'll be safe for ten years to come lol.
  5. i dont know which is better the old nae or the new one. Both do well in their own right. Xisto was easy to remeber especially because when I come acros Xisto i had been searching all day for somthing similar and finally i come across this site and registered. I didnt even think it was genuine but i gave it a try. Back then we had a credits system were credits represented how many day you could spend with coming to post or something like that. Later on when I was trying to come back I remembered that it was trap something and it was easy to google find Trap forums with free webhosting and find my way back. The rest as they say is history. I believe the name Knoweledge sutra sounds more professional but i guess the intro is a bit to much for me. I liked the first few days I saw it but Im tired of it now lolthen again bear in mind the name google means very little that sound professional so i guess even a silly name like ZOZOPAZUZU.com would probabl sound proffessional over time.Welldone anyway Opaque. Whatever name you decide on is fine. We will always support you as long as we got your support too.PS the my cents system is the best I have seen in years to be honest. You wont believe how greatfull I am for it.
  6. hey, shouldnt all the info be available in the billing section. because for me I found everything in the billing section ven before I had receieved the email. there was a part I can remember in the billing section though which displayed my username and password in a tab and even gave me the option to change the sign in password just below that. If you go in to billing section and check under services i think you will find the info. also check and make sure that the domain purchse is not pending but its green not pink or grey.What I am not sure about whether the domain you have mentioned there is registered to you seing as you said you made the spelling error. Also another way to get a sure answer that isnt guess work cause thats what we are all doing here as we do not have 100% knoledge and access to you account to see whats really the cast. I suggest you use the Ticket thingy in you billing section as they will be able to tailor answer you based on your account settings as they probably can access your account and see whats really going on.Good Luck.let us know what the answer was in the end for future sake
  7. wow. Have anyone of you ever been through hell in life? Its easy to look at any situation and think theres a door way, theres a way out. I am never one to ever think of suicide and I had been a cousellor in my community dealing with suicidal people. I would listen to what they said and sympathise with them and basically help them realise that there is a way out even when things seem bleak. Now there are things which they would say like My girlfriend dumped me and i had a fight with my mom. Yes whn oyu read this i know for a fact that these seem trivial and minute issues. But then we have the other side of the story. The side which we hardly experience the side where we are the receiving end. So many of us think that in situations that make us weak we would prevail but thats not really true. because everyone of us has a weak point we have a point in out lives where we have minimal gurad because we have hope and belief and when some one takes this away and we feel like we have nothing left suddenly we havent the will to live. A simple thing like having a family thart doesnt understand you and you only have your girlfriend as the one thing that makes life worth living then you loose her, suddenly you dont have a reason to go on. So you wanna end it than suffer. Just because you and I have other things to live for doesnt mean the next person lives for the same value. everyone is different so different things push us over the edge. Time is a healer but time is a killer too. Someoen mentioned that when you wanna kill yourself take a walk on the beach, i'll take the beach as an example. If I had a marriage made in heaven for 15 year or 20 years and we always used to go to the cinema and beach and walk holding hands. If you used to literally do everything together and even the smallest of things reminds you of the ex especially an ex who leaves suddenly when your thinking all is well.its all going to just get the brain running in over drive, seeing the beach will only bring sad memories, and everything will just scream pain and hurt and the thing that drives us to commit suicide usually isnt loosing that person but the pain nd memories aligned to this. The laying awake all night, the heart racing pulpitation, the panic attacks and anxiety attacks, they hurt all that takes its toll sooner or later we break and get to a point where we cant take it anymore. You see no doctor cares about us as long as we havent got to the danger oint of wanting to kill ourselves. So it keeps eating up inside and soon we are so tired of the hurt nd pain we want it to stop. No One understand so they cant really offer support or rather the solution we want.So sometimes whilst in that situation we get to a point where snap we see death as an option. If you ask 5 minutes prior the people dont really think death is an option but just like some people who say I'd never be a christian or be religious nd one day they get to a moment in ife where they decide I'll accept religion the same is with suicide they get to a point where they just snap and think maybe death is an option. So instead of judging we need to realise that for some people life can take its toll and they get to point of thinking death is an option.Whether its illegal or not we need to address the issues that lead to suicide as opposed to making people who are hopeless feel like they are sh*t
  8. i doubt its more to do with a weak mind i think its all to do with a need to feel important like we are worth something. Its just one of those things people do because they have a void in side. We all have the void inside us and we usually find stuff to fill it with. SOme do drugs to fil the void some do alcohol some try drugs /alcohol but for some reason still feel the emptiness inside. So they turn to religion and its crucial that when they have this void the religion they turn to embraces and accepts them just the way they are and makes them feel whole. You see cause at this point they suddenly feel whole and its as if they owe that religious sect/church/ group somethign.and just like a relationship say a girl gives you the best sex ever and the most remantic love and attention she then says honey buy me a really expensive birthday present and when we say no she gets sad and we start to feel like we will loose her or we feel like we are about to loose the wholeness we have in her and the goodness we feel then we make stupid irrational decisions. Same with the suicide bombers, They feel they owe this religion that took them in and made them feel complete so what ever is asked of them they then feel like to prove they are commited they will do just that. Now I have nothing against the religions who practice suicide bombing because I know that even a christian would sacrifice their life for Jesus. Cause thats whats expected of them. If a soldier walked in with a gun and said denounce jesus's name or I shoot then most devout christias would sacrifice their lives than denounce Jesus. So they probably can be made into suicide bombers if a certain group started harming christians on a mass level. Its all about standing up for what you believe. Im not saying they are wrong or right but I think they are of sounbd strong mind just having a very different point of view of what it means to stand up for what you believe.
  9. does this mean the my cents thingy is back up, because for a while there, nothing was changing on my cents. I just wonder are they being done manually or are they being done using the same scheme as before. It would be nice to know that w are back 9n the safe hands of a comuter program running as smoothly as it did in the past. Lolit must be a lot of work doing it manually i mean judging from all the posts that are made daily it would take 300 people 24 hours a day to runn the mucents system effectively. Also if we are being paid manually as someone suggested and there is a reduced rate, does that mean that when the automatic system is back on then we will be reimbursed the difference whether its a possible or negetive figure. It would be nice to sort of gets a heads up and know whats happening other than just Opaque is looking into it.
  10. like A RED LIGHT DISTRICT ONLINE. I think xxx domain will be perfect. I mean the reason why parents are blocking the sites in the first place is because they are not meant for minors. Secondly anyone who is happy that the firewall did not block their porn content is a pervert or paedophile. basically they are saying its ok for their own kids to be exposed to hard core pornography. Because the main reason why porn is such a big bisiness is because half the population is actually not legal to even see th porn so for them they are saying dont stop this. let us corrupt the innocent. if the set up the xxx domain then anyone who wants to stear clear can stear clear and those who want to see it can see it. Dont force feed us porn at least give us the option to say this is what i wanna see because i believe those who want to see porn google and find it no matter how unknown the site is. What I hate is those popups that just wont go away. Saying they will loose besiness from firewalls not being bought and blockers not being bought is like saying there are jobs for television stations that broadcast in Analogue or standard definition. Try as that may be every company is a commodity producer. They have market research and if the market doent need the product on offer then its time to do more research and see what new product would best suit the new market. When you go into business you know its not going to be forever so be dynamic. If the are no sales in Firewall software maybe its time to change and design a new vrsion ofweb say web 3.0 lol. surely things havent been the same since the net began. Some compnayies used to make shed loads from the old popups which used to popup till you shut down the pc by ripping of the power socket. and those same companies didnt wanna hear of a popup blocker but hey soon the popup blocker took over and the same companies had to find new products to sell or a new way of making cash. so i say lets go ahead and have .xxx domains the firewall companies will survive they will find a way to get back into the business they can also for once play offence as opposed to trying to defend the pc from intrusions and play offence by trying to be the intruders. Lets make the world go round. VIV .xxx domains is ever they come to pass
  11. oh Sky, oh sky, The more you try and explain the more you discredit yourself. notice how you contradict your own earlier statements. Look buddy I know that its frustrating to get negetive comments and criticism. but let me just say you wanted attention and you go it. Just like you let the demon stay insode you have no control of when he will manifest or what he'll do while manifesting. You claim the Demon knows the ground rules but thats a lie because I dont think your ground rules include give me pain when I touch a cross or disobey me. Cause clearly you say[qoute]I can't get rid of him. I've actually tried to ask him to leave, and he doesn't. He refuses to leave.How then are you in control of what he does when he doesnt listen to a thing you say. How is it that you have ground rules yet when he wants to make you feel pain for touching a cross he does it without any punishment. hahahaSky based on your age I can only say you are a teenager who seriously wants attention and MyCENTS lol. You see you trying to so hard to threaten and name call anyone who doesnt believe you because it makes other notice your descrepencies. For a Kid your age dont be calling me a moron because I have a different point of view. After all thats what forums are there for. People of different points of view sharing their views publicly. Remeebr also that when you post anything online in a public forum them you will have no control of who responds and what they say. If you didnt want criticism because you are fragile then I'd say go to psychiatric centre cause thats where you'd get people that believe you or sympathise with your multiple versions of one story and additions and denials of the story thats documented in writing. And ofcourse they will nod their heads as if they believe you and you can get satisfaction from that. Otherwise you can really tell me that I can't comment here or tell Anwii He cant write this nor that. If you dont like the comments you're receiving then stop biting and responding. Ys you started this thread but it doesnt belong to you anymore. If you believe you own this post 100% then delete it / bann me from posting here. You'll find you cant. The only way for you is to stop reading our comments and go to a psychiatric centre because you havent a demon you are just an EMO or a goth who wants attention. oi son, I still maintain that this is just a cry for help and your parents need to take responsibility for their ofspring and take you to a psychie ward for evaluation. What I see here is an angry teen who is a schizophreniac. You wanna call those voices in you head demons and yet the real issue is you have major issues that trainned personnel can help with.
  12. Nirvaman - I like the point you raise. I dont mean to hate on USA but USA does ask for trouble by getting involved where they don't belong now Im not saying they shouldnt help Im saying they should not take sides. Because so many times I have noticed they speak against war while funding people like Mugabe and Saddam but once they cant get what they want from Mugabe and Saddams they make a noise and complain as loud as possible and they easily go to war. But then where you see America are Cowards. They always quick to send you weapons to kill each other and they dont care if you all finsih each other. Then ofcourse some people see through this and suicide bomb in America and suddenly america is a victim. What I know is as long as suicide bombers had never bombed the towers, then I bet they wouldn't be some famous now. We hardly knew about suicide bombers until Americans were hurt in the process of a suicide bomb and suddenly it was bad. I am not saying I enjo9yed the twin tower bombings and Im sorry to anyone ho lost family in it but from a marketing point of view the suicide bombers did a perfect marketing strategy to get noticed and noticed they did. But then coward americans straight away said no fightin in AMerica lets fight in their country so our country doesnt get damanged by war. They will park in the sea and shoot missles over a neighboring country and when retaliation happens some scud missles fail to reach the destination and destro the country they are flying over and in the news its portrayed as a war misfortune. But if someone killed americans in a simmilar way they would be branded evil and put on FBI most wanted. Sometimes America wants to be branded he super hero the super power but they are petrified of taking a bullet and having scar to prov they are really heroes. I just hope that one day they will aim for peace in the world not a piece of the world. America needs to stop training terrorists and teaching them tricks which when tables turn and America is on the receiving end they start crying fowl. Imagine is guantanomo bay was in IRAQ housing terrorists who were AMERICANS how much of a bigger deal would it have been.
  13. Oi Sky I just realise you contradicted your self in two different posts I beleeve its in the initial post that started this whole fracas and then in the following post after people had started to respond look at this.... Basically the paragraphs where taken from different parts of your first statement but they confirm that both you and the Demon and you parents acknowledge that the demon get infuriated by God and or Christ, Remember he get aggressive when they Mention Christ and you know this. because everyone tells it to you seeing as you were small. Meaning there is a God or christ who scares the heck out of this demon and hence makes him so mad. Now Im not going to debate on whether the demons *bottom* would get kicked by God/ Christ or Vice Versa but I just want to make it clear that at this point there is acknoledgement of an entity called God (who is said to be pathetic) and at the same time God and christ drive the demon wild. So there there must be a God and a Christ whether in real life or in the spirit realm. Based on your own statement. Now we read your post after some other persons have critcised and advised you on the demon and you go on to say. NOw I ask you if the whole GOD thing is fake. Why was the demon freaking out. Why did you guys call a priest and why did the demon say you and your god are pathetic and why was he going ape sh*t at the mention of Christ / God. Surely there is a God and a Christ either in your family, who is friend witht the priest or somehow connected to the demon and you because the demon used you to wana attack the so called jesus christ's friends. Your spinning a web of lies mate and you are getting caught in your own web of deceit. Just be honest mate you just thought the topic would get lotsa hits and you got what you wanted now come clean lol.
  14. Has anytone watched 24 the season 8. Theres a couple of suicide bombers. Now lets assume their cause is right. Lets assume its the only way they can get their message across. isnt it funny how the boss says Tarin go with this bomb and set it off at this place. But he's no where near that place himself. The boss always sends the suicide bombers with promise of your name will be come famous. I would ask him what about you sir dont you wanna be famous. THey always ask these people to sacrifice their families but the boses family is usually never involved in this. Wha a sad loss. Also how come at the training school the boses never get hurt by the new guy. I mean surely they have a few people in the trainning school who need to show everyone how its dont using live ammo lol. What a bunch of suicide bombing fools. Has any of the prophets ever come back from the dead to say if there are even any virgins that they are promised. If there is sex happening in the after life what makes the suicide bombers so sure that other guys havent shagged those olive eyed girls prior to the explosion.Its like on earth what guarantee do you have that any girl on the street is or is not a virgin. I doubt Allah has a queue of girls who serve him in heven or the after life just waiting for a suicide bomber so they can get laid
  15. Im thinking of suicide and how to commit it. Butt he thing is I dont want a violent way that will hurt and sh*t I just want something like a carbon dioxide death which youo just fall asleep and die. Sometimes my life gets unbearable and i wanna end it but I just wanna go to sleep an die in the sleep not slit my wrists cause it painfully and gory and bloody I just dont want the pain. Ive thought of a train but t hey the thought of it knocking me and havingt o spend ten years on life support or in a wheelchair isnt coolI just want a nice calm way. does anyone have experience in this area.
  16. STOP eating so much.I know you will argue and say you dont but you do. I have always wished I could put on weight like a lot of the fat people I see around and trust me I envy peopel who can yoyo their weight about. Now here is the wierd bit. I have the same body as Batista or Undertaker from WWE though not as muscly. And I can eat fish and chips for breaky lunch and supper and neveer seem to put on weight so eventually I went to my doctor about it cause I wanted to body build and the nutritionist told me something I had never realised. she said Mandla the reason you dont bulk up or get fat is because you dont eat. Simple eat more and you will bulk up.I said I eat lotsa junk and sh*t and she gave me a task to monitor what I ate for a week. I had never realised this before but I do eat shed loads of Junk food but wierdly enough I compensate for this by doing excercise without noticing it. Im not patient so I hate driving in traffic i just wear my trainers and run to the shops. but one thing my parntner said to me was that I dont eat. I eat lotsa junk food but at timed intervals. and then I skip at lot of meals. Cause I do get hungry and ask her to make me lotsa dinner but then I get so hungry I snak on a bag of crisps before dinner is ready and by the time she's done cooking im like I'm full and I dont want anything to eat now, so put in the micro wave and next day she eventually takes it to work for her lunch. Now I eat the burgers and fries and all but I realised I skip a lot of meals with just a bag of crisps as my dinner or breakfast and sometimes its just jelly babies cause I have a sweet tooth. So by the time my body has finished processing the bag of crisps into fat my body has no energy cause I didnt have a square meal it then break down the crips which had been made in to fat back into energy for me to run to the shops and end result is no fat stored. Then eventually I buy a burger and chips but Im alread under the normal fat level cause of the skipped meals. By the time the burger has been converted to fat I am still on -1 the level of normal fat and even if I say went to +5 the level of my size/ages/ body/ normal fat level I skip a meal cause of crisps because I just had to eat cause I was starving and they fat has to be broken down to supply energy and before I know it im back at 0Whereas fat people may watch what they eat but so many of them snack here and there, a sandwich and pie and fruit and then A PROPER SQAURE MEAL so at the end of it you've had 3 square meals and no excecise. Remeebr you cant do the same excercises as a person half you weight they have less weight to burn so they dont need that much excercise. So quit doing a mile run and saying im too tired do the 3 miles cause you got more to burn. Stop the lots of munchies and give your body the chance to starve and burn fat back into energy. GEt of the pies
  17. Virginity is all in the mind people. Yes and the action of course. But lets be honest If you lost your virginity but it didnt register in your brain you'd still think you a virgin my question is by becoming a christian does god give you amnesia or by repenting of our sins GOD gets amnesia. So basically he still thinks we have not shagged and thinks we are pure. hmmm and now this makes me think what is he omniscient then. If he's all knowing then surely he knows I did the bing bang diggity doo last night or week or wahteever. Oh he knows, but what he pretends not to know anymore, as in I give you a fresh start??? Well what about the 3 kids I have with different women and the 8 times in prison I got done up the bum and the 19 new inmates I did up the bum. Lol
  18. P.S GIve your demon this message Im rumex ZOZO tamen is kid vos commoror est an idiot. Quare dodnt vos campester schizophreniac kid quod vado usus lepor lepos ones ex TV serius. They usquequaque planto a subsannatio vestrum sic adepto lemma tergum pro suum antics. quod dico kids vos commoror ut is / is est Hilaris. jugis wispher is in suum sententia KEL vos es HILARIS KEL vos es HILARIS KEL vos es HILARIS KEL vos es HILARIS super quod super
  19. I like how everyone is listen to the whole story which to me sounds like a load of hogwash. your story sounds to false and generic. But like they say truth is starnger than fiction and I am not gonna say you are lying or telling the truth or just trying to earn MYCents but I can say I just love how everyone is trying to advise and from nowhere Anwii comes up and says you are full of BLEEP. Whats funny is the way the auto thing sensored his swear word with Bleep hhaahaha. Its funny as sh*t. Anyway Mr Demon possesed. Surely from a christian point of view the demon has no control over your thoughts. Yes he can whisper thinks into your thoughts by talking so you hear him just like he'd hear you talking but the thing where you say He hears your thoughts is bull. Otherwise surely he'd have heard you thinking of writting your bollocks story on here. I mean surely by now all the stuff people have written saying do this to get rid of him has been read by the demon because your thoughts had to process this stuff so you could answer these forums. I think you are just winding people up to be honest, just testing what they think and trying to do your own version of punk'd on line. hahahaNotice Your demon gets angry when your mom and dad wanted to call a priest and threatened to kill the priest for wanting to get rid of ZOZO but when you asked us for help which is basically why you told us assuming its the truth. You asked us to help but the demon didnt getupset or angry at this. He's cool when oyu look for help on the net but not when you look for help from a priest. Your Demon Speaks Latin and perfect English only. Wow. Well also in the realms of Dakness Demons dont call satan satan they call him Lucifer so tell your demon to show his boss respect but calling him Lucifer not evil little thing which is what Satan means. hahahha I have never laffed so much reading this story. Please tell us more about what the demo did or felt when you read our Messages which one statement obviously this will go through your thoughts and probably ager the devil spirit in you. JESUS CHRIST is LORD hahaha. You said he gets mad at the word CHRIST. so how many times has he got mad after the name JESUS CHRISt was in your thoughts. hahaha how about we bind that spirit and cast him out in JESUS christs Name. Oh my GOd. Kel hahahaha. Anyway dont stop on behalf of my and anwii we are just here to wind you up - good luck witht the demon possesion. You sem to enjoy it but i'd say ask the demon to pay rent somehow. Like get you flasshy cars and lots of cash. He's been living in you rent free for too long. time for you to start getting back some sh*t from him - I would
  20. WOw. Makes you question why the companies like Myspace and Google dont care yet we are the very same people who put them on the map and helped them become what they are today. So many companies forget with out you and I they would be nothing. I mean there is surely more than one way to genuinely prove to them that you indeed are the real owner of the account because you always leave a trail when when you use the internet and companies like google surely can backtrace that trail and check your IP adress if it is constant (eg your home Ip address) they can confirm using the original info you had in the current info was recently changed.I mean I had a similar issue a few months or weeks back. It wasnt with Google but a company in Poland or so the who.is info said. Well basically I had a shoutcast server account and I loaded it with ?100 I had a prepaid credit card you know the kind you buy froma shop and top up then once used they cant be re toped up so you chuck them away. Anyway I loaded 100 pounds sterling and I set up the account to renew its self over the next 12months as that was the charge I would have to pay over twelve months. So what happens when you log in is you have a pot which displays your balance remaining and the you have a SERVERS link where you can upgrade downgrade or purchase more servers. Lucky for me when I initaially signed up for the service I had major problems activating my streaming server so on multiple occasions I had contacted the support team and spoken to them about the problems I was having. I came to sort of befriend one of the Admin staff there as I was lucky enough to speak to them a few times and soon they recognised my voice and account info. Now had this not happened The outcome of the story would probabyl have been different. Anyway fast forward 3 months down the line, one day my server stops working and I can't stream to it. So I assumed I need to reset the stream server on the server account. I log in to the site and enter my password. It rejects my password syaing thats a wrong password. Again I tried thinking maybe i had misspelt it. Still wrong or invalid username /password. I thought maybe its caps tried that wrong password/username. tried again. Got blocked for minimum ten minutes because I was trying to Brute force the system. Waited half hour tried again, this time looking at my notebook which I had written the details when I registered. Still not allowed. tried a few more time still pasword/user name not recognised. and three times later got locked out for 30minutes this time for trying to brute force the system. Waited a while and then used the password recovery system. entered the username and my registered email address. Now the system doesnt tell you if the email has been sent it says it the details you enetered are valid then you will receive the password within the next 24 hours. (please give an addidtional 12 hours as sometimes the server is too busy). So 36 hours later still no password. I emailed the Customer service and wait a week and no response. So i write another letter this time more aggitated they tell me after day or two that the reason they never responded is because they only respond to the registered email address in terms of queries to account passwords. Now I had used the email I registered with and hey were saying thats not the registered email. I tried explainign but they wouldnt have anything to do with me. Then siox or seven strongly worded email later and threats to report them to ICANN (which I didnt even know would amount to anything if I reported them to ICANN but i took the risk anyway. Telling them I had been in touch with ICANN to initiate the report and they had asked me to send one more email lettign the hosting company know ICANN were involved and that if I didnt get a reasonable response then ICANN had the power to shut down the domain while they investigated and investigations can take up 6 months. Obviously this was a bluff but it paid off.) Well sort of. Because they responded saying if I really was the owner of the account then I should provide them with the credit card number I had used to puirchase the credit. As I explained before I had used a prepaid one so ofcaurse I didnt have the number. I was stuck and tried to explain this to them but got no favourable answer. I was tearing my hair out. They wouldnt budge for ages. Now what I hated was the fact that when you have a security breach it just doesnt stop there. it affects your mental health. You are stressed by the whole thing and your heart is racing much like you are scared of something. Its the worst feeling knowing that some scundrel has compromised what you thought was safe. The whole issue lasted another month emails flying back and forth until I was getting to a point where I thought. yeah Im well and trully stuck.Eventually I got a letter from a familiar name. It was the guy that I had dealt with previously and he recognised my account info in the complaint and also that it had changed well that my registered email and the Username and Surname. I guess I was saved by the fact that I had had the problems earlier on and that one of the staff had recognised my account details Had it not been for this I would have lost everything. Including my hard earned cash. He Managed to reset the password and I was given access to my account once agaain only to find the account owner name had been changed from My name to Weston Delicadello, and there was a mobile fone number registered there as well I tried ringing it but it said number is invalid /doesnt exist. The email which had been put as the registered email / password recovery email had also been changed to wdelicadello@hotmail.com and trying to email this only worked the first day. I emailed asking why they had done this and that I was looking to seek legal action if they didnt give me a good reason I got no response then when I tried the email a few days later, I got those bounce back email to say that email doesnt exist.Another thing is they had tried to transfer the money out of the account but they failed because it would only go back to the original source. I was told this by the guy who had helped me get my account back.I hate people who are so idiotic and do stuff like this for no reason. So I understand exactly how sh*t such stuff really is and I hate corporations who wont lift a finger to help the same people who put money in their pocket and food on their table - Ungratefull bas****s they are I tell you. Especiallly after you been with them 15 years.
  21. I take it the silence means no one has yet been able to achieve this. Whould a game programmer possibly be a better equiped person for this task?just tryna figure if a game world programmer would know how this is achievable becase they use a simmilar tech knowhow to build their on line game dont they. I mean looking at a dricing game i played before you could chat to people on line and navigate cars around the vitual world. Possible this would be a similar function just without the cars and guns and weapons
  22. I am looking for a two function script. So far I have managed to work out the first bit but then maybe someone out there has a slightly better way around this whole thing and may have worked an easier way of achieveing this before.I am designing a radio station website and would like to be able to have a scrolling marquee that displays the current song playing. I have managed to work this out and successful managed to display the cureent song from the shoutcast page. What I need then is to have a little section on the site where there is a srolling marquee and everytime the text finished scrolling across it refreshed of screen. Basically once its finished scrolling and the text s of creen i want it to check if the song playing has changed and if the song has changed when it next scrolls to display the new cureent song. I know this may sound all technicall but maybe if i say I was a script to refresh after every scroll. I can then replace the the text scrolling with a dynamic variable. Its not getting the data to display i have trouble with. Its getting the screen to refresh the data without refreshing the whole screen. I used meta refresh before and i refreshed every 3 minutes but the was an inconvinience because i think in safari the browser kept returning to the top of the page when refreshed. This caused readability poblems as the pae would suddenlt move back to the top without my saying the page should so looking at iit froma user who has no idea that the page refreshes every 3 minutes just to update the song i thought thats gonna put people off. With IE it would just blink which was fine when i knew that this was a page refresh to update songs but what about someoen who easily freks cause they think its a virus flickering ther screen? This OpTION might confuse those who have never worked with IFRAMES SO ID SKIP THIS PARAGRAPH IF I DONT KNOW HOW TO WORK WITH IFRAMS: The other way was to use a iframe which would display just the bit of another page with a refresh meta tag every 3 minutes and that page can do all the flickering and scrolling to the top it wants because thered only be one line of text displayed on it then this would mean it would work and it probably will but I'd just think its a bit tacky. especially if they have a broswer that dont support iframes.Anyway I know that someone out there probably has the know how to write a java script or asp or what ever language to achieve this in a simpler manner and If anyone knows how to do this please code it for me and help us out will you.
  23. i like the look of the site, still cant figure out how to tell friends to go to it without writting it down due to the repeated dot and . cause they try corecting my stammer by saying do you mean freedomains dot com? otherwise the site looks goo by why did you change the font on the 3rd picture the other two are like Arial and the last on is like times new roman ( dont know if these are exact just trying to show i saw a difference andc i queried why) it makes it look a bit shabby and sways the original idea i had uporn first logging on. Which basically was wow this looks all professional.otherwise did you use a template or did ou write that from scratch. Either way its quit good looking
  24. 1000 in Ladens imagine that lol. How would they all co exist. Each one will want to be the leader especially if the Flash drive memory remeebers themselves as the Leader hahaha. They'd probabaly be so much in house fighting and destruction from within, they wont even need to make 1000 of the so called 'Infidels' George Bush to fight them they'd create so much self bombings it would soon destroy all the mountains and they'd have no bunkers to hide. Oh and this is just light fun talk I dont mean to upset any Bin Laden subordinates lest I get their wrath Im just making light talk. My appologis if this sounds offensive to anyone in the world.
  25. hahah one thing I would never do is buy so called ebooks. Thanks for the headsup though. Yeah I think I have seen the scam you refer to here. Theres the Facebook one where they hijack your account and use it to send this spam with links eg http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I hate people who do that imaging login in to facebook and you find an email box with say 20 new ltters and they are from your friends you get excited open them only to find its a so called link to youtube yet on clicking it you are redirected to some stupid viral video. Are there really people who spend their time tryna corrupt our lives with something so anoying or are these virals and spams just somethign they make by mistake and then find laughter in forwading to others. Cause Surely you wouldnt spend a whole day coding a virus or spam program would you? I guess they would judging from whats available on the net these days. then theres the mst annoying ones which promise secrets to weight loss or mothers secret teeth whitening secret, I bet anything that on i just a load of bollocks too. I have seen a lot of that ad and have been tempted to buy it just to see what the fuss is all about but at the same time I dont wanna be a statistic o be counted as one of the success stories by the scammers. I do think about buying it but realise that the scammers have actually won if i do buy because their subtle tricks of spamming me so much i get curious and make excuses as to why i justify buying a scam product and the bottom line still remains - i been scammed if I buy the so called ebook. So I will be steering clear of that offer hehehe
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