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Everything posted by adriantc

  1. CLICK HERE for the article! I'm from Romania. You could say why do I care? Since the USA controls much of the world economy, it makes a hell of a difference for me what happens to the USA. Well as it seems terror has been very convenient for the Bush administration. I have been and I still am against this pointless war in Iraq. Bush's new move on terror seems to bring him more and more power. It hasn't been long since 9/11, but in the 4 years since the attack the world has changed. 2 wars have started, people died and still die in the urban battlefield of Iraq so that Bush can destroy piece by piece the famous liberty that the americans are proud of. I still belive that 9/11 was at least another Pearl Harbour, an excuse for war, for oil and above all for power... When I review what happened over the years since 9/11 it seems like a hollywood movie script! Even a Star Wars fan could find some things in common. Same war as excuse, same powers granted by the Senate... maybe the same kind of outcome??? A few weeks ago the Senate has rejected a new extension of the Patrot Act. I was thinking... Bush would close his eyes, talk to Bin Laden on the phone, a bomb pops up somewhere in the USA and the Senate will accept (like it did after 9/11) the new extension to the Patriot Act. It seems he didn't have to go that far... The future as I see it is not that orange. History has a bad habit of repeting itself... Big empires and nations have fallen after a certain amount of time. The liberty on which USA has been built seems to be slowly but surely fading away. I'm almoust sure that in the next 94 years we will witness a new world war that will create a new world order. This may seem a madness, but I'm sure you will agree with me when I say the world is becoming, after 60 years of peace, unstable.
  2. Well they paid me at least 10 times and they seem quite secure. Visit their forum for some success stories.You don't have to add a website or your website into the rotation. It's your call if you wnat to use the credits or not...
  3. This is the industry of the future... Stay online for just a few minutes every day and get $ for doing almoust nothing. You're probably saying that this is too good to be true. WELL IT IS TOO GOOD AND IT IS TRUE. So where are the money coming from? From advertising, offshore investments, but mainly from other members (outside fonds... this is why it is very important for such a website to have a huge member base). Just think that once you get paid you'll want to get paid again so will reinvest. The money that goes into the system get distributed between members waiting for payout... Why isn't everyone doing this? Because (like you are) they are afraid to invest a few dollars in it... Even today I'm not totally sure where the money are coming from but it is not my job to know. As long as they pay me it's great. I won't hide to you that there is (like everything in life) a risk involved. But you can lower the risk by investing into well known programs . Of course there is the reverse side of the coin - if you invest early in a program you will be one step ahead of everyone with the price of a higher risk. It's your call... In the next few lines I will describe the programs I use and PAID ME! Number one these days is 12DailyPro a VERY VERY HOT and SECURE program. It pays members 12% of their investments (in multiples of 6$) everyday for 12 days (when the upgrade expires you'll have to wait for ten days for the money to get into you payment processor account). It has a 12% referral commision and a member base of over 100.000. It is between the first 1000 websites on the internet counting the numbers of visitors. It is also NetIBA Certified (visit NetIBA-The Internet Authority). Why is it low risk? 1) member upgrade earnings are financed by multiple income streams including advertising, and off-site investments; 2) they require that all members upgrade within the first seven days of joining (which creates a large flow of money). I have invested 18$ 3 months ago and now I have a level of 120$. This tells everything about 12DailyPro. Don't forget to visit the forums just to talk to happy members IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN JOINING I HAVE A SPECIAL OFFER FOR YOU! Join under me (send me a PM or an email if you are interested so I will send you my referral link) and I will give you back 6% of your first 3 upgrades, just to get you started. Remeber that you can invest a minimum of 6$ The second website I use is StudioTraffic one of the oldest programs out there. It pays 1% of your investemnt everyday for an year. They even give you 10$ for free whern you signup. It is so low risk because it has a low return rate (1% compared with 12%) and it also has a chain of websites that support the main website. They have for example their own payment processor StudioPay. They are almoust 3 years old and made many people happy. Minimum investment is 10$ (and 10$ multiples). I invested only 10$ back in july and I now have a 80$ member level. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN JOINING I HAVE A SPECIAL OFFER FOR YOU! Contact me (PM or email) for details Before you invest be sure to learn the golden rule for any get paid to program: "Don't invest more then you can afford to loose" and be sure to withdraw your investment as soon as you can. YOU CAN'T WIN IF YOU ARE NOT READY TO TAKE A RISK! HAPPY EARNING!
  4. Yes people do get paid every 100 years . I have been registered at a least 10 such programs and I didn't even receive the emails (maybe I received a few but not as many as they advertise). And yes...someone calculated that it would take a few 100 years for you to get some money out of it. I suggest you signup for a real money making machine like: 12DailyPro (I have a special offer if you'll join under me... I'll give you back 50% the first 3 upgrade referral commisions --- thats 6% of your first 3 upgrades... PM or email me for my refferal link) StudioTraffic Hope you'll like them and you'll make a lot of money... I did!
  5. In the West there are people who care not only for themselves, but for all. The worst thing is that we don't have someone to vote. Also corruption is so rooted into the system that it is almost impossible to eliminate in just a few years without taking extreme mesures. Of course corruption exists everywhere in the world, but in Romania it has been taken to the level of a national sport. The are people who made millions of dollars from the buying of state factories and buildings (as you know before '89 everthing belong to the state) for very small amounts of money by bribing the ones who were in charge of the contracts. If you need something from a public institution it am 99% sure that a bigger or small bribe will do the trick.
  6. I think the best thing that happened to this forum is The Vent, because every day you see or feel stuff that makes you angry and you have to share that to everyone. I think I am one of the most loyal members of The Vent... I wanted to tell you this before you will read the following...First of all I think I have opened someday a thread like this but I'm sure or in the mood to make a long search for it so, moderators, please excuse me if there is another post like this. Also if you happen to be from the so-called West (EU or USA) you'll probably won't understand much of what I am going to say just because you live in a different world. Hope you will read it all. So here we go...Today... it is for the billion time i've seen an old man begging for a penny. Of course this happens in every country but in my country, Romania is happens far to often. That old man I was talking about probably has worked his hole life and now he receives a very very small amount for money (my grandfather has worked in a factory where they melted steel to make tracks for trains and for 40 years of service he only gets 100$ a month). But in the same time, in some part of this city (capital of Romania) happens to be a a few 1000 giant million $ houses (i amoust cried when I saw them and thought that there are so many poor people in this country), built with stolen money, our money, my grandparents money.16 years ago (I was very litlte then) we got our so called freedom... the revolution... the communist regime that has ruled my country for over 50 years had fallen. Yes we've won the right to speak what we think, we have won the right to have all day TV, we've won the right to have internet and other very important rights. Democracy. Power of the people. Not True. Do I feel like I have the power? No. Our opinion only counts every 4 or 5 years for a month or two near the elections. Just as you put the stamp on that piece your paper you loose any power you had. Can I change them if I don't like how they rule this country. Of course not! Can I make laws... no you can't! Doesn't this mean that I don't have any power! And that is a good thing for them because if I had the power I'd shoot at least 10000 people today.Why would I say that? Because after you vote them (not as if you had a good and bad choice like the americans had with Al Gore...we only have a bad and a bad choice) the only thing they do is to go into the parlament and vote to increase their own salaries with OUR money or vote like they did last month to buy a 100 lamps each with a priced tag of 2000$ from OUR money. Not to mention the fact that the parliament is almoust everyday half empty (but still they vote like they were all there because one of them votes for 3) and if it isn't they sure are sleeping rather then talking about important stuff. So how couldn't you shoot them when they are wasting OUR money, the money that i'm sure could make a very big difference.Why this happens? Because even if the power in a democratic regime is slip, the people that have the power are united by the same wonderful thing called money. There is no-one that only thinks for the good of the nation, but they do think at the good of themselves and their family. This is democracy, this is why the people at the revolution died for. 16 years after their sacrifice this is what happens in a country that is due for integration in the UE in 2006 or 2007.On top of all that yesterday madam Rice has visited our country. Everywhere in the news you could read "the americans are coming!" because she came to sign a treaty for establishing 4 american military bases in Romania. We have waited for the americans since the end of The Second World War and now when they finally come they only do it so they can have outposts in Eastern Europe.Democracy is a good thing, but like world pace or the end of world hunger, it is only an utopia. Sadly most people, including the ones how rule us, think only for themselves and not for the good of others. With this kind of people democracy is as good as the old communist regime.
  7. Like many others I have saw this prototype (when I saw the show on Discovery Channel is was only an ideea, not the real thing). And No it is defently NOT a good thing, because as a new weapon they need someone or somewhere to test it. War in Iraq anyone? (of course in Iraq there was also oil).I'm sorry I have missed that documentary on Discovery Channel about the way Star Wars has influenced our lives...
  8. I have some 30$ in my E-Gold account and I want to withdraw them to my bank account! And after some "googleing" I found GoldNow.st which seems a very good website for what I want. The question is: Should I trust them? I mean 30$ aren't much for an american but for anyone in my country it is quite a lot?So does anyone have any experience with them?Thanks for the feedback,
  9. Well Happy Birthday OpaQue! If that is true, i'll have to pay my respects to you for building up such a great free hosting! Maybe you can tell us how Xisto started, what problems you faced...It would be greatly apreciated... Once again... Happy Birthday and 10x for giving us Xisto! LIVE LONG AND PROSPER!
  10. Yeah the female in the picture is the teacher, and yes she looks really really great. She even made some photos for a motocycle magazine. PHOTO 1 PHOTO 2 PHOTO 3 And other photos with her: For another article on this subject click HERE And yes... she should be awarded... it's just like an experiment in one of the science classes, she just experimentes something ... "different" and much more interesting
  11. This is not some very hot news, it's over a week old, but it is very interesting (at least from my 17 years old perspective). I just read it yesterday in the newspaper and I thought you should hear it. Yeah legally what she did was wrong, but I would have done the exact same if I were in that boys place. I'm sure most of you would have done the same, too. I mean there is the 14 year old boy with no sexual experience and (probably) the very experienced and if i may say so, very hot, teacher. How could you pass that out?!? We all have moral questions, but don't tell me you would just say 'no'. The boy really like it (who wouldn't???)... he had written in the statement that is was fantastic, so could you say it was an abuse since both sides agreed? And if I were to make a joke about this: Why would you make love with the hot teacher in front of your cousin? I mean that is really STUPID! I don't know if you know this 'proverb': What's good in life is illegal, imoral or makes you fat! So would you have done anything different if you were in that boys place?
  12. SurfManiac.Trap17.com It has been a week since I launched my very own autosurf, but it has been in prelaunch for more then a month. Currently it has 21 members and over 40 websites in rotation... So what do you think? Do you have ant suggestions for it?
  13. That is not true... I mean we have technology and everything, but we do not use it as we should. In other words civilization is not mature enough for the technology it has (just like the atom bomb... we use it as a weapon not as a thing that can make our life better). And when that happens a war breaks out and makes us learn the hard way...
  14. Well, same thing happens in my computer class. Only with a difference.... I am 2nd in the computer class (there is a boy which is better in Turbo Pascal programming), but he doesn't do anything else... he never made any software other then the programs we do at school (which are easy), he never even tried to make a website.... but he thinks he is the best just because the knows stuff that we learn next year. That wouldn't be too bad if the teacher wouldn't think the same thing... I mean she likes me and all, and I never thought anything bad about her, but that boy always does something bad (plays games during the class or uses the internet) and he gets away with it. One day the started playing some music during the class and even after the teacher told him twice to shut it down he didn't... If the teacher were me he would have gotten a small grade in an instant. But NO he gets away with it as nothing had happened.About your problem... If I were in your place I would play stupid and really seem interested in what the teacher is saying, even if you already know what he says. Only show what you really know in test papers or when he is interested in grading you... I'm not sure if that is going to work since first impression is very important for teachers..
  15. As I was watching the news yesterday I heard that someone had made a 100$ laptop for the United Nations in a project named "One Laptop per Child". You got to admit it sounds great... So I did a research with Google... The company that will produce the 100$ laptop is related to MIT and the laptop will enter into production in late 2006-early 2007. By now you probablty want to heard the specifications:500MHz AMD CPU, 1GB Flash Memory (it won't have a HDD since it is very expensive), 256MB RAM, 12" color display (you will also be able switch it to black and white for a better power saving). Well of course it is not the best, but for 100$ is great. Also its great on the connectivity part... it has a new kind of network called "mesh network", peer-to-peer, plus 4 USB. And since it is built for the United Nations (I like very, very much how that sounds... it gives you the impressions of greatness) and the 3rd World Countries it has alternative power supply (we all know amny people in Africa are starving, so they are not worrying too much about electricity). The bad news it that the 100$ laptop will not be sold (as I was looking documenting I saw in an interview with the CEO of company that is producing the laptop and he said that probably there will be a comercial version with a price tag of 200$ and some of that money will go to the developing of the 100$ version). So who will have this laptops... well children from all over the world and specially the children from Africa. So guverments will buy the laptop in huge numbers (millions) and they will distribute them for free to schools and children. I have heard that some contries even showed their interest in buying over 5 milllion laptops. They also predict that the price may go down if there are enough requests... The prototype was shown by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on the 16th of Octomber at the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunisia. It sounds great in theory, I really hope this becomes a reality, because there are a lot of kids in Africa who didn't even heard of computers and internet. For more info Click HERE or search the net for the 100$ laptop...
  16. Yeah well if you talk to them for 10 minutes you could say that they are normal kids, but I can't even take a walk with them. Of course I also have great friends (I know them since the 1st grade... 11 years ago).
  17. Yeap... you have heard right... no fancy dress (we all had casual stuff). And as far as I know there aren't any highschools in our country that had fancy dressing for their prom.I wanted to open a new topic about this, but since I have been taking about kids stupid I think I should post it here. Well what I am going to say has more to do with evil and sadistic pleasure rather then stupidity...One of my neighbours told me yesterday that another neighbour of mine together with some friends have tortured their cat... But not just pulling her tail or something, they electrocuted her on the electrical start of the stove (or gas cooker... you know some new versions use electricity to start the flame rather then matches). And after that they have started hitting her... Well of course its just an animal, but its cruel... If they were my kids I would have locked him in the basement for the next week. I heard that this ideea came from another neighbour of mine wgo was doing the same thing wioth this goldfish except the fact that of ourse the fish died... What really scared me was the fact that the friend of mine that was telling me this was kind of considering this normal. I cried when my turtle died and they torture their pet this way. And belive it or not they are 16 years old... Do you find that normal? Probably the lack of education (through force if necessary) makes this kind of actions normal. I am once again forced to compare with Lord of the Flies.. Today the cat and the goldfish, tomorrow people (you know history has a way of repeating itself). Something must be done... Hope I won't get a warn for this, because I'm just tring to make a point here...
  18. It's not my senior year so I'm going to have another chance next year. 2 years ago we had the prom in another club, a little bit more space, a short contests and I had a lot of fun. The biggest mistake they did this year is that they made the contest too long (when I say too long I mean 5 hours during which you count do much except looking at the kids on stage and as they were lame, no doubt about it, it became boring). Until I left (about 1 am) we didn't even dance (maybe only a little)... As I said you mustn't compare our prom with the ones you see in movie (or the hollywood style) as there where no fancy dressing, no good music, etc. is was more as if everyone has gone to a club to dance and they had nothing to do with the prom.
  19. Well yeah... I don't feel comfortable in parties like that mostly becouse of the croud, smoke and so on... it is also true that some may say I am a geek or nerd, that I spend most of my time on the computer. I don't have a brother or sister and I was (and am) always lonely, that is why I feel that there is not my place. Nerd or not, I have been at the prom last year and I can say for sure that things are not going great. I don't know what you understand by prom, if you understand the hollywood version of the prom, but my prom had nothing to do with that. Music sucked, the club was very crowded and so on... It didn't ruin my night because I didn't expect very much adn it wasn't much...
  20. Well 10x... and you are right about the music (romanian music is 99.999% playback and copying other songs... I almoust had a heart attack when I heard last night a song mixed with Wind of Change from Scorpions...it is far beyond bad music to take a legend and do whatever you want with it, without, probably, even paying for the use of the words and sound). And I'm pretty sure I know the cause. I like the laws and regulations because they keep everybody on track. Lets take USA for exemple which is the capital of freedom (americans are very proud for that). Well that freedom made that kid shoot everything that moves in the school... Don't get me wrong freedom is good, but too much freedom becomes even worse then having no freedom... I haven't seen russian kids playing russian rullet in school with their teachers. It sound funny but it is not! Yeasterday on the news when they where talking about that incident from the school they where interviewing a teenager with earrings all over her face... it could be another gunner in an year or two...why? because her parents probably don't care what she does...once again too much our beloved freedom...
  21. Hello everybody! I have just woke up after last night prom (no I have not drunk any alcohol because they didn't sell any). I'm in the 11th grade and I'm pretty sure that kids are getting more stupid (couldn't find a better word) every year. Why? Well it's one thing to confuse Hitler with Stalin when they asked you a question that you already knew about (happened at my prom, when I was in the 9th grade), but that year was nothing compared to last night. They have dropped the general knowledge questions because well... it seemed a nightmare for the great looking girls with brains the size of a peanut and brests twice as big as my head. Also they had no ideea about dancing after practicing for over a month and a half twice a week. They were just lame (specially the boys)... Of course the girls were great looking (in my opinion quality has droped comparing with last year). Anyway... after that came the talents part... well I can say NO talents part...coz they were (again) lame.. I can't say I have (great) talents, but if it was me I wouldn't have gone in front of the hole highschool to look like a monkey who just escaped from the zoo. Not their performance scared me, but the reaction of the audience did. They really encouraged them to look stupid. In the end I can't even say who won since by the time the announced the Miss I was soooo bored that I didn't even care who would win. One thing is for sure... if the kids are our future the future seems really dark.Now what happended at my prom is nothing compared to what happened in the USA yesterday. It was like a page from Lord of the Flies... too much liberty in my opinion... and the situation will only get worse...
  22. I can't say I have a direct experience with laptops since I don't have one and I don't intend to buy one (not that I wouldn't like, but they are just much too expensive for me). I must say I am a fan of AMD... Of course my first computer had an Intel CPU, but since then I've one had AMD CPU.Even if I don't have a laptop, I can say I know pretty much about laptop CPU because I read a lot of computer magazines. I remember just last month they did a huge laptop test (they compared around 30 laptops) and not surprising at all a intel powered one won (as much as I am an AMD fan I have to admit that only in mobility Intel CPUs are better). BUT (that is a very big but) it seems AMD are catching up and it seems that Turion has a lot of potential (much lower power consumption and heat then a Pentium M). That's why the laptop powered by AMD's Turion has ended up in the 3rd place.
  23. Well... The search worked great for me..10x rvalkassI can see planes so it really doesn't look that abandoned... This proves one thing... The Alien Are Among Us Photo is made in 2001 so things may have changed a bit...
  24. I have read somewhere that with the launch of Google Earth small communities have started to appear talking about all kinds of stuff. I've even read that there are a few communities on the Aria 51 subject and I was wondering if any of you knew the coordonates of Area 51. I tried to Google that but I couldn't find anything. It would be interesting to see the quality of the photos...
  25. Yeah well Google is winning the game, but we shouldn't forget that there was a time when Yahoo had the lead. The competition is great for us the users. The greatest example is Google Earth which was formaly known as Keyhole and WAS NOT free. Now that Google has both Keyhole the software has become free.As any good stuff happening these days there seems to be someone who wants to kill it... I have read yesterday in a computer magazine about the fact that some american senators are really concerned that Google Earth is going to help terrorists by giving them an easier way of choosing and planning an attack. Now lets be serious, do you see Bin Laden working on a computer making searchs on Google...I really can't understand how thjey can say that Google Earth is threating national security???
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