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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. Back in the day I think the problem was with game consoles they lacked memory as they were expensive back then. So later in their life time they relased expansion packs for memory upgrades and I'm sure thats what it was. I cant see it being any other computer part that can be added on later to benifit a console as much as memory. I had an amiga when I was a kid too and all I did on that was play games lol but It had a huge slot for memory expansion as well I think a big 1MB more and it cost a few hundred dollars lol.I believe the expansion for the N64 has 8MB of memory.
  2. The problem with that kind of functino is because not two of the CMS structures are alike so intergrating them can be a tricky task. I'm guessing thats why the author as you mention has abbandoned it. It still is none the less an interesting topic and feature to have. One other problem I can see is data being duplicated twich. Once on one cms and again on the other. When users regisisters and update profiles how has it worked in the past? two entries are made into each CMS database? This is not ideal but if it works then great. I think what your trying to do is reasonable enough i.e get functions and features out of two CMS but can I ask what are you interested in that isnt included in one or the other?
  3. Thanks for your advice your right things will get better in fact they are already. I've come to appreciate my real friends a lot more. The ones I've known ever since I was a kid are still my friends and I've been hanging around them more to keep my mind off her. One of my mates said go play games lol so that's what I have been doing but yeah once I stop it just comes back so its not a permanent fix. Well I got university to keep me busy and I'm doing a lot of interesting subjects this semester, Web development (Joke paper we using ASP.net), physical database design, software design and implementation, human computer interaction.I guess its not the same as getting the attention of a girl lol but its better then most things. I shouldn't even be thinking about girls anyway I cant do that and study its too hard.Thanks again
  4. Thanks you for your responses. Yeah its a very confusing situation but time away has made things a bit clearer. Shes like completely ignoring me now but I guess its for the best in a way. I guess I was so blinded by what I wanted it clouded my thinking and judgment. Shes told me several times that she just wanted to be friends but thinking back there has been many times where I think its fair to say shes flirted and lead me on, there's times when shes drunk she'll call me up talk to me like we were more then friends. Maybe shes just messing around with me in a joking way? I don't know its still messed up. I don't know I'm the kind of person who cant just be talking to someone a lot and not have any feelings for them.I shouldn't blame her though, In the end it was my fault, I lost a good friend even though shes a bit crazy I still liked having out with her. Its too bad I had to find out the hard way that we cant be friends if I liked her too much. I should of not expected too much or anything especially from her knowing what kind of state she was in. I couldn't just be there for her as a friend, I wanted more so yeah I'm wrong in that sense. I still want to be friends with her but I don't know if its even possible now. I'm tired of trying so I guess I'll just leave it at that. If she calls she calls if not then whatever right. I don't even know why I even care so much sometimes...PeaceSone.
  5. What do you mean by the first statement? Do you mean you hard code the whole address in like "localho http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;? because if your doing that of course you'llhave to change it when you upload to the web. Use relative paths and you should not have this problem. I would go for option 3 as it seems more interesting if your up for a challenge then go for it.
  6. It doesn't look like a firewall problem to me because you are getting the 403 error which is return by the web server so it looks more like a permission error. Can you view the site locally with any problems? was there any changes you made to the config file? Any other changes you may have made that may affect it? Check the permissions on the files/folders as well of your www root. I cant think of anything else that could be affecting it. I don't know much about the http.cofig and configuring blocks but that last few lines does it do anything?
  7. Can you post the full URL your typing in and from what machine are you trying to view it? Locally or from a remote computer?
  8. I have been supplied with a digital log book for use this semester and it comes in the form of a .jar file and a .mdb file. I tried running it on my mac but it crashes every time but it seems to run perfectly on windows xp. Does anyone have any ideas why? I thought .jar files would be computable on any platform.
  9. I'm doing another tier paper in web development at my university this semester and apparently we are using ASP so it would be good to know a bit about another scripting language. I read over some notes yesterday and its written using VB and that is fully OOP so it should be interesting. The only problem is finding a ASP host. You have IIS on windows XP Pro and some other variants to test on if your building it locally.
  10. Well PHP and MySQL is enough to do what you want, The only problem you have will be the experience and skill to write your own little community software. Even if you make one it may or maybe be filled with bugs and not function correctly as you intended. You have to be good and designing and building such software for it to be an easy task. I say go for it, you will learn a lot just by trying and doing. If you have any questions just post them but I think before you even start you need a good solid grounding in PHP first so go get a good book on PHP.
  11. So the G5 is not running any OS? I am sure the OS X cd will do a clean install but I don't know the procedure just yet. I installed mine with an OS X 10.4 already on it so It was pretty much automatic once I put the CD in. Found it!
  12. Yeah you are probably right the problem is probably not directly related to database problems because all queries still work but scripts that require session data to be saved don't work that's why phpmyadmin fails as well.
  13. Intro Ever wanted to make your own tiling metal or mix stone surface background that no one else has? I've been to many sites that have some awesome tiling background textures and I always wanted to figure out how to make them but could not find any examples. There are separate tutorials on the web for just making stone/rock surfaces or metal surfaces and tiling textures but never a combination of them both at the same time. I spent so many hours up late last night drinking a lot of coffee and surfing the web reading up and looking at others design trying to figure out how its done. The way I done it may not be the best way since its long and tedious but if you know a better way share with us . The starcraft 2 website is a good example of a neat tiling metal surface texture. Note: This is not a step by step tutorial from start to end. I will assume you know how to use Photoshop to a proficient level. I may come back and add more details where I feel is needed but this is just to point out one of the ways of doing it. Key Points 1. Photoshop filters that tile will only tile if your document dimensions are to the power of 2. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 etc. Keeping to these dimensions will reduce the amount of offset and retouching of seams later. 2. You need a good surface texture or two ready. You can make your own or use already made ones. Preview This is the finish product. Its my first attempt so I'm not fully happy with the texture. I need to learn how to create texture properly so if you have some pointers let me know. Setup I am using 512 x 512 size canvas because I can re size it to a smaller size for use later without lose of quality. My final version is about half 256 x 256. setup your layers like this. Any BG color you like just so you can see. your texture layers. I have two of them (Stone and metal). Forget the mask on the stone layer at this time its there just to show you the other texture underneath it. A empty folder is a good idea because you will be making a lot of copies of the textures stone and metal for use. You stick them in there later for less clutter. A lines layer or sketch so you can get a quick layout if you like or you can just improvise as you go. Squares/Shapes You duplicate one of the texture layers and then add a layer mask to it to the desired shape you like. Add a drop down shadow and bevel to that layer to get the desired effect. A color overlay to control the brightness and darkness for each square. Copy the entire layer styles for each shape you make and adjust according to your taste. Note: to make your job easier for removing seams on your initial sketch you should make sure all shape edges are alighted from top-bottom left-right. The more precised they are the easier removing seams is. Here I've made sure my corners are aligned up so they tile perfectly. I only had to remove seams from the bevel effect. Removing Seams Once you have all your shapes define its time to make sure they tile and remove the seams. Because we are using 512 x 512 canvas we use the offset filter in PS to bring the seams to the middle. Offset by 256 will do this to the x and y ordinates. Use the clone stamp tool to remove the seams 50% opacity stamp is what I used and I just go over it a few times if needed to remove seams. offset again to return it to its original layout. Extra Steps You can adjust contrast or color as you like. I made a pattern of the original tile, You probably have to flatten all layers so make another copy and do it on that. I had two layers 1 with 1x tile 512 x 512 pattern and another layer with 4x tile 128 x 128. Adjusted opacity so they blending in a bit better and I got a less repeated tiling effect you.
  14. Dude you are the man, when I'm that age I hope to be still dating 20 year olds lol... No I'm just kidding hopefully I wont need to and I'm married with kids by then. I guess I would be one of those guys who look at couples with a huge age difference and think man that guys dirty and sick to be dating a young girl, why cant he find someone his age. Don't worry about what others think really I don't know you and her so we have no right to judge what is appropriate or not. Its still human nature to do it but it doesn't mean its right to automatically judge people I know its wrong but I still do it when I see an old guy with a young girl. I automatically think oh that guys a dirty, that girls just after his money I bet. So just don't care what people think and if they stare let them. I get stared at for no reason so I stare back lol just do that.
  15. Thanks for your ideas but I'm certain its none of the above. All the code is my own and I never write to files or open them. The only thing it uses is mysql databases and I am not even near full capacity. What I know is this error appears when we have a problem with mysql and myphpadmin not working. It happens and their errors are similar in description about not being able to write as described by other members.
  16. Get the latest book on PHP or ASP depending on what platform you want to go for. I would recommend PHP as its much easier to find resources and free hosting for PHP based websites. A good book on JavaScript will help too with adding more dynamic interactivity to your site. The reason why I suggest a book is because they usually cover the first steps in detail and build on from there rather then you googling from various sites to site trying to find the next tutorial.
  17. OK first off this is serious and I would like only feedback that is constructive and non judgmental as possible. About three months ago I was at a park and meet an old friend, She used to date my friend back in high school days but they broke up when he went overseas. So I never saw her for a few years. We never really talked just said hi because her boyfriend was the jealous type and I would never even think of her in such a way because of respect for my friend. At first in the park I didn't recognize her so I just said "Hi whats your name?" and she turns around and says "You know me its V***** so and so's ex". From then we started talking and catching up, I didn't even think a hot girl ( yes I'm serious very hot ) like her would want to hang out with me but she offered to exchange numbers so we can hang out some time. I wasn't expecting too much at first but I was excited of course I had to wipe the droll from my mouth and try and hide the obvious that I was eye humping her. I thought she was just a pretty face with no brains but it turns out I was wrong and shes actually very smart. The only problem is shes in a very awkward situation right now with just getting out of a long term relationship with her ex(another guy) who they have a house and some other assets with so they are still living together until it can sell and split up. Lets just say shes got many problems and she drinks and smokes a lot to relieve her stress. I used to drink and smoke a lot but I gave up and I was trying to help her cut down a lot on her drinking. The smoking part no way shes a chain smoker. We hanged out and went to eat out a lot, text and talked on the phone a lot too. In a week we would text and talk almost everyday and hang out in person 2-4 times a week. I started falling for her hard and tried to let her know many times and she keeps telling me she cant give me what I want and shes in no state for anything right now. I know its true also because of all her problems but I still cant help but feel and want more from her. I cant believe she doesn't even notice it at times how I feel about her, It seems shes so centered on herself and her own problems she doesn't see how I feel about her. Its pretty bad I think about her almost constantly and would always drop what ever I was doing to talk to her or go see her. Everytime she wanted to hang out and I already made plans I would cancel it even when other friends came around I would ditch them to see her. I know I put her first too much because we are just suppose to be friends and I don't want to be the only one putting in all the effort when shes not but I cant just say no to her. I think shes too used to getting what she wants from guys that she doesn't even know shes doing it at times but she has this charm on me like no other and always gets what she wants. I'm always asking to hang out with her and stuff but shes always denying me and when ever she wants to hang out of course I say yes. What messed it up About over a week ago she was depressed again (She gets a lot like that and wanted to drink). I've usually only talked to her over the phone and only been drunk around her one other time but we weren't actually alone (her ex was home and also her girlfriend) so we just went to my car and talked. This is what I don't get about her when shes drunk shes different and doesn't care what happens. She started touching me and rubbing her feet near my groin, obviously i was turned on lol but hey I remember her telling me that if shes like that don't do anything because shes not her self so I hold back and just talk to her and ask her what shes doing and if she knows. Shes too drunk and just started laying on me so I just hold her and we just talked. I got her some pizza that night because she was hungry and told her to go to bed and sleep shes got work the next day etc. A few days later after the car incident I joked about wanting to get drunk with her and she tells me OK sure. It was just going to be me and her there at her place, I kinda knew what was going to happen and I'm sure she did too so I don't get why she would even consider drinking with me. I was a little drunk but knew what I was doing but she was very drunk. We were just rapping to some 2pac and laughing and having a great time then things started getting touchy and I touched her back of course. I don't know whats up she can touch me and when I put my hands on her legs she's all like "Why are you touching me?" I tell her sorry and I dunno lol but I think shes just playing. Shes very moody and its not like I ever hit on her constantly or what ever so I dunno whats up anyway she says I'm going to bed now so I walk her to her room because I'm afraid shes going to fall or something. Shes in bed and I'm just standing there making sure shes OK before I go and leave when she starts taking off her top in front of me and saying things like "Don't you want me?" I tell her yeah of course but I don't think its right because shes too drunk and I ask her are you sure you want to do this? Shes all like I don't know I don't give a $hit right now I'm tried of giving a $hit. I should of known better but I couldn't hold my self back I was kinda confused as well but wanted it so I did and we ended up in bed. The next day shes all like "Its so wrong we shouldn't of done that we are suppose to be friends" I told her its my fault that I should of had more self control but she thinks its hers for seducing me which I agree in some part she did drunk or not. I don't know who's fault it is really but I think its more of mine since I wasn't too drunk but let my feelings for her take over. She asked if I was OK with what happen and I was. We even joked about it for a while and laughed. For the next five days or so she didn't want to see me in person because she was embarrassed maybe but we still talked on the phone and text every day, I told her I'm OK with what happen and it wasn't her fault but she still thinks it was. During the next five days I wanted to see her so bad in person but she didn't I think I got obsessed with her and I started stressing out worried things were gonna be screwed up with me and her. All of a sudden on Sunday she comes and sees me and we go out to eat and its all weird. I'm all nervous around her in person and I think she feels weird too. We were suppose to go driving because I've been trying to teach her to drive manual but its that time of the day again and shes just wanting to go home and drink. I offer to come too but she wont let me so I just drive her back to my place and she gets in her car there. I don't know what else to do to keep her mind off it theres only so much a friend can do you know. I know she doesn't want me back in the same way I do with her so I've been trying to back up but its hard. I'm only human and I have feelings right... strong ones. I can only try my best. Monday: I'm feeling depressed and sad because I'm missing her so I text her and tell her I'm depressed and want to drink with her to relieve my stress but I think shes worried what might happen again so she tells me shes never drinking with me again ever. I was half serious about the drinking part I just wanted to see if she was going to be there for me like I always try to be there for her but she only offers to talk on the phone if I wanted. That kinda thing helps me realize she dosn't care for me in the same way so it should sink in right but its still hard. maybe I'm in denial or something about the whole situation and still hope theres a chance. Anyway I don't call her and she doesn't call me that night and I'm starting to be OK without her the next day. I'm able to focus a lil so I try and stay away from her again on Wednesday but she text me and ask if I'm OK. I'm fine its just the way I'm trying to deal with it. She text me some things about her ex(my friend) saying he wants to get back with her and stuff but shes not sure then I tell her she needs to just make sure thats what she wants. I'm feeling guilty for liking her of course because he was an old friend. I figured she needed some time to clear things up so I leave her alone for two days. Thursday(today): she text me back today asking if I'm OK because I haven't text her and its unusual, I told her yeah and ask her how shes doing but she wont tell me I get somethings up and shes moody again so shes getting mad at me (I can tell by the tone of the text messages) so I figured I should go see her and buy her some candy and food that she likes. I go over her place and surprise her and shes asking whats up with me. I tell her I'm just dealing with it the way I know how, and shes asking what? I tell her I like her too much and its affecting me, I drop everything for her and we're suppose to be friends so I'm just trying to focus on my work and not text or call her as much. She brings up the old "we cant be friends thing if you like me this much" thing again but I'm sure it didn't bother her before how could she not see it that I liked her that much and now that I started trying to distance myself from her a little so I can maybe regain some control over my life, I just wanted to be honest with her and I don't get it shes mad when I text her a lot and shes mad when I don't text her. I talked to my friend about her and he reckons shes got issues. I definitely know shes confused about what she wants and I don't get why I cant be like how I am. I still want to be friends with her but I cant let her affect me so much, Shes mad at me now for dumping it all on her but I think she should of known really. She says she cant be friends with me no more if shes affecting me like that but I'm sure she already knew what she was doing to me. I just had to do whats best for me and I wanted to let her know I wasn't ignoring her I just wanted her to understand. The funny thing is she ignores me a lot and I don't bring it up. Damn pretty girls too used to getting their own way and what they want from guys. I tried telling her to think about it first and we can talk later see how it goes don't rush to conclusions. She told me to leave so I did eventually, I didn't want to leave like that, I don't want to lose her friendship so I hope she comes around. I find out also today that the text from her ex was a while back I'm not sure why she even wanted to show me old text I thought it was recent. I think shes really confused, I'm confused too so I am thinking time should tell. Its not like shes totally bad to me shes a good friend just when shes bad shes very bad. I think its just her situation thats stressing her out and its affecting her thinking which affects how she is and it affects me too. ** I've tried to include as much detail as I can think of that are relevant, I hope you got some advice for me please ** any further questions feel free to ask.
  18. My method would be similar to gisellebebegirl except the part where you copy the red area. 1. First duplicate the layer then give the lower one the black and white color overlay. (You get the black and white color effect duh).2. on the duplicated layer all you need to do there is turn it into a layer with a mask. That way you can paint in and erase anything you want shown in our example the red rose part. The advantage of using layer mask is that whole layer is saved and you wont lose any pixels its essentially just masked out to show only what you want. It beats copy and paste selections because if you made a mistake in the copy and paste part e.g you did not get all the red part you will have to do it all again.
  19. I found the error a little after I made the initial post. It was because I did not give the array an initial max size so it wouldn't let me use it. Thanks for your input none the less.
  20. #LoadModule unique_id_module modules/mod_unique_id.so#LoadModule userdir_module modules/mod_userdir.so#LoadModule usertrack_module modules/mod_usertrack.so#LoadModule version_module modules/mod_version.so#LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/mod_vhost_alias.soLoadModule php5_module "d:/php/php5apache2_2.dll" the line to load php module is different, it refers to a dll file where as the rest of the modules use the .so entension. I remember on my machine it uses name.so format so maybe its the same for your windows version of php. maybe do a search and correct the path.
  21. I use the view use post feature here a lot and I think* the way its done is using time stamps. Get the last posts within 12-24 hours? I don't know there is probably some other criteria missing for filtering post like if you've viewed them before or what.One other criteria you could use to filter is have a way to determine when a thread was last active. If theres been changes to it since the users last visit then include it in your list of 'view new post'.If you can get a hold of a forum software that already has this feature done and try and replicate it or its logic. Its kind of like cheating or even illegal but they probably have built a more efficient way of doing it and identified problems we haven't yet to this problem. I remember trying to look through pages of source code in a forum software a few years back and it was daunting but I think it would be a lot easier to follow now after more experience so its not entirely impossible.
  22. First off make sure you are using the right cable, cross over cable is required for computer to computer connections. If you are using a switch or hub then regular cables are needed. The easiest way I can think off for you is to use the windows network setup wizard to get your network up and running since it basically does everything for you(You wont need to set up the IP's and network mask correctly which can be confusing if you don't even understand what they are). You just need to follow the instructions, This is easier then giving you detailed steps where you could go wrong or miss one and have it not work. I'm assuming your using windows maybe you can confirm more details so people can try help out more. Oh yeah once the networks setup you will need to enable shares so first things first get them connected. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  23. US; rv: Gecko/20080623 Firefox/" - - [03/Jul/2008:15:38:08 -0700] "GET /si/news.php?view=4 HTTP/1.0" 200 5175 "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.8a) Gecko/20040416 Firefox/0.8.0+" - - [03/Jul/2008:15:38:09 -0700] "POST /si/news.php?view=4 HTTP/1.0" 200 5175 "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.8a) Gecko/20040416 Firefox/0.8.0+" This is just 2 lines of the log I downloaded for my site.First off how do I tell what time zone is it in and is there a way to change it so it it outputs correctly in my timezone by default? Is there any other options to choose the format of it?
  24. why would you want to support IE 6? Unless you have clients using pirated windows which is a common case because they cannot legally update to IE7. I was working on a site for my friend one time and he wanted me to fix things for IE 6 and I asked why don't you just upgrade their browser to IE 7 and its because they cannot. Another reason IE 6 is still being used a lot is probably because of piracy because if you could you would upgrade to IE7 much better browser then IE 6.
  25. Yeah its some weird write / storage error. I saw a few threads started by a few other members last night and posted one myself. I hope its been seen by the administrators already or someone who is able to correct this little problem.
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