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Everything posted by Atomic0

  1. Such ancient technology. It reflects how technology has evolved over time at an ever-increasing rate. We may see in the future hard disks being replaced from flash solid state drivers that have no mechanical parts at all.
  2. I remember having a problem with my new computer before I even got to take it home from my local computer store. Apparently, the newly installed fan at the front of my computer case jammed the power button (i.e. kept the power button pressed continually) causing the motherboard to shut down every time the computer was started. It took a long while after numerous disassembling of the computer that we realised that the fan had jammed the power button, plus we originally thought the problem was with the motherboard since the diagnostic lights were showing red.
  3. The problem I find with using these types of free domain sites is that not all offers are geographically available to certain people i.e. some offers are limited to certain geographical areas. I personally Hostbidder, a place where you post and earn points, which can eventually be redeemed for a domain name, templates or Paypal payment.
  4. The legal drinking age in Australia is 18 years. I never drunk alcohol in my life and I don't think I'll ever.
  5. IF your database space requirement exceeds what is provided by Xisto, it would be best if you invest in paid hosting since your site would be able to generate income enough to support itself in terms of hosting and other costs. Also, you could use a alternative host that provide more space to host your SQL databases (I suppose it is possible to split up the table into two tables with data being retrieved from two different databases on different hosts).
  6. I am currently using 2 X 500GB Seagate hard disks on my new computer. My old Seagate 120GB hard disk on another older computer, approximately 5 years old, did suffer some bad sectors not because it was bad quality, but that it has been heavily used in its life (e.g. moving large files, installing and uninstalling programs a lot when testing software). I personally think Seagate hard disks are more reliable, but it is obvious that hard disks will fail over time and it just depends when it happens.
  7. A sound card is not necessary unless your motherboard does not have an on-board audio chip or the on-board audio chip does not meet your audio needs. Many on-board audio chips on motherboards now also have HD audio i.e. featuring surround sound and special digital audio inputs/outputs. If you are an audio fanatic and require extremely high quality sound input, you should invest in a separate quality sound card, which are quite expensive in the high-end range. These specialised sound cards have features (e.g. electromagnetic shielding) that help deliver high quality sound without distortion, although differences may not evident in all situations where audio is used.
  8. I have a Nvidia 9600GT-powered graphics card at the moment. I prefer Nvidia over ATI because of past problems with the ATI drivers and software. The reason I chose the 9600GT over the 8000 series graphics cards is because I don't play games a lot and don't want to spend an extra money for the other card.
  9. The '30-minute' guarantee sounds more like a marketing campaign than a 'true' guarantee from the company to the customer. We, in Australia, often get cheaper discounts on special days/weekends for unlimited. Generally, we find that pizzas ordered with discount pizzas have less 'ingredients' on the pizza and is of less quality.
  10. I have only seen the previous film Hulk (2003). It was OK, but not as interesting as other movies I have watched. I am more into shooting action films rather than just gun-less action or romantic films.It is unlikely that I'd go to the cinema to watch it, since I rarely go to watch movies, even if they are popular and interesting ones.
  11. I personally don't think it is wise to invest that so much money into a gaming computer/notebook that has all the latest features and hardware. There probably is more worthwile and better things to use the money on. I usually choose the medium performing hardware for my computer since I don't play hardware-intensive games regularly.
  12. I don't really see any problem with the single line of code that you posted. The problems with displaying the image may be caused by coding errors in the main HTML page, causing the single HTML line containing the image element to not be rendered or parsed correctly by the Internet Explorer 7. You should also double check whether parts of the code are compatible with the Internet Explorer, since different browsers support different code elements.On a side note, it may not be that the image element is not loading, but hidden or positioned off the screen (if CSS is used). Internet Explorer and Firefox have different implementations of the CSS specification which may have caused the element not to appear in the correct position.
  13. I started using Firefox 3 when it came out, and haven't turned back to Firefox 2 ever since. It is suspected that there are vulnerabilities in Firefox 3 (Link to Article), but the vulnerabilities have not been widely published. I believe that these issues are under investigation by the Mozilla team (Link to article). If you are concerned about security, you should wait for a patch / patches to come out for Firefox 3 before upgrading your Firefox.
  14. Cheating the Google Adsense system will simply result in you losing the money you have earned through the advertising on your site, regardless whether it was you or someone else who clicked on the ads. If you really want to earn money in Google Adsense, simply make a site that has good content and is regularly visited.
  15. I presume you are talking about linking the Xisto's MySQL server to your own website, which is possible as long as you know the IP address of the MySQL (with the credentials for your MySQL database). You just have to code your website to connect to Xisto's MySQL server and retrieve the data from your MySQL database.
  16. Flashing the firmware may cause unwanted effects on the DVD burner and will void the warranty of the DVD burner's manufacturer. Also, it would be illegal to change the region coding since the DVDs are licensed to a specific location by the publisher. On the topic of converting DVD burners to DVD Dual Layer burners, not all drives can be converted to support dual-layer DVDs just by flashing the firmware. This is because the hardware itself cannot support dual-layer reading and writing. An example of a drive that can be reflashed to support dual-layer DVDs is shown in the link below: http://www.mactalk.com.au/11/9399-photobooth-frontrow-10-4-3-a.html
  17. Are you sure want you are advertising is legal? Private servers are generally illegal as they infringe on the copyright of the publishers of the game, which is Gravity Corp in this case.
  18. At the moment, I am playing Team Fortress 2 on Steam (costs US$19.99). I personally like the comical style and gameplay, and have played 20+ hours of it. I did play Counter Strike : Source for a while before purchasing Team Fortress 2, but preferred TF2 because you can respawn unlimited times during a round.
  19. I agree that tweaking and optimization programs are not the best option, since they don't significantly tune-up your old computer. Your best option if you wish to continue using the old computer is to reduce the number of running programs at any one time (including automatic start-up programs). Another option would be to install a fresh new operating system that is less demanding on system resources that are available on the computer.However, it must be said that there will be a point where you cannot speed up your computer any further due to the limitations of the hardware of the old computer. Even most cheap computers nowadays are more powerful than older technology, because technology is growing at an ever increasing rate.
  20. Using Limewire is illegal if you are using it to share or download copyrighted material which you do not have the rights to distribute. It is legal if you are sharing your own work or downloading material where the copyright owner has given you permission to download the material. You should use it with caution, and be aware of the files you are downloading.
  21. I haven't Adobe Photoshop CS3 for a while, since I usually use Adobe Illustrator CS3 for my design work e.g. web design. I tend to like to design in a vector environment rather than a bitmap editor. I do have Adobe Fireworks CS3, which I rarely use unless I am trying out some new Fireworks tutorials.
  22. Atomic0

    Comodo Firewall Pro

    The lag may not be caused by insufficient memory (RAM), but too many background programs running with a slow CPU. At the current time, 2GB of RAM is enough for a normal desktop computer.
  23. A quick Google would show up numerous results for bandwidth tracking software. For me personally, I am using a Firefox extension called Net Usage Item (http://netusage.iau5.com/) which currently supports a range of Internet Service Providers (especially in Australia). It takes the download usage directly from the ISP feed and displays it.
  24. I am currently using the Symantec Client Firewall on my desktop, which comes as part of the Symantec Client Security package (for businesses and enterprises). I would not suggest this version (since it is expensive) but rather the retail consumer versions, Norton Internet Security 2008 which also includes a firewall.
  25. I would personally give it 9/10 since it is easy to use and has advanced search capabilities that gets me the information I need most of the time. However, it doesn't have every single feature I want so that is why I am giving it 9 instead of 10. I believe there is room for improvement for Google to develop and extend the search engine to make it even more useful than currently is.
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