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Everything posted by jimmy89

  1. I downloaded the pro version when comodo said it had a update and it looks and works really well! The small Defense+ notifications in the bottom of the screen are not to intruding but are still interesting to see whats being loaded!
  2. Does this mean that you must have it disabled only when installing new updates, or all the time when you are using .NET Frameworks?
  3. faulty, that should have been my first thought! it worked! which leads me to wonder why its not working with Xisto? It must be something to do with the server and the way mail is setup through CPanel.
  4. I seem to be getting my fair share of spam also, your not alone! I went to the website and found that if I'm using .net 2 (which I am) I can use different code. Sub Authenticate() 'create the mail message Dim mail As New Net.Mail.MailMessage() 'set the addresses mail.From = New Net.Mail.MailAddress("me@mycompany.com") mail.To.Add("you@yourcompany.com") 'set the content mail.Subject = "This is an email" mail.Body = "this is the body content of the email." 'send the message Dim smtp As New Net.Mail.SmtpClient("") 'to authenticate we set the username and password properites on the SmtpClient smtp.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential("username", "secret") smtp.Send(mail) End Sub 'Authenticate This was from: http://www.systemnetmail.com/faq/4.2.aspx yet this still returns the same error! EDIT: I attempted using my Xisto smtp details and now get a Failure Sending Mail error. The Inner Exception is
  5. Speaking of self-downloading features, I saw a external hard drive that has a built in torrent downloader (accessible via web interface) that can download any torrent and save it to the hard drive. I also saw a router that has a analogue speed gauge that tells you how much you are currently downloading/uploading
  6. Hi, I am trying to allow my program to send emails via a smtp server. Everything seems to be working the only problem is that i get an error response from the server saying The Code that I am using is Private Sub SendMail() Dim fromAddress As New MailAddress("from@mail.com", "Support") Dim toAddress As New MailAddress(txtEmail.Text, "User") Dim msg As New MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress) msg.Body = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath + "\support\mailtemplate.html" msg.Subject = "Support Ticket" msg.IsBodyHtml = True Dim mailSender As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient() mailSender.Host = "mail.myserver.com" mailSender.Port = 587 Try mailSender.Send(msg) MsgBox("Message sent") Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) End TryEnd Sub All I think I have to do is set up authentication for the server, but im not sure how to do that! Thanks, -jimmy
  7. I think the only way you can do it is to share the first connection (the desktop and the wired connection) by going to Control Panel > Network Connections > Your Wired Network Adapter > Properties > Advanced Tab > Share Internet Connection. You then have to setup an ad hoc network between the two wireless adapters. I think that then the laptop will get internet through the desktop (this means that the desktop must be on whenever you want to use the internet on the laptop) I am not too sure on how to setup ad-hoc networks, but have a look at https://www.microsoft.com/de-de for information on how to set up an ad hoc wireless network Good Luck -jimmy
  8. I am assuming you have attempted to 'repair' windows using the Windows XP Install CD? Try this tutorial which tells you how to reinstall windows without loosing your documents at http://search.about.com/?q=pcworld. If you need help on how to use the recovery console, have a look at this KB article from MS > https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17101/windows-7-system-recovery-options
  9. My guess on your other 'Unknown Device', it is most probably the Software Modem that most Toshiba's have. You can download drivers off the net for it.And as xbox said, 60% is not good, im hardly using 40% percent with media player and firefox running!
  10. you cannot delete lsass.exe because Windows requires it, along with msgina.dll to allow users to login. Without either of them, you would not be able to login to your computer.
  11. thanks mark, followed your advice and got a live chat - got it sorted out in a few minutes!Its all working again!
  12. Thanks for this! I have now submitted a support ticket and are awaiting the reply!-jimmy
  13. I was getting a bit worried that I had done something wrong, but more and more people are having this problem, so its not just me! (Not that I have been doing anything that would warrant suspension! )
  14. Yeah, same problem here as well! Heaps of credits too.
  15. According to some websites that I found - it looks like you have a virus. The reason you cannot login at all is because Source: https://www.microsoft.com/de-de According to Trend Micro Source: http://www.trendmicro.de/ Firstly, go to http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/n/MS04-011.mspx and download the patch for your system and install it. Secondly, Scan your computer for any other virus's. Also, try and not use the Internet, bit hard now that you have posted this - but the virus allows hackers to remotely access your computer while it is connected to the internet. See If this helps. Also, have a look at http://www.askdavetaylor.com/, you should be able to follow those steps to fix your problem also. Good Luck, -jimmy EDIT: ALWAYS keep your Anti-Virus, Firewalls and Anti-Spyware up-to-date!
  16. Sounds about the same as my current setup on my laptop. I get the laptop pre-installed with Vista Home Premium. It started well, loaded fast and every looked good (thanks to that Vista UI ). After I started installing programs, the usual that I have my computer, I found that things started to slow down, very quickly. Vista was taking longer to boot, everything seemed to just be overly slower! Great! I managed to put up with it for a few months, but then just gave up.I got my copy of XP Pro and installed it right over the top of Vista. It seemed like a good idea to me, but boy was i wrong! After a quick scout at the Toshiba site, they had no drivers for my model for XP, only Vista. After some digging around the net, i managed to find a website dedicated to this model and moving back to XP! All in all, i am now running XP Pro perfectly without a problem.I might go back to vista one day, maybe when SP1 comes out, or maybe when I get some more memory (I have 1GB also, that just didn't cut it!).
  17. I have found the same problem. Every page from my website redirects to the suspend page and I cannot access CPanel, FTP or my emails. My credits, as far as i know, have not dropped below 0, but they have been close (around 3 or 4 credits)EDIT: I was able to last access the site and CPanel on the 24th of Nov.
  18. I have to agree with Mark, it is one of the easiest software apps to install and you'll have a web server up and running in a few moments. Then its a case of trying each of your CMS's downloaded. If you don't want to run a web server off your current setup, you could think about purchasing a second hard drive (they come very cheap these days), installing that into your computer and run the server from the second hard drive. You would have to of cause install a second operating system onto the hard drive, I suggest a Linux OS like Fedora or OpenSUSE. I think Fedora 8 comes with a pre-installed version of apache2, you would just have to install PHP and MySQL to run most of those CMS's you specified before. Unless you have a really good computer, or heaps of spare memory and processor time, Virtual PC would be a waste of time. It would be really slow, especially if you are running XP or Vista and then XP or Vista again in VPC. It would take twice as much memory then the Host OS and would slow your computer down dramatically. Good Luck -jimmy
  19. It's all the code changes that they have made, we don't see anything different, but the entire site is running differently in the background!
  20. I have noticed that it takes a while between going from folder to folder (spam to inbox etc etc) The loading after login seems to be the same, but generally the entire sit seems just a touch slower!
  21. I Agree, Live CD's are only for testing purposes, they were never made to run an entire system of them. I would suggest the same thing Firefox said, dual boot Linux/Other Distro on your computer! works well!
  22. I was there the other day and didn't notice any different except the fact that it was slower! Google had this to say from their Blog Apparently that have been planning changes for a while, and this seems to be it! There is also these 5 new features that Google has implemented, assumedly with the UI version 2 changes. Personally, I don't like it, it was much better faster - and the new features, i wouldn't use anyway! At least there is the 'old version' feature!
  23. you could possibly run a cron job every 15-20 minutes (i know that puts strain on the gamma server) that checks if there has been any activity by logged in users, if not, run their expiry script! you may want to run it more frequently to keep the information more up to date, but that could be a huge strain on the web server, if you run it for users that are 'supposed' to be logged in, that would be better then running it for all users.
  24. I most strongly suggest to not use Microsoft Access. Secondly, I suggest using a simple php login script and a MySQL database to hold all of your data (usernames and passwords)
  25. To your side question, OpaQue posted an article here ages back stating why he had too different forums setup. I think it went something like he originally made Trap but then wasn't sure if the Trap name was scaring people off, so he started Xisto. I think it went something like that I'll See if i can find the post!
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