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Everything posted by mojoman

  1. In my opinion, you should just be glad that you have school.In other countries that are a lot poorer, or just for people who have never had school, they find life a lot harder. What do you expect to be? An accountant when you don't know any math? In real life you need to know at least some stuff if you want to make a living.School can get boring, but when you want to apply for a job, you'll be glad you have the basic skills you learned from school to do it.
  2. About time I would say. Wonder whose the first one whose going to host it on YouTube or something.
  3. I know how you feel. I have experienced something like this before. The only way you'll get them to loosen p is to settle them down n a nice quiet place, and tell them straight forward. Doing something else though, such as getting angry, disrespecting etc. will just cause them to get worse, and it'll become a cycle that ends with bad results. As parents they should be able to understand and listen to you.
  4. I would probably first buy myself a new computer, as the one I'm using is getting old. Next I'd by a new house,and if possible a car later on. This should leave me with a still good large amount left. Next I would buy anything I would ever want. Lastly, so I don't sound conceited, I would donate some to charity. I would then just save that amount I have, possible invest on something. Either way I'll probably use it all up paying off for the car and house.In my opinion money does make you happy, but really only temporarily. Soon you'll use it up and need more, like a never ending cycle
  5. I will be sure to watch this. I have always liked his shows and would watch them whenever I had spare time. PETA doesn't know what there talking about, I wouldn't think they would have a show for him if he abused animals. Steve may have done some stupid stuff, something it was with his son i think, but he knew what he was doing.
  6. Very interesting! I love this guide lol, I can no have something to refer to when my computer acts like a piece of junk. When I used to use a Windows ME i would always get that blue screen of death.
  7. Lol this does waste a lot of time. Very fun though
  8. I would consider genocide the systematic killing of an ethnic race, religious group, cultural group, political group, etc. Mainly though to completely eliminate that group or faction by killing/mass murder. It would be mass murder, not genocide, if the people were not all of a certain background that a rival group has a grudge or something against.
  9. Notice from saint-michael: If you going ot be copying and pasting from other sites make sure to quote it. Warning issued.
  10. Here is some interesting longbow information from English Longbowman 1330 - 1515 by Clive Bartlett, Osprey 1995: Notice from jlhaslip: edit to add quote tags
  11. history is written by the victors. and augustus triumphed in his conflict with mark anthony. so it is not surprising that the historical impression of anthony has been of a good soldier, and loyal casarian until he fell in with THAT woman, cleopatra, and became emasculated, indecisive, and most importantly un-roman by adapting the trappings of orienatal monarchy and luxury. my problem with this is twofold. 1) i don't think anthony was politically inept, i just think augustus was much much better. 2) a lot of the vices that were associated with anthony became the staples of the roman imperial cult. on the issue of his political incompetence. i think his greatest moment was hours after the assasination of caesar, anthony sent his son as a hostage to the conspirators as a guarantee while negotiating a solution that kept the city of rome itself from becoming a battlefield. a secondary political masterpiece was his marriage to cleopatra. though it is seen as evidence of anthony falling impetuously in love with her, the realpolitik of the marriage insured that with one stroke, anthony gained a legitimacy in the eastern half of the roman empire that no roman before him had possessed. by marrying into one of the successor dynasties of alexander, anthony was by that of course also claiming part of alexander's aura of the godking with its religious/political overtones. anthony's court with its decadence and luxury and authoritarianism was also in imitation of alexander. and all these things were uses as propaganda points of augustus as horrifyingly unroman.my point is this. as the roman empire evolved after augustus, the rulers adapted more to the role of anthony than agustus. for exampple in the cult of the deified emperors, and the seclusion and luxury of the imperial court. for whatever reasons, the successive masters of the roman empire found it much easier to rule as hellenistic monarchs of a roman empire, than as a first magistrate of a roman republic. BTW why isnt there on the forum a place to discuss historY?
  12. very nice m8!ill bring some more later on
  13. I just posted this story on my site and thought you guys may enjoy reading this, too. When I was a university student I was driving a bike. Pretty good bike out of what was available at that time in the Soviet Union. It was Jawa 350/360, Czech made with whopping 18 hp 350 cc two-cylinder two-stroke engine. Well, it still was able of making something around 110-120 km/h (70-75 mph) on a highway if you gave it enough room to accelerate. Beautiful bike, btw, they just don?t make such sexy ones any more? At some point I got interested in motocross, and joined my university motocross club. They had cross bikes, and they held regular training and competition events. I did attend a couple of training events; they were held at some dirty track in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by construction sites and deserted areas. To get there one had to use a few miles of semi-finished non-marked two-lane access road paved with concrete slabs. Once I was heading home after a pretty good training session, all heated up and excited, and of course I was demanding from my bike all what it could give me and then some more. Riding down this access road on a full throttle, I approached a van that was moving a tad slower than me. Sure enough I moved to the left lane and started to pass it. At that small speed difference passing takes quite a while, but I knew the road was not busy at all, it was straight and visible for a few miles ahead, and I did not see any vehicle approaching, so I was pretty confident I had enough time to complete the passing. When I was moving head to head with the van, something ahead caught my attention. I could not really tell what it was at the moment, just some kind of a slight shadow in my lane ahead of me. A few moments later I realized I had a serious problem to deal with. There was a steel wire concrete enforcement frame completely blocking my lane. It was made of wire about finger thick, it was about half a foot to a foot high, and it was positioned at an angle to my direction. It?s amazing how fast brain starts to work when one is faced with a grave danger. In those one or two seconds or may be even less ? I really did not have time to turn the stopwatch on and off ? I performed quite an amount of analysis, made my decision and planned and implemented the way out. And I still had time for some thoughts about life and death and what is going to happen when one dies. My options were scarce. In fact, I did not have any option at the first glance. I did not have time to complete the passing and to move back to my lane. I did not have time to brake and move back to my lane behind the van. Outright braking was not even an option. Turning off the road was not really possible because of all the construction garbage on almost non-existent shoulders and behind ? don?t forget, my speed was at least 60 mph. Being forcefully thrown under the van and having my body parts spread all over the road was not a viable option either. I decided to try and jump the frame over. It was not an easy task, but at least I had a chance ? and appeared that this chance did play out. I guess my decision was heavily influenced by the motocross training session I just had, too. Those who drive bikes know that it?s pretty easy to lift the front wheel at low speeds, even on such a weak bike as I had. It is a *BLEEP* to do, however, when you are already at about the maximum speed for your bike, because you really don?t have any spare torque left. So, I had to figure out how to lift my front wheel enough to not get stuck in the wire frame and to spring over it, giving an impulse to the whole bike, and then the rear wheel would take care of itself. I believe this would have been a hard task even for specially trained people to coordinate all the things as I did. Such events make me thinking there is really something above us that takes care of our lives, because despite of my several years of bike driving career to the point, by no means I was skilled enough for the task. Suffice it to say I never ever lifted the front wheel at speeds higher than 10-15 mph. Luck had its place here, no doubt. While approaching the frame, I simultaneously dropped the gas and moved my weight to the front wheel as much as I could, causing my front suspension to compress. When the suspension started to expand, I gave it the full throttle and moved my weight as far back as it was possible, pulling the handlebar up and pushing on the footboards down. The front wheel hit the wire frame while lifting off the ground, and before I new this I went airborne. Now it was when I really appreciated the skills I acquired during motocross training sessions, where jumping with your bike was just a routine event! I was able to stabilize my bike in the air and to land on both wheels, rear wheel touching the ground a tad before the front wheel, both wheels aligned with the direction of movement. It was a perfect landing, all by the book, and anything less than perfect at that speed would have thrown me off the road together with my bike. Well, then I stopped on the shoulder and spent there some time with shaking hands and rambling teeth, all covered with a cold sweat, picturing my body parts all over the road? And I was going way below speed limit on my way home that day?
  14. This is an interesting video... on a website. I don't know how to juxtapose the video onto here so I'll give a website address: http://www.wrightspeed.com/ Just click on the link that says "Watch the TV news story about the race." What do you guys think about this little electric car?
  15. Hi - My cousin has a 68 Coronet Superbee. I dont know much about these cars at all and it just kind of "fell" into his hands. Not much of an interior, but a perfectly straight body and a clean running 440. He's not computer savy but I want to help him out by being his link to the online world of muscle cars, something he's not familiar with at all. We all know the advantages of internet communities when it comes to cars and modding and whatnot. I've searched but cannot find any large online communities dedicated specifically to this era/genre/make of cars.Any help?PS - He's looking for subframe connectors.ThanksAndy
  16. I'm interested to know everybody's favorite WW1 poem or who their favorite poet was. Just about everyone has heard of Sassoon, Owen and McCrae and being from Australia, I have a soft spot for Leon Gellert, and they all deserve recognition for their wonderful work. But very often a single poem from a lesser known poet seems to strike a chord with a particular reader and I think it would be a good idea if we could share all these poems with each other. I have to say that my favorite poet is Wilfrid Gibson. I find his poety stark, cold and fairly confronting in it's simplicity and I think this echoes the suffering of the ordinary footslogger. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Quote tags please
  17. Whats your favorite strategy game? Tell me our opinions about what strategy games offer. All time favorite is AoE and Ceaser IV, rate it, how is it.. MY OPINION: The only game I know I want is Europa Univeralis III. It's been a long time since EU2 came out, and I still play that on occasion. It's due out at the end of January. EU2 was complicated for lots of people. You can play it many times and learn something new each time. Ton and Tons of replay value. So many countries to choose from, yet even picking the same country time after time can still be a very different game each time. The new EU3 is supposed to be easier to understand for newcomers, more intuitive, all the options "nested" instead of thrown at you. But it's still supposed to keep the depth of gameplay that I love http://www.gamespot.com/pc/ QUOTE -Army wups *bottom* (big battles hundres or thounsnads of dead.) -Empire building. (economy, science, religion, building and sutff.) -Game play. It has all of those things except you don't have battles like in MTW. The battles work themselves out as you play, no tactical battles. It could easily be a turn-based strategy like the Civilization and MTW games, but instead it's a Real-time Strategy (not at all like AOE3, but more like an empire board game) where days pass constantly and there's no "end turn" button. It's more realistic than those 2 games as well. Taking land and becoming a huge empire is no easy task. In MTW, once you get strong, there's nothing stopping you. In EU3, there's plenty of game mechanics that make being one of the big boys difficult. There's no micromanagement like civilization and other turn-based games. Everything choice you make is pretty significant for how you progress. It's very in-depth. There isn't as much "building" (which is more micromanagement most of the time), but the economy, religion, diplomacy/relations are much more involving and the AI is much smarter and relentless. Even if you are much more powerful than another nation and able to take all their land if you wanted, the game mechanics make it so that there are plenty of reason to not just go and take over the nation. It could end up hurting you. QUOTE Age of Empires III (rate it. / How is it?) Ceaser V (rate it / how is it.?) I played AoE 2 a lot online. It was fun like all of those other RTS games like Command and Conquer, etc etc etc... but after a while, that gets old. It seems outdated to me. I think there are better games than that. I saw some very nice, realistic looking RTS games in that PC games thread. I have Caesar III. It's a pretty good game. I like those kinds of games, like sim city and other city building/management games. I don't know what C5 adds to the game...
  18. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ my opinion: first off about the conference, it is mainly just propaganda by iran not only to get their citizens and the people of the world off thier faults, like i think Julius said, but also to get more and more arabs to hate Jews and Israel so that way Iran can fofill their prime objective. Whipe Israel off the map. They want to start a war with Israel because they know that we back them, and if they attack Israel then we will go to war with Iran. But with all the nuclear enriching they are doing in Iran, they are waiting until they are capable to make a true nuclear bomb and will attack us with one, effectively started another World War. Did you know that about 30% of the population in Iran believe that Israel planned and commited 9/11 so that way we would attack Iraq and Afghanistan as a result? but when you think about it, that isnt that bad, because about the same amount of population in America believes that the government commited 9/11 on our own country, so that way we could go to war for oil, or for other reasons. Which btw if you believe that, how could such a HUGE thing stay quiet in America, everything gets out some how, all you need is enough money. Also, i think Israel could hold off an attack from the surrounding countries quite well. Im not sure which war it was, but it was Iraq, Syria, and Egypt against Israel, and they won the war with ease, despite the fact that they have about 1/3 the amount of troops Iraq, Syria, and Egypt had combined... without our help too.
  19. welll........wow, there's a lot of things rly, isnt there....1 thing, u guys are talkign about artificial objects and works of science but what about inventions of humanity?what about "humanity" itself? Compassion and feelign and stuff? those are things of Man are they not? i'd say those are the greatest things man ever made im a goody-goody, oh yes
  20. lol i thought i was the only 1 who did that...... my weight is kinda normal...i eat healthily usually, my mum is a total healthy-balanced-diet-fanatic however,when i was on WoW (world of warcraft) one of the people in my guild said he lost 10 pounds after playing WoW for a month! he then said that the perfect method of dieting is a challenge to get to level 60 in 3 months i h8 WoW now, and i dont play it cos its so damned addictive, but i can see what he means...the longer u play, the longer u forget about eating, even if your hungry! if any1s seen the PurePwnage episodes (http://www.purepwnage.com/) then remember this line "yah, so i was like, don't you want anything to eat? you havent eaten for 3 days....and then he was like 'well, my spirit is so high, im just gonna sit here and regen!'"
  21. unplugging your PC wont help.....you'll just keep thinking about it, and then you'll eventually give up and plug it back in again lol..... imo, here is the perfect, complicated way to do it:first, unplug your computer....then, take the wire and go to the post office......then, put it in an envelope and send it to yourself!it'll take at least 1 day to get back to your house, and by then you could easily have done all of your homework! pwned!
  22. Recent government figures have placed the cost of the UKs Olympic Games at ?8,000,000,000. 8 BILLION pounds. or 13 BILLION dollars US. Given that we have a housing crisis an underfunded Health Service, no room in our prisons and that we cannot seem to equip our army properly even though it is FIGHTING A WAR. Do we think that this money is well spent?? I say hell no. People seem to think that the revenues raised by the games will more than make up for this outlay. Wrong. All the money from visitors will go into the local economy of London, fantastic if you live in London, ask countries such as Korea what happened to all the facilities they built for the games. 2 Billion is being spent on "redevelopment" of the areas around the new stadia. Great that will really help those of us in Yorkshire, 300 bloody miles away. Oh, we forgot that those figures dont include security.I say make London pay for the games as no-one else in the country will see any benefit for the ?113 per person that we will spend on the Olympics. The Chancelor has just announce a raise in fuel duty of 5p a litre (Americans, take note of the next figure) bringing the cost of petrol to 93p a litre ($1.70c). Now the government says this is to protect the environment. I drive 16m a day to work. If petrol costs ?5 a litre i will still have to drive 16m. Co-incidently the government has also announced an increase in the amount of money given to schools. So my fuel tax is paying for education. Fine, no problem. However, i can find you ?8 BILLION to invest in education. Oh can we also have back the ?400,000,000 that you spent on the Scottish Parliament building and the ?900,000,000 you spent on the Millenium Dome?I am really glad that i will spend ?113 to watch the Ladies 10meter air pistol. Given that i have already spent ?113 does this mean that i can go watch the events for free? Oh yeah i forgot no-taxpayers which increases my overall contribution to about ?150. YAY!What really gets to me about the government is that its lies are so stupid that they would not fool, Dumbo, Head of the Guild of Village Idiots. In England we have a tax called VAT, Value added Tax. A tax that is supposed to be levied on luxury items. If you notice the vast price difference between adults and childrens clothing this is due to VAT as, obviously, me having underpants and shoes is a luxury!If Tony Blair said "Sorry, we are raising fuel tax to invest more money in the health service" fine, no problems. Dont insult me by saying that it is for the "environment" that's my rant discuss...
  23. heck! imo ALL schools are corrupted....but mine, yeah its pretty bad.....our teachers keep on giving us extensions for coursework, and giving us "advice" (basically, they do it dor us lol)it seems that all most teachers care about nowadays is getting good grades, good grades, good grades...not about "teaching" at all...1 funny incident i remember though, this aint exactly on topic but its hilarious....my history teacher made the mistake of telling us that if all his class passed with good grades he would get a pay rise at the ened of the year.....and then 1 guy...failed on purpose.... it was classic lol....
  24. lol yeah....i think banning drugs isnt really the answer.....look at prohibition in the 1930s, the statistics showed that there were actually MORE illegal pubs then there were legal pubs before the prohibition!i expect its the same now, lots of big rich drug lords making lots of money, more than they would if it was legal!I think people should be responsible enough not to take drugs without it being illegal....if they stop, then its because they really really want to, and the law wont stop an addict, he'll alwways find some way to get more, the only person that can stop him is himself....seeing as im an avid conspiracy theorist, i believe the government is behind it, creating "evil drug lords" as a "bad guy" for the public to hate, while they get away with murder and stealing other ppls countries and stuff who knows, they may flood the streets themselves to keep the public hooked so they dont rise up in revolution against the evil borgouis! ok, ignore the last paragraph, like i said im a conspiracy theorist...
  25. despite my posting above there about evil big industries controllign everything (and i still stand by that) I also think that war can sometimes be neccesary..... not war exactly, but evil.....evil must always come about, or humanity would destroy itself....there has to be uprisings of evil to remind us why we have to be good and why violence is bad..... look at the US and UK right now....war hasnt truly affected these 2 countries for over 50 years...and look at the youth culture changes..... post WWII...peace-loving hippies 1980s/90s.....punks,grungers, anarchy, ppl who fight the law for fun late-90s-today.....chavs, people who fight any1 /b] for fun and think guns are cool see the changes in culture as the west begins to forget how wars feel like? evil and wars must always return, or the world will be the worse for it..... cheerful, aint i?
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