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Everything posted by mojoman

  1. space is undoubtedly very very mysterious.....there's obviously more to it than just a big lump of..well.space, that contains everything.....i think there is some force controlling it, though to think of it as a "god" or being such as that is imo, silly, as there could be hundreds of planets just like ours, with different religions....but i think some force controls it, as the way the planets and star systems form patterns that Astrolgers and Horoscopists can read is something that actually has some proof....for instance, im a capricorn, and 1 day last winter, i happened across my horoscope in the newspaper...it predicted a "great social disaster for you" that day....and guess what....my girl dumped me! that same day! freaky eh?
  2. DUDE! booz, for real, that is freaky...i read the first post and having that much is common is FREAKY...both on at myspace at 5 am!!! lol! Humanisfilth, you right, it's a bad idea to WAIT for your soul-mate...but what if you think you actually FOUND one? my advice is GO FOR IT...do what it takes...at least have a TRY...if it doesnt work out, then fine, go on with your life.....but if you don't have a try, most likely you'll think about "what might have happened" for the rest of your life and you'll just go mad....you should go out and find out "what might have happened" now, before it's too late, especially after that email.... things like this dont often happen twice u know
  3. LOTR certainly changed my life....made me want 2 become an author ever since i read it....that book is just the best, iv'e read the series like 20 times over now lol....its everything, funny, sad, exciting....there's imagery that a literary-type person can get immersed in, and yet the story is also so perfect that a 10-yr old could read and understand it....(i read it first when i was 9 lol)another book which didnt exactly change my life because i read it, but more because it exists....Harry Potter...i have long black hair and glasses.......so u can guess what happened down at school ...so yeah, harry potter changed my life, made me get contact lenses lol..
  4. o0o0o0 quotes! i love quotes here's 1 that rly changed the way i think about religion in general...not from a book but from the kingdom of heavan movie: here's another 1 from LOTR...simple but brilliant, almost shakespearean: these didnt exactly change my life, but they certainly changed my views.... here's another 1 i rly like, from the movie JFK (and book as well, happy, mr-thread starter? ) and here's 1 that i just can't forget, and to say it didnt would be a lie, it certainyl changed my life, in the fact that it made me getting girls 10 times harder than it was before......
  5. like i said, only enough to stop them
  6. the NAzis did discover that smoking causes cancer....but they DIDNT TELL ANY1....lol, ironic, they could have saved millions of lives if they had, which makes a nice change... penicillin was also discovered during world war II..... however, during world war 2, millions of ppl died, the nuclear bomb was discovered, and if my theory (see above) is correct, then it was the starting point for the takeover of everything by the oil/arms/military/CIA groups...so was it worth it? no....
  7. Alex, like coolduck said above me, if the pope hadn't said what he said, he wouldn't be hates. I would think if someone made a bad remark about your beliefs, right in front of u, u'd be offended...The Pope's words upset many Muslims. I dont blame them for being angry and ticked off, but they don't need 2 do something extreme, as to kill him or any sort of violence...Also, it may have been his idea, but he shouldn't have said that in a public speech...He, as the pope, should have known it would upset many.Also, Putin is entirely different...he's a Russian president and is in the subject of the assasination of a former KGB in london, not insulting any1's religion...@ johnsmithI dont think he should be so worried about his security...At his age, death can come at any time. The ones who should be worried are mainly the Turkish government, and the reason would be what you said before on the Turkish state...
  8. fighting should only be used as self defence, and there should be some rules to it.....not going "naruto" on them and punching them out cold....nor using knifes and painful street-fighting moves just enough so they dont attack you again.....the only other reason i see for fighting is to defend those who can't defend themselfand yes, i AM a goody-goody two shoes...
  9. hmmmm i had a theory like this once....though mine is slightly different (though just as cheerful and happy as your one ) the beginning - WWII.... USA, which was fairly isolationist at the start suddenly startes investing huge amounts in the arms industries, mass-producing weapons, ammo, guns, tanks.....all of which was very good for the economy, the arms dealers and oil dealers (who supplied oil for the tanks) making lots of money and becoming powerful....money was also invested in the Military and CIA ofc...making the heads of the CIA and Military happy...... also, the USA suffered very little from WWII, having no bombings, and its armed forces generally doing well (Except at pearl harbor ofc) also, even when battles were lost, and ammo got used up and so did oil....this meant that the oil/arms/military got even more money to replenish the losses! the middle...the Cold War..... the presidents, not wanting to piss off the rich oil/arms industries, or the powerful CIA/Military, continued to invest in those 4 groups, and started mass producing nukes.....the Soviets did likewise, not wanting to fall behind the USA military-wise.....and so came the Cold War.... Korea....generally ended the same way as it started, however, after the USA were pushed back to the 58th parallel, it is my theory that the arms/oil/military/CIA groups suddenly saw the profit in LOSING an over-seas war! if they started to lose, the war would take longer, which would subsequently mean that THEY got more investment fro mthe government to patch up the losses! and so came....Vietnam... the war the americans lost...heavily...but it dragged on for almost 10 years! thats a long time, and a lot of money invested in the military/arms/oil/CIA.....it also saw the use of jet fighters and helicopters more than any other war....by the way, helicopters and jet fighters use up a lot of...OIL..... and cost a lot for the ARMS COMPANIES...to make....where do they get that money from? the government, who support the war (Cos they are scared of the CIA, lol...) of course, there was ONE president who wasnt afraid of the CIA....but unfortunately, that wasnt such a good idea. Poor ol' kennedy . CIA bastards. anyway, after his assasination, the vietnam war went on.....and the military got more money....but things werent going like clockwork....the youths of the world were getting wise...it wouldn't take much to make the hordes of hippies into hordes of revolutionary soldiers...there were mass protests in the streets, the march on washington, was , well, a march on washington, even though it wasnt about vietnam.....the Watergate Scandal was also a kick in the teeth for the government....and so, the Vietnam war ended..... 1970s - 1990s...small wars and "aid"..... the arms/oil/military/CIA knew the dangers of another long-term losing war.....so they told the government to start "small wars" and giving "aid" to countries in need with arms and stuff.... now i don't know all of the wars and countries that the usa gave aid to in the years 1970-today, but i know there were a lot of them....troops were stationed in somalia (black hawk down, any1 seen it =)?) they gave aid to Iraq (yes, Iraq lol) in the Iraq-iran war....they gave aid to israel, they gave aid to the taliban (yes, the taliban, weird eh? but its true, look it up) and who got sent to train all these people? the CIA...so this was profitable to the Arms industry (provided weapons) the Military (provided training in battle) the Oil industry (provided oil for the tanks,planes, missiles, etc) and the CIA (did assasinations and trained ppl in assasination).... 1980s....the Arab Oil Embargo... in the 1980s, the islamic countries of Arabia were pissed. majorly. the USA and the west was supporting their enemies, Israel, and it was the west's fault that there was an Israel in the first place as well! Yes, they were pissed. so they decided to make the west pissed as well...by cutting off their oil supply! now..this made the Oil industries....PISSED...verrryyy pissed...pissed as in "omgwtfimbankrupt" pissed....at its worst, petrol stations in the USA were starting to put im signs saying : "sorry, no petrol available today". eventually, with some diplomacy, the Embargo ended....but the Oil industries werent about to forget....so they went to their buddies, CIA Military and Arms....... ..and so, the USA had a policy shift..instead of supporting the "good guys", they supported the guys who would give them oil....such as....Kuwait! that's right, they went to war against the guys they had once given aid to against Iran....and after Kuwait, Iraq...and after Iraq...who knows? and there u have it guys, my one, giant, Conspiracy Theory..... i also have an extension to this, in which the USA ordered the destruction of the 2 towers, but if i say that, the CIA are gonna come get me lol
  10. i voted yes.....ending religion wont end wars, definetely not....but it would certainly end a lot of them, and would DEFINETELY make the world a better place...a guy up there said religion teaches morality....yes, it does....but why not just teach morality and leave out the religion? it'd save a lot of lives, and a lot of hours on sunday nowadays people rarely go to war and violence over religion...but unfortunately, they used to, and those ancient feuds have passed down from the centuries and infest the world today, feuling muslim anger at the west, feuling catholic anger at protestant, and vice versa... (ireland)....therefore, if no1 had ever believed in religion from the start (like this topic says, see, i AM on topic )there would simply be less wars! of course there would still be wars over wealth, land, but no more wars over religious differences and persecution! the world would undoubtedly be a better place, and there would still be clever people (the ancient greeks for instance) who would teach morals, for without them how would the world survive?if any of you guys have watched kingdom of heavan there's this 1 line i really like, it kinda sums this topic up....Balian: "I will destroy the city, your holy places, and ours, everything within Jerusalem which drives men mad"Saladin: "I wonder, if it would not be better if you did"
  11. i dunno.....i have a problem with trusting the water i drink to some scientist....after all, not EVERYTHING has been discovered yet has it? and i certainly dont like the idea of drinking stuff that might have been my excrement a few days ago... and after all, is there any real shortage of water lol? id say there was more water than we want, with the ice cap melting and all...
  12. ay caramba.....ive seen this topic on every forum i visit, its saddening its silly to lump every person in 1 religion in 1 bundle, nor criticise the religion itself just because some foolish people who follow the religion choose to look at it from a violent point of view and use it's words to promote violence.... its like saying all the potatoes in a sack are bad just because youv'e looked at the ones at the top of the sack and they are..... like 1 of the guy's who posted said, "islam" comes from the root word: Peace.... another thing that hasnt been mentioned and is often overlooked is that "Jihad" actually signifies and INTERNAL war of a muslim in which he defeats the evil WITHIN HIMSELF....unfortunatly, the crazy radical fundamentalist clerics twisted it's words, just like the pope and priests who called on the crusades in the 11th century twisted the words of the bible.... terrorists should be criticised and fought, because they are idiots who listen to the imams, and i think that's right....but as for me, i only REALLY hate the imams and terrorist leaders themselves....a lot of ppl i talk to about this issue dont understand the full history behind the fundamentalism and terrorism today, nor do they understand the riots over small things like the pope's speech and the danish cartoon..... its not JUST because of the cartoon or JUST because of the speech, and it DEFINETELY isnt because the koran teaches them to do that.....if the koran teaches violence against non-muslims, then WHY did Saladin treat his prisoners of war so well, and release them when the war was over, ESPECIALLY in the medieval times, when religion was so much stronger than it is today! not only that, but the crusaders had slaughtered every muslim within jerusalem only a century before! With that massacre, AND the fact that religion had a stronger influence over people...why was saladin so nice to the crusaders? if islam teaches violence? The answer...it doesnt! anyway back to my main point, understanding the terrorist "footsoldiers"....they are, like i said, idiots to listen to the fundamentalist imams, but there are REASONS they listen to them...reasons that have been building up since the first world war!i dont even know all of the story myself, it gets confusing at times, but i can see clearly how all the radical fundamentalists got to power in the many middle eastern countries.... the full story is here. read the articles on the rise of islamism and fundamentalism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamism arab mistrust of the west started all the way back in World War I, with the secret Sykes-Picot treaty and the Sanremo conference....(any1 who's seen lawrence of arabia should know what it is, however they wont know what happened after it) the sykes-picot treaty was basically a secret agreement between the allied powers in WWI to divide up the ottoman empire between themselves, contrary to the British promises to the leaders of the Arab Revolt (which played a decisive part in the defeat of the Ottoman empire) that the middle east and arabia would be given full independance with the downfall of the Ottomans... this treaty didnt remain secret for long however, as after the russian revolution, the russians were "cut out" of the treaty....this naturally pissed off Lenin, who immediately told the world about the treaty, which subsequently caused great anger among the arab revolutionaries.....after the war, although Prince Feisal set up his arab state with the help of lawrence of arabia, the French army was not satisfied and sent their army in to depose him...now that's DEFINETELY going to cause some anger at the west! the full articles is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sykes-Picot_Agreement http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanremo_conference one of the main points of the sanremo conference, which ultimately led to all the wars between israel and the other middle eastern states, was the foundation of the state of israel....that, in my opinion was a freaking dumb thing to do....create a jewish state surrounded by muslim ones?? i mean, what did they expect??? anyway, after those conferances came the long long LONG periods of war between israel and the muslim states....in which the US supplied weapons to israel, and they are STILL supplying weapons....the palestinians were gradually forced out..i dont know the full story, i expect its on wikipedia somewhere but anyway, all of this cause the muslims to be very very very VERY pissed off....which led to the rise of islamic fundamentalist preachers, and radical parties who were anti-west getting elected.... the muslims of the middle east had even MORE cause to be angry with the mess of Iraq...and i dont mean the 2nd war, i mean the first one....at first it was alright, the US forces marched in to liberate Kuwait which was recently taken over by saddam....and then came the idiot part...George bush (senior) went on TV and told the people of iraq to rise up against saddam with US support....the people, who didnt like saddam's tyrannical rule, obviously rose up....the US support...never came! the US stopped at kuwait, made peace, and the Iraqi rebels were slaughtered by saddam.... and THEN, 10 years later, the US and UK return to finish the job!! bit late eh??? no wonder there are so many insurgents..... anyway, the point is, all of these bad ideas and western meddeling in middle eastern affairs has caused anger at the west, and those are the reasons the terrorist leaders and radical imams are getting so many followers....and now, any small spark (such as the danish cartoon) is enough to set the muslims in these countries, or the muslims who have come from these countries in a frenzy! its not the cartoon, or the speech alone, and its definetely not because of the koran, its anger that's been building up for almost a century! is it the religion of Islam's fault? no! Islam IS a religion of peace, it says only attack if you yourself are! the arabic way of saying goodbye is "peace be upon you"! "the word islam MEANS "peace"... is it the western countries fault? no! they did what seemed the best idea at the time! it is no one person's fault, but the problem is there, and it should not be solved by going for the guys with the most oil, or condemning the religion of islam itself, that will only create MORE anger....every effort should be made to heal the hurts of the past century and in doing so, stop all the hatred and anger that has been building up... ofc, if iran DID get a nuke, it would be obvious that diplomacy wont work and something would have to be done, for a nuclear weapon in the hands of an area of the world as angry as the middle east is certainly not desirable, i dont disagree with that ... the only places in the middle east that should be invaded are the places where the people WANT to be invaded, like the people of iraq did when they revolted in the first gulf war....THEN an invasion would be GOOD and would HELP heal the hurts...but going in 10 years later jsut makes matters worse..... should we be afraid of islam? NO should we be afraid of oil companies? YES ...but that's a whole different topic
  13. yes its a noob question...but im a noob what is bandwidth? ive just got acess to my CPanel with the "package 1 offer" and my bandwidth is running out pretty fast....what happens when it runs out? is there a way to free up bandwidth space? is there a way to get more? does it go up and down or is it a non-renewable thing? how does it get used up? pls help! Notice from jlhaslip: Special feature for newbies with questions: SEARCH, found at the top of every page.Merged with previous Topic.
  14. My favorite book is Warriors of God which is by James Reston Jr. It is about part of the capture of Jerusalem from the Crusaders by Saladin along with the events leading up to it, and it then focuses about the Richard the Lionheart, Saladin, and other notable characters. It gives also in in-depth look on the backgrounds of many main people during the Crusades along with a look in of events etc.. I favor it mainly because I have an interest in history, its effects on today's world. I mainly enjoy the Medieval period in history
  15. Sharn in my opinion thats not really rude, its your obligation to read the rules, and fill out your request exactly so they know what to do...They can't make the buttons if they don't know what color to use
  16. The Star Wars Battlefront II and Battlefield 2 were my favorite. Ahh GTA, I loved attaching satchel charges to cars and rolling around with tanks
  17. In my opinion its probably worth it. You got a whole bunch of new games that are for the Xbox 360 open to you now. Also, I don't think the Xbox 360 prices are going to go higher. In my opinion if they want to outsell the PS3, it would be better to keep their lower price, as lower price will make people want to buy it instead. PS3 isn't worth it until the price goes way down or you have the money for it.Are you really going to spend that much for video games your going to get bored with later on? And i believe games are supposed to be like somewhere around $70 to $80 dollars
  18. ah runescape and MMORPGs........ well yes, i agree with what most of you guys say, runescape sucks....hear now my tale of woe as i journeyed through the boring addictiveness of MMORPGs..... the beginning..... cursed be the so-called "friend" of mine who took away months of my life when he said: "hey dude, check out this game, it is so ownage!" unfortunatly, i listened to his words ..and so, Bloodlash, the level three was born in the noob-town of Lumbridge..... long did he wander, lost, picking up various small niceties such as a wooden shield, and doing what small quests he could accomplish in his wanderings, such as the sheep shearer quest....eventually he grew slowly better, obtaining no less than a STEEL shield, and going to level 10! then disaster struck, as some n00b scammed him off his shield, proclaiming he would "make it better" if i gave it to him for a few seconds...after which the he took to his heels.... then...the second journeys...when bloodlash the scammed becomes the scammer..... then for a while grief took bloodlash, and long was his account in-active...untill an idea struck him! "hmm that scammer had the right idea!" he thought.... and so, bloodlash the scammer was born! long did he travel, from falador to varrock, and back from varrock through barbarian villiage, scamming as he went....and eventually, he found what he was looking for...a warrior, in full black armour no less, and a very witless warrior he was too...bloodlash then took him to the member's gate, and saying unto him: "come give me thy armour, and i will trim it in GOLD! it will take me 2 minutes to go through the member's gate however..." and then the warrior did give bloodlash his armour, and long did he wait...2 minutes...2 hours...2 days...but bloodlash did not return... and so it was, that with this wealth, he did buy a good mithril pick-axe...and with that pick-axe he did mine rune essences...and those he sold to his great wealth...and with that wealth he bought better pickaxes....and then he ventured down to varrock sewers to grind....and eventually, bloodlash the warrior tired of bearing a sword, and became bloodlash the ranger! eventually, after much grinding and mining of rune essences...bloodlash went forth .... NORTH! and there, many a hapless mage or mighty warrior fell to bloodlashe's arrows... now, the player behind bloodlash, yours truly, was wholly hooked, and ever he started unwittingly into his PC screen, heedless of his mother's yells to get off and do his homework.... eventually bloodlash grew tired of mere free playing, he had slain the mighty Elvarg the dragon, done all his non-members quests, got his full green dragonhide armour, and slain many another player in the wilderness, with his 2 ranger buddies, irish_blood and proper_bow. so then, he did beggest his mother, and she set him on a quest to finish his homework,and so he toiled for 3 hours.....and after this mighty task was accomplished, his mother did give him a reward of his quest! 3.50 for bloodlash's membership! and then bloodlash passed the gate north of Falador, and came to the far-reaching land of Payed Membership.... long did he tarry there, getting ever more hooked ever questing to gain more money, to gain the next level, to gain better armour...cutting wood, then merchanting, then buying, then questing, then PKing....on and on and on and on...untill eventually....one day....while cutting down his 900th log of his next 1k batch of Yew Logs....he cried aloud! " death to this boring and thrice-accursed game! for even when i get my 300k gp, what then??? i will only lose it some way and have to gut another 1k logs! damn this game" and then he did relinquish runescape for ever.....and he did go to the gym, and he did work out, and then he did go forth into the huge MMORPG that is called "real life" ...and there did he score with a few chicks, and he did get slapped by many more who he attempted to score, and he did have fun, and he did do many a crazy drunken thing, such as set fire to park bins for no reason at all, and the cops did chase him, and he did elude them, and then he did score with more chicks, and so it went...... and that is the tale of bloodlash the ranger, and the foolish player behind him! death to runescape!
  19. Awesome pictures of the volcano. Hope the rest of your trip in Sicily was also enjoyable
  20. I'm not fan of Pokemon anymore, gave it up about 8 years ago But id be a gyarados, cause it looked like a dragon and was my favorite when I used to play it. Plus I'd be feared if I was a gyarados
  21. This isn't exactly the "Ultimate Poll", far from it in my opinion. There were many other great games beyond what you have as poll choices Everyone's tastes in games are different. Some people might not have any of those games, or even played it . This seems more like your taste of what you like than other people's
  22. I'm not personally against it. The water we drink is probably recycled as well. It goes through water treatment plants and is filtered out and cleaned. It should be fine to drink. Although is not always a pleasant though of where the water comes from. Considering our water comes from the rain, ocean, or whatever place, who knows what has already happened to the water, But of course the government would obviously regulate it to make sure its sanitary and safe to drink. Also your link doesn't work, it says the page was not found
  23. There was also Runescape (http://www.runescape.com/, with tis cheap animations lol, There is also a game called maple story(http://www.nexon.net/landing/maplestory/), which is played by different people around the world.I don't know if this was mentioned or not but there was a game called Space Cowboy..Its free but its a download and its 1 GB. (http://en.rappelz.webzen.com/intro7/)
  24. If there was no internet I would probably be outside right now walking around or most likely taking a nap and watching a bit of TV, or just hanging with friends
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