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Everything posted by heavensounds

  1. Well blogging is great, but I've always felt the need to create my own blog on my own site. If anyone knows of a good free php system or code that i could use for making a blog on my css website, please let me know! I'd be very greatfull..I think that most people doesn't blog, because they fell like they are talking to someone, but because they are acctually making some sort of online diary and that is the primary usage of blog systems - the freedom of free expression...
  2. Please, talk about that when you'll be 69 and you'll have one more year to live!
  3. Nice way of loosing weight you presented up there! And I really think the same, if you eat less and drink a lot of water, combine that with exercises - you will surely loose weight through time! All these diets that promis 24h weight loss are pure crap, because it is physically impossible. All that happens is that you loose water and it appears you are lighter but acctually you are dehidrated. So these pills actually make you sick and you don't even know it. If you drink a lot while taking them, maybe your body will clean a little bit, but in the long term, this is not good at all and it will harm you...So as "assasinkilla" (interesting name ) said, drink water & eat less plus do sport as much as you can...that's it - the perfect diet!Best whises
  4. Hehe..this is a good one, but it is not useable for me since I use Opera and as far as i know, opera doesn't support personal css styles...maybe in the future. I really like the idea and the way you thought about it...I acctually didn't know that gmail uses CSS - I am happy to hear that, because it is by far the best system for web-site building! Best whishes
  5. I use opera and it looks great. If it got validated it should look good in all browsers i guess, so no need to worry. I just have to remind you, that you have a few broken links on the "links" page...that is the worse thing a page can have so fix that as soon as you can..Otherwise a very nice site!Best whishes, Mark
  6. Well Shanon, glad to have you with us. I can assure you that you have found THE best free webhosting solution on the planet. I am talking from 4 years of positive experience using Xisto.com! They really offer everything and a lot more you will ever need and they do that for free (if you take posting as free ). You became a part of a really huge community and I'm sure you'll "meet" thousands of interesting people here...I learn something new here everyday..Take care, Mark
  7. Hm..this is a long post...I have read most of it and it sure includes a lot of true things but fighting and revenge are never the correct answer to anything. If someone does something bad to you, with revenge you just tie yourself to that person even more and you end up with a lot of karmic links that bind you together with that person. If one harms you, you should feel sorry for him, because he is so unaware of what his actions will bring to him in the future in this life or the other. If you try to get your revenge you are practically the same and there is only the question "if chicken was there first and then there was the egg or vice-versa". By revenging you stir the water even more, producing immense karmic obligations that need to be fulfilled and will haunt you in your future lives....Do good, be unattached - be happy!Best whishes
  8. Heey what a nice find...this thing really looks amazing, but is it good and safe enough to put any valuable files there?? I think this is one major problem with these things - the possibilty of the server crashing or just the company going bankrupt and you loose everything! You have to be careful not to put anything valuable there, because it can be a big mess later on..However, these sort of services come very handy when you need to format your computer and there are files you don't want to burn and don't want to delete either; this is when internet stuff like that comes into play...I'll give it a try!best whises
  9. This is a good one It really shows how attached we are to this little boxes and not just the boxes - they are irrelevant acctually but to the whole word created inside them and in the internet. It really is becoming a big world-wide world! I know i am able to turn it off for 24 hours but I'd miss the computer so that would be pointles since I am already aware of my attachment to it...It is funny, because you always have somthing to do on the computer - it offers so many options and there are practically no limitations - you can be extremely passive, totally creative or anything else - that is the beauty of these boxes - you are the one that chooses everything - you have perfect control. I think that THE ABILITY TO CONTROL is one of those things that we all like about computers. Just think about it - what you say is done, if you say ESC something will be canceled for sure and if you press ENTER something will be done for sure....it is not that simple, but hey we really have a lot of command and control over things and that is the one thing that modern people miss in the normal world in my opinion. We live in a caotic world and being able to control is something really valuable so being cut off the computer is like a workaholic boss being cut off all his businesses for 24 hours. Tough one but good one to test your attachment...Best whises
  10. I agree that we should be careful when cloning but of course there are also good sides of cloning as well! As someone mentioned, cloning species is the thing that we should talk about, because it is the most conflictable in my opinion...The thing is when new life happens! It is impossible to have a single person having two bodies so it is impossible to look at yourself from your eyes of another body if you know what i mean. So when we clone species we do the same thing as when we have sex and then make life. We have to be responsible, because someone will be born, someone in need of a kind and warm mother and all that stuff...I'd say that cloning is allowed in terms of individual organs and that stuff, because that does not mean new life, but if a whole human is cloned then this is wrong and we should be careful and maybe consider making children in the old BEST way...Best whishes
  11. Haha..laughing my *bottom* out I like this sort of humor...It is not to be publicly used but anyway - it is interesting how many things we say only for the sake of saying them - if we think about it, it is VERY stupid!Best whises (one of those words )
  12. That animation is hilarious!!! I loughed all the way, because it is so crazy uniqe:)) If it is your job, you have great imagination and skills...use them!!Best whishes
  13. It looks good and professional, but have you done everything fully by yourself??? Good job if you did...Best whishes
  14. Believe me that all this stuff is not even a little bit of what government can find out about you and you body if they are interested! They can have you under full surveilence with technology that sees through your chlotes anywhere on the planet...These little things are just more visible and people are talking about them...I find it NOT important...best whises
  15. Yeah forms can be soo problematic. I used one with .txt document serving as database and it is working great. However it only supports sending data to your email, so if you want certain info to appear on the site, you have to do it manually. I did it for a congress and there was not that many applications, so that was not a problem. However, with bigger projects, one has to use mysql and php or asp as you've mentioned. The thing is, it is quite a big and complex "script" and if you have a smaller site, I suggest you this .txt database based script called Jack's Formmail...Lyon2 this looks like a very useful tool and its a big loss that it isn't made in english language...Good luck with your form!Best whishes
  16. Well I installed a plain new version of Vista and I must say I'm happy with my choice. I have a DELL Laptop so everything is vista-compatible which is why i have no problems. I'm runnin on 1GB of RAM and there is no problem with speed or anything...Programs start faster and I can open dreamweaver, photoshop and word for example and things run together smoothly...So YES I recommend Vista to anyone with 1gb ram and dual core processor...Best whishes
  17. Well, it is great that you mentioned that. One can easily forget to update serever and this is why viruses are capable of spreading so quickly. I'll update my server as soon as I have a little time - right now I have a looot of work for college and stuff, but this is going on my TO-DO list... :PHave a nice day mate, best whises!
  18. Oh I can't believe my eyes...IT WOOOORKS:)))))Thanks maaan, you ARE THE BEST!! Saved my life and sleep tonight...heheI'll add those alt's yeah, so I'll be totally legit :PThanks again for helping me out and Good night!Best whishes
  19. OK, this is the post.php - script which allows you to add news in a news.txt file: <?//File to keep news in. If you are using the secure setup described in the//readme with post.php in an .htaccessed admin dir you must update the location//of news.txt file in the next variable.$newsfile = "news.txt";//Open news.txt in read mode. $file = fopen($newsfile, "r");//Table Vars The below variables are inserted verbatim into the news.txt file.//This gives you a lot of control over how the news will look. The//disadvantage is that if you ever decide you don't like how these look you//can't change one thing like with CSS to adapt it to your liking. You will//have to do a mass "find and replace" on the news.txt file. In other words://these are essentially the HTML tags that will go around your entries. //b=begin e=end$btable = "<table class='sn'> <tbody>";$btitle = "<tr><td class='sn-title'>";$etitle = "</td></tr>";$bdate = "<tr><td class='sn-date'> Posted on:";$edate = "</td></tr>";$bpost = "<tr><td class='sn-post'>";$epost = "</td></tr>";$etable = "</tbody></table><div><br /></div>";//Define PHP Date format. Used for the default date form value. $defdate=date("d/m/Y");//Other notes//The date is automatically set to todays date by using PHP to echo the//variable of defdate. The form action uses this file itself to process the//data. // The If/Else statements decide what is displayed based on whether a HTTP GET// or POST was issued by the browser. GET: If the submit button has not been// pushed -- display form. PUT: Submit button has been pushed -- write data to// text file and display confirmation message. //IF browser does not send a POST request (ie: if submit has not been pressed)//then display the form....if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST'){//If able to open file do...if ($file) {?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ type="text/css">h2 {text-align: center}</style><title>Simple News: Post</title></head><body><h2>Simple News: Post An Entry</h2><form action="<? echo $_SERVER['../admin/PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"><div style="text-align: center">Title: <input type="text" name="title" /> <br />Date: <input type="text" name="date" value="<? echo $defdate; ?>" /> <br />Entry:<br /> <textarea rows="30" cols="80" style="border: 1px solid #666666;" name="post"></textarea><br /><input type="submit" value="Add News" /></div></form></body></html><?}else //If can not open file complain...echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ News: Error </title></head><body><p>Could not open file. <br /> Permissions??</p></body></html>";}//ELSE IF browser sends a POST request. Make sure that data was actually//entered into the form and then write that data to the file....elseif ((isset($_REQUEST["title"])) && (isset($_REQUEST["date"])) &&(isset($_REQUEST["post"])) && ($_REQUEST["title"]!="") &&($_REQUEST["date"]!="") && ($_REQUEST["post"]!="")) {//The next few lines are a hacked up way to "add" text to the top of a file.//// The file is already opened in read mode. Read in all the current data//from news.txt. Save this as variable current_data.$current_data = @fread($file, filesize($newsfile));//Now that we have saved the old data to a variable lets close the file. fclose($file);//Now we reopen the file in write mode. This FIRST blanks the file. Then will//will write the new data followed by the old data to the file. $file = fopen($newsfile, "w");//Write all of the table variables and the text entered into the form, plus the//text that was already in news.txt to news.txt. The \n is a new line and it//simply make news.txt more beautiful. If it works display success message, if//not display failure message. //// Fix quotes (') in entries and change any weird//characters (&,<,>,etc) to their html equivalents. Do the same for title and//date. Even though it should not be needed for date. $_REQUEST["post"] = stripslashes(($_REQUEST["post"]));$_REQUEST["date"] = stripslashes(($_REQUEST["date"]));$_REQUEST["title"] = stripslashes(($_REQUEST["title"]));if(fwrite($file,$btable . " " . $btitle . " " . $_REQUEST["title"] . " " . $etitle . " " . $bdate . " " . $_REQUEST["date"] . " " . $edate . " " . $bpost . " " . $_REQUEST["post"] . " " . $epost . " " . $etable . "\n " . $current_data))echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ News: Entry Added</title></head><body><p>Entry added successfully.<br /> <a href=\"\">Add</a> another.</p></body></html>";else echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ News: Entry NOT Added!</title></head><body><p>Could not add entry.<br /> Permissions??</p></body></html>";//Close the file. fclose($file);}//If the browser sent a POST request but the user failed to put data in the//form...spit out this error. elseecho "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ News: Entry NOT Added!</title></head><body><p>Could not add entry. <br /> All the fields in the form are *required*. <br /> Please go back and try again.</p></body></html>";?> Then here is this news.txt that is then included: <table class='sn'> <tbody> <tr><td class='sn-title'> Site is up & running </td></tr> <tr><td class='sn-date'> Posted on: 13/02/2007 </td></tr> <tr><td class='sn-post'> Here it is - the official site of the Spring Congress 2007. Please get into the net! </td></tr> </tbody></table><div><br /> And that is practicly the whole script... All you have to do is <? include("news.txt"); ?> somewhere in your page where you want it and it should work....but not here Does it have to do with css parsing and php include messing it all up???? Thanks man for evrthng..
  20. Here is the code that is used...I think the problem is that parsing stops at <? include...>, because of some sort of incompatibility or what?. Is that possible? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /><title>Prime Congress 2007</title><link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><link href="css/news_style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /></head><body><div id="container"><img id="prime"src="images/prime.gif" /><img id="ptic" src="images/ptic.gif" /><div id="header"></div><div id="navigation"> <ul id="navlist"> <li><a href="index.php">Home</a></li> <li><a href="programe.php">Programe</a></li> <li><a href="lectures.php">Lectures & Lecturers </a></li> <li><a href="challenges.php">Challenges</a></li> <li><a href="organization.php">Organizing Team </a></li> <li><a href="participants.php">Participants</a></li> <li><a href="transportation.php">Transportation Info </a></li> <li><a href="slovenia.php">About Slovenia</a></li> <li><a href="application.php">Application</a></li> <li><a href="partners.php">Partners & Sponsors</a></li> <li><a href="press.php">Press Releases</a> <p align="left"><strong>Please sign the application and be a part of PRIME 2007!</strong><br /> <a href="application.php">Click here to SIGN IN! </a></p></li> </ul> </div> <div id="content"> <h2>Welcome to prime congress 2007! </h2> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <? include("news.txt"); ?><p align="center"><a href="admini/post.php" target="_blank">Admin Area</a></p></div> <div id="footer"> <p align="center"><a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer" target="_blank">Valid XHTML</a> | <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer" target="_blank">Valid CSS</a> | Copyright Š Mark Debeljak</p> </div> </div></body></html> Everything looks allright escept the <?include> i guess??? Any other suggestions? Thanks
  21. I did that as you can see HERE but the "footer div" is not below where it should be. If I remove the <? inlcude...> code it is down below where it should be...the footer should ba 100% at the bottom.. WHY? thanks for cooperating.. EDIT: Please REFRESH if everything is the same..
  22. Thanks for being here...Yes, now my problem is the <? include("news.txt") ?> which ruins the whole thing as I've found out! The thing is that when the document is parsed, it is all ok untill it reaches the <?include> section. Anyone maybe know what is wrong and how can i fix this?I am lookin' in OPERA 9 and in IE 6, using macromedia dreamweaver...I am using this simple PHP news script which works with only a simple news.txt file....is there any way to make it work like it is now??? Anyone maybe know of some other scripts for news like this one that can be css-manipulated and built in this site..THANKS for everything guys and PLEASE HELP..Mark
  23. Thank you for everything TRUEFUSION, after an hour and with your help I DID NOT managed to fix it...NEW PROBLEM is in the post below..thx for helping out..
  24. Thank you for that, but there is still a problem. The right "sidebar div" is now a bit too low and the bottom "footer div" is not cleared even though I did clear: both on the footer div in the css...Pleeeease help..
  25. Hi guys & girls, i have a big problem, because I am making a site for this congress and here is what is happening to my site using CSS. When I check it on my wamp local server, everything looks great, but when I put it on the internet here on trap, things just don't work anymore... Please click to visit my problematic site How can I make this "WELCOME... " div in the middle and the sidebar with news to the right.. Pleeeeease help soon.. Thanks in advance
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