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Everything posted by mojoman

  1. Obviously smokers are more at risk, they dont only smoke in public places, and the people who dont smoke will always smoke passively far less than the smokers.That said, i think people who smoke in public with people around them who arent smokers are kind of irresponsible. I mean its proven that passive smoking is dangerous as well as normal smoking, so when people smoke in public they are hurting everyone who is near them.Some parts of the UK have created "smoking areas" in bars & resteraunts, and have banned smoking in the rest of the bar/resteraunt. IMO this is a great idea and should be done everywhere else as well.
  2. nae problemo and it doesnt train your skills no, but hey, when you gots money, who needs skills other than magic/prayer/combat/ranged?also if you dont have high agility, you'll have to train it a bit before you can do the quests in the elf place
  3. It's quite possible. The question really at hand is "where did it all come from?". Some substances clashed and caused the big bang, but who put the substances there in the first place? where did they come from? And if something did put the substances there, where did THAT come from? the questions will go on for eternity, as long as humankind exists Lifetimes will be spent searching for answers that will lead to more questions. So imo we should all forget about it, agree that the universe is in fact carried around by a short moustached man in a leather sack, and go play world of warcraft, like i was going to do before i noticed that my hosting credits had run out that said, here is my theory:The universe is in a ball, a big black ball - well its big to us, but there could be things outside the ball that think we are minusicle. Heck we could just be inside an atom in another, larger, universe, which is inside another atom in a larger universe, and so on.Imo however, the universe is a ball that is orbiting something. What that something is, is the thing that put the substances out there. Its obviously pretty big or the universe cant orbit it. However, the question then is, who put the thing that the universe is orbiting out there?Hey if i carried on, i could amass all the creds i ever needed just posting in this thread
  4. Not true, the guy had a receipt in his backpack. THe columbine students who did the massacred bought their guns from the internet lol and some US gun companies sell "fingerprint proof" guns to the public...i mean wtf lol, who's going to be interested in a fingerprint proof gun apart from a criminal?
  5. the book pwned! ive read eldest as well (that pwned also )film sucks.....;)but yeah, even though the books totally rip off star wars and LOTR, doesnt stop them totally pwning (ill give u an explanation about star wars if u want lol, i know it sounds wierd)
  6. yeah WoW is good, but like all MMOs, it gets boring - for me, it was the endless grinding for items at endgame. THe only fun i really got in endgame was exploiting the honor system by taking turns with the horde to lose @ battlegrounds was totally frickin hilarious, every1 on both sides of the server were like "wtf? a bunch of nobodies got to be grand marshals/warlords from outta nowhere??!!one"but yeah, i think they fixed that exploit now, with multiple battlegrounds queues or somethin, so i wouldnt try it ;)for a free 1 i'd get guild wars, havent played it but my m8s say it tottally prawns WoW ;)its not entirely free, as u have to buy the game, but there's no monthly charge, w00t!or if u are rly skint, try SilkRoad online, havent played it but again i hear good things about it
  7. i didnt say hippes were gone, i said that they arent the current youth culture - sure there are a few (like me and about 3 other guys in my school lol ), but the violent rap culture is now dominant among youths, hence the rise in gun crime in the US and knife crime in the UK.and yeah, ur right, maybe anarchists was a strong word, but its pretty hard 2 describe the general culture in that period- graffiti and vandalism rose steeply in that period, so i called them anarchists cos there was a sense of flouting the rules back then.PS:@ shadoweasy to round up all/most of the guns, the cops just give everyone a certain amount of time to hand their guns in, and get a refund. (the army could pay for the refunds i guess, would make a nice change from buying guns from the **** arms dealers. the guns that the army dont want, the ppl who sold the guns can refund.)anyone caught with a gun after the deadline for handing them in = busted
  8. 1 August 1966 - Sniper Charles Whitman kills 14 people and injures dozens at University of Texas 20 April 1999 - Two teenagers at Columbine High School, Colorado, kill 13 before killing themselves 21 March 2005 - A teenager on an Indian reservation in Red Lake, Minnesota, kills nine 16 April 2007 (yesterday) - Student kills 32, injures 29 more, and finally kills himself in Virginia Tech University, worst shooting spree yet. so any thoughts on the USA gun laws? imo its so absurdly simple, the fact that they havent amended the constitution about the stupid "right to bear arms" yet proves my point more that the real people in power are the big arms manufacturing businesses (along with oil, but thats irrelevant) - they were in power in the Cold War and they are going to stay in power for as long as they can. its totally ridiculous, yeah sure you might be able to more easily defend yourself with a gun, but the CRIMINALS can get guns as well, which makes it more easier for them to attack you, and FAR more easier for mass-murders to happen...hence the recent staggering increases in massacres lately. I mean, jesus tap dancing christ lol, you can buy ammo in US supermarkets! obviously, the fact that people can buy guns and ammo in the US isnt the sole reason for all the massacres. The other main reason would be the culture nowadays. - the decades of the peace-orientated hippies is gone (60s, 70s) - the decades of the doom n gloom anarchics (punks, grungers) is also gone (80s, early 90s) - these ppl may have been about anarchy and flouting rules, but they rarely went beyond graffiti and suchlike vandalism. - now comes the decade of the "gangsters", the violence-orientated culture, opposite to the love n peace style of the 60s and 70s. the 80s and early 90s saw increases in vandalism, which were obviously due to the youth culture. Now we are seeing increase in violence, which must also be due to the youth culture. How does this relate to guns? here's how.... the USA is not the only country to be suffering from an increase in murders and violence in schools and colleges, i live in the UK, and as any1 in the UK should knwo, there have been lots and lots of murders happening in schools in the past few years. HOWEVER: these murders are only single murders, where victims get stabbed. stabbed - not shot. obviously, if the youths of london had the kind of access to guns that the US youths have, the murders would not be murders but massacres, like in the US schools. luckily for kids in the UK, guns are illegal without a license that is extremely extremely hard to obtain so ppl, dissagree, agree? should guns be banned in the US or not?
  9. well, i hate runescape's guts, and i quit the game about a year ago, realising it for what it was: a boring, bad-graphicked grind but for those of you who are not enlightened....here is what i used to make up to 500k an hour in my latter, ub3r-pwnz0ring days its fun, and its quick, it gets you acess to uber-items, its a welcome change from repeatedly hacking at trees, or whittling bows...iiiittts.... "insert epic music" WHITE BERRIES! im not sure if they are still as valuable as they were when i played, but if they are, here is the guide 1: getting acess to them this is particularly fun cos u get to do loads of lovely quests! some of the most fun in the game imo, the Underground Pass series! Iv'e forgotten most of the names, i just remember there was 1 about some sorta plague, 1 called underground pass, 1 called regicide, 1 where u went to meet the elves in llanfar or something. They are pretty good quests to do even if your not after white berries, particularly for rangers, as u get acess to the uberpwnage Crystal bow (duno about now, but when i played, crystal bow was the best in the game) Anyway, once youv'e done all the quests, you will have acess to the elven town in llanfar, which has a bank...not far from there (use the map at tip.it/runescape/) are white berries, whcih respawn every3 seconds! make sure you have 1 cake and anti-poison in ur inventory incase u get hit by tripwires. Also, take ur teleport crystal. (which teleports u to the elf-town) It saves a lot of time coming back with ur berries. Remember to recharge it when it runs out though. If you make no delays, its possible to make up to 600k an hour! GL everyone , post here if u have any questions or if iv'e missed anything
  10. well they released the sailor's now, alls well that ends well
  11. who are "they", watermonkey? If your talking about the al-qaeda then yes, of course u are right, they are idiots who twist religion...but if your talkin about muslims in general u are very very wrong, read my post.
  12. indeed, but a lot of things HAVE gone missing....i can only remember 2 atm, ill check some more up later:1: The "Mary Celeste" in the 1700s was found floating in the triangle with no crew. The crew were never seen again.2: A US bomber squadron in WW2 disspeared entirely, planes and all, while flying over the Bermuda Triangleill get some more info soon...edit: ok got some!1: USS CyclopsThe incident resulting in the single largest loss of life in the history of the U.S. Navy not related to combat occurred when USS Cyclops under the command of Lieutenant Commander G. W. Worley, went missing without a trace with a crew of 306 sometime after March 4, 1918, after departing the island of Barbados. Although there is no strong evidence for any theory, storms, capsizing and enemy activity have all been suggested as explanations2: Douglas DC-32: Douglas DC-3On December 28, 1948, a Douglas DC-3 aircraft, number NC16002, disappeared while on a flight from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Miami. No trace of the aircraft or the 32 people onboard was ever found. From the documentation compiled by the Civil Aeronautics Board investigation, a possible key to the plane's disappearance was found, but barely touched upon by the Triangle writers: the plane's batteries were inspected and found to be low on charge, but ordered back into the plane without a recharge by the pilot while in San Juan. Whether or not this led to complete electrical failure will never be known. However, since piston-engined aircraft rely upon magnetos to provide electrical power and spark to their cylinders rather than batteries, this theory is unlikely. [13]3: The SprayCaptain Joshua Slocum's skill as a mariner was beyond argument; he was the first man to sail around the world solo. In 1909, in his boat Spray he set out in a course to take him through the Caribbean to Venezuela. He disappeared; there was no evidence he was even in the Triangle when Spray was lost. It was assumed he was run down by a steamer or struck by a whale, the Spray being too sound a craft and Slocum too experienced a mariner for any other cause to be considered likely, and in 1924 he was declared legally dead. While a mystery, there is no known evidence for, or against, paranormal activity.
  13. well any1 who hasnt been living under a rock in the UK must have heard about this crisis.. UK Sailors, while patrolling the Iran-Iraq maritime border, were captured by the Iranian navy, which claims they were inside Iranian maritime territory... OH NOES! the GPS tracking system which was on the UK patrol boat (GPS = Global Positioning System) apparently indicates that the sailors were well inside Iraqi waters, but who knows? After all, who is in charge of the GPS systems, lol? This whole thing might be a plan for Blair&Bush to save face, who knows...Blair is certainly saying a lot of things like "lets step up the pressure on Iran", etc etc. Also, look at this map: http://geology.com/world/iran-map.gif Iraq on one side, Afghanistan on the other...i bet the conspiracy theorists are having a ball right now After all, the US supplied & trained saddam's forces prior to the first gulf war to do what? Fight Iran.... The other side of the story is that the Iranian government really is doing this to antagonise the west - not a wise idea imo, particularly with the nuclear program, which is why atm im kind of partial to the conspiracy story. If im wrong however, then the UK government should really step up the heat, like call for some embargoes or something...maybe even call for a strike to rescue the hostages. This has of course happened before, when 8 marines were captured and forced to apologise publicly on iranian TV and then released, so the same thing may happen, who knows... any thoughts? is it part of the big middle east oil conspiracy or is the iranian government just being naughty? should the UK go in and wtfpwn them? Discuss!
  14. I find it sad that since 9/11, topics like this actually have to be put up to remind people that islam isnt evil. anyone who says islam is a violent/evil religion is a total, utter moron, and probably has a bad memory, because if i remember correct, there was absolutely no dispute on the matte before 9/11. The only people more moronic that these are the Al Qaeda, and other noobish clerics/organisations that have twisted the religion into a weapon to use against the west. Why cant they just get some guts - they can preach anti-US stuff if they are pissed at the US, but to say it's what god wants is just medieval... they've even twisted the passages in the koran about Jihads, though in fairness, the medieval saracens did that against the crusaders as well. In the koran, a "jihad" is indeed a "holy war" - a holy INTERNAL war, in which you defeat the evil INSIDE OF YOURSELF. I kinda wish that wasnt in the koran, its pretty easy to twist to what it is believed by many to mean today @ jon ya ive heard that one before...can you get the koran quote where it says that? thanks.. /endrant PS nice quote assasin
  15. im for it. it has bad points and good points, but i think the good points outweigh the bad ones
  16. I personally think someone should gather an army and destroy every modern weapons factory. EVERY ONE...and then the labs for weapons research, and then the weapons themselves, and then the missiles, the nukes, the tanks, the subs, the planes, and finally the weapons of the army itself. And then hire a load of blacksmiths and equip them with swords, pikes, siege weapons then,xecute all weapons scientists and weapons factory owners (heck, they are the real murderers anyway) and finally pass a law forbidding anyone to research weapons, or to make saltpetre ( the white powder neccesary to make gunpowder) weapons will always exist, but what humanity can do is make sure that the weapons in question are more likely to kill soldiers than civilians. For what medieval army that wasnt commanded by an evil bastard killed civilians? look at saladin's army...one of the most fierce medieval armies in the world, but how many prisoners did saladin kill? One. Uno. Reynauld de Chatillion...he may have killed more i dont know, but not very many at all...whatever, the majority of the men he killed were not prisoners or civilians, but enemy soldiers who's business it was to fight. compare that with today - every single modern military operation, whether its carried out by a democratic "good" country or not, is bound to kill civilians when they shoot off their bombs and missiles. and now think....we have the united nations, democracy, moral values... no tyrannical regime is ever looked on favourably...imagine how little civilians would die in wars, imagine how little wars there would be if you kept the moral values/united nations/democracy of modern society, and took away the guns and modern weapons of modern society
  17. the third one was the best!!!! the battle! the land of the dead !(forgot what its called) and more importantly...the ENDING...if you havent read the book to the end I pity you lol...it may be sad but its still one of the best endings ever
  18. happy st Patrick's day everyone!may you all get as smashed as i'm gonna be in a few hours
  19. cars suck and pollute the atmospherre anyway buy her a bike
  20. who knows, they may mistake the flour for something else
  21. Korea isnt silly enough to actually use their nukes.. obviously they are a small communist country that the US doesnt really like very much..they need a bargaining chip to gain power, otherwise they have none. however, i agree about nukes getting more common in countries other than china russia and the US....unless someone does something soon (like shoot all nukes on earth into a black hole), things arent looking swell for planet earth nostradamus' prediction of the middle east being obliterated by northern and eastern powers some time in the next 10-20 years could well come true
  22. one of the best book series EVER its easily up there with LOTR, harry potter, dan brown...hey maybe even shakespeare the ending is so freaking sad though Philip Pullman is mean....
  23. I REALLY hope Al Gore will run... the dude totally deserves it
  24. eat lots of organic foods, miso soup, organic rice, etc...and go to the gym every week simple and dont eat mcdonalds
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