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Everything posted by KansukeKojima

  1. oh crap... I didn't see his post... dang it... lol!
  2. Is your name miles?I looked at the hidden thing in your signature it saidThe Four Aspects of MeKobra - My Evil SideSmithy - My Good SideLardman - My Lazy SideBacon Boy - My Gluttonous SideSo I searched Smithy on the roster section of the website,I found the name: N4W SMITHYthen I went to the forums page, and looked at the bottom. There was a chart that said: N4W SMITHY, and beside it, it said your name: Miles.Am I correct?
  3. Dude... that is just sick... lol I mean... I suppose its a little more of a hands on learning environment... but... dude... thats just screwed up Also, I'd like to note that most teachers aren't 20-25 year old hotties.. hahahaha I'm sure that if they were, my friends wouldn't miss as much school....
  4. http://www.wtsp.com/ Honestly... that is utterly retarded I mean seriously, he does a slight-of-hand trick to entertain his students before a lesson, and BOOM, he ends up losing his job? There is something seriously wrong with people, when something like that gets you fired from your job. It would appear they accused him of poor performance ( ) in order to cover up their initial reason for firing him... which is mighty stupid...
  5. To my knowledge, this was never in a news article. One of my friends had seen it on the television.
  6. Hello everyone! Alright, I'm not sure exactly when this happened but it was on some divorce court show or something like that a little while ago, and seriously, it is hilarious. Alright, so this guy was cheating on his wife right. She wasn't aware of it at the time. One day, he gets a girls phone number, but he can't store it in his phone (his wife may check it), and he can't find any paper to right it down on. So, what he decides to do, is write the number on his WALL in his BEDROOM! He wrote it with a nice bold black marker! For a day or two, no one knew why it was there, but then his wife phoned it one day, and found out it was another woman! Some days... I think I'm stupid... but this just takes the cake...
  7. Although, I am not super familiar with that area of scripture (though I do vaguely remember it), its quite clear that Jewish Law wasn't always in line with what God says is right. If my memory serves me correctly, God never gave that decree, rather it was made by man. Although... thats as best as I can remember...
  8. I would certainly hope so.... That is just screwed up... lol And if it was an actual man, it wouldn't even be possible since he wouldn't have the correct organs. The baby couldn't survive... naturally (as natural as that gets). It would have to be fed with tubes from a machine, etc.
  9. Now the question is: where do you live, because, you may be biking on the wrong side of the road
  10. w00t! its finally working now! Yay.... it was especially sucky for me, since someone spammed some pornography ads into my shoutbox, and I couldn't get into phpmyadmin to remove the posts.
  11. Uh-oh.... he is going to be very mad when I tell him this....
  12. Well, that would certainly be very interesting to see how it turned out. Seriously though, I'd say don't screw around with the way God has set things. After all, He made it, and said that it was good. There could be many unforeseen consequences of this (especially if the 'humanzee' was somewhat as intelligent as a human).And also, using them to harvest organs, that is kind of sick. I mean really, breeding an interspecies animal is screwed up enough, but then killing it to harvest organs? Well, I guess it'd be similar to raising cattle, but still... and if the 'humanzee' did have some sort of human-like intelligence, well... I don't think that would go to well.
  13. Some of you may be disappointed. My brother recently purchased this game, and apparently:-There is only 30 Races in career mode (or whatever its called)-There are only 60 different cars...This is according to my brother though... so it may not be true
  14. Well, now that I think on it... I'd like to die listening to some of my favorite \m/metal\m/
  15. This has to be one of the most morbid topics I've seen on the trap before... lolUhhh... well... I don't actually really care how I die... it doesn't really matter to me, but what comes after death does
  16. dude.... what the hell.... that is the most retarded thing I have heard all day... Anyways.... I'll give you a 7/10... you definitely need a border around your sig...
  17. Ok funny part one: He ripped up his test... which needed to be given back to the teacher afterwards. Ok funny part two: He tried to fix it with tape... that he decided he was just going to steal from our teacher, so that our teacher didn't know he took it from the desk when he wasn't looking.... I pointed out it would obvious that he stole the tape because the tape would be on his test, and our teacher would notice his tape missing.... but it was too late... he had already started taping up his exam...
  18. You're asking what? Well, let me explain.Today our teacher handed our recent Math Exams back to us, so we could go over our mistakes, etc. Well my friend (sitting two desks behind me) was very disappointed to receive a very low mark on his exam. Anyways, he decided to rip his entire exam into three pieces. After he was done, my other friend (sitting one desk behind me) decided to break the terrible news to him: 'You know, our teacher takes the tests in again after this...'My friend that ripped up his test, just started laughing at himself. Then he started wondering how he could possibly fix his test, especially so our teacher wouldn't notice him doing it. (Which... I mean is retarded, he'll notice you fixed it if you hand it in... ) So anyways, he decided to attempt to get a role of scotch tape off of our teachers desk.When our teacher asked if anyone had any discrepancies about how the exam was marked, etc. I went up because I thought he wanted us to hand the exam back. My friend took this as an opportunity to go and grab the role of tape off the teachers desk. Alright so I go back to my desk, and my friend begins to tape the pages of his exam back together. After a minute or two, he has taped some of the pages back together.Now for the really funny part.He decides that he is just going to keep the role of tape since it would be difficult for him to put it back without the teacher noticing. I think about this for five seconds and I say, "You know, our teacher would probably figure out where his tape went... I mean... he'll be missing a role of tape, and your exam is the one with all the tape on it."He turns completely red and begins to laugh without ceasing at his own stupidity, which I do as well.Eventually our teacher comes around to pick up the exams, and my friend still hadn't finished taping up his exam. When he made it to my friends desk, my friend said, "I'm sorry, I got mad at my test and ripped it up... I'm trying to tape it together..."My teacher asked, "Did you get the tape off my desk?""Uh... Yes""Put it back."Our teacher just picked up his exam in the half-ripped state it was in.Now, I'm left wondering why my friend didn't just:Tell our teacher he ripped up his test, and ask for some tape to fix it.Best thing that happened all freakin' day...
  19. Well for me, since do a lot of growling/screaming for metal (and that is very straining), I find that a nice cool glass of water helps out a lot. Before, during and after singing, it works well. Also, use your diaphragm far more than your throat...
  20. Is this what happened? If it is, you shouldn't be biking straight across the road. Congrats on your thumb!
  21. Actually.. call it SuckIE.... like sucky... get it?
  22. Artist/Album/Song Feast Eternal / Prisons of Flesh / Forgetting God (Death Metal) Living Sacrifice / In Memoriam / Send Your Regrets (Metalcore) Elgibbor / Fireland / Teth (Black Metal) Children of Bodom / Follow the Reaper / Mask of Sanity (Metal) A.W.A.S. / Hope / Finish Him (Death Metal) well... I suppose thats good enough for now.
  23. One last function that windows really, really needs to become cool:The ability to not suck..... lol.... Anyways... those features are actually pretty cool... I rather like the auto screenshot one... pain in the rectum to have to open up paint...
  24. No. 1: It sounds like you were j-walking. So yes it sucks, but that's what you get. No. 2: If you were crossing legally (via cross-walk), then you should walk your bike across, not ride it. So yes it sucks, but that's what you get. I hope your wrist gets better soon. (I actually do mean that.)
  25. Going to Church and praying is boring to you because you have no reason to do so. And you say praying makes you sad? Who says you have to pray about sad things all the time?
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