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Everything posted by mojoman

  1. I agree to that its harsh, but it sets an example not to commit crimes and that there will be consequences for your actions
  2. Not really, I can't see whatever image is that for your render
  3. There will always be hard cored addictive gamers in the world, can't stop that entirely, but you can help people limit the time they spend on video games. A simple way to break computer addictions without going to a boot camp (lol ) would be to have your friend or parent, take the power cable out from the tower and hide it. Addiction gone. No power, no video games. You could do that as well with probably any other video game console to break someone's video game addiction Boot camps..lmao
  4. How climate rise might affect sea levels if the glaciers melt?Or how climate change affects the polar bear population
  5. I like the Andrew wording you have there 10/10, simpleI'd give the bottom one an 8/10, as I don't like the background too much, and its too bright for my horrible eyes, still a good sig though :)Oh u don't even have to rank mine, its an obvious 10/10
  6. Hopefully they'll put multiplayer into the 2nd one when they release for it the Wii
  7. I hate runescape. It gets so boring after awhile, and its just simple stabbing. I got 2 friends though who were simply obsessed with it, and actually payed the 5 dollars for all those extras
  8. I sadly can't cook at all really. I know how to make rice and banana bread, thats just about it lolAnything else my parents make or just take out of the freezer make it by following the directions
  9. My favorite game currently is Medieval II Total War, I can't stop playing it. I probably might move on when World in Conflict is released
  10. I have never seen a UFO or USO, nor have my parents, friends and relatives seen any. I've only seen documentaries on sightings and theories.In my opinion though UFOs probably have visited maybe, as it is impossible that we are the only life forms in this large galaxy and universe of ours. I believe the government though, around a certain time, kept saying UFOs and alien life did exist and were visiting the planet in order to keep the public from realizing that what they were actually seeing were top secret aircraft being tested at places like Area 51. Also there are many unexplained things that baffle scientists in situations that deal with supposed UFO and alien sightings. Like when they pulled small metals out of a man that weren't supposed to be there and supposedly they found nerve cells normally seen on the fingers (i forgot the full story they said in the show, was 1-2 weeks ago)
  11. Thanks for the sharing this man ! I use firefox a lot and I switch as well between when I am playing games and to check stuff on the internet. Should come in very handy to know When did they release firefox 3?
  12. Innocent of what? He killed and tortured thousands of his own people! Like the Kurds with nerve gas. He has killed hundreds of people for his own gain. Not to mention his sadistic sons that killed and raped many too for their own pleasure. He oppressed many Shi'a(sp?) muslims i believe since he was sunni and saw them as a threat. If you were them and oppressed by him for so long, you'd be cheering for his death too probablyIraq probably would've been more peaceful with less crimes committed by common criminals like rapers etc with his tight fist of control on his country, but people would still be dying by him. I don't think he had an WMDs anyway, possibly some nerve gas still, but nothing other than thatAnyway, I find it completely absurd that your saying he's innocent
  13. Mine are I don't really have a top 5, just really a top 3. I read from time to time. I like books mainly on events in history though
  14. If you've ever noticed in the commercials advertising those pills and medicines, it says in small letters to use with a healthy diet and exercise, which is literally the only thing you really have to do
  15. At the Grand Campaign window when your picking your faction, etc. There is an option at the bottom that says "Show CPU movement" I think if you turn that off it only shows the AI movements when they're doing something in your territory, like attacking a city or a blockadeYou could also turn it off ingame i think by going to game options when you press "esc" when in the campaign. You can turn it off by changing "Follow AI Movement" to "Skip AI Movement"
  16. The board games I mainly played were Battleship, Trouble, Scrabble, monopoly and some other one that I can't remember it was called.
  17. I think there are already ones, and from those links its become obvious there is
  18. I'd do it if it was necessary. Like for instance, my face was messed up because of an incident. I'd do the plastic surgery if I had the money to
  19. Looks like a good site, maybe when I go back to the Philippines I'll take a yacht ride
  20. I get errors whenever I use internet explorer now whenever I use it after I installed Norton 360. Norton 360 is ok imo, i had to renew my subscription so I decided to just try using Norton 360
  21. I'm sure you could wait for whatever paradise to come if you find your own paradise here on Earth.
  22. I personally, after seeing the trailer, cant wait for it to be released. Looks good to me
  23. They stay for 30 minutes or so, and then all go home
  24. I have a razorDon't really like it too much, but it has a long battery life
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