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Everything posted by mojoman

  1. Maybe its interesting. But does it really serve the purpose of the history lesson? If you read and learn about something that never affected your own countries history, never affected your ancestors? The students might ask themselves why they should learn that. And the important things of your own countries history could fade into the background...
  2. Lol, no I dont think I'd agree in seeing our history written by the Swiss (especially since there are quite a few national tendencies and movements there lately). Back to topic: what do you think about the quote of Alex Haley (I think, but often used elsewhere too) in that case: "History is written by the winners." How to unify the history if you have lost a war in your own countrys history for example? There are still too many past happenings where different countries have a different view at (as an example: the turkish genocide with the kurds... Turkey still dooms the western world's view on it. Well, for God's sake turkey is not in the EU yet...).
  3. Oh, I did not know that they are using mercury. Thats pretty useless of course if you save the climate but destroy the environment... --- Australia is one of the countries with the highest carbon dioxide ejection from what I know. If they eject billions of tons every year (I dont know how much exactly) and save just a few tons by using fluorescent bulbs, does it really matter? Shouldnt the government rather force the industry to eject less carbon dioxid and force them to produce products that needs less current? Mhmm - I do not think its senseless of course. But imho the government should not sit at their fat asses (sorry for that language ) and think they're fine because they forbade light bulbs. They should act more, be more active in protecting the climate... Well, this is still a good start...
  4. lol I'm glad that you have the same opinion as me. We do already have quite an overpopulated world. But if every country wants to win the "mass-populating-fight" and if every government gives prizes for childs that are born at the national day we would have reached the limit of overpopulation very soon. Like delivi said: There would not be enough land and places to live, not enough food etc.But I still think we should not overestimate this. This governor Sergei Morozov is probably just leading a small state of russia and it's nothing serious...But who knows...^^Edit: @9block: You have some good points. But I have a little problem with "Two" - the multiculturalism. I do not believe that the russians really want to have that. I heared that russia is afraid of the chinese growth in population. Across the russian-chinese border yearly thousands of chinese are immigrating. While china does not care about that (a few tenthousand people more or less - who notices that if you have a population of 1,3 billions) russia is really feeling it like an invasion because of its few inhabitants...So I guess russia rather would like to have "real russian" babys instead of multicultural immigrants...
  5. I got to conduct a presentation about the ban of light bulbs in Australia. Untill 2010 the government wants to forbid them to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ : For my presentation I would like to have some opinions about this issue. What do you think about the effect of this ban? Is it just political dazzlement or does it really help and is a step into slowing down the progressing climate change?
  6. http://www.couriermail.com.au/nocookies What do you think about that? Is it too patriotic or would you do the same for your country (lol at the second option)? Or do you think it fits into the russian mind?
  7. As you probably know, European Union wants to introduce universal history handook for all students in countries that belong to EU. In may 2007 there was a big debate about it on some meeting and Polish minister of education as the only one, criticized the idea. He is some kind of nationalist but this is not the point. The point is - do you think that it is possible to create the same handbook for all European countries keeping in mind their completely different histories? Do you think that is is possible to make a list of most importan events in European history that could be accepted by all countries? Do you think that, in example, British major historical events are the same that could be applied to, let's say, France?I willl not tell you my own opinion for a while. At first I'd like to know what you are thinking about it...
  8. Yes, aliens are an interesting idea. But there are so many speculative or alternative theories and yet none is really convincing in my opinion...
  9. LoL I generally dont like IKEA that much. I was with my grandma there once and it took about 4 hours till we went out again... I nearly died because of my boredom...
  10. Oh yes I know that. I'm in Germany and some movies take several months to get released here. I remember some Jackie Chan movie that got released about 6 months after I have seen it in South America on VHS o_0
  11. I think my favorite one is the main character of mafia... I dont remember his name though. Mafia was one of the games with the best story anyway.Also cool is Max Pain. Even though I never completely understood the entire story =)
  12. Mhmm... I'm basically playing Battlefield 2 the last weeks. But sometimes I do still play "Medieval II Total War" and the expansion "Kingdoms", which is one of the best game I've ever played. But as I have played it nearly 400 hours this year it becomes a bit boring lately Btw. if you wonder what Medieval II is, watch this little video done by me which gives a nice impression of the game I think.
  13. I've played Wii twice: once I played Need for Speed (Carbon I think) and I got to say that I was stunned by that way of steering. It was a cool feeling.But when I played some tennis I wondered how you can develope such a bad game nowadays^^ The graphics was laughable and I wondered what the developers wanted to be the exciting element...However, I'll never buy a console and especially the Wii is not worth the few money I got. I'd rather upgrade my PC and buy some rts games
  14. Its not really eating that much ressources. Usually about 10 mb ram, if I remember right (at least less than IE) and I think your ram will survive that. I dont actually know what Adblock Plus is, but Opera has a popup blocker and a option to block specific images from websites...
  15. I use the lastest Opera too. It has great features and it usually takes less than five seconds from opening Opera to read a forum logged in
  16. I do completely agree with heavensound, that none may take anyones life. Murder and child rapist etc. should get jailed for their whole life, the best thing would be to get them into psychotherapeutic observation or something similar. THey could rather work in camps, observed. But why should you kill them? You would be as bad as the defendant himself. Well, that is just my opinion...
  17. Well, as I just finished my licence I dont really care that much about it anymore. There really are reasons for and against, thats right. The accident statistic shows that the most accidents with resulting in death are happening untill the age of 22 or so.But of course it is cool if you can drive with 16. You just gotta be careful. And the fewest kids are careful
  18. Wow. I would never "sell" my pinky or something else like that. Not even for 50 million or more. I mean you will stay as a cripple for your whole life. Maybe 60 years or longer you gotta life with that. I'd rather do something very painful for money instead of being crippled my whole life.And about undrinkable water: it depends of what it really does with you. If you become sick for just a week (I mean very sick) it might be ok (if you get a good amount of money). But if it will affect you your whole remaining life I would not do that.
  19. uhhhh no. Too much work for a large site like this, and I'm admin of a forum already, so technically thats a moderator with extra editing rights
  20. Totally Impossible, i really doubt that there are that many whales. If there were, we wouldn't be trying to save them. THere are a thousands insect species in the world and millions of them. If there were huge amounts of whales that big, there should be at least one case of it washing up on shore as a dead carcass something. Whale's are mammals, they need to come up for air sometime. Next time, a little more support for your "theory" would be a lot better. Scientists have only explored less than 1% of the ocean's bottom. I believe their are creatures down their that may be very big, and may date back to prehistoric times, as their are fishes thought to be extinct that instead went down to the deep and adapted. blah, hes not even posting any responses to support his "thoery"
  21. Fully clothed usually, if its hot i just wear shorts and a tshirt or something.
  22. I think the point is this:Just try your best. Nothing to do with 2% or 1 billion percent
  23. Mich: 1Cash: 2Damn I forgot to enter this one
  24. mojoman

    My Braces

    You'll get used to it after a few days. When I got braces in 6th grade it was annoying for the first 3 days. The pain was unberable, I couldn't eat my sandwhich for lunch Didn't they numb your teeth? Thats what they did with my tooth when I had to get it out since it was a baby tooth blocking the adult tooth (looked really weird when u smiled). The numbing lasted for an hour or two, and when i was in the dentist office while he was talking, i started drooling randomly and i couldnt stop it lol Toothbrushes are a very dangerous weapon. You can easily poke an eye out if your not careful! Luckily i got my braces off 1-2 yrs ago, and my teeth were beautiful of course
  25. Video games aren't a waste of time. You can play video games all day but still be fit as long as you manage your time. Video games are for entertainment. If you really want to get rid of video games, your gona have to get rid of an entire industry and make thousands of people lose their jobs.
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