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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. I use a tablet. Yeah my anatomy is not so good at the moment. I have a long way to go so I'll try and correct any mistakes I can see as I go along.
  2. Can I have a link to view your forum? I have had a similar issue way back with phpfusion. I just want to see the registration process users have to go through in order to sign up for your forums.
  3. I started off drawing just only the optical hat( uber hat from FFXI ) then decided to add a head to it. I started the hate and head just yesterday so I'm improving pretty quick in painting now. I know I'm suppose to be doing assignments and such but painting has become so much fun I just cant stop. I'm planning to finish this one off full body and geared up with items from the game.Edit: added an update if the rest of the body and started to paint Its already starting to look cool but a lot of rough edges (will be cleaned up soon)Update wow I'm just amazed at how well its turning out. Still no way near complete
  4. Yeah we build everything from scratch but lucky for us we can use what ever IDE we like well pretty much anything language if we are confident enough. I'm only using java because thats what I've been taught and know (I have no choice). We got introduced to netbeans at the end of last semester so I have a little experience in that. We are using swing and the newer xswing. It helps out a lot in creating quick GUI's but the code it generates is real big and I find I have to spend a bit of time trying to see where things fit in together.Yeah the schedule is pretty tight so I'll be fully stressed out for the next few months lol. I've got 3 other classes I need to make sure I keep up to so I'll try and keep the design and function of it as simple as I can to keep the complexity down. Yeah the planning is important and we are pretty much being taught and given the project to work on at the same time.I'll post the updated flow diagram soon. I think that's what the lecturer wanted a low level description of how we will do the algorithm to check if a set is valid or not.Edit heres the updated diagram. Logics probably wrong any changes?
  5. Yeah that same problem is back. Last night it was ok but I just checked my site now and the same error. I feel your pain . I will be updating my site soon and will try and show some potential employers the site. If they see this error it wont look good
  6. Thanks for the response. I posted this earlier today out of frustration of trying to come up with an algorithm on my own as I'm not too good and not had to come up with them on my own. You did point out somethings I didn't think of and I appreciate the input. I forgot to mention that some of the rules in the game we are creating are a bit different but the differences are only slightly. I know I should post them but I don't have them all here in my head.I started to draw it in MS visio and started to notice things I didn't think about in my initial notes either so I'll post it here. Maybe more suggestions and enhancements can be made. Its still not complete but it should give you an idea of what I'm trying to do.Yes this is the first time I'm trying to write an algorithm :)Edit: The enhancment ideas you suggest are cool but to be honest I'm not sure I will be able to get it done and included in the time frame we have been given. Its week 4 into our semester and the projects due week 12 so I basically have only 8 weeks to have a complete working game. That on top of my lack of experience with GUI's in java will be a challenge. Last semester I did a mine sweeper game in java but I didn't finish it because I tried to do all the GUI part in the last weekend and was so confused about how they worked that I got stuck on handling of events.
  7. Hey guys I'm working on a project for making a java based version of the Rummikub game and I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with an algorithm for determing if a joker being played in a set is valid. If anyone can throw some ideas on what to check for and do it would be great. I'm only starting to look into it now but its becoming clear it that it can be a bit complicated for my small brain. You can google the rummikub game if you have no idea and the rules behind it. Looking forward to hear any responses and idea to help me out thanks
  8. wow some of your stuff is amazing thanks for sharing. I'm not as original as I would like to be at the moment so I mostly have to copy reference pictures but I'm hoping to get to the stage where I can remember how certain things are drawn or suppose to be drawn and then create my own. Here is a painting I attempted to do about a year ago its of this artist I like cookies for anyone who guesses her name I did still do not know how people paint hair its so hard to pull off. Yeah it does take a lot of time to produce art that's probably the same reason why I didn't do it as much but seeing other peoples work inspires you sometimes and makes you want to create your own.
  9. Here's my attempt to drawn and paint in photoshop. Its not my first but probably my best attempt so far from trying create something from scratch. I started off with initial sketch of the outline of the head and face structure I wanted and trying to keep things proportional. I have a book that describes it but its kinda hard to understand at times so they supply images as well. The book is by Burne Hograth and its called dynamic anatomy. He is a master in this field and I think the guy who created spawn character learned off this book too.I hope to be a fraction of their skill one day . I don't consider myself an artist but I'm surprised my shading and painting is improving so much. I'm still not happy with everything especially the features. I still dont know how to draw them properly and correctly but I think I'll keep learning and improving. I will use this post to keep track of this painting through its phases and update with more screen shoots. I don't know why I'm posting this really but I guess I just want to show you that painting isn't awfully too hard if I can do it then you guys can too. Don't feel like you cant draw or paint or you lost your talent if you try you can do it. We have such a huge community here and everyone is all into computers and web hosting why isn't there anyone who is into drawing ?I'm sure everyone is creative in their own way. Art and painting is just so awesome I'm so disappointed I didn't keep doing it through high school. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm ranting on about this if your not interested in art as much as I am all good to each their own. For those who are interested in seeing some awsome work just go to you tube and search for speed painting. Most of it starts off real basic and look horrible but in the end the results are unreal. PeaceSone
  10. Ok I saw this this morning but I had no time so I'm only looking at it now. Your using an id tag in the new page but it has no define CSS for it that's why its not showing up correctly in fire fox. Also there is another problem you are using absolute positioning to control the heading and content so I guess it still works but not my idea way to do layouts.I've attached a screen shot in Firefox view with firebug. I checked the first style on your main page and just changed the id to that so its using that style 'new-content-main'Yours is 'new-content-title' so either make a new style for that and adjust accordingly.You will also have to adjust 'new-content' id as you can see in the screen shot its being effected as well but keep in mind if your other pages are using that same id it will be effected too so there it is I've pointed out the problem hope you can decide on a solution and have fun
  11. Hey I checked out your site and I think you forgot to update something Maybe you should change that to your respective company name and maybe update the year. To the original poster I still do not get what your trying to say here. A programmer codes and a coder doesn't program? To me they are both the same you cant really just code and not program unless your just copy and pasting code you don't understand then they obviously wouldn't qualify as either. I don't get the mentality to try and distinguish between the two and putting coders on a lower level then programmers
  12. Yeah that games pretty violent for a kid. The game is a mod of the original half life but its not correct that they be calling it half life since it is a completely new game all together. Its just using the same game engine I think as half life did. Maybe the game engine it self was called halflife engine? I dont know.
  13. I have to agree with the previous post its the experience and quality of work you produce that matters. You can have a degree and paper but if your work is not of high standard you probably wont get hired over the next guy who has no degree yet his work could be outstanding. Its tough and I've been turned down many times myself because of lack of experience so the only way to remedy it is to work on the experience even if it means working for free. Its not really working for free in a sense because your working for yourself to better equip your self with experience on working on real projects. Find something you enjoy to work on and try and stay motivated. Just keep producing work and you'll get better thats when people will want to hire you. The other way is to know people and they can hook you up with jobs but just don't do what my friend did and take on a job he cannot do lol. Start small and work on building up big. Work hard and it will pay off. I know what you mean about not being able to focus I'm much like you but I noticed that when I do stay focused it does yield results. Make a thread on here with some work you did and we can discuss it maybe someone experience can even point out things we don't see.It seems like you did a lot of programing did you keep any of it? I produced alot of work myself during years of experimenting but most of it was not show quality. When you work on sometime think about producing it to a high enough standard where you can actually use in your portfolio and show employers.Thats all I can think of stay focused and try not get distracted.Looking forward to seeing some of your work here soon.
  14. I'll try that out. The reason I turn it into pixels is because my final working area is in photoshop. I draw all my shapes in freehand (illustrator now) because thats what I am used to and it also had more controls for me to manipulate paths. In photoshop I never got how it work fully because I did all my paths in freehand back when I was learning about vectors.I guess I just need to keep looking at it more in photoshop. they have been improving a lot over the versions so maybe there is more control for paths in PS CS3.
  15. Thanks for clearing that up, as you can see I have no clue about that aspect of hosting when it comes to .htaccess . Of the two admin's I cant say whos on more then the other I never really noticed but I would say they are on about the same amount and its all random so you can just PM both of them if you want to be sure. As for the part about bothering them I wouldn't say you're the worse I've seen threads on topics that are so trivial that get their attention so don't worry. Besides I cant wait to see your site.
  16. Yeah painting isn't really my thing either. I only ever sketched and shaded in on paper but its surprising easy on the computer to paint. There is no messy junk from real paint or crayons or what ever you use and its pretty accurate too. The thing I just found out was having the right brush and pressure helped a lot. You just need to adjust size for precision. Thanks for pointing out that topic to me I remember now (my memory is so bad). Manga style isn't really my thing I was never good at it the only thing I draw was Goku and that was using a reference picture. It wasn't too hard but it just took a lot of time. I wouldn't be able to draw that or anything yet without reference to guide me. Back when I was a kid I used to draw a lot of transformer characters, Megaton especially so I think in a way I still need to find my own style. Your work is great if you have some time and can find our old sketches post them up here for us to see. I'll try build my collection up and post them soon but they are still too rough for my liking lol to show on here.
  17. OK I know this is a graphics forum but I've browsed through most of it and don't come across anything specific to art like drawing and painting in general. I'm not including making sigs or banners because I don't consider them the only form of art or design. Thats just one area and I believe we need a place where people who do other forms of art can congregate. There are other communities like deviant art but most of us starting out get kind of intimidated and feel so small amongst those experienced individuals there.I'm pretty comfortable here at Xisto, I haven't been here too long but its a relaxed place and I'd like to meet people with similar interest particularly those who draw and paint. I do a bit of drawing and painting when I can though most of the time its only when I'm bored and need something else to do beside programming. Last night I spent like two hours shading in one of my drawings of a human head/face in photoshop and its turning out pretty good. I would say I'm progressing but still have a long way to go. I'm learning off this one book on how to draw human figures correctly but yeah the shading part really does help a lot in making it look real. Its still in black and white at this stage until it looks good then I'll start coloring it in.So is there anyone else here at Xisto interested in drawing and painting? I'd like to talk and learn off anyone if thats possible it would be great to see others work too. I don't know I just don't feel like going to deviant art and trying to get to know new people there thats all so I'm trying here first. I even had this one idea to post an add at my university to see if anyone in art would be interested in learning some web and we could teach each other other skills .Happy surfing
  18. Ever use the pen tool in Photoshop or illustrator to draw shapes and then fill them with color or even stroke them? Sometimes with certain curves you get blocky edges and they show real rough. How do you minimize this if any at all? I notice they appear on some curves but not all. The paths I draw look fine but when you fill them its just horrible. There is no other thing I can think of and changing the path angles would defeat the purpose of having that path drawn that way. Is it just because of the extreme angle of the curves or is there something else to it?
  19. heres my default .htaccess file its in the www/_private/ folder # -FrontPage-Options None<Limit GET POST>order deny,allowdeny from allallow from allrequire group authors administrators</Limit><Limit PUT DELETE>order deny,allowdeny from all</Limit>AuthType BasicAuthName sonesay.trap17.comAuthUserFile /home/sonesay/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.pwdAuthGroupFile /home/sonesay/public_html/_vti_pvt/service.grp The last few lines has reference to some files in the web root folder of _vti_pvt/* maybe those are important I don't know but it may pay to check if you still have some of these files or similar. I never touched my .htaccess so this should be mostly default unless some C panel settings I've done have altered them. The only thing I remember doing in c panel is adding add on domains though so I don't know. Good Luck.
  20. From what I understand what ever content you have in a different language you must also provide another page with equivalent content but in English. Someone more familiar with these rules should be able to clarify it for us.
  21. I hope you didn't delete any files in there before you moved your files in because I've come a cross a post a long time back where a user did that and apparently those files contain certain configuration files for their particular hosting account. The only fix was for the admin to re-run the hosting script for their account again.
  22. Oh thanks for that information I didn't know they existed. That's good having syntax highlighting for that but I was hoping we could get them for some other languagues like PHP, Java, Javascript, C, C++ and what ever else is out there.
  23. Hey all, I'm not sure if its been brought up but I couldn't find any topics on this. Has anyone brought up the idea of updating the blocks to allow syntax highlighting? This would be a nice feature to have but I don't know if its something that can be easily added on. I don't know about you guys but when I see long blocks of code in the same color from users I just don't want to read them. Especially when they are put in a small box container about 100px high and I have to scroll through it. Making code easier to read would help a lot. Peace Sone.
  24. Hello and welcome, Its great to have you join Xisto. You've come to the right place for free hosting as there is yet any out there to beat Xisto. I hope you stick around and share your knowledge with us. I see you've already added some very useful information to some of the threads here that's great. See you on the boards.Sone
  25. This is an on going problem with the Xisto servers. There have been many topics for this issue over the last few weeks on and off. its been fix then it appears again and so on. You cant do anything about it they have to fix it. Your other problem I dont think they allow scripts to access remote mysql databases so you may need to wait for them to fix it.
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