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Everything posted by mandla

  1. I have been working on this all day and its midninght now. Im stressed out. Iam trying to get a guestbook up and running for my site but somewhere along the line i'm messing up. I have magaed to make the guestbook page but all the text is in a large font about this size EXAMPLE yet i want it to be normal like tis text Example. It says its guestbook.cgi but when I open that file using a text editor i get a blank page. I am using CPanel under the CGI scripts thingy majiggy. DOes anyone know how i can fix it so it turns out right and also I want the last or latest post at the top of the page instead of the bottom. If this is wierd and you finding it difficult to work out and you happen to know an easier way for a newbie to create a self hosted guest book (I am not interested in signing up to someones site and setting up a guestbook and then putting a pointer to their site - sorry). I would be greatfull for the info. If you want a sample of my guest book now visit my site and click the guestbook link http://mafaro.com/ thank you so much for your help and ideas
  2. mandla


    Hiya mate. Welcome to Xisto. Hopefully you will find that Xisto is your home for hosting and sharing on the forums. Believe me it is so amazing that we have teenagers with so much website design experience. I have been doing websites for three and I am getting better and better at it. Lately I've started to learn Flash and its a really handy thing. Maybe one of these days you'll give me a hint on stuff I can do make my website have a large fanbase or improved and increased traffic. We learn new thins everyday dont we.Any way I hope we'll be one big happy family** :Dsmiles ** hug***
  3. This world is really full of mystery I tell you. But then mystery is what makes us tick. Like are there UFOS is there another galaxy like ours with a human type existance. Is there heaven and Hell when we die? is there another life after death. Is there a higher power than us. IS THERE A GOD?Well to be honest I dont know. Growing up in a christian family I was taught that there is a GOD as in Jehova God. I believed in him and follwoed the bibe as always and prayed. But as i greww up i started to wonder if God really exists. For starters I started to question why we believe God is our heavenly father yet he doesnt treat his children right or he only is right from a certain point of view. I started to wonder why Christians are poor except for a handfull. You find that countries that believe in God are third world countries or countries where there was oppression at some point for example African Americans believe in god but this was mainly brought by the oppression era and they learnt to believe in someone who would one day deliver them and when they finally were dilervered from the slaving believing in god was family tradition and it carried on like that. Why is a God who is meant to be loving always threatening. If you do this and that you will go to hell. If you dont believe I exist your soul will go to hell when you die. Its more like we are being threatened to believe GOD Exsts otherwise we are branded society's out casts.This is what leeds me to think that the whole bible is someone's fabrication and there is no evidence that whet is in the bible really existed. It is true the Jesus era did pass but how do we prove that Jesus really had followers. How do we prove tha the desciples really existed. After all they didnt have cameras besides paintings of the last supper could have been anyone's imagination. Like the Loch NEss Monster or UFO's which we all believe exist but are too skepticall to query for proper proff lest we be branded names like blasphemy and stufid fool.So truth is I dont know whether GOD exists or not besides theres no proff that Adam and eve were the first humans in the world the only documentation we have of that is the bible.I hope this doesnt alter your faith or belief in your God as that is not what I am trying to achieve here. I just want to say things from my point of view.
  4. Well truth is we all dont know what happens after death and to be honest I dont think we ever will after all noboy has really come back from the dead with a proper documeted theory or fact of waht happens when we die. did I hear you say there are people who have died and come back. Yeah but how do we know they really died. Cause to be honest in death I think what happens is yu go thru the phase you were brainwashed to believe youd go thru. You see I died twice time clinically in 1994 and had to be jump started in hospital on both occasions I left my body and I could see the doctors talking with me in surgery on the bed the first time I was scared and tried hard to hold on to someone but it was like I was a spirit and a magnet was pulling me slowly into the roof or sky or whatever but I know I was being pulled slowly upward like there was no gravity before I knew it I shot back into my body at high speed like I was shot from a bullet and I opened my eyes in a flash and I remeber feeling sooooo scared and seeing lots of doctors in masks and scrubs around me and one nurse saying we got him back just then I felt the upward pull again and the whole feeling like a spirit thingy happened again. This time though I wasnt panicky I was scared but it was like I had been here before and I knew anytime I would shoot back into my body. I could see the doctor rubbing those jump starting thing together with gel and saying clear, and everyone standing back and him zapping my body and again and again. But it was nothing like you se on television they were all panicking and running around and one nurse was besides herself and before I knew it I was above the hospital seeing the roof and sort of zooming of the world my speed still slow like a helium ballon but one second I'd be a meter higher then the roof and next I was high enough I could see the whole city but still I fellt like I was floating away slowly at peace and there was nothing I could do to go back.Just then I shot back at high high speed towards earth and a second later I gasped and opened my eyes and a crying female doctor said OH my god we god him back again. And she kept slapping my face lightly telling my to keep my eyes open. I was calm and it seemed everyone around me was panicking but later that night I was scared to be alone. It was as if I was terrified if they left I would go floating again. I didnt understand what the whole thing was until months later when I left hospital and my mom told me I should be foreever grateful to GOD because he gave me a second chance because that night in hospital I clinically died twice. Now I've always wondered if I really died cause other religions have different near death experiences. Didi I go towards the sky cause I believe thats where heaven should be - somewhere up there. Or did my brain create a story just after my near death experience but I cant tell if thats my imagination because at the time of the Near Death Experience I was so zapped by the high voltage my electrical brain impulses created their own simulations based on the currents of electrirty zapping them which then created false reality in my memory. I wish someone sure had an answer. Cause when my Grand mom died she kept telling us she cold she my grand dad waiing for her. and the day she told the nurse that he has told her to dress up and be as sexy as the day they got married becase he was coming to take her so they could be together she died the next morning.
  5. Firstly let me say I appreciate the get well wishes and they have been well received.I just got back from work and when I tell you this you will laugh I tell you. Because I am on the injured list or so as I will call it for this forum, I havent been able to put in as much over time as I used to. Basically I dont accept over time if there is someone who can do the whole shift cause I can only do light duties. So basically when Theres overtime going I dont accept the offer unless everyone else says they can do it. Well I'm only trying to be fair to everyone else. After all they are more capable than I am (even though I am at about 85% capacity now). Today we were doing some orders targeted to go out to the customer 11 00 am tommorow morning and we were strugling cause of poor overtime turn out. U see our company has what is caled shut down weeks. Basically we work four days go off two days work another four nights and off for six days. The six days are shut down weeks. We still get paid our normall weekly wages even on shut downs mind. and during these shut down weeks sometimes there is work needing to go out to the custome so half the time everyone has an oportunity for over time during the two days off in between and on the six days and six nights off. Currently we are on the six day shut down and there was overtime yesterday and today. I did 3/4 shifts as I had physio thereaphy on both mornings and then I'd go to work. Anyway by the close of business there was some work needing to got out the door tommorow 11 00 in the morning and it was nt dont so management come round asking if anyone was up for working 2 to 4 hours max tomorrow to which most people said no they werent interested. The manager even offered that whoever was coming in could come a few hours late say at nine and not six cause the job was only for a couple of hours and as long as the work was ready for the dispatch at 1055 that was all that was required and everyone said nah no point doing 2 - 3 hours overtime its not worth it blah blah blah. So I offered to come in since no one was up for it but I reminded him I was n the injured list and could only do the light duties like produce invoices and Labels for the goods and taping up the boxes once the machines had filled them up and two other guys said they'd come in too and help. The manager smiled and said THANK YOU very much. To show my appreciation come in a couple hours late as agreed do the two, three hours get the work out the door and you can go home. One the overtime list I will pay you for 12 hours like a normal day. Thank you very much you saved the company's neck and he walked away.GUY B from the aforementioned story did take this quite wel and started to complain, blah blah blah how come thats never happened when I am overtime, Mandla you come in a couple of hours late cause of your so called physio and you get to have 12 hours at time and a half for two three hours work thats like six time your normal rate. Thats so unfair.Wierd bit is tey had all turned it down because they thought it wasnt worth and I had only said I would do it as the last possible option amongst the workers. They were probably laughing inside when I had agreed thinking I'd come in for 3 hours and I wouldnt see a penny of it cause I'd be in the next tax bracket but when mr manager anounced the full days pay they suddenly were kicking themselves for not volunteering.Wierd thing is GUY B actually went to another manager and tried to have the 12 at time and a half hours revoked is we didnt stay the full hours but was told that it had been agreed between management to pay that rate as a thank you because they knew most people wouldnt be dedicated enough to help the company unless they knew what was in it for them so they had been deiberately told to hold back that incentive until after the volunteers had come forward. I cant believe he even mentioned to the other manager that I wasnt in full woring capacity and that maybe he should come in since I wasnt that much of much help. either he replace me tommorow or come in aswell but the manager said no. Whats done is done and he come back effing and blinding under his breath and had the nerve to tell the other lads about his conversation with the other manager. Maybe all in a bid to show that he isnt afraid to say whet he thinks I dont know. Wierd thing today is a lot of people seemed to agreed with that I should not have been allowde to volunteer and someone else should have got the opportunity as I was a half person hehehehe but they only have themselves to blame cause they had said no for five mionutes and I was there silent listening to the manager begging his heart out about how the order was so important and if we ouldnt come tomorrow could some of us sta on after knocking off time just to finish it but they were like NO NO NO. and I said No in my heart at first but when I heard the sob story about how the customer had begged and they had finally agreed I thought what the heck I will offer to come in just so they know I was willing to do so. But I didnt know the other two guys would agree too.I guess GUY B learnt his leasson today or he's still to learn more after the telling of he got bout trying to be sneaky
  6. I have always wondered why some people just cant keep out of other peoples business. They are always in your face yet you never do anything wrong to them. Like this bloke I work with. Theres guy A and Guy B . Guy A was a supervisor but was made redundant because of Structural change and according to the Union rules or whatever rules govern pay scale and downgrading pay or wage, the law stated that if you made someone reduntant you had to continue their wages at the old leve for a further six months. Well two years down the Line guy A was still getting paid the Supervisors wages and we all gt a hefty bonus as the company was doing so well. Now the bonus is calculated on how many leave days you still have since a stipulated day and how much over time you put into the company and it so happens that GUY B had put in a substantial amount of Overtime and was bragging cause the bonus week he recieved a pay chaeck for 2 500 US about 1200 pounds sterling. and was boasting as most of us were only in the 800 pounds mark about 1700 US dollars. Unfortunately or fortuunately depending on your point of view, GUY A (the ex supervisor got 100 pounds (250 US dollars) more than GUy B because he a had a tad more ovetime put inthan GUY B and GUY B wasnt too happy. He started calculating and realised that Guy A was on supervisors rate and he went straight to the Accounts depart to query why? As if it was his problem if the company was paying someone wrong. Anyway everyone thought that was childish of him but we soon forgot bout it.Then I had an accident at work and broke my hip as one of the fork lift drivers forgot to put a hand brake on his truck while he used the pump up rolatruck to move apallet of boxes into a more suitable position for the fork truck to lift. Anyway As I come round the bend a FOrk truck came crashing down the path and crushed me into a wall seperating my hip from it ball. I was in hospital for 3 months and when I come back to work I was on light duties for 6 months. Now mu company has a Pay for skills pay scale basically theres loads of different machines and each time you learn to operate a machine and get the license for it your wages increase by about 1 dollar an hour so I a licensed on 9 machines and this works out preety much when you work a 50 hour week. You can actually earn more than your supervisorif you learn all 15 machines and they know about 8 . Anyway GUY B started complaining why I was getting paid for running and being licensed to do the machinary yet I was signed offf using heavey machinary yet my pay was supposed to drop after six months according to so called comapnay sickness policy. I cant believe the idiot. Here I was hurt by company machinery and suffering and in pain on all sorts of painkillers and anti biotics and he was complaining because I wasnt allowed to touch heavy machinery cause of my pills. He made a big deal about ti trying to convince anyone and everyone who would listen and eventually I got a letter saying I was to be dropped to basic wage as I was licensed on paper but not physically to operate machinery so the company would not pay me SKILL PAY. I cant believe the nerve. Why could this bloke not stay outof stuff that dont concern him after all its not like he doesnt wonder off and disappear for hours during work time and coming up with all sorts of excuses where he's been. But then I dont care I wont tell on him because my nature is not like that. Why could he just not be like everyone else - miding their own business.
  7. I know we dont want illegal immigrants in our countries but has anyone ever realised that there are two types of illegal imigrants. Well both are illegal but have we ever stopped to see what makes us hate illegals. To be honest most of us dont have illegal immigrats or whatever variation we want to use be it dislike, dont want etc. It is because we feel our governments are making us pay extra for them. Nobody wants to take their hard earned cash and have to hand it over to jose or Peurto's family. And yes we would all get mad if the government forced us to do so and threatened us with revoking of our freedom if we didnt comply (being arrested and sent to Prison for Tax Evasion)But then why are we taking out our anger on all illegals especially the ones trying hard to become a good part of our community. See illegals were fine until we realised that most illegals are getting involved in crime and gangs and violence etc. but then we dont really know who they are but we do know that illegal families come to our countries to look for work and end up doing crime. So if we didnt give them jobs they would stop coming cause they'd be no reason to come right - WrongEveryone is trying to make a better life for their family and we are born in poor countries like Mexico, Zimbabwe, Irag, Congo, and all other poor countries not by choice and sometimes these families have qualifications but the countries are mismanaged and there is high unemployment and no food. (Zimbabwe is in the papers cause of the That) what do you expect those families to do say they have 1000 US dollars left in the bank and they know that this is their last hope. Would you not take that money buy tickets to a country you know your family will have a chance at better life and education not for free but if you can get the job you qualified for and ofcourse you'll migrate.But when you get to America or England the Visa Authorities will say come in to the country but you can work, your a visitor till we sort out your papers and they take say 2 years. What do you feed your children with for those two years. You end up getting cleaning jobs to feed and pay rent and then we all campaign for tougher fines and jail sentences for employers employing people without papers and the employers definately wont risk getting arrested and their families starving for the sake of an illegals child. Survival mode switcheds on and say Rather MY FAMILY EATS than YOURS. So immigrant gets sacked. and for twwo months he looks for work. No one employes them they are qualified but no papers. From company to compny . door to door they go - NO WORK for ILLEGALS. They go home and find like Angie crying and laying on the floor, an eviction order has been served for lack of paying rent and his wife is always compaining or even threatening to leave him for someone who will take care of the children. or worse still become a prostitute and make money. The natural instinct of a family man kicks in and he goes into survival mode before you know it the man is on the streets waiting down a dark alley behing a casino and a guy or girl walks out of the casino happy they just hit the jackpot. He thinks to himself that they dont need all that money and walks to them and asks for some money so he can feed his family maybe he gets lucky and is given some by a generous punter or the punter tells him for K**k off and in his mind fully convinced that he is not really doing a bad thing he mugs the punter and takes some money from him as the days continue his guilt conscience stops nagging and the robbing gets more easier to comit and soon he's out of luck he gets arrested and sent to prison. His wife has no choice but to sell her body to provide for the kids and when he come from prison no one will employ an ex con so its back to the streets again and all the papers report is ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS COMMITING CRIMES ETC and Homeland security turns around and say you a criminal and have a record so we cant grant you stay. Go back to your country of origin and thet immigrant thinks where will i go. I have nothing in that country at least here I arrived with 40 dollars and by now I have a room to rent for my family and the little furniture we bought when I was working as a cleaner. We have something here. Going back means going to a country where I couldnt get a job not because I wasnt legal or unqualified but because there was plain no work at least here I can get a cleaning job. So that NIGHT THEY RUN.
  8. You hate being Voluptuous well lucky you. At least you can actually get a breast reduction. I am 6 foot 5 and I hate it. I have a daughetr aged 2 and I dont want her to be tall. I just wish she'd be nrmal hieght. Oh yeah you think girls like tall guys. Yes they do they like guys tall but not too tall. its like a curse to be honest. every where I go I stand head and shoulders above everyone and its a bit difficult to get girls cause they say stuff like oh my god your reallllllllllllly tall. Maybe its just them not being used to it but it hurts if thats all they can see. Then ofcourse you have the problem of finding trousers the right length. of course they are there but in UK long doesnt come baggy. I am stuck with having to buy stuff on line from america. then ofcourse you only get to date grls who no one else wanted and sometimes they wont even approach you possibly cause I stand out. After all I am really good looking and to be honest my mates are nothing compared to me but if we go out clubbing they always get girls and I dont. Sometimes I just wonder if science will ever make a growth reduction hormone or if I can get sections cut off from my bones abve and belove the knees so I can loose about 4 inches and be normal hieght. SO beleive me babe voluptuous is sexy maybe not in 8th grade but in the future it will be a bonus cause most girls you see around are A or B cup and thats not sexy. I'm sorry aboutt the nicknames you get but at least its temporary fr you.
  9. I have always wondered who took the picture of Neil Armstrong on the moon. We didnt have automatic timers on camera back then did we? Then agan if Neil set the camera to take the picture why didnt he face the camera like every one would. Its like the picture was taken while he was unaware. Did whoever took the picture only have one exposure film on it because they only took one shot. What if that shot had been blank as with all other exposure pictures sometimes when they dont flash you get a no exposure. Pretty wierd this whole landing on the moon stuff hey.
  10. Please be advised that in this topic when I say moon I am refering to a full moon.The moon must definitely have an effect over us, it makes the night less dark and if you are out on the pier with your loved one its the perfect excuse to make out and get really frisky. Well I am not an expert on the moon but I have heard stories that Mad people get worse during the full moon phase and progressively get more violent towards the full moon date. And I have realisd that after every full moon I wake up in the forest covered in fur and blood on my fangs - I mean teeth and my claws nah I mean nails are muddy and bloody, sometimes there are dead bodies oops there are logs aroung me and ................oops I gotta go its full moon tonite fur is starting to grow and my appetite is increasing hahahahahaha
  11. hmmmm ii'd say thats just not going to happen I'm afraid. Its just one of te situations where you have a crush on someone and yet theres no chemistry between the two of you. Think about it you probably have been playing mr nice guy ad she has barely noticed you and it seems she only took interest on you on a chat line service. If she's a friend of your sisters she probably would have told your sister she is interested and stuff.I was once in a situation involving similar feelings only we met in a club and danced all night. She gave me her number at the end of the night and that in UK means she really like and wants to be with you. Once you have her phone number she practically is your girlfriend. Well we started texting and msn -ing and she sent me naughty picture messages of herself and stuff. but the chemistry just wasnt there. I just didnt want her that way. She would text me morning day and night and I really think she had the hots for me but it just wasnt happening for me. There was no chemistry and when I met another girl being a small town everyone knows everyone she went up to Laura and told her she was my girlfriend to be and asked Laura to back down. Instead Laura came to me and told me what happened and I got mad at lets call her Jane. I deleted all her text messages and pictures and her number and wanted nothing to do with her. From this point on her texts stopped being nice to recieve but made me feel like she was a sicko talking me my msn and text. Needless to say Laura backed off out of respect as she said she did not wanna be known as the girl who stole Janes Boyfriend since she later found out that word had already spread that I was seeing Jane. And to this day I hate jane and I dont wanna speak to her cause she spoilt my chances with a really fit bird and now I will never know how things would have turned out with LAURA. Yes Ibelieve in true love waits and is patient but thats all rubbish. If you are in love and move to different parts of the world for five years when you meet the feeligs will have changed so you can loose someone you were meant to be with because you never made a move at the right time. And I knwo some people will be thinking If its meant to be it will be. Well thats not entirely true cause If I was meant to be with say Candice and I commited suicide - no maater how hard anyone or she believes it fate , it will never be. So this simply means my chance with Laura may never come again
  12. Oh come on guys dont be fooled by a thirteen year old. If his or her paents have that much money to splash, why is this person applying for free Webserving. would the parents not be able to splash on their own server or at least pay for web servers to host their sons future plans like all other rich parents who waste spending on silly childhood dreams they know wont materialise after all here is the evidence taken from Evil mans profile hmmmmmmmmmmmm asta was another free host just probably didnt look professional and wouldnt be taken seriously cause of the sub domain name and ads. then again you can get full domain names for 1.99 british ouns a year or a fiver in USD for a year could Evil mans parents not afford that after all what is 5 dolllars when you splash 1,3 million at the sanp of a finger. Are we that gullible evil man huh.... ps. if you want a proper sounding dot com or dot co.uk domain holla at me and I will get you conected free of charge as a service to my ellow wanna be not this *BEEEEEEEEEEEP* of having a website called http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ its your call Notice from Plenoptic: Please quote all information copied, or published anywhere else, or anything that isn't in your own words.
  13. apparently the sony ericsson K800i has a TV function but I have to pay 1 pound = 2.10 US a day to watch any or all of the 6 so called chanels they provide as part of the 3G generation phone service. Dont ask me how it works or if the quality or battery life is good cause I have no idea at all. I have never bothered to watch telly on my phone cause I think its a rip off but knowing the uk soon it will be standard on all fones and will probably be free. Like they are doing with internet and texts/sms. We'll see
  14. Ahhh you lot have really old phone. I have a Sony Ericcson k800i with 3,2 mega pixel cybershot camera and when my contract expires I am getting either a Motorlla KRIZR ov Lg prada I just have to go to the TMobile phone shop ofn Saturday and choose a phone. I gues the Uk hase more morden mobile phones or cell phones as they are called in the United States. Our current phones are Nokia N95, Lg Prada, Siemens d600. the only phone i know we dont have is the iphone or wotever the new ipod phone is called mainly because it was designed for the USA market as we dont have social security numbers in UK we have National Insurance Numbers
  15. Many people are quick to judge someone that is suicidal as someone seeking attention well truth is they are, but not anymore than some one going to the doctors with an illnes and needing help. You see suicide sometimes seems the only way out of pain and hurt and though i'd never recommend anyone to do it. We need to realise that suicide or the constant thinking of commiting it and telling someone about it is a cry for help. Usually it is triggered by a strong sense of loss. I.e divorce, death and break ups. In life most people continue living because they feel needed. They feel like someone cant or wouldnt cope with otu them. Before you argue I want you to realise that we all breathe but few of us realise that until we run out of air. its one of those feelings we take for granted because they are always there and never questioned. While growing up we feel needed by our parents and they constantly show us love and care which we translate as being needed. because when someone goes out of ther way to do sumthing for you it means you must be valuable to them. So usually when you grow up your wife/husband and children become the people you live for and if during the process all these people were taken away - yes you would loose the will to live because you start feeling like you dont matter and you get tired of feeling *BLEEP* then before long if no one shows you your needed you then get suicidal cause you feel you have no purpose in life. Thats why most people will say I wanted to kill my self then I thought bout my children then I didnt. Thats because they suddenly realise they were needed by someone. The best you can do is be there for your friend and dont tell lies saying you understand what his going through cause that only sounds patronising but just hang out with him and go to places you two used to have fun and tell your frined you can never find someone who will be quite like him and ho had it will be if he werent there anymore. Slowly give him the feeling of being wanted and being special and over time he will realise theres someone that needs him too and that wont be taken away from him.
  16. Skype and Talky must be Legal well at least Skype. I have been using skype since it was launched when there were just over 100 users and have watched it grow over the years. and yes, it is frustrating when they bring out offers for new sign ups which we never got as pioneering members or users. One thing I have noticed though is that prices for calls to landlines and mobile phone /cellphones are getting cheaper naturally calling within their network would be free because thats their marketing tool so that if you can make free calls to your cousin in say Australia you will by word of mouth advertise and convince them to sign up to skype for the free calls and your cousin will inturn let his freinds know about the free calls and that way their signup list increases. This is all in the faith that at some point as they get addicted to using skype they will slowly start using skype out to make calls to landlines and mobiles because it is said to be cheaper and at the end off the day it will be more income for Skype since you, your cousin and all his freinds and their cousins will be making call to landlines on skype.The quality is impressive but I would say they can improve but obviously they are bound to blame your connection speed and ISP if you have interference and stuff. But then i always ask myself shouldnt they have the best quality for what they have in terms of speed say 512kb broadband that way if users have greater than that its a bonus...Theres only one way to find out how good skype or other VoiP services are and that is to donload and signup and use them. Good luck
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