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Everything posted by adriantc

  1. I DO NOT say that terrorism is good... it is bad... the only thing I am saying is that this wave of terrorist attacks was "artificially" created. Maybe Moore started with documentary wanting to proove that Bush intentions are not that good and I'm sure he is right, but that doesn't change the fact that the proof is there. Remember that he only used real documents to make the connections>>> he has proof, not empty words. Don't you have the greatest Constitution with its First Amendament- the liberty of speech. Where were Moore's rights when they banned the movie. And to go further into this you should watch "911 - In Plane Site" CLICK HERE. You will probably say that is crap, but they have some interesting facts at least for the Pentagon attack. Please watch it and state you opinions.
  2. Damn...sorry for the wrong qoute... I put the mouse at the beginning of the text and hit qoute and it jumps at the end...somebody should fix this bug. Sorry once again
  3. Wow i am sick of terrirists. You would think my Country (USA) would have tooken out a lot of them. It seems like they would see all of the terrists who have been killed or captured and realize not to do terristic attacks like that. It's good nobody got hurt but I think they should really make higher security around London. Maybe they just need to be more of a threat. USA hasn't had any problems with terrists since we bombed over there but i really think we should start a security thing instead of hanging out in Iraq we should be in london and where ever other terristic attacks happen. It is unacceptable that the world has so many attacks. I really do think that higher security would help a lot. I am not with a war because i already know one dead person who i am close to that we lost over in Iraq and it makes me very sad. I am going to join the army when i am 18 so i can help my country and the rest of the world. If anyone here does not like the US because of the stuff we do and have done I will have to agree we have done some stupid stuff but it's not right to punnish us for having a retarted president. I am for fighting terrirsts is anyone else here? You shouldn't be trusting you president so much... I would recommand watching Fahrenheit 911 first and then putting all your trust in Bushs War Against Terrorism. Well, of course terorists are bad (muslims have a 14 century culture and 21 century weapons, which is a VERY BAD combination) but we must remember that this wave of terrorist attacks are our own doing (as Bush once said I wouldn't be to happy about beeing overrun by strangers).
  4. ok, so some African countries get the possibility of a $50 billion relief program. But: This has been decided by the G8-nation's secretaries of finances about half a year ago, the only thing they've done now was presenting this to the public. Actually, the secretaries said they'd manage to raise $56 billion and not just $50 billion. The sad thing: Those countries who are supposed to be in this program from the start already did so and the 20 nations who might get involved within the next few years - will have to fulfill the extremes of the neoliberal dogma before they can get some of the money. A hint: Since Argentine, the world should know that open, unregulated markets can become very instable and in the World Development Report 2004 [published by the WTO], the WTO finally admitted indirectly that Neoliberalism is not the source of wealth... I really don't belive in what is written on paper because they can lie for whatever reasons. People are still suffering of hunger while Buch & co. discuss how to invade a new country for the same old reason: OIL
  5. Regarding the, lets say, African problem, you have to admin that Africa is the cradle of menkind, and we should forget the fact that until the second world war it was a cow to be milked (don't know if you understand the expression). Also we shouldn't forget South Africa for example with it's white man who caused the political unrest you where talking about. But, you are right regarding the fact that the lack of natural resources shouldn't stop a country from developing. Of course we shouldn't let them think that we will feed them forever, but you must remember Somalia (what i know about that problem is from the movie Black Hawk Down because I was 4 years old when it all started). As it says in my bible (i'm orthodox), even if i'm not a fan of bible or of divine intervention, don't give a men a fish learn him how to fish.
  6. I once found a small test on the net that first asked you to do some math (for example 58+65=) and then asked you to think of a tool and a colour.The weird thing was that most of the people would say red hammer, so I tested it in my class at school. Most of them sad red hammer and the rest sad just hammer or a different color or red and another tool. That is freaky..
  7. I am very sorry for the people that suffered in the attacks in London, but I got really angry when I heard Blair's press anouncement after the attack. He was saying he was sorry that while they are resolving the problems of the world, terrorists are attacking London. I hate those terrorists who don't understand that this is not the way to deal with certain problems, but I also hate Blair and Bush who seem to forget that they attacked Iraq. I don't get how Blair can say that they are resolving worlds problems when infact, at the G8 summit, they manage to share their influence over the world. Let's face it...I don't think Blair and Bush (and of the other presidents) are really trying to help those poor people in Africa by solving the problem of hunger in the world. Why I don't belive them? Because with the billions of $ invested in the war in Iraq they surely could have made a big difference in Africa. But the real problem is the hunger, the real problem is the OIL... that is why I hate them...
  8. My favourite Linux Distro is Mandrake 10 (Mandriva - I hate the new name which sounds crappy). Why? First of all I'm not much of a power user in Linux so an easier OS becomes my favourite. I also like Fedora Core, but it doesn't have some important stuff for me like automounting at install. I really don't get it why they don't enable the automounting of NTFS partitions on Fedore Core. A few weeks ago I had some problems with my video card in Mandrake and Fedore Core (hope someday they will fix this driver problems if they are to really challenge Windows supremacy on desktop) and now I have given up trying to make it works. So now I use Knoppix, the Live CD Linux Distro.
  9. Riding a bike is a normal thing when you ARE NOT the President of the United States of America. But if you are the President of the United States of America and you happen to ride a bike and fall thats way beyond funny it's a tragedy... the most powerful men in the world which happens to decide what happens with lives with one push of the nuclear button takes a ride with a bike instead of trying to figure out the problem of world hunger or peace between all the nations.
  10. I want to create a new website and my question is: Can I reset my account, in other words, how can I bring my account to the state it was when I first got my hosting account?Thank you for your support,
  11. Even if the concerts had this great ideea, it is pretty hard to imagine that the concert could have changed the world. You cannot make history singing even if it is for a good cause. Like helloooooo, the americans and fahrenheit 911 could not stop george bush from doing what he did with iraq, you really think that some live concerts will... Maybe i'm pesimist here, but i really don't think us (normal humans, not presidents of states or anything) could really make such a big difference like they hope. Still IT IS A GREAT IDEEA FOR A GREAT FUTURE
  12. I like the new theme of Xisto althought it is pretty hard to be used to something and then be forced to change (even if change is a good thing). It would be a great ideea if you could give us the option to select the theme maybe even have more then 2. Anyway the new theme is nice and I will get used with is even it will take more time...
  13. I'm not french, but I really wanted for Paris to win (I have seen Paris-haven't seen London, but Paris looked great from my point of view, except the fact that it is very crowded). I was just wondering... what countrys are represented in the Olympic Committee? because if all are represented (or almoust all of them) it is kind of normal what happened... since England had a huge colonial empire, every country from it's formal empire like india, for example, whould have voted for london.
  14. You know there is one thing called parents (that is if you are below 18 years old)... ... not to mention the cables that go with the computer network, internet...If you want to put the computer into your bedroom I suggest you do it when you buy it because after you connect to internet or to a local network it will be really hard redecorating your house with those cables. I got my first computer when I was 11 years old, but my parents didn't want to put it in my room so it's in the living room. Now i'm 17 and the computer is still there. The good thing is that they sad they will move it when i'll get to college... teo more years to go...
  15. It's not just about the women beeing priests, but about the hole concept of religion. I really think they are updating religion as we speake because if the catholic church would have tried to keep the exact same religion ideeas from the Dark Ages there wouldn't be a church today to go to. Why? Because evolution and his ability to adapt to new put men on the top of the food chain.let me give you just one example. The theory of evolution...As it seems Darwin was quite right and his theory contardicts (almoust) every known part of the creationist (hope this is the right spelling) theory. As you can see the catholic church has adapted and instead of trying to deny the obvious (Darwin's Theory of Evolution) it has adapted and sad that the evolution theory doesn't stop you from beliving in God and His creation since live must have a beginning. I hope yoyu understand what i am saying because this is a classic example of updating religion
  16. I can't say I have much experience in breakups, but I can't really understand how people can suffer so much after a breakup. The 5pm news always shows people killing themselfs because his girlfriend dummped him. Besides the fact that he is dead , crying so much for a breakup is lame, specially for a wannabe man. I can't remember a girl killing herself for a boy, so it seems (even though I don't belive it since i'm a boy) girls have a better morale and they can pass this kinds of "disasters" called breakups.I could never suffer that much after a breakup because I don't belive in one true love (maybe I'm not romantic enought, but I really don't belive that much in the concept of love).Anyway the general rule is...as you invest more and more fellings into a relationship you are doomed to have a larger and larger nervous breakdown when the relationship fails.
  17. I only watched the end of the gp because there was a movie on HBO that was a lot more interesting. My favourite team/driver is Ferrari/Michael Schumacher.Many say that the rules that prohibit the teams from changing the tiers are bad. Of course yesterdays show was very boring, but you must remember what happened at the beginning of the season. When the new rules appeared everyone was happy because the domination of Ferrari and Michael Schumacher over F1 was over. Now everyone blames the same rules for destroying the fun from F1. The change of the rules from the beginning of the season where not fair to Ferrari and other rich teams, but where needed if F1 was to survive. I'll give an example from football... let's say Chelsea plays with a team from the 2nd league---of course Chelsea is going to win since it's owner spends millions of $ each day. That football match is boring since everyone knows the outcome. What FIA did on the beginning of the season = let Chelsea play with only 10 players from the start just to put the fun back in the game. FIA should have done something but not this way.Coming back to the problem of the tiers... as it seems to me the low quality of the tiers is Michelin's problem (Brigestone had no problem) and you can't stop a grand prix because 14 of the 20 teams made a wrong choice. What would have happend to the remaining 6 teams. I mean it is not their fault that the other teams had chosen Michelin. Anyway this gp will surely remain in the history of F1.
  18. I use oDC (modified DC++) because it uses hubs and it gives me the option to see from what country and city is the other user from. Why is that important? I'm on cable (in the city it gets up to 30kb/s) and while my ISP limit the traffic outside the city inside it is free. That is why I must know where is the other user from.Of course oDC has other advantages. It is very easy to use and it doesn't contain spyware.
  19. The best software for a webmaster is Web CEO. It is free and you can download it at Web CEO. It can submit your subsite (multiple link) to hundreds of search engines, you can check the speed of your page and do the necessary optimizing. It worked great for me.
  20. Well ... first of time is a relative concept. There is no time... time was invented by humans. It is much like the good and bad concept. it depends from the point of view... As time travel is just a theory (it isn't even a theory its a speculation...) you can't possibly know what happens if you kill your own mother. Some say that time has infinite dimensions and by killing you mother you step in another dimension,a dimension where you where never born. Its much like branchs in a tree... you just step on another branch. Of course that is another speculation so before anyone travels in the past we will never know Notice from serverph: quote tags fixed.
  21. My website (see below in the sig.) in done in Publisher. I really don't know anything about html (I only do Turbo Pascal at school so thats why I am programming in Delphi). Microsoft Publisher is the best for me. The only thing I don't like is that it doesn't have some good templets. And if you use some free scripts from the net you can really make a good website even if it will not be as good as the one made in pure html.
  22. I'm looking for a banner exchange program that delivers banners like the ones Google Adsense use (text banners not image banners). Do you know one?
  23. Well Microsoft and Bill Gates are probably one of the most famous names in the world. But that doesn't stop him or Microsoft from giving us (and even requesting us to pay for it) Windows (in my case Xp Professional).The last crash of Windows Xp happended yesterday. I was installing the update for Norton Antivirus 2005 and it required a restart so I clicked YES. It restarted and showed the boot screen, but then it happened...CRASH...BSOD (for those who don't know what it meens...Blue Screen Of Death...most common in Windows 98, Me...). It wasn't the first time it happend so I just restarted but the BSOD still appeared... Thanx Microsoft and Bill.Finally I tried to run Windows in safe mode with the network on but had the same problem. Also tried the "bootcfg" after I inserted the Windows Xp CD but it sad that some boot files are corrupted... When I started freeking (hope this is the spelling) out, since my father had to work on the computer an hour later I had the ideea to boot the computer in safe mode without the network connection...and after a long wait it started>>> I did a system restore (Bill Gates should give a big reward to the one who designed System Restore... I don't know what would have happened without it) and then my Windows worked again.In conclusion I'd wish to thank Bill Gates and Microsoft for this great piece of software (OS) called Windows...I'm glad I didn't pay for it
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