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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. I agree with Thingcubed you have to be honest to your current boyfriend and let him know you still have feelings for your ex and need some time to think it through. Your current boyfriend will rather know about it sooner then later and its not fair on him that you are with him and still have feelings for your ex. If your with someone you should be totally committed to them. Thats my opinion on this kind of thing but its up to you to decide.
  2. I just watched this movie last night and I have to say its a great movie. Sure not everyone will like it but I think it was original and made well. It was a good Sci-Fi in my opinion and I tend to watch many of them. OK the monster was just totally awesome looking and I don't think I would of created him any other way if I was to be the artist or designer of it. Great job there. What I think happened is this. At the start that alien thing came in a big *bottom* space ship or capsule that landed in the ocean near NYC or what ever, thats what caused that tremor and the lights to go out for a moment at the start. The ship in the water capsized or what ever as stated in the news report from that impact and because its night they don't see or notice anything else. Now this thing starts to wake up and the first thing it sees is the statue of liberty so what does he do lol. He rips its head off and tosses it around at our stinking human buildings and all the chaos begins. Now the military starts soiling their pants if they haven't already knowing that something alien has landed and about to wipe out everything on this planet considering its size and strength. Their bombs and missiles do nothing to it. You don't ever see a scratch on it ever I think through out the entire movie. He must have some mad armor skin and mega regeneration or something . At home base the aliens are watching and cheering their solder on as they know we don't stand a chance. NYC in a few days then everyone else after. The time line in the move goes on for 7+ more hours I believe and at this stage I think they should of started using nukes on it or something. Obviously the regular bombs don't even phase it. The rest of the world should of known whats going down and started sending their nukes over who cares of they kill a few people still stuck in the city right if they get a chance to take out the monster now before it comes for them. Thats what I would be thinking.What do you think?
  3. This sounds like a challenge but I don't think I will be attempting this anytime soon. I've come across articles dealing with using JS to dynamically alter layouts on window resizing by the user but never looked into it. There would be no need for AJAX as JS alone should be enough since its all happening on the client side. If anyone comes up with a solution let us see!
  4. You need an expandable div that is set to limit of being 100pixels from the top of the window and goes all the way to the bottom? Sorry trying to make sure I understand correctly
  5. Ah one of the many problems when combing flash and regular HTML content. On my firends site where he was using lightbox and a flash menu the lightbox effect would disrupt the flash render. It was ugly. I'm sorry I have no idea how you could remedy it.
  6. Can anyone post a picture of the final result? I just want to see it and don't have time to go through all the steps right now. This goes for every tutorial people put up. It would be helpful to quickly see the finished result before deciding if its worth doing. Cheers.
  7. There is more advanced and better ways to do this but this link has the most simple and easy to follow so I'll point you to it http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This should be enough to get you started.
  8. Wasn't CS just a mod of half life or just a game using that same engine? I remember back in the day it was just a game really all for fun. I don't think being l33t in CS would make you l33t in real life combat. They don't have aim-bots in real life.
  9. my heater says 2400 watts on the box. I think my power company charges around 20 cents per kWh. It varies between plans.And I probably use it for about 6 hours a day.so 2.4 x 6 x 0.2 = 2.88It cost me about 3 dollars to run my heater each day? Damn I'm going to get a huge power bill ; ;
  10. No problem thanks for the credits it was well worth the time spent . I still don't see the error, what was it?
  11. Heres my solution I checked in firefox and safari and it works. IE7 fails lol theres like a huge gap between the drop shadow of the top and middle. Have a look maybe somone can point out what the error is for IE 7. sm.zip
  12. I could use 50 credits . I'm going to give it a shot you want the final html + CSS updated?
  13. I don't the specs of my electric heater right now or how much my power company charges per what ever units of electricity I use but could someone list for me what things I need to know and the formula to be able to work out how much it cost me to run my heater per hour?
  14. Yeah it looked really bad it was one of the biggest lump I've ever seen on a body part. Kinda like in the cartoon when you get bruised the blood just bulges out and makes a huge lump. It went down in like 2 days but the stiffness is still there kinda. I think whats happening is blood inside is getting sucked back into where ever its suppose to go to but theres still plenty around in the meat where its not suppose to be so thats why its still stiff. I dunno whats going to happen I just hope theres not clot. I'm no doctor and its slowly going away (been like 5 days now since it happen). I skip training already and maybe will again tonight but I think the best thing next to seeing a doctor or getting it check would be to keep moving, makes sense right keep moving no clots. Thats why I said I hope my leg dosent fall off clot equals gang green or what ever lol and then leg falls out.
  15. I think this error is happening to alot of people. last time I checked I also had the same error. I'm sure the admins and mods know about it and are going to fix it asap so sit tight and wait.
  16. Nope the last version I played was unreal 2003. I wish my graphics card was up to date then I would play the new one for sure.
  17. I've played most of the early FPS and the unreal series was one of my favorites because of the style of gameplay. Everything in it seemed more balanced out and natural then the other titles. If you have $30 to spare and willing to give something new a go I'm sure you enjoy it. I think for me the most fun part was multiplayer online battles which was pure excitement and endless fun for hours on in any session.
  18. I just took the pic now with my webcam. The huge lumps gone down but the bloods still in behind the skin. Its ugly as hell lol but I wont be wearing shorts out in public anytime soon. I don't know if its even worth checking as its kinda going away now.
  19. I don't know what else to say but we shouldn't worry about the future too much especially that far into it. We will be dead and our children and theirs long before the earth will die. In relation to the bible I read a bit of the watchtower magazines given to me by some church people and it talked about us living in the last days where God will soon end this system of things. I had a thought since it says its been about 6000 years since the beginning right? What if another 6000 years past and there is no ending would that prove that the bible is not correct since if we are near the end then it should of came before then? Sorry if I'm going off topic I just had that thought and it seems to sort of fit here with world ending and all.
  20. Last saturday I was playing soccer with my mates for our club and some *bottom* put his foot in my calf while I was trying to cross the ball from left field. Anyway the referee did not see it as a foul and called half time as the ball went out after it bounced off him. At that stage I was just in pain and laying on the ground. Everyone went to the middle and huddled up and I get a call from my coach/manager to walk it in so I get up and start limping to the group.At this stage I'm just glad my leg isn't broken like you see on those video clips of people, that kind of thinking always scares me. As I get to the group I just lay on my back trying to fight the pain looking like a lil cry baby lol. I was about to ask to be subed out for second half but they said it first so I was glad. I went off field and took off my socks and saw a huge *bottom* lump.The injury looks like my legs were pumped up because of the blood and I can see it turning green all around the inside of my calfs. I put ice on it for about 15 minutes then it got too cold and I stopped. It now looks like I have been using my left foot more then my right because of the size difference which is kinda funny looking. It took like a day and a half for it to go down a bit but you can see threes still blood or bruising inside the skin. The pain is gone a bit but my leg still feels a bit stiff when walking. Should I be worried my leg will fall of and go see a doctor or is this a normal/common injury and it will go away on its own? Its almost back to normal size now but yeah the blood or bruising inside the skin still feels a bit stiff.
  21. No one likes rude or arrogant know it all people but sometimes it does come across as you being that. When I say you I mean anyone its just all from the other persons perspective of you. I've been hated on because I came across as being like that to some class mates in the past but It rarely happens and I did not mean to. We ended up getting into a fight in class but made up. We still are really back to being friends since. I don't think you can change the way they think about you now easily so don't worry about it. The only thing I could suggest is just keep in mind how you come across to others when talking to them. What I do now in some of my classes is just sit there and let others answers questions because when I used to answer them I don't know it seems as if I was trying to be a show off or something which I was not but to others it may be. Theres this one guy in our maths class right who is smart and always calls out the answers not giving anyone else a go at it. I find him a bit annoying and I know others too since they make fun of him. He always was in a group project where he wanted to do a certain programming project a certain way and the others in his group had another idea. He threw a fit over it and said it was his way or the high way. What happen was his way turned out wrong and he ended up looking like an idiot. Just remember no matter how much you know just always try to be humble about it and you should not have any trouble looking like a know it all or what ever it is. Your post on this forums are good and take it from me I don't think you come across as being arrogant or rude all the time, Just sometimes but its only my perception and I'm sure you didn't intend to. I probably do the same thing but I don't like doing it. Its probably just one of our flaws as humans. Don't beat your self up over it no ones perfect. The main thing is your contributing with your knowledge here and I'm sure you have your bad times when you get sick of hearing about noobie questions and such but there will always be noobs lol.I'm gonna end my rant now since I think I said what I intended to say.
  22. that sounds like hes doing well. Can we see a link to his site just to get a better idea of how good the site is with content etc to the money he gets from ads?
  23. I removed my parked domain and tried to readd it in cpanel but i get this error Error from park wrapper: Using nameservers with the following IPs:, Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver. Any idea how I can solve this issue?
  24. After more thought I'm not sure what kind of commitment I will be able to put in because of study and other real life duties. I still think this is a great opportunity for anyone to take on and I disagree about having a guru work on it as they would probably do most of the work and you will end up not learning as much. If you have time I don't see why you can read and learn off example code and do it your self having said that I'm sure it will be very complex and some guidance from an expert will no doubt be helpful but I think its good if you can try and do as much work as you can so you will learn more. With a lot of commitment and hard work you can get anything done.
  25. Thanks for the info I found my site here using your link. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I have problems with the existing links using my domain name sonesayi.com/lsms and other similar ones. Does this mean I just have to wait for the DNS to properly link them up or is there something else I need to do?
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