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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. My sites still down too. I think its not just us having this problem as I've seen numerous post being made in the last few days about sites being down and there was a technical problem with the transfer where our free hosting is located.
  2. Sounds like a cool project. They teach us java in OOP at my university as well so I know most of the basic concepts of OOP and java. I wouldn't consider myself advanced by any means but I'm willing to learn more and take on any new challenges this project will bring. Count me in if you need a noob
  3. I think in todays world where almost anything you can think of someone has already thought of new ideas are important. Whether the idea was successful or profitable depends on many factors but it all starts with that good idea. Most people would want to use their ideas for money and who can blame then since we all need money to live and survive. No offense but I don't think many will share their ideas since you could benefit from using it and making a profit from it. Why would someone tell you their very good idea right? You have to think for your self here and try and come up with something on your own instead of relying on someone else's idea. I'm sort of on the opposite situation from you at the moment, I have so many ideas but not enough time to work on them. I'm not going to share them for obvious reasons but I will tell you one thing don't wait for someone to hand it over to you go out there and look for it. Good luck and when your rich and successful let us know what you did.
  4. You don't need to learn all to be able to create great sites. With that being said you still need to know how to work with bitmap images as well as vector if you intend to use vector. Graphics/Art can be made with different steps so by limiting your self to one software may or may not be good. I don't use fireworks at all because I can do all I need in photoshop. My only advice is learn how to do things as you need because you don't need to remember them all unless you use them daily but if that is the case then you would remember anyway right. I learned a lot of texture and image effects in photoshop but in the past and they were great but I have forgotten them all because I don't use them. Stick to what works and don't worry about mastering everything.
  5. Interesting script but it still opens goes off the site to Google which is not what I'm after. Another problem was my friends page is not even indexed in Google LOL so there returns no search results. looks promising thanks for sharing. I'm trying it out now.
  6. Mac addresses can be changed and its not safe to use wireless without encryption. There is videos out there on how to hack wireless encrypted networks so if yours is un encrypted then you can bet its a lot more less secure and easier to hack.
  7. Yeah I just checked their search functions out and it seems to be the case that they do database searches to find results. I think I could of done a custom search if he was using databases for his website entries except he isn't and all his content is hard coded in to the HTML lol. The only other idea I can think of is how web crawler bots do it. They crawl through each page periodically and track keywords with page references but I have no idea to create such a bot. Anyone up for a challenge LOL?
  8. nope you can integrate Google search into your site but like I said it comes with ads or you can pay a subscription starting from $100 US dollars annually for businesses. I looked at that site you gave but its not exactly what I'm after. I've seen certain blogs and CMS come with search fields that have been pre-made for you. I don't think it works since a member on here was asking how to get it going a while back but I had no answer as I did no use them. Has anyone got it to work that way? if so and you'd like to share the details please do.
  9. I'm trying to help my friend finish off a website for his client. Hes not very good with web development but its his client and they want a custom search engine. We have looked at what Google offers but it comes with ads unless you pay a yearly subscription. We need something that we can integrate into our own website easily without any ads at all if possible. We have tried jRank.org's script but somehow there is an error and we cant seem to validate a context so it wont work for us. The documentation is very vague also and we did follow the instructions. So basically we need any info from anyone who has experience in this. I was thinking I may try create a custom script but we don't have much time before we hand over the site to the client. Searching Google is also a pain since it comes up with many listing of sites that enter your site into a search engine. We need a search engine integrated into the site to search for things only on the site.Looking forward to hear any responses thanks
  10. Dude your rich. I'm sorry I was ever mean to you lol. Share the wealth will yall? I'm a poor univeristy student living off a student income /crys... I wont make fun of you and call you catman again I promise.
  11. You forgot the position of cleaning up the toilets after the club closes. Thats a highly disgusting job for someone with a strong stomach. You'd have to pay me over 500 dollars to clean one LOL.
  12. I'm pretty sure Norton Ghost is the one with the most features out there for these kinds of task. Looking at your list I can say ghost does compress your backup image files into smaller sizes. You can store the image in a DVD or another drive. You don't need a CD to do the restore process. Its been years since I've used ghost though so they may have much more updated features now. The backup and restore process is very quick too. By the way it was originally developed by some kiwis then brought by norton.
  13. Everyone wants a website just because its cool to have one. There's things like myspace that make it easy for anyone to make their presence on the web. Its as easy as signing up and filling information into your profile. I don't know why everyone needs a blog. You think people care about who you are or what you think? LOL unless you have something interesting on your site that people want to know about don't expect any visits. Same thing goes with forums. Having a website just for the sake of it is pointless. If you have no idea for content then why even bother? The site will probably turn out being just another website that no one cares about because it lacks content. Ah what the hell go ahead make a website everyones doing it you have to too, even if you have no great idea for a site just make one.
  14. So I can get my self free satellite TV with a setup like this? In New zealand we have a provider for extra channels but you have to pay monthly subscriptions once you get setup they give you a dish and decoder box. IMO it wasn't worth it as they replayed a lot of movies over and over and they did not cover all sports. Just looking at the images of the packages it looks like they come with a satellite dish and the decoder/receiver. I have 2 dishes on my roof already. Could I use the same dish and just buy the decoder/receiver box ?Being on different sides of the globe also how would I find out where to point it?
  15. I don't it will be abused as much because if you look at who rated a person that alone is enough to determine if the rating has any weight. Some one with more time on the forums you can assume is OK and wouldn't expect them to spam ratings. On the other hand if they are doing just that then you can just go ahead and discredit any ratings they did. Simple enough I say just keep the system and use your own judgements no just taking anyones word for it( or in this case some ones rating). If someone rates me bad I don't care, look at his username he's probably a noob lol. Thats my only point.PeaceSone.
  16. http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%ine&group=0 check your page on validator its got some miss match tags which I suspect is causing your clears not to work properly. I know for a fact miss match tags screws up CSS layouts so it might pay to try and correct any layout errors and see if that helps. Its the first step anyway.
  17. I rate her 7/10. She's not bad looking but I don't how good a singer she is. oh yeah the site is much better then the last version, I like it.
  18. I just looked at your forum and when you submit a login from there it gets sent to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I'm guessing you need to have the variable 'do' set to 'login' so it will try and process the login. <form action="http://ageofilluminati.com/login.php?do=login"
  19. It makes no sense why would you limit your circle of friends with a thing such as age difference. Though personally I don't tend to have any friends younger then me because most of the time people younger then me are more immature and I don't bother with that crap. Same with some older people if they are stupid then I wont mess with them. I based my circle of friends around people I like not how old they are. When your younger though I think its common just to hang around people your age and its normal. Generally when you get older you tend to meet more people from different age groups so age doesn't really become an issue just other criteria like maturity and other qualities you prefer in people.
  20. I remember you now your named look familiar.. the sofa guy lol, long time no see aye. Bt is probably right about your negative points. Instead of gaining points your post is doing the opposite since moderator's have to fix it up. Learn the rules if you seriously want to use this service. Readme file just incase you cant find it http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actE=01&HID=18
  21. if you really need to do it on the same page and not like how I said previous post with submitting to another page then redirecting back to the original. that way save post variables are lost then..You can probably do it with some javascript. Set a flag for when the submit button is acutally pressed. That way you can distinguish between page reloads and real submissions. I wont give you exact code but that is the idea. Have a onclick function on your button to set flag that it is a real submit then check on your if statement code. If you really need the exact logic and code reply lol.
  22. Damn thats disgusting and awful for anyone to experience let alone a 10 year old. She will have some serious mental issues after that horrible experience. The people who do this are either dumb, crazy or both. It would be nice if you could sleep at night knowing your love ones are safe from this kind of attack but in this world we have to be vigilant to keep our love ones safe from predators. I don't think we can change a persons way of thinking and even if we could the amount of time would be too great to be viable. There is always going to be people like this so all we can do is keep locking them up and keep an eye on our loved ones. Still very disgusting even though we hear about these stories all the time.
  23. The reason why its keeps reposting is because the post variable are saved since its posted to the same page. When you reload you reload the post lol. The only other way to do it so you can reload that page without double posting is to have it submit to a page thats designed specifically for inserting in to the database. Then redirect it back to the original page where you display form and last previous five message. I'm pretty sure that will work so you need an extra php page.I dont think its possible to destroy post variables after a post. I could be wrong but I dont think we have acess to anything like that.. doubt it lol.
  24. Yeah getting it to print in black and white seems to be such a mystery. I also print on a mac OS X from Word, PDF viewers and when checking in the print properties it dosent seem to give you any controls over color. I dont know why its so hard to find. I think Apple thinks we are rich enough to own macs that we can always print in full color lol.
  25. ini_set("display_errors", 1);error_reporting(E_ALL);//the host, name, and password for your mysqlmysql_connect("localhost","not tellin you!","not tellin");//select the databasemysql_select_db("not tellin");$submit = $_POST['submit'];$name = $_POST['name'];$message = $_POST['message'];if($submit){ I think whats causing the error reporting for the first time you come to the page is the upper block of code where it says error reporting etc. Its catching and displaying the error when post vars submit, name, and message are assigned but are null I'm guessing. I would try and remove the error reporting statements in the first two lines and test it out. I think that way you can still try and assign the post variables and if they are null which would be in the case where someone first loads the page it shouldn't report the error. Not sure if this is good practice but if someone has a better way please post.
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