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Everything posted by t3jem

  1. ok, if you wanted to split the up and down arrows just do it just like the left/right arrows, here's the code for it. <div id="topbutton" style="position: fixed; right:10px; top:10px;"> <a onmouseover="ycurrentscrollspeed=-staticscrollspeed" onmouseout="ycurrentscrollspeed=0"><img src="up_arrow.gif" border="0"></a></div><div id="bottombutton" style="position: fixed; right: 10px; bottom:10px"> <a onmouseover="ycurrentscrollspeed=staticscrollspeed" onmouseout="ycurrentscrollspeed=0"><img src="down_arrow.gif" border="0"></a> </div> just splite the block, and change the position.
  2. Alright, I just edited the top part of the code. If you want to put the up button at the top of the screen you change the style from "position: fixed; right: 10px; bottom: 10px;" to "position: fixed; right: 10px; top: 10px;" so instead of being 10 pixels from the bottom it will be 10 pixels from the top. Also you can change the pixels to percents/other units and you can also change how much space there is from the edges of the screen, just remember "bottom" is space from the bottom, top is space from the top, left and right are space from the left and right respectively. Glad you enjoyed my tutorial
  3. In this tutorial I will show you how to create two buttons in the bottom left of the screen that, when hovered over, will scroll the page. Now to start with, we must create a our buttons, the first line will create a div element, or block. Using blocks you can position items anywhere on a page. We use the ID property just to let us know what the block is used for, as for the first block, its obvious that it contains the vertical buttons and the second two blocks contains the horizontal buttons. The style property of the div tag tells the browser how to draw it, in the first block we set it to fixed, which keeps the block in one place on the window, then we follow it with coordinates, 10 pixels from the right and 10 pixels from the bottom. Same goes with our seconds block except it is 60 pixels from the right. Now we use anchor tags so we can use the mouseover feature, so when the mouse moves over each image the image can change our speed variable that scrolls our screen. We also use the mouseout property to stop the screen from scrolling when we leave the image. Below is our first few lines of code. <div id="verticalbuttons" style="position: fixed; right:10px; bottom:10px;"> <a onmouseover="ycurrentscrollspeed=-staticscrollspeed" onmouseout="ycurrentscrollspeed=0"><img src="up_arrow.gif" border="0"></a> <a onmouseover="ycurrentscrollspeed=staticscrollspeed" onmouseout="ycurrentscrollspeed=0"><img src="down_arrow.gif" border="0"></a> </div> Note: you can roposition the buttons by changing cooridinates. Below I will split the block into two instead of one for both buttons. The left button will be all the way on the left site of the screen on the bottom, while the right will be at the right side of the screen on the bottom. If you wanted to put the buttons at the top instead you could change "bottom:10px" to "top:10px" so it will be 10 pixels from the top or however many pixels you want it from the top/bottom or where ever. <div id="leftbutton" style="position: fixed; right:60px; bottom:10px;"> <a onmouseover="xcurrentscrollspeed=-staticscrollspeed" onmouseout="xcurrentscrollspeed=0"><img src="left_arrow.gif" border="0"></a></div><div id="rightbutton" style="position: fixed; left: 10px; bottom:10px"> <a onmouseover="xcurrentscrollspeed=staticscrollspeed" onmouseout="xcurrentscrollspeed=0"><img src="right_arrow.gif" border="0"></a> </div> Now we start our script and initialize our variables. The first variable is static and doesn't change, we use this to define how fast we want our page to scroll, you may change the speed if desired. The other two variables are used to keep track of the current speed of scrolling on the x and y axiis, (x axis is left-right, y axis is up-down). We set these to zero because we don't want to be scrolling when the user loads the page. <script> var staticscrollspeed=3 //Enter scroll speed in integer (Advised: 1-3) var xcurrentscrollspeed=0 var ycurrentscrollspeed=0 our next function will do the actual scrolling. We scroll using the function "scrollBy". The first argument is the speed on the x axis to scroll and the second is the speed on the y axis. We, of course, fill these arguments with our speed variables for each axis. Then last, but not least, we set an interval to call our scroll function every 20 milliseconds. function scroll(){ window.scrollBy(xcurrentscrollspeed,ycurrentscrollspeed) } setInterval("scroll()",20) </script> I hope you enjoyed the tutorial and found it helpful! if you have any questions/comments, feel free to private message me.
  4. all right, i've been needing to start up on some tutorials anyways (OpenGL tutorials, but I'll start with this one). I'm working on it right now it will be in the tutorials section. I'll post a link here when i'm done. Link- click here It may not be up yet, as it is in the tutorials section, but it will be within the next couple of days, hope it helps
  5. Actually, from what I understand, java applets are used more for big games (i.e. runescape). It would be very hard to write runescape in flash as flash doesn't really have 3D capabilities. Flash I would suppose is used more for small games like wack-a-mole and stuff like that. stuf that a single developer can make. Flash is also used in website too; because, as you said, flash loads faster. I think flash and java have their strong and weak points, depending on what you plan to make depends on which language to use.
  6. this list is actually not bad, and I may look at a few of them; however, it would be better if you would tell us why we would want each one and how it will help us. May help us find the extensions we want rather than having to look at all of them.
  7. amazing, I thought I was impressed with you guys before, but this is just mind blowing, a completely free website and all you have to do is stay active in the forums. I love you guys!
  8. this doesn't surprise me in the least. In fact, I would be surprised if they didn't have a group of hackers attempt to crack their site and let them know. It's actually a career one can persue, hacking can bring up security holes that companies will pay you to find. Of course if your getting paid to hack a site/computer/application you should have an idea on how to fix it too. I think it is a good thing that people are telling myspace about the security holes rather than exploiting them. Anyways, good discussion though, it sounds like many people didn't know about this .
  9. The first tutorial at least was taken down. For some reason I get the vibe that you didn't create these videos yourself, seeing as we need a password for them . Anyways, thanks for the links, but like I said, they aren't working.
  10. I think its just part of their beliefs. They believe that their enemy is the devil, and killing just one of them will give them eternal life with however many girls waiting for them. Its sad that they do believe that as it ends their lives before it really begins. I remember my dad having to explain to me after the 9/11 attack how the people flying the plains hadn't jumped out of them. I had thought nobody would ever have killed themselves to do that, I know now why they did, and pray that other terrorists will learn not to.
  11. well, thats odd. I hope they find the problem, we don't need to import more stuff from foreign contries, our deficit is big enough.
  12. Sounds great! but only if your website is about counter-strike. If you have a website for, lets say, sonnets and poems, nobody will rent a counter-strike server through your ads because they aren't into it; however, if your website contains counter-strike content like videos or clan organization and stuff, you can get more income this way; although, I don't think you would be able to get enough people to rent through your ads to beat google adsense (though i haven't tried either) unless you get tons of people to your site a day. Either way, thats pretty cool how you can do that.
  13. I'm not sure what your getting at here. Your title asks a completely different question than your post. For the question in the title, I'm male and I'm a half-decent cook. My dad cooks very well and I know plenty of men who cook very well. I don't see why it wouldn't be a bad idea for men to cook. As for your post, not sure what it is asking.
  14. I turn my computer off, mainly because it's a laptop and can't be left on else it will overheat, but I try to keep computers off if I don't use them for long periods of time (for more than 2-4 hours). I was always taught that your memory will fill up and slow down your computer if it stays on all the time and that turning it off will clear it, but I'm not sure. I just feel safer turning off my computer (hardware wise). As for viruses, I hardly get those as it is, I don't worry about them, but I believe it would be difficult to get a virus if you aren't using any programs that communicate with the internet, but I don't know the exact nature of a virus.
  15. I have a '90 Nissan maxima, it has a few of my own mods on it, like I have my own paint job (mud splatter), I've redone the brakes ( loose and don't work). I've changed the interior a bit (tar drips from the ceiling now and I have trash everywhere). Also I replaced my horn ( no longer works) and fixed my sunroof (doesn't open). Welp thats my car with it's mods
  16. Well, about 5-8 years ago I would play Tribes 2 online. I was very good at Tribes 2 and ended up picking up the name Terminator, but then added my middle initial 'e' and then a 3 (I'm the 3rd). So my Tribes 2 name was Terminatore3. Well after I lossed interest in Tribes 2 I would have this name that no longer applied and some places wouldn't let me use it, so after awhile I grew a liking for my initials (JEM 3, the joke is that im a "gem"). Anyways, so my current username is just a mix of my past name with my new the 't' come from my earlier name and the 3 comes right after the 3 because it looks better there (not because i'm trying to be leet). Then I just added my initials after it . I really like my username and use it everywhere.
  17. I don't use macs, but I would tell you not to buy it. Mainly because there is almost nothing out there for macs. Everything is built for PCs first and then a few months later (if you don't have a windows emulator) it comes out for macs. Yes they do run better and get less viruses (because people make viruses for PCs not macs, not because they can't get viruses, they can) and they are pretty neat, but the biggest downfall to them is that they don't run most programs. I heard that the new imacs or something can run PC programs, but I haven't confirmed that yet. So it really depends on what you are doing. If you want to download programs off the internet its usually not a good idea to get a mac, most people don't program for macs, but if you just plan for word processing and other stuff other than games, then a mac may be a good choice.
  18. though, generally I would believe in this philosophy, I do not believe in it one hundred persent. I think the ways you achieve your money/poverty and how you act while rich/poor ultimatly determine how happy you are. You can be homeless and living on the street and be emotionally crushed because you lost your house and everything you owned because you were an alcoholic and smoked too much. You can also be a regular joe with the best friends in the world and win the lottery. If you stick with those friends and nothing happens between you guys, you are still a very happy person. So I believe there are times where you can have both, money and happiness; however, I don't think it happens often because money often goes to peoples' heads.P.S. not to be rude, but you may want to type a little better, it was hard to read your post
  19. I like the idea, I had actually thought of it before, but not really thought about actually making it. I don't think I would buy it unless it was about the same price as most showers, but I don't think it would be too expensive for a small thing, like something I could program would be no less than $50 in hardware and software costs, but I don't program all too well. I do like the idea, but I think the price would be the biggest deterent as many people would be likely to overprice it since it would have a chip in it.
  20. I used to play runescape, I quite a few months ago. It is a great game as it is free and in depth; however, I must say that the bigger games, such as Everquest and anarchy online are better, but Runescape can't compete with them as they are actual PC games rather than browser based. As for Thorned Rose's question, non-members are not allowed to theive and the PKing is only allowed in the wilderness. So no, it is not annoying. And if you were playing six years ago, then you'll pretty much have to relearn it as they have moved to runescape 2 (came out in 2000 if I remember correctly) which has better graphics and more skills. Anyways, good luck with your clan
  21. Well, don't ask her "out", but rather take her to the movies or something, kinda like a friendly date. Like Mich said, the meaning you are putting on the date is what's holding you back. If you just think of it as a night out with a friend it will be easier. Hope this helps
  22. Funkysurd, I would be afraid to live where you do. Being able to get away with anything using pocket change. As for garbage, sorry you got a ticket, I usually speed, but I'm always looking for cops around . Don't worry I don't go like 30 over or anything. My advice would try to act very sincere and act as if it will never happen again and as if it was the worst thing you have ever done, a few tears couldn't help either . Well hope you have better luck next.
  23. Happy saint Patty's day! May I just wish everyone a safe night and please don't drink and drive.
  24. I'm not sure exactly how I feel about George Bush. He was put in a very hard position. As soon as he came to presidency 9/11 happened. In these times you can't please all of the people, but one half. I believe he did the right thing in trying to find the person responsible for it, but I don't think he used the right tactics. I didn't think he should've invaded Iraq, but we can't leave now or anarcy will break out. I think he is doing what he believes is right for the country and I give him respect for that; however, I don't think he is protecting the country the right way. So I guess in the end I do like him, but I don't always agree with him.
  25. I would definitly accept the offer. Even if it was broadcasted to everyone in the world, I would accept that offer because it would save many more lives, even if the unfortunate few were mutilated. I would even accept an offer where I had to be one of the people brutally mutilated in an accident, this is an amazing offer that would save everyone money, of course it may put people out of jobs, but at least they won't get in an accident. There are millions of people in the U.S. If there was only one accident in a year with only two vehicles it would be as if there were no accidents at all.
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