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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. I don't think we have an official listing/ranking of sites hosted by Xisto members. I think it would be a good idea though to have a listing so members can find and view other members sites with ease. We do have a lot of inactive members so maybe those who aren't currently hosted wont show up on this list. I've had a peep around at other members sites and I don't remember anything with large about of members/content. Most are just small personal sites.
  2. I could be wrong but the people buying the whale meat do so for eating. I also heard many of them consider their meat to be beneficial to good health but I doubt its been proven just superstitious theories. I think it sucks but unless they are endangered I don't see why they are exempt from any other animal that's hunted for food.
  3. LOL that sounds pretty disgusting sorry not trying to make fun of you its just the way you tell it makes me laugh. Yeah the 2 inch scab is a worry have you got a picture of it? I would say go see a doctor just to be sure. I tend to get a lot of ear wax buildup myself and at some stage I would go get it pumped out by the doctor and my hearing will go back to normal.
  4. Yeah I saw the trailer at Armageddon(NZ comic/games/amine event) last weekend it looked good. I'm not sure if I would by it or any new game for my PS3.. The prices are sky rocketing. OK new games usually cost around 99 dollars for PS2 games then when the PS3 came out it jumped slighlty to around 110 dollars. 110 dollars for a new PS3 game didn't seem too much as it was PS3 and a new release. Now the other day I went to a game store to broswe and to my suppiirse some games where going on sale for 150 dollars or even $159. I'm assuming the rise is because game companies are demandiing more to pay for their developers? I would not spend that much on a game unless it was ffxiii .Is it like this overseas?
  5. Its and old game but its still good for us poor people who don't have updated graphics cards and hardware to be able to play newer FPS. There is a problem when trying to play with people across the globe though.. Its lag and this game is not enjoyable if your getting over 100 ping and lag spikes so forget about playing with anyone across the globe unless you all got super fast internet with low latency.I still think its a good game to play locally with people in your area but I've notice many have moved on and you find it hard to find a lot of public games for CS in New Zealand now. Personally I'm bored of it myself I've gone back to play it a few times but ended up quilting because it gets old quick.
  6. Congratulations, that's a nice car. How much did you get it for? Its a pity that the seats are not leather. The factory alloys aren't so hot either. Don't get me wrong just my opinion I don't even have a car anymore LOL.
  7. From my experience though using the universal selector has it draw backs. For instance on some browsers like with safari in my past experience and maybe even opera too(cant remember) the rules gets applied to all elements which means buttons and many others will get margins and paddings of zero. you will have to go back in and redefine paddings for those that you do not want affected which can be tedious work. I think each browser handles the level of CSS definition between the body and the * differently to its elements so you have to keep that in mind. I have opted in favor of just applying to the body tag and then redefining as I need. It covers most important things like divs etc but not altering things like buttons, drop down menus, text input areas etc where you would probably not want to alter.One problem I didn't like was when you set margins and paddings to 0 with the * selector and you go back in and define margins and paddings for your button for example they would be different in Firefox or safari. thats because a fix unit gets applied to buttons from different browsers but they aren't the same in style so they don't look normal. I have always used pixels to apply these though so many its not a problem with em but I have not tried myself.Its up to you how you want to do it I suppose.
  8. One thing your doing wrong is not applying margins and padding to zero at the body tag level. This will override most browsers default setting to html elements so you will get a more consistent look across most browsers. This setting does not apply to all elements but its the most effective so anything you want with margins and padding you just need to apply explicitly.I hope this makes sense. As for your other layout issues the above is the first step to fixing them. You just gotta keep in mind how much space each element you add is taking up. They stack like building blocks so start with the top and work your way down. It may be easier then to try and fix it all at once. OK I cant look into your code too much at the moment I'm suppose to be working on something else sorry. Good luck
  9. yeah I didn't like the idea of opening it up either but I had to. I figured out how to remove the LCD and tried to dry it out but its too late the water has stained the LCD and now I got random water marks all over the screen. I will have to replace it when I can get some money. I'm just lucky the other hard ware isn't damaged. Inside its looks so fragile compared to its sturdy look on the outside.The one thing I was scared about was ripping those connections that are made up of plastic strips but other then that I'm kinda lucky in a way I didnt lose anything more then maybe my internal speakers and LCD.
  10. I manage to get the keyboard(top cover off) and it seems it wasnt too badly soaked inside. The thing that looks soaked is my LCD screen though. It has some signs of lines of water behind the screen. I still cant find a link that shows me how to remove that so if you have one post it please. The power supply looks soaked so I wont try that anytime soon. I can always borrow my mates one. The battery I removed but it doesn't look soaked. Not sure I will stick it back in yet though lol. I'm mad yes but its funny I'm surprise I'm not going crazy. that thing cost me like 4 grand NZ man. I have a feeling though my LCD is screwed. alot of water was on its topside when I took it out of the bag. Heres the story. I been at uni working on my team project building a computer version of the rummikub board game. Slaving away there till 7pm then i stop for coffee and get the bus home. its raining so I walk home. I've walked home in the rain before but this time round it was very heavy. My bag has some kind of ventilation material on the part that touches my back. I guess most of the rain through there since my jacket is waterproof so it just goes right in. I walked for about 30mins in the rain yes I got the wrong bus home so I had to walk a bit further this time round. It usually only takes me 20mins if I get off at the right stop. Ah I get home so i decide to dump my bag next to my table and just go get out of these wet clothes and take a shower. I get changed and decide to take my laptop out and to my horror its all wet just not what you want for this kind of thing. I'm freaking out and still haven't got my clothes on I tried to dry get change and setup my laptop all at the same time. It saves time this way. well I think thats as best as I can explain it. I'm gonna carry on trying to find out how to open up the LCD. Edit: found http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but I cant get my screwdriver to take out the screws. The angle is seems almost impossible with that space how do they do it ?
  11. Guys long story short my mac got soaked in the rain. I am thinking its probably best not to try and turn it on and open it up and dry it out first. Any ideas? No I will not toss it away at this moment. Sone.edit oh yeah title is misspelled by the way can anyone change it thanks.
  12. Hey thanks for the response. I'm sorry I didn't 'reply back sooner I was brain dead and couldn't read your questions. I been too stressed over assignments due. Anyway back on topic I talked to the designer and he said that the scrolling of items wont be necessary at this stage so there will only be six items. As button from the 3rd frame moves back up to revel the items content it just starts to mask what ever is above it including any buttons. I think I have enough to start off with for now thanks to nabb. I just need to look over how he done it and apply that to our version. Thanks again all any more questions and I will ask again here.Sone.
  13. thats pretty cool man. are the buttons movie clips that have action scripts applied to them? also they move down differently depending on how far up they are so are they separate movie clips? Sorry if my questions are confusing I'm totally unfamiliar with flash LOL. If you can post the fla for me to look at that would help abit thanks againSoneedit: nvm i see the fla lol.
  14. I had a quick read through all your post but its too detailed and not specific to what I was asking lol. Maybe i'm just too tired and didnt read it correct to understand but I will ask you again to give a high level description on how I would go about creating the first two screents. Firstly the items on the first screen would be movies that expanded right? is it possible to give them action scripts that displace from each other on hover? I just need some general answers before I can even begin coding since I do not know what limitations are on flash.I hope you get my point. I will get into the coding part when I need to for now I need a guide on how to start this project.Thanks again for your time Sone
  15. Hey all, I'm working with a art student on this flash based portfolio site and it requires some complicated action scripting. Either him nor I are efficient enough in flash so we need some advice from you experienced Flash experts out there. I worked with flash a long time ago and it was only on one project so I remember vaguely what movies and time lines are for lol. Basic stop and go to commands but that's about it. I can read up on anything I need but the thing is I have no idea where to begin.I have attached a PDF of my partners initial storyboard of the scenes. The first initial screen is of items in the portfolio. I'm assuming this will be scrollable since you cannot fit all the items on the screen if there are many. Also spacing between them has to be applied when highlighted.I hope someone can give me some pointers on how to go about it. I am not looking for a "Go search google" answer lol because I have tried and I cant find anything specific to moving items in a scrollable context. I need advice from someone who can do this so I can save a bit of time trying to find things out on my own.Thanks in advancedSone. Explainations.pdf
  16. I took part in my first programming contest today it was fun but very hard at the same time. My team came 59 lol I know its bad but we did well for it being our first time. Makes you realize how much more smarter people are out there then you are The problems were tough, I had a hard time just reading the questions . This is an international competition so winners from our region go on to represent us in the world finials. The event is sponsored by IBM. We got free t shirts and food . It took 5 hours though so I'm pretty beat now writing this. All you other guys in the rest of the world would be having a regional competition soon too so find out about it at the website or your local university if you haven't already. Its a real good experience even if your not the best you should still have a go. It was great just to take part in something like this. Scores for south pacific regional. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You can program your solution's in a number of languages they just supply you with problems that have sample input text and you are required to produce an output with their desired results. Peace Sone
  17. I watched that video lol. It has some funny pictures well the thing you forgot to mention is the cost of less then a dollar a day to use it..
  18. For quality transparent PNG > GIF . only thing GIF has over PNG is ability to have animations.
  19. I been learning HTML on and off for years. I still cant remember all tags off my heart because I never use them all and I still cant distinguish certain tags + properties from version to version. Basically I only remember what I use. I only started to understand the DOM model recently when working with JavaScript. I think you have to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript in parallel because they complement each other for doing most common task required by a web page or site.Learning the basic's of HTML was fairly easy but once you want to start implementing some of your more exciting ideas it becomes a little harder and requires a bit more knowledge to pull off. I would suggest learning these 3 core elements HTML, CSS, JavaScript and understanding the coding standards that come along with them. There's many ways to write something but it might not be the best and correct way of doing it.I hope that helps Sone.
  20. I think in any country no matter where you are there are going to be people who know their stuff and those who don't. Its you're responsibility as an IT professional to inform those who are not so knowledgeable in that area why things cant work a certain way or shouldn't be done that way. Nothing is perfect yet especially for web based applications because of where its been built up from so know what you can deliver and don't over promise anything you cant. Don't doubt your ability and knowledge you know more then the client that's why hes asking you to do the job instead of doing it himself. Keep learning and improving.Good luckSone.
  21. I wish I had the answer. I am using xampp too but only because it was easy to get PHP5, MySQL, GD lib, Apache, PHPmyadmin, + what ever else it offers. Its still kinda hard to secure and I haven't found the documentations much help. Maybe its just me LOL. This is somewhat related anyway so I'll just tell you how I ended up using xampp. I have am running OSX so yeah I get apache and some other stuff included. only problem is its running old version of PHP and there is no gd lib support. There is no mysql myphpadmin etc. No problem right there's plenty of links out there pointing you to many ways of getting that stuff to work. After several attempts of getting each component to work (This is of course after some errors that I have encountered and probably forgotten about since the whole process was hell and I don't have time to try and understand LOL) anyway I get most of what i need working except for some reason I cant get GB lib to work with my version of apache and PHP5. So i give up and install xampp. I think it came with mysql too so yeah what the hell I installed it and now I have two apaches. The one from OSX and xampp. I can run either and if both are running they conflict obviously. The funny thing is now xampp runs and loads the sites I have on the orginal apache. I never had this in the past I remember it having its own directory and so I check and sure enough it does. except its not running folders in there. I tried moving / creating files in its htdocs but they dont load except the folders from my original setup. Weird aye. All in all my server is completely messed up. Following the security setup guidelines don't even work either its poor documentation from xampps part or my servers messed up because I'm not seeing what they are pointing out in the steps. I probably wont try fix it anytime soon because of time on top of that last week I got SQL injected LOL the guy was nice enough to point out my flaw in PHP code and not do any serious damage. So I have to say I'm still a complete newbie with xampp and among other things. I hope you find the solution and post it here.PeaceSone
  22. That's some pretty interesting stuff here. I'm reading that comic strip now and its all true so far. I will definitely install this soon when its out.
  23. That is a pretty good start. I would suggest you consider a few things. Will your site be a fixed width or expandable? I think having an expandable width content is more professional but requires a bit more work to implement. - I would suggest you go for the same layout except make it the content section expandable.- The header is put on a background attribute so the content can sit on top of it and be adjusted up and down as desired instead of being fixed below the header.Other then that think clearly about what other sections you may want to include.Edit. Oh yeah your backgound seems to be a pattern so having it tile will be nice instead of cutting off to complete black when you make the page
  24. Lots of house work..... no seriously they just need to keep active and burn off any fat they eat so they stay skinny
  25. I don't think they help too much. I have used one before personally not because I went out and brought one but a friend had it. Its a waste of money in my opinion and a boxing bag would be way better. Do something physically active like playing sports or running/working out to relieve stress.
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